Ren'py Custom Text Tags Script For Renpy 6.18

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Ren'py Custom Text Tags Script For Renpy 6.18

#1 Post by FortOyer »

Exactly the same as the old 6.6 script from the wiki.

Just edited for Ren'py 6.18 compatibility.

Code: Select all

init -1 python:
        # This dictionary holds all the custom text tags to be processed. Each element is a tuple in the form
        #  tag_name => (reqs_close, function) where:
        #  tag_name (the dictionary key) is the name for the tag, exactly as it should appear when used (string).
        #  reqs_close is a boolean defining whether the tag requires a matching closing tag or not.
        #  function is the actual function to be called. It will always be called with two positional arguments:
        #  The first argument 'arg' is the argument provided in the form {tag=arg} within the tag, or None if there was no argument.
        #  The second argument 'text' is the text enclosed in the form {tag}text{/tag} by the tag, or None for empty tags.
        #  Note that for non-empty tags that enclose no text (like in "{b}{/b}"), an empty string ("") is passed, rather than None.
        custom_text_tags = {}
        # This function is the heart of the module: it takes a string argument and returns that string with all the custom tags
        #  already parsed. It can be easily called from any python block; from Ren'py code there is a Ren'py mechanism to get it
        #  called for ALL say and menu statements: just assign it to the proper config variable and Ren'py will do everything else:
        # $ config.say_menu_text_filter = cttfilter
        def cttfilter(what): # stands for Custom Text-Tags filter
            """ A custom filter for say/menu statements that allows custom text tags in an extensible way.
                Note that this only enables text-manipulation tags (ie: tags that transform the text into some other text).
                It is posible for a tag's implementation to rely on other tags (like the money relying on color).
            # Interpolation should take place before any text tag is processed.
            # We will not make custom text tags an exception to this rule, so let's start by interpolating:
            what = what%globals() # That will do the entire interpolation work, but there is a subtle point:
            # If a %% was included to represent a literal '%', we've already replaced it, and will be later
            #  missinterpreted by renpy itself; so we have to fix that:
            what = what.replace("%", "%%")
            # Ok, now let's go to the juicy part: find and process the text tags.
            # Rather than reinventing the wheel, we'll rely on renpy's own tokenizer to tokenize the text.
            # However, before doing that, we should make sure we don't mess up with built-in tags, so we'll need to identify them:
            # We'll add them to the list of custom tags, having None as their function:
            global custom_text_tags
            for k, v in renpy.text.extras.text_tags.iteritems():
                # (Believe me, I know Ren'py has the list of text tags there :P )
                custom_text_tags[k] = (v, None)
            # This also makes sure none of the built-in tags is overriden.
            # Note that we cannot call None and expect it to magically reconstruct the tag.
            #  Rather than that, we'll check for that special value to avoid messing with these tags, one by one.
            # This one will be used for better readability:
            def Split(s): # Splits a tag token into a tuple that makes sense for us
                tag, arg, closing = None, None, False
                if s[0]=="/":
                    closing, s = True, s[1:]
                if s.find("=") != -1:
                    if closing:
                        raise Exception("A closing tag cannot provide arguments. Tag given: \"{/%s}\"."%s)
                        tag, arg = s.split("=", 1)
                    tag = s
                return (tag, arg, closing)
            # We will need to keep track of what we are doing:
            # tagstack, textstack, argstack, current_text = [], [], [], ""
            # stack is a list (stack) of tuples in the form (tag, arg, preceeding text)
            stack, current_text = [], ""
            for token in renpy.text.textsupport.tokenize(unicode(what)):
                if token[0] == 2:
                    tag, arg, closing = Split(token[1])
                    if closing: # closing tag
                        if len(stack)==0:
                            raise Exception("Closing tag {/%s} was found without any tag currently open. (Did you define the {%s} tag as empty?)"%(tag, tag))
                        stag, sarg, stext = stack.pop()
                        if tag==stag: # good nesting, no need to crash yet
                            if custom_text_tags[tag][1] is None: # built-in tag
                                if sarg is None: # The tag didn't take any argument
                                    current_text = "%s{%s}%s{/%s}"%(stext, tag, current_text, tag) # restore and go on
                                else: # the tag had an argument which must be restored as well
                                    current_text = "%s{%s=%s}%s{/%s}"%(stext, tag, sarg, current_text, tag) # restore and go on
                            else: # custom tag
                                current_text = "%s%s"%(stext, custom_text_tags[tag][1](sarg, current_text)) # process the tag and go on
                        else: # bad nesting, crash for good
                            raise Exception("Closing tag %s doesn't match currently open tag %s."%(tagdata[0], tagstack[-1]))
                    else: # not closing
                        if tag in custom_text_tags: # the tag exists, good news
                            if custom_text_tags[tag][0]: # the tag requires closing: just stack and it will be handled once closed
                                stack.append((tag, arg, current_text))
                                current_text = ""
                            else: # empty tag: parse without stacking
                                if custom_text_tags[tag][1] is None: # built-in tag
                                    if arg is None: # no argument
                                        current_text = "%s{%s}"%(current_text, tag)
                                    else: # there is an argument that also must be kept
                                        current_text = "%s{%s=%s}"%(current_text, tag, arg)
                                else: # custom tag
                                    current_text = "%s%s"%(current_text, custom_text_tags[tag][1](arg, None))
                        else: # the tag doesn't exist: crash accordingly
                            raise Exception("Unknown text tag \"{%s}\"."%tag)
                else: # no tag: just accumulate the text
            return current_text
        # This line tells Ren'py to replace the text ('what') of each say and menu by the result of calling cttfilter(what)
        config.say_menu_text_filter = cttfilter

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Re: Ren'py Custom Text Tags Script For Renpy 6.18

#2 Post by PyTom »

FYI, 6.99 will include features to make this much nicer.
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Re: Ren'py Custom Text Tags Script For Renpy 6.18

#3 Post by Tayruu »

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I've been producing custom tags perfectly fine, like this:

Code: Select all

    style green:
        color "#58b000"

Code: Select all

            nv "{=green}Green text{/green}."
Although so far I haven't tried making any tags that are more than just colour (the style is to keep swatches consistent), creating a style like this seems to create custom tags fine.

The only problem is that I can't have tags inherit from the surrounding content rather than their own parent, so sometimes I end up doing things like this too:

Code: Select all

    style tyl is tiplist_button_text:
        take yello
So maybe that's where this comes in.

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