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Hide Navigation Buttons While Main Screen Animation Plays[Solved]

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:20 pm
by Farryn
Apologies if this is answered somewhere but I can't find a way to hide the buttons on the navigation screen until after the main screen has finished its transforms.

I tried creating a flag and setting it to false in init and then flipping it to true once the transforms are done, but the navigation screen doesn't reload so the buttons never refresh. I've also tried putting the buttons directly on the main screen, but that also causes them to either appear right away or not at all depending on where I order them

Any thoughts on how to do this? It's just a delay of ~10 when the game first loads.

For more clarification, I'm using hidden buttons to highlight specific text on the main menu background. While the background is loading in(playing the animation), if the user puts the mouse over the buttons they can click/highlight them.

Re: Hide Navigation Buttons While Main Screen Animation Plays[Solves]

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:42 pm
by Farryn
I solved this by looking at mitoky's tutorial for making splashscreens here: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=46121