Transition Hiding Dialogue Box

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Transition Hiding Dialogue Box

#1 Post by Skiegh »

Hello, hello!

Short version:
"How do I not hide the dialogue box when using transitions? Ideally, could I bind this trait to a customized transition (like a customized short 0.25 second dissolve)?"
This topic has been done before, and I've looked at other threads about the same thing, but regardless of the advice proving fruitful for others, they all seem to come up short for myself. The really early topics I looked at had really roundabout solutions to this, but the more recent ones basically just point you to "window show" and "window hide."

I try to use those things, they seem to have no effect on the dialogue box disappearing with each transition. Ideally I would just want a handful of transitions which just didn't hide the dialogue, which I use during dialogue for pose changes. However, even a more blanket removal of that aspect which I can turn on and off (which I believe is what the window show is SUPPOSED to do) would be at least be more useful.

I was comparing my options to the options of the .13 tutorial (which seems to show the dialogue through transitions just fine), and found mine is very different from that one. My game was made quite a long time ago, so I imagine things have changed. Still, I tried adding in the define.window such and such, but it didn't seem to improve matters. Specifically my options look like this (this is without the above attempt to add in the define.window)...

Code: Select all

## This file contains some of the options that can be changed to customize
## your Ren'Py game. It only contains the most common options... there
## is quite a bit more customization you can do.
## Lines beginning with two '#' marks are comments, and you shouldn't
## uncomment them. Lines beginning with a single '#' mark are
## commented-out code, and you may want to uncomment them when
## appropriate.

init -1 python hide:

    ## These control the width and height of the screen.

    config.screen_width = 800
    config.screen_height = 600

    ## This controls the title of the window, when Ren'Py is
    ## running in a window.

    config.window_title = u"Title!!!"

    # These control the name and version of the game, that are reported
    # with tracebacks and other debugging logs. = "Title!!!"
    config.version = "0.4a"

    # Set this to "None" so Ren'Py doesn't automatically define images.
    config.images_directory = None

    ### Adding in a new layer

    config.layers = [ 'master', 'transient', 'screens', 'foreground', 'overlay' ]

    # Themes

    ## We then want to call a theme function. theme.roundrect is
    ## a theme that features the use of rounded rectangles.
    ## The theme function takes a number of parameters that can
    ## customize the color scheme.

        ## Theme: Austen
        ## Color scheme: City Lights

        ## The color of an idle widget face.
        widget = "#45ada8",

        ## The color of a focused widget face.
        widget_hover = "#2e5860",

        ## The color of the text in a widget.
        widget_text = "#9de0ad",

        ## The color of the text in a selected widget. (For
        ## example, the current value of a preference.)
        widget_selected = "#e5fcc2",

        ## The color of a disabled widget face.
        disabled = "#638e89",

        ## The color of disabled widget text.
        disabled_text = "#594f4f",

        ## The color of informational labels.
        label = "#e5fcc2",

        ## The color of a frame containing widgets.
        frame = "#547980",

        ## The background of the main menu. This can be a color
        ## beginning with '#', or an image filename. The latter
        ## should take up the full height and width of the screen.
        mm_root = "CG/Misc/Title.jpg",

        ## The background of the game menu. This can be a color
        ## beginning with '#', or an image filename. The latter
        ## should take up the full height and width of the screen.
        gm_root = "#594f4f",

        ## If this is True, the in-game window is rounded. If False,
        ## the in-game window is square.
        rounded_window = False,

        ## And we're done with the theme. The theme will customize
        ## various styles, so if we want to change them, we should
        ## do so below.

    ## These settings let you customize the window containing the
    ## dialogue and narration, by replacing it with an image.

    ## The background of the window. In a Frame, the two numbers
    ## are the size of the left/right and top/bottom borders,
    ## respectively.

    # style.window.background = Frame("frame.png", 12, 12)

    ## Margin is space surrounding the window, where the background
    ## is not drawn.

    # style.window.left_margin = 6
    # style.window.right_margin = 6
    # style.window.top_margin = 6
    # style.window.bottom_margin = 6

    ## Padding is space inside the window, where the background is
    ## drawn.

    # style.window.left_padding = 6
    # style.window.right_padding = 6
    # style.window.top_padding = 6
    # style.window.bottom_padding = 6

    ## This is the minimum height of the window, including the margins
    ## and padding.

    # style.window.yminimum = 250

    ## This lets you change the placement of the main menu.

    ## The way placement works is that we find an anchor point
    ## inside a displayable, and a position (pos) point on the
    ## screen. We then place the displayable so the two points are
    ## at the same place.

    ## An anchor/pos can be given as an integer or a floating point
    ## number. If an integer, the number is interpreted as a number
    ## of pixels from the upper-left corner. If a floating point,
    ## the number is interpreted as a fraction of the size of the
    ## displayable or screen.

    # style.mm_menu_frame.xpos = 0.5
    # style.mm_menu_frame.xanchor = 0.5
    # style.mm_menu_frame.ypos = 0.75
    # style.mm_menu_frame.yanchor = 0.5

    ## These let you customize the default font used for text in Ren'Py.

    ## The file containing the default font.

    # style.default.font = "DejaVuSans.ttf"

    ## The default size of text.

    # style.default.size = 22

    ## Note that these only change the size of some of the text. Other
    ## buttons have their own styles.

    ## These settings let you change some of the sounds that are used by
    ## Ren'Py.

    ## Set this to False if the game does not have any sound effects.

    config.has_sound = True

    ## Set this to False if the game does not have any music.

    config.has_music = True

    ## Set this to True if the game has voicing.

    config.has_voice = False

    ## Sounds that are used when button and imagemaps are clicked.

    # style.button.activate_sound = "click.wav"
    # style.imagemap.activate_sound = "click.wav"

    ## Sounds that are used when entering and exiting the game menu.

    # config.enter_sound = "click.wav"
    # config.exit_sound = "click.wav"

    ## A sample sound that can be played to check the sound volume.

    # config.sample_sound = "click.wav"

    ## Music that is played while the user is at the main menu.

    config.main_menu_music = "Music/Title Theme.mp3"

    ## Help.

    ## This lets you configure the help option on the Ren'Py menus.
    ## It may be:
    ## - A label in the script, in which case that label is called to
    ##   show help to the user.
    ## - A file name relative to the base directory, which is opened in a
    ##   web browser.
    ## - None, to disable help. = "README.html"

    ## Transitions.

    ## Used when entering the game menu from the game.
    config.enter_transition = None

    ## Used when exiting the game menu to the game.
    config.exit_transition = None

    ## Used between screens of the game menu.
    config.intra_transition = None

    ## Used when entering the game menu from the main menu.
    config.main_game_transition = None

    ## Used when returning to the main menu from the game.
    config.game_main_transition = None

    ## Used when entering the main menu from the splashscreen.
    config.end_splash_transition = dissolve

    ## Used when entering the main menu after the game has ended.
    config.end_game_transition = None

    ## Used when a game is loaded.
    config.after_load_transition = None

    ## Used when the window is shown.
    config.window_show_transition = None

    ## Used when the window is hidden.
    config.window_hide_transition = None

    ## Used when showing NVL-mode text directly after ADV-mode text.
    config.adv_nvl_transition = dissolve

    ## Used when showing ADV-mode text directly after NVL-mode text.
    config.nvl_adv_transition = dissolve

    ## Used when yesno is shown.
    config.enter_yesno_transition = None

    ## Used when the yesno is hidden.
    config.exit_yesno_transition = None

    ## Used when entering a replay
    config.enter_replay_transition = None

    ## Used when exiting a replay
    config.exit_replay_transition = None

    ## Used when the image is changed by a say statement with image attributes.
    config.say_attribute_transition = None

    ## This is the name of the directory where the game's data is
    ## stored. (It needs to be set early, before any other init code
    ## is run, so the persistent information can be found by the init code.)
python early:
    config.save_directory = "Title!!!"

init -1 python hide:
    ## Default values of Preferences.

    ## Note: These options are only evaluated the first time a
    ## game is run. To have them run a second time, delete
    ## game/saves/persistent

    ## Should we start in fullscreen mode?

    config.default_fullscreen = False

    ## The default text speed in characters per second. 0 is infinite.

    config.default_text_cps = 0

    ## The default auto-forward time setting.

    config.default_afm_time = 10

    ## More customizations can go here.

## This section contains information about how to build your project into
## distribution files.
init python:

    ## The name that's used for directories and archive files. For example, if
    ## this is 'mygame-1.0', the windows distribution will be in the
    ## directory 'mygame-1.0-win', in the '' file.
    build.directory_name = + 'V' + config.version

    ## The name that's uses for executables - the program that users will run
    ## to start the game. For example, if this is 'mygame', then on Windows,
    ## users can click 'mygame.exe' to start the game.
    build.executable_name =

    ## If True, Ren'Py will include update information into packages. This
    ## allows the updater to run.
    build.include_update = False

    ## File patterns:
    ## The following functions take file patterns. File patterns are case-
    ## insensitive, and matched against the path relative to the base
    ## directory, with and without a leading /. If multiple patterns match,
    ## the first is used.
    ## In a pattern:
    ## /
    ##     Is the directory separator.
    ## *
    ##     Matches all characters, except the directory separator.
    ## **
    ##     Matches all characters, including the directory separator.
    ## For example:
    ## *.txt
    ##     Matches txt files in the base directory.
    ## game/**.ogg
    ##     Matches ogg files in the game directory or any of its subdirectories.
    ## **.psd
    ##    Matches psd files anywhere in the project.

    ## Classify files as None to exclude them from the built distributions.

    build.classify('git/**', None)

    build.classify('**~', None)
    build.classify('**.bak', None)
    build.classify('**/.**', None)
    build.classify('**/#**', None)
    build.classify('**/thumbs.db', None)
    build.classify('game/00developer.*', None)

    ## To archive files, classify them as 'archive'.

    build.archive("scripts", "all")
    build.archive("images", "all")

    build.classify('game/**.jpg', 'archive')
    build.classify('game/**.png', 'archive')
    build.classify("game/**.rpy", "scripts")
    build.classify("game/**.rpyc", "scripts")

    ## Files matching documentation patterns are duplicated in a mac app
    ## build, so they appear in both the app and the zip file.

I don't remember customizing my options.rpy that much, but I still hesitate to do something like dumping the tutorial's in and just modifying that -- or if that would even prove useful. I noticed the screen.rpy is also very different in the tutorial. While I have a lot of custom stuff for character importing/layering, the foundational stuff I haven't touched much. Minus some changes to NVL.

Minor Question: "Would altering my theme due to the options and stuff being quite different from the new version of Ren'py's default screw things up? Customizing menus is on my to-do list, but Renpy has added a lot more themes than I had access to early on, so I'd like to use one of those as a temp until I get around to customizing myself."

Thanks in advance~

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