Sentence Machine (Closed, for now)

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Projects: Siren's Plea & A+ Switch!

Sentence Machine (Closed, for now)

#1 Post by daijinahito »

UPDATE (10-10-14): I'm all filled up on projects, currently, so I'll be closing this thread, thanks for stopping by! : )

Hello~ I am your friendly neighborhood writer. If you'd like to muse through my samples located at the lower end of this post, please feel free to skip on ahead. Other than that, I'll give you the low down about myself and why I'm here, now posting as a writer. Basically, I'm a full time freelancer, kindly due to my husband who puts up with my unstable income. I have a variety of projects that I do on and off, trying to find a market for myself in the freelance world. If you'd like to hire me, we can discuss a price, or if think you can offer me something of value that isn't coin, such as exposure, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Just shoot me a message and I'm more than willing to hear you out. I do any genre, when it comes to writing. 18+ is welcome, as well.

If you want to contact me, you can leave a post or send a PM.


The air is stagnant and the scent of mildew hangs thick. The wooden flooring sinks beneath each child’s weight as they gather into the living room; a fully furnished room withered and grey. Faded wallpaper had begun its decent down
the walls in spiraling curls, matching the curling springs poking up through the shredded fabric of a floral printed couch that Caitlyn examined intently.
The rips run down the cushions in deep long streaks that appeared to spell out something.
Caitlyn whimpers and moves next to Kyle, grabbing onto his arm and pushing her face into his shoulder.
Caitlyn: “They're here...”
Kyle's eyes had been locked with the painting above a soot covered furnace. Its been burned through so that the people in the picture have no eyes, and strangely, it seems as if their smiles are forced, contorted into uncomfortable grins, showing full rows of teeth.
Kyle: “There's gotta be a fragment nearby. No telling what will happen... but we all need to stick together.”
Everyone seems to unanimously agree, but Lee. Lee had pulled his shirt collar over his nose, irritated by the musty smell after pulling off strands of mold festering wallpaper strips.
Lee: “Do what you want, but I’m staying right here. You guys are the ones who are stuck in this place, not me."
Kyle: “You’re in more danger if you stay by yourself.”
Lee irately shoves his hands into his pockets, laughing in a harsh tone.
Kyle: “If you're with us and anything happens, we'll all leave together, I promise. We’ll investigate the fragment and leave.”
There’s a noise coming from the back bedroom, something similar to static and pots clanging.
Pigeon, sticking close behind Lee, leans over to look around the corner of the hallway.
At the end of the hallway there are two doors, as far as Pigeon can tell.
The furthest door is cracked open, and eerily, there’s no light in the room.
Its pitch black beyond the open door, as if the natural light of this dimension was avoiding the room entirely.
Pigeon squints, suddenly aware that something on the other side is moving.
Caitlyn: "Will you please stop holding everyone back!"
Lee: "Holding you back?! That's laughable!"
As the two argue Pigeon lets go of Lee's hand and moves closer to the edge of the hallway, suddenly aware that
the movement isn't just his imagination, after all. As his eyes begin to adjust, a white ball appears in the darkness.
It lingers at the entrance, but it's not the source of the movement.
A dark dot swirls around and around within the white sphere, moving in a fluid circular motion.
It abruptly locks into place, staring at Pigeon intensely.
The sound of pots and static grow louder till even the loud argument between Lee and Caitlyn
fade into the white noise, shutting down every other sensation...
But fear.
Pigeon: "Aaaaah!"
The boy stumbles backwards and everyone's attention focuses on Pigeon, eyes rapidly moving and fingers twitching in spastic flicking movements.
Pigeon: “S-something- something-"

Comedy/Slice of Life

I gingerly pick up the month old plastic wrapped sandwich, fully aware of its date.
I unwrap it with utmost caution, my hand shivering at the slightest sound of a crinkle.
‘I shouldn’t be doing this’
‘What if I get caught?’
The two thoughts pry into my mind and linger like a kid at a wave pool.
Oh god, the suspense.
This is taboo, I know, but I can’t help it-
A man in college can’t help it!
This is what being in college is all about!
Working so hard you forget to by your frozen TV dinners and having to rely on whatever leftover food you have as emergency rations!
Wasting your last dollar at the vending machine downstairs in the dorm lobby, and essentially the last of your allowance!
Begging your friends for their chips during lectures!
This is a culture and it should not be tainted.
With a stern face, I unwrap the sandwich till the clay colored wheat bread hits the air for the first time in a month.
No wonder it’s been here for a month. I hate wheat bread.
Carry: “What are you doing…?”
The sound of a bag hits the floor, jolting me from my jubilant state of temptation vs. fear.
Jerry: “Ah… Carry.”
Her expressionless face suddenly contorts into one of sheer violence and I start to back away feebly, accidently plowing through piles of manga and notebook paper.
Carry’s footsteps beat hard across the wooden floor as she stamps towards me.
Jerry: “Don’t come any-!”
I shriek as I raise my arms over my face protectively, just in time to miss the roundabout kick that smacks the wheat bread out of my raised hands.
Carry: “I told you I’d make you lunch when I got home! Jeez.”
I fall down to my knees, shivering at the sound of a sandwich dropping in the distance.
Jerry: “I-I’m a college man, now... I can’t help it..!”


I felt her body trembling beneath mine as she tried to shove me away.
Shove, I say, but she wasn't anything more than a feather to me, brushing up against my chest with a look of brutal detest.
I'm used to it.
After all, she isn't the first to be brought to me, and surely not the last.
Levi: "Get off, get off of me! I don't care if you're a king or a beast or a beast king, or whatever you are, just don't touch me! Don't ever touch me!"
She was quick to spat irrational nonsense, and it irritated me to great lengths.
As her fists knocked against my chest with no use, I felt a little sympathy for her hopeless situation, but her overall elitist tone had begun to ring a certain pitch of annoyance with me.
Jed: "Snapping you in two would be childish, but relieving..."
So I say, but despite my temperament, I couldn't help feeling attracted to her. You could say, she reminded me of my own mother before she left.
Besides her more than nostalgic temperament, I'd never seen an albino human before, and so petite.
With a claw, I tugged at a strand of hair dangling loosely over her lower lip, dragging it away from her face as I stare down into her jewel like eyes, glossy and the color of bright Jade.
I knew very well that mine where flickering between a crimson red and an ember of amber, right now. I could feel the switch.
Her eyes widen, and her elbows flail up and down against the soft mattress as she struggles uselessly against me.
Her wrists are immovable, though, and she grows increasingly tired through each rapid thrash.
Now, her breathing came out wispy and long drawn.
Her struggling became sluggish with fatigue.
Levi: "I don't like you very much."
I chuckle with some honest amusement lingering over me.
Jed:"I know."


Since the second time we met, my eyes have been in a constant state of justly irritable squinting.
Evan: “Just find another spot, Drake.”
Drake: “No, this was my-!“
He stops abruptly, slamming his palms against the steering wheel like a Neanderthal.
Drake: “-Is my spot! IS!”
Evan: “Whoa now. Let’s remember 1st grade grammar, at least.”
Drake: “Hey…”
His tone considerably drops and he peers into the rearview mirror in a way that makes me think he actually had a thought.
Drake: “Isn’t that the same fucker from yesterday?!”
He then slowly rolls down his window; not to look mysterious, but because that’s the only speed anyone could muster from the inconvenient hand crank of a manual car.
He stuffs his face out the window, personally addressing the car behind us.
Drake: “Hey, fucker! I don’t think you’ve noticed yet, but I’m trying to back up into that spot; wanna move your ass, some?”
These are one of those times when I start to lower myself in the car seat, or try to pretend I’m one of those mannequins Drake uses for the HOV lane.
Drake cranks the window back up, furiously. I count the seconds it takes for the window squeak shut.
Drake: “He flicked me off.”
The car behind us honks.
Drake: “And he honked.”
Evan: “Cool, let’s go.”
Drake rolls his eyes as he pulls the emergency break back and locks.
He crosses his arms.
Evan: “Are you parking here…?”
Cause, I really don’t want to be in the same space as you for too long.
Drake: “It’s a test of manliness. First guy to move losses.”
You don’t have to prove this. I’m already aware of the man-child attending college.
The only reason I carpool with you is because I don’t have car.
Well, I guess I could walk to class. But what’s that? 15 minutes of my life exposed to nature?
I’ll just save up for a car next year.
Drake: “You remember that guy from yesterday wearing sunglasses? Was about as tall as me, had hamburger helper for brains?”
Sadly, I think you just described yourself.
Evan: “He had a white sedan. Yeah, I saw.”
Drake: “I’m positive this is the same guy. He’s fucking trolling me, now.”
I check the rearview mirror.
Evan: “I think you’re memory needs some improvement. This guy barely reaching the steering wheel as it is and he’s driving a corvette. Want me to study neuroscience for you?”
Drake: “Oh good idea! I could key his dumb corvette.”
Does he compute language, or does his brain just pass it off as unusable waste?
I sigh and start to pull my backpack up from the floorboard, grabbing for the door, until a powerful pressure clamps over my wrist and I drop the bag in sudden horror.
Now, I know this might sound silly to someone who isn’t lactose intolerant, but being lactose intolerant has really been the bane of my existence when it comes to silly little accidents.
Just from slipping I’ve broken a pinky.
Falling off a ladder, I’ve broken a leg…
And while trying to hobble up stairs, with the crutches supporting my already broken leg, I fell and broke the other one, too.
I just don’t get enough calcium in my diet.
And Drake, squeezing the shit of my wrist, to the point that I’m reminding myself about all of these stupid little incidents, is definitely not helping…
Evan: “Don’t squeeze so hard! I have a calcium deficiency!”
Surprisingly, he drops it rather quickly.
Drake: “S-sorry!”
Some people see their lives flash before themselves in dire situations; I contemplate my diet and my negligence towards calcium intake.
I almost thought he was really pissed at me, from the sudden death grip, but one look into his eyes and I regrettably see some shred of sadness in there.
Drake: “Hey, you’re not leaving, right?”
Evan: “Umm… I have classes, so…”
Drake: “Come on, we’re bros aren’t we?”
Ugh, pleading puppy eyes.
Evan: “Uh, for how long? Classes are going to start in 10 minutes. Can’t you just let him have the spot?”
Despite the constant screams telling me to abort program and go auto pilot, this god damned conscious thing just has to make me say and do things I really don’t want to say or do.
Drake: “Nu-uh, No way! You know how the parking lots are at this time. If I don’t get this one, I’m never getting a spot! You may be sissy man, but you’re not going to spread that pacifist bullshit to me!”
Evan: “I just want you to know, since you’re therapist told me to be brutally honest with you at all times, that you’re being an asshole right now.”
Oh, joyful days.

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