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Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:38 pm
by Ghost of Crux
I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT,,, I wanted to draw something a bit neater but at that point I was like ready to keel over from prolonged hours doing backgrounds for a commission that I just YOLO'd. I'll do a proper fanart soon!

RUB RUB THO don't overdo yourself! >8C

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:01 pm
by Glitterbark
oh my gosh don't feel in the slightest bit bad because a.) i love it it's actually perfect and b.) you poor tired soul TAKE A BREAK...

and don't worry, this stuff is fun for me to get wrapped up in. it's a nice distraction while i ride the train to Congestion and Achy Joints town.

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:17 pm
by Ghost of Crux
HONESTLY Briar is so pretty that I'm just impatient about drawing her
soOn,,, I gotta finish some more of the art stuffs before I can Indulge in more Majestic Briar arts.

THAT'S GOOD THEN. Just be sure to rest up and eat on time!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy] NaNo2017 [DEMO UP]

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:19 am
by Glitterbark
*throws hands up in the air*

I have!!! a demo!!! it's up!! there's a little less content than I wanted due to getting sick near the end of the month, but hey. c'est la vie.

It contains 3 bad ends, 1 good end, and one to be continued end. Check out the first post for more info and a download link!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy] NaNo2017 [DEMO UP]

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:25 am
by Ghost of Crux
YELLS time to download!