[Bug] hyperlink_focus fails in draggable viewports etc

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[Bug] hyperlink_focus fails in draggable viewports etc

#1 Post by jeffster »

When custom style.hyperlink_functions[2] is set, it's supposed to run on hyperlinks hover. It doesn't happen if the hyperlink is inside a button or a draggable viewport.

In such cases only unhovering works (hyperlink_focus(None) runs), but it doesn't run on hovering.

Test code:

Code: Select all

init python:
    test_mess = ""

    def my_hyperlink_sensitive(target=None):
        global test_mess
        if target:
            test_mess += "Focusing in " + target + ". "
            test_mess += " Unfocusing. "

    style.default.hyperlink_functions = (

screen test_link():
    frame background None:
        vbox spacing 36:
            viewport id "vp":
                ysize 48
                text "A {a=viewport}link{/a} in viewport (works well)."
            viewport id "vp2":
                ysize 48
                draggable True
                text "A {a=draggable viewport}link{/a} in draggable viewport (only from above)."
            textbutton "A {a=textbutton}link{/a} in textbutton (doesn't work).":
                action Return()
            text test_mess

label main_menu:
label start:
    call screen test_link
Funny thing that hyperlink_focus runs on a link in a draggable viewport if the mouse is moved there from above, but doesn't work if moving in from other three directions.

Tested on desktop. Why do I want it to work? To change the mouse cursor hovering hyperlinks. Yes, I use complex layouts like hypertext on text buttons and in draggable viewports.
If the problem is solved, please edit the original post and add [SOLVED] to the title. 8)

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