[tutorial] Dress up game

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[tutorial] Dress up game

#1 Post by leon »

Here is a code for a very simple dress up game. I hope someone can make use of it.

Download example with images included

Code: Select all

init python:
    dressup_show = False
    dressup_button_show = False
    hair, glasses, tie, vest, skirt = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 # default dressup items
    hair_styles_num, glasses_styles_num, tie_styles_num, vest_styles_num, skirt_styles_num = 8, 3, 6, 3, 3 # number of styles (files) for each dressup item
    # define images as:
    # "base.png" for the base image
    # "hair1.png", "hair2.png", "hair3.png", ... - start with 1 and end with (hair_styles_num)
    # "glasses1.png", "glasses2.png", "glasses3.png", ... "tie1.png", "tie2.png", ... "vest1.png", "vest2.png", ... "skirt1.png", "skirt2.png", ...

    def draw_girl(st, at): # combine the dressup items into one displayable
        return LiveComposite(
            (257, 560), # image size
            (0, 0), "base.png",
            (0, 0), "hair%d.png"%hair, # (0, 0) is the position of each dressup item. Because these images are saved with spacing around them, we don't need to position them.
            (0, 0), "glasses%d.png"%glasses,
            (0, 0), "tie%d.png"%tie,
            (0, 0), "vest%d.png"%vest,
            (0, 0), "skirt%d.png"%skirt

    def draw_girl_side(st, at): # same thing as above, just scaled and positioned for the sideimage; there's probably more elegant solution than this...
        return LiveComposite(
            (257, 560),
            (10, 400), im.FactorScale("base.png", .45, .45),
            (10, 400), im.FactorScale("hair%d.png"%hair, .45, .45),
            (10, 400), im.FactorScale("glasses%d.png"%glasses, .45, .45),
            (10, 400), im.FactorScale("tie%d.png"%tie, .45, .45),
            (10, 400), im.FactorScale("vest%d.png"%vest, .45, .45),
            (10, 400), im.FactorScale("skirt%d.png"%skirt, .45, .45)

    image girl = DynamicDisplayable(draw_girl) # using DynamicDisplayable ensures that any changes are visible immedietly
    $ girl = Character('Girl', color="#c8ffc8", window_left_padding=120, show_side_image=DynamicDisplayable(draw_girl_side))
screen dressup_button: # a button to call the dressup game
    if dressup_button_show and not dressup_show:
        vbox xalign 0.01 yalign 0.01:
            textbutton "Change look." action SetVariable("dressup_show", True)

screen dressup:
  if dressup_show:
    add "girl" xalign 0 yalign 0 xpos 60
        # set all the values to change styles to previous / next version:
        hair_n = hair + 1 # if next hair is chosen
        hair_p = hair - 1 # if previous hair is chosen
        if hair_p < 1: # making sure we don't get out of index range (index 0 is not allowed)
            hair_p = hair_styles_num
        if hair_n > hair_styles_num: # making sure we don't get out of index range (index musn't be bigger than hair_styles_num)
            hair_n = 1

        glasses_n = glasses + 1
        glasses_p = glasses - 1
        if glasses_p < 1:
            glasses_p = glasses_styles_num
        if glasses_n > glasses_styles_num:
            glasses_n = 1

        tie_n = tie + 1
        tie_p = tie - 1
        if tie_p < 1:
            tie_p = tie_styles_num
        if tie_n > tie_styles_num:
            tie_n = 1

        vest_n = vest + 1
        vest_p = vest - 1
        if vest_p < 1:
            vest_p = vest_styles_num
        if vest_n > vest_styles_num:
            vest_n = 1

        skirt_n = skirt + 1
        skirt_p = skirt - 1
        if skirt_p < 1:
            skirt_p = skirt_styles_num
        if skirt_n > skirt_styles_num:
            skirt_n = 1
        # display the arrows for changing the dress (we could also use one imagemap, instead of a bunch of imagebuttons):
        y = 50
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=SetVariable("hair", hair_p), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=SetVariable("hair", hair_n), ypos=y, xpos=250)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=SetVariable("glasses", glasses_p), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=SetVariable("glasses", glasses_n), ypos=y, xpos=250)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=SetVariable("tie", tie_p), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=SetVariable("tie", tie_n), ypos=y, xpos=250)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=SetVariable("vest", vest_p), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=SetVariable("vest", vest_n), ypos=y, xpos=250)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=SetVariable("skirt", skirt_p), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=SetVariable("skirt", skirt_n), ypos=y, xpos=250)
        ui.textbutton("Return", clicked=SetVariable("dressup_show", False))

label start:
   show screen dressup_button
   show screen dressup
   $ dressup_button_show = True
   $ dressup_show = False

label cont:
    girl "La, la, la!"
    girl "La, la, la."    
    jump cont
Last edited by leon on Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#2 Post by Camille »

Ooh this is awesome and potentially very useful. Thanks for taking the time to share this with everyone!

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#3 Post by CheeryMoya »

Wow, I asked you to make this 2 days ago, and you certainly delivered :D You're awesome leon, did you know that? Hopefully others can use this code to make more interesting games too.

But quick question: will the options that are chosen be saved so that they'll show on a sideimage during dialogue?

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#4 Post by leon »

Thank you both of you. I hope to see more dress up mini-games in the future. :)

Yes, the options stay stored. The sideimage will automatically show the latest dressup selection, even if you change clothes during conversation.

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#5 Post by shuen »

It is a very useful tutorial, ThX for sharing!
I think you should put it in Cookbook^_^
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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#6 Post by leon »

Thanks shuen. I think I'll wait a little bit before requesting access to the Cookbook, in case someone finds any bugs.

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#7 Post by OokamiKasumi »

This really needs to go into the Renpy Cookbook part of the Forum.
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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#8 Post by Starshine »

I just simply love dress up games this is awesome <3
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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#9 Post by Kuroneko_rg »

It really seems like a fun thing to make. I'll give it a try if I manage to get some free time.

Thank you for sharing this.

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#10 Post by PyTom »

Someone requested that this be put in the cookbook. I'm all for it, but I'll wait for leon to request it before making the move.
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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#11 Post by leon »

@PyTom: Go ahead.

I also attached a working sample with images included.
Sample code with images.
(886.84 KiB) Downloaded 6583 times

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#12 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

This is genius.

Is there a way to incorporate IM.flip so all the images can easily be flipped at the same time?
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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#13 Post by leon »

TrickWithAKnife wrote:This is genius.

Is there a way to incorporate IM.flip so all the images can easily be flipped at the same time?
Do you mean flip the character or individual dressup items? To flip the character, you could just flip all the images like this:

Code: Select all

    def draw_char(st, at):
        return LiveComposite(
            (257, 560),
            (0, 0), im.Flip("base.png",horizontal=True), 
            (0, 0), im.Flip("glasses%d.png"%glasses,horizontal=True), 
            (0, 0), im.Flip("hair%d.png"%hair,horizontal=True),
            (0, 0), im.Flip("shirt%d.png"%shirt,horizontal=True),
            (0, 0), im.Flip("tie%d.png"%tie,horizontal=True),
            (0, 0), im.Flip("pants%d.png"%pants,horizontal=True)

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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#14 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

Thanks. I modified that code a little, and thought I might show you what I've done.

Code: Select all

    def draw_girl(st, at): # combine the dressup items into one displayable
        return LiveComposite(
            (349, 700), # image size
            (0, 0), ConditionSwitch(
                "direction == 'left'", "base.png",
                "direction == 'right'", im.Flip("base.png", horizontal=True)),

            (0, 0), ConditionSwitch(
                "direction == 'left'", "hair%d.png"%hair,
                "direction == 'right'", im.Flip("hair%d.png"%hair, horizontal=True)),

            (0, 0), ConditionSwitch(
                "direction == 'left'", "pants%d.png"%pants,
                "direction == 'right'", im.Flip("pants%d.png"%pants, horizontal=True)),

            (0, 0), ConditionSwitch(
                "direction == 'left'", "tshirt%d.png"%tshirt,
                "direction == 'right'", im.Flip("tshirt%d.png"%tshirt, horizontal=True)),

            (0, 0), ConditionSwitch(
                "direction == 'left'", "jacket%d.png"%jacket,
                "direction == 'right'", im.Flip("jacket%d.png"%jacket, horizontal=True)),

            (0, 0), ConditionSwitch(
                "direction == 'left'", "scarf%d.png"%scarf,
                "direction == 'right'", im.Flip("scarf%d.png"%scarf, horizontal=True)),

The only difference to what you posted above is that the direction is changed through a variable called direction.
This means the direction can be set at any point, and all images will face that direction until the variable is changed again.
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Re: [tutorial] Dress up game

#15 Post by Arowana »

(Migrating here from TrickWithAKnife's previous cookbook thread, since it's been marked for deletion)

I still think that using "xzoom -1.0" may be more efficient than writing a separate ConditionSwitch/im.Flip statement for each layer. This is especially true if you have a lot of layers (I think have upwards of 40 layers on my MC sprite, for instance - imagine how much of a pain writing 40 im.Flip statements would be!).

Taking the code in the previous post as an example. First, you can write the draw_girl code without Condition Switch and im.Flip, just like in the original example:

Code: Select all

init python:
    def draw_girl(st, at): # combine the dressup items into one displayable
        return LiveComposite(
            (349, 700), # image size
            (0, 0), "base.png",
            (0, 0), "hair%d.png"%hair,
            (0, 0), "pants%d.png"%pants,
            (0, 0), "tshirt%d.png"%tshirt,
            (0, 0), "jacket%d.png"%jacket,
            (0, 0), "scarf%d.png"%scarf
Now under the init block, you can add a few lines:

Code: Select all

    image girl_unflipped = DynamicDisplayable(draw_girl) # from the original code

    image girl_flipped: # now create the flipped version
        xzoom -1.0 # flips sprite
        xpos 0.25 # shifts flipped sprite, if needed

    image girl = ConditionSwitch("direction == 'left'", "girl_unflipped", "direction == 'right'", "girl_flipped")
Now, the image "girl" will be shown as unflipped when "direction" is set to "left" and flipped when "direction is set to "right."

In this case, we only needed to add a few short lines under the init block to create a flipped version, instead of having to add a ConditionSwitch/im.Flip line for every layer. I personally find this method a lot easier, especially when working with a large number of layers (speaking from personal experience here ;) ).

(now if only I could find a more efficient way to tint layered sprites lol)
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