Need help with gui.history_height

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Need help with gui.history_height

#1 Post by Imperf3kt »

Okay, so this is something I'm struggling to work out.
I have a history screen and it's been slightly modified from the stock history screen Ren'Py generates when you start a new project. Mostly a lot of positional changes, I made it smaller, further away from the top of the window, etc.
Anyway, The way I have it now, everything is spaced out nicely at 139 characters per line, but if I try to use more, then the lines overlap the names.
Perhaps a visual example will better explain it.

So in there, you can see a line where I have 143 characters and as such, it pushes four of those characters onto the next line - obscuring the name of the next speaking character. However, if I make the text any further apart, it starts to look really disjointed for the text that use far less characters per line.

Essentially, what I'd like to do is to keep the following:

Code: Select all

## The height of a history screen entry, or None to make the height variable at
## the cost of performance.
define gui.history_height = 120
But also somehow use "None" for specific problem lines or perhaps manually adjust those particular lines.
Is there any way to do this, or will I just have to try and shorten my lines or use larger gaps?
Warning: May contain trace amounts of gratuitous plot.
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