Help with 'renpy.loadable' (SOLVED)

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Help with 'renpy.loadable' (SOLVED)

#1 Post by EHCB »

Hi all, I was hoping someone could help me with using this under-documented function

What I'm trying to do is set up a system whereby I can quickly drop looping animations into the game without defining each one through ATL. I can get a DynamicDisplayable to run through numbered files in a folder, but I need it to return to frame 1 when there's no more frames left. I've attempted to create an 'if' block just before the frame's filename is returned that resets the CurrentFrame int to 1 once the animation completes (relevant code between all the #'s below)

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init python:

    def AnimationFrame(st, at):
        global CurrentFrame
        global CurrentFrameString
        global CharName
        global ExpressionName
        if st > 0.7:
        CurrentFrame = CurrentFrame+1
            CurrentFrameString = str(CurrentFrame).zfill(5)
                if renpy.loadable("images/CHARS/[CharName]/[ExpressionName]/[ExpressionName]_[CurrentFrameString].png")==False:
                CurrentFrame = 1
                CurrentFrameString = str(CurrentFrame).zfill(5)[/b]

        return "CHARS/[CharName]/[ExpressionName]/[ExpressionName]_[CurrentFrameString].png", 0.7

    image Portrait = DynamicDisplayable(AnimationFrame)

label start:

    scene bg room
    show Portrait
    "Hello, world."

I think I'm using 'renpy.loadable' wrong because it seems to be returning false every time. Does anyone have the specifics on how I should enter the filepath?

Some variations I've already tried are:

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renpy.loadable("[ExpressionName]_[CurrentFrameString].png")  ##the documention just says 'a file that can be loaded from an archive' so I thought maybe I didn't need to specify folders at all)
Last edited by EHCB on Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help with 'renpy.loadable'

#2 Post by Ocelot »

First of all: file handling is slow. I recommend to imagine if there is a pause 0.5 after renpy.loadable call. If it is not a problem to you then continue.

RenPy only does varaible substitution only when it displays something. If you want to use variable as part of string, you should build it yourself (using one of multitude ways existing in python).
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Re: Help with 'renpy.loadable'

#3 Post by EHCB »

Thanks, that did it!

And you were right, it caused a really unacceptable lag so it looks I'm going to have to try another solution.

Thanks again for your help!

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