Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#1 Post by Karl_C »

I just want to share a demo script that demonstrates how some kind of 'Artificial Intelligence' could be integrated into Ren'Py: Aileen

Aileen makes use of AIML, the 'Artificial Intelligence Markup Language'.

  • the needed pyAIML library has very few dependencies (which makes it perfect for Ren'Py) and is free to use (FreeBSD license).
  • there are many free-to-use AIML sets (AI personalities) available, for example here, here and here (hint: pyAIML won't work with some of this AIML files).
  • very small code (only 11 lines of code are used for AIML integration in the demo script!).
  • different personalities could be used, even at the same time.
  • AIML is not 'real' AI, it won't learn from the players input.
  • depending on the AIML set, the responses are sometimes more entertaining than useful.
  • it won't run on Android (I guess), because the pyAIML library won't find it's files (I'm not sure about that due to my lack of Python and Android knowledge).
  • most important: AIML won't create an interesting story out of nowhere!
Could possibly be used in a game as:
  • a spammer, that spams the inbox of saguaro's Basic Message System with jokes?
  • a professor that you have to ask for a detail you need to advance in the game (keyword)?
  • ???
I built a distribution package of the demo, it seems to be working quite well on Linux and MS-Windows (updatet version 1.1 should now work on a Mac too). Download link at the end.

Screenshots of a chat with Aileen:
For those who want to modify: The Demo contains all necessary libraries and files. Simply use the game folder for modification and put the 'standard.brn' file into the Ren'Py SDK folder (otherwise pyAIML won't find it and you won't get a response). The script is public domain, do what you want with it.
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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#2 Post by dragondatingsim »

Very interesting! While implementing something like this could be pretty amazing in a VN (just think about interrogation scenes and such), I think actually implementing it into games seamlessly might not be practical. I'd love to see a game that could do something interesting with this, though.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#3 Post by saguaro »

Karl_C wrote:Could possibly be used in a game as:
I would love to see this.

This is all Greek to me, but I've begun poking around to see what a custom AIML set entails and how feasible it is for something like... I dunno, the Dolls' Stories? I have a game with a ship AI to interact with and the idea the player might be able to 'talk' to it is interesting.

Anyway, thanks for posting this!

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#4 Post by Karl_C »

saguaro wrote:
Karl_C wrote:Could possibly be used in a game as:
I would love to see this.
That's quite easy:
Not all AIML sets are designed to "talk" with, some are triggered simply by keywords. Steve Worswick's jokes.aiml for example is triggered by 'TELL ME A JOKE' and will return random jokes.
For a quick test, I only added this to your Basic Message Sytem to get my inbox flooded with jokes:

Code: Select all

    $ import os
    $ import aiml
    $ response=[]
# The game starts here.
label start:
call joke
$ add_now()
label joke:
             k = aiml.Kernel()
             k.bootstrap(brainFile = os.path.abspath("jokes.brn"))
             response = k.respond("TELL ME A JOKE")
             add_later("LOL :-D", "saguaro", "[response]")
saguaro wrote:This is all Greek to me, but I've begun poking around to see what a custom AIML set entails and how feasible it is for something like... I dunno, the Dolls' Stories? I have a game with a ship AI to interact with and the idea the player might be able to 'talk' to it is interesting.
Hm, please do not waste your time! As I wrote already, I doubt that AIML is practical for game logics! I think it can be used as a gimmik and with already existing AIML sets, no more, no less.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#5 Post by Goblin Market »

I must be psychic or psychotic or psy-something. Over the summer I had been wondering about combining Ren'py with an Alicebot, so I was happy to see this.

The demo isn't working for me on the Mac version though. I can type, but there are no answers. The only thing that gets any response is the "bye" command.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#6 Post by Karl_C »

Goblin Market wrote:The demo isn't working for me on the Mac version though. I can type, but there are no answers. The only thing that gets any response is the "bye" command.
Uups, that was my fault. '' won't find the brain file on a Mac. Sorry, no Mac here for testing.

Could you please unzip the attached file into the 'game' directory (overwrite the old '') and tell me if it works?
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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#7 Post by Goblin Market »

Karl_C wrote:Could you please unzip the attached file into the 'game' directory (overwrite the old '') and tell me if it works?
That did the trick, thanks :)

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#8 Post by zankizuna »

Ohh I wanna tryyyyy
I hope I don't get any errors :)
If I do, please advise.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#9 Post by ocimpean »

@Karl_C: Thank you for posting that demo. Very interesting possibilities. I did look at the AIML files with Simple AIML Editor, but maybe I missed something as I thought 'standard.brn' file is the one with the answers... Opening it with the Notepad is a mess, but is the only way I manage to do it, the AIML editor does not open it. I am confused if a new set needs be created, or editing file works OK.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#10 Post by Karl_C »

'standard.brn' is in binary format. Don't try to open or change it, it won't work.

Change the '.aiml' files in the 'standard' folder instead, they contain the questions and matching answers. You will have to delete 'standard.brn' afterwards, on the next run a new 'standard.brn' will be created.

BTW: I still have a better Rey'Py/AIML example on my harddisk, a nearly finished game. It's actually possible to create a game flow and to change the behaviour of the AI at runtime without the need of recompiling. Unfortunately, I lost the interest some time ago, so the game was never released. ;)

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#11 Post by ocimpean »

Thanks for the tip Karl_C. I understand now why changes made to the .aiml files would not reflect in the game. I will try to delete the standard.brn and see the result.
Regarding your game example you were mentioning, is there something about changing your Ai's personality on the fly at runtime, like from telling jokes Ai to conversation Ai?
Amazing work, thank you.

EDIT. Hmmm... After editing a .aiml file and deleting the standard.brn, another file is created next turn in the same directory. But unfortunately, something is wrong with the file, because the bot does not answer anymore. I think I am missing a step somewhere.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#12 Post by Karl_C »

ocimpean wrote: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:02 pm EDIT. Hmmm... After editing a .aiml file and deleting the standard.brn, another file is created next turn in the same directory. But unfortunately, something is wrong with the file, because the bot does not answer anymore. I think I am missing a step somewhere.
I guess there's something wrong with the pathname in 'std-startup.xml' (is the size of the newly created 'standard.brn' 0 bytes?). Try to change 'game/standard/*' in std-startup.xml' to 'standard/*'.

Sorry, as my above posting is nearly three years old, I forgot already how it worked...

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#13 Post by ocimpean »

Sorry to bother you trying to revive the issue after so many years, for me this is new and very exciting ;)
The generated standard.brn file is 3.9 kb as opposes to 4.49 Mb original. I edited the path as suggested, (<learn>standard/std-65percent.aiml</learn> etc.)and removed Game/standard.brn.
At next run, another standard.brn file is generated, but still in Game directory. Same 3.9 kb. Tried cut/copy/paste to renpy sdk, with no positive results. The program is still looking in /Game folder for standard.brn. At this point, I am out of ideas. If you have another example, I will be happy to try.
Thank you

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#14 Post by ocimpean »

Karl_C wrote: Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:18 am 'standard.brn' is in binary format. Don't try to open or change it, it won't work.
Unfortunately, I had no luck making this thing work as it should, after editing the AIML files. So I went back and edited the "standard.brn" in notepad++. I discovered that you can replace a string of characters with another one of an equal size and the .brn will still work.

Also, I found another free bot [for Unity though...] on

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Re: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Ren'Py

#15 Post by zankizuna »

I never got to build a new .brn file, and may never be able to, but here's what I got to do with AIML.
Thank youuuuu

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