Side image composite, help.

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Side image composite, help.

#1 Post by Tessiellation »

I'm interested in using composite for expressions for my character, but I'm unsure how to do just that. Can anybody help me, please?

I've tried following this tutorial, but it does not work for me. ... s-in-renpy

It currently looks like this

I want to try and make it from scratch though, in a new game, because the coding in my current game is a bit messy.

this is my current script

Code: Select all

init python:
    dressup_button_show = False
    hair, glasses, tie, shirt, pants = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 # default dressup items
    hair_styles_num, glasses_styles_num, tie_styles_num, shirt_styles_num, pants_styles_num = 7, 4, 4, 3, 3 # number of styles (files) for each dressup item
    # define images as:
    # "base.png" for the base image
    # "hair1.png", "hair2.png", "hair3.png", ... - start with 1 and end with (hair_styles_num)
    # "glasses1.png", "glasses2.png", "glasses3.png", ... "tie1.png", "tie2.png", ... "shirt1.png", "shirt2.png", ... "shirt1.png", "pants2.png", ...
    import os, time, pygame

    def draw_char(st, at): # combine the dressup items into one displayable
        hue1 = im.matrix([    1,   0, 0, 0, 0,
                              0,   1, 0, 0, 0,
                           0.85, 0.7, 1, 0, 0,
                              0,   0, 0, 1, 0 ])

        hue2 = im.matrix([    1,   0, 0, 0, 0,
                              0,   1, 1, 0, 0,
                           0.85, 0.7, 1, 0, 0,
                              0,   0, 0, 1, 0 ])

        hue3 = im.matrix([    1,   0, 0, 0, 0,
                              0,   1, 0, 0, 0,
                           0.85, 0.7, 1, 0, 0,
                              0,   0, 1, 1, 0 ])

        hue4 = im.matrix([    1,   0, 0, 0,   0,
                              0,   1, 0, 0,   0,
                           0.85, 0.7, 1, 0,   0,
                              0,   0, 0, 1, 0.5 ])

        hue5 = im.matrix([    1,   0, 0, 0, 0,
                              0,   1, 0, 0, 0,
                           0.85, 0.7, 1, 0, 0,
                              0,   1, 0, 1, 0 ])

        hue6 = im.matrix([    1,   0, 0, 0, 0,
                              0,   0, 0, 0, 0,
                           0.85, 0.7, 0, 0, 0,
                              0,   0, 0, 1, 0 ])

        hue7 = im.matrix([    1,   1, 1, 0, 0,
                              0,   1, 1, 0, 1,
                           0.85, 0.7, 1, 0, 0,
                              0,   0, 0, 1, 0 ])

        huearray = [hue1,hue2,hue3,hue4,hue5,hue6,hue7]
        globals()["doll"] = im.Composite(
            (361, 702), # image size
            (0, 0), "base.png",
            (0, 0), "glasses%d.png"%glasses, # (0, 0) is the position of a dressup item. Because these images are saved with spacing around them, we don't need to position them.
            (0, 0), im.MatrixColor("hair%d.png"%hair, huearray[hue]),
            (0, 0), "shirt%d.png"%shirt,
            (0, 0), "tie%d.png"%tie,
            (0, 0), "pants%d.png"%pants
        if globals()["direction"] == -1:
            globals()["doll"] = im.Flip(globals()["doll"], horizontal=True)
        return globals()["doll"],.1

    def draw_char_side(st, at):
       return LiveComposite((361,702), (10,550), im.FactorScale(globals()["doll"], .45)),.1

    dressup_show = False
    dressup_button_show = False
    hair, glasses, tie, vest, skirt, hue = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 # default dressup items
    hair_styles_num, glasses_styles_num, tie_styles_num, vest_styles_num, skirt_styles_num, hue_styles_num = 7, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6 # number of styles (files) for each dressup item

# DEFINE CHARACTERS HERE!!!!! <---------------------------------------------------------

define pov = Character(_("[povname]"), color="#FF69B4", show_side_image=DynamicDisplayable(draw_char_side))
define l = Character('Lea', color="#c8ffc8")
define a = Character('Aden', color="#AE0D0D")
define u = Character('???', color="#FFFFFF")
define t = Character('Teacher', color="#FFFFFF")
# BGS GO HERE!!!!! <---------------------------------------------------------
image ccbg = "bg.png"

label start:
        scene black with fade
        "In this game you play as a girl. You can change your character's appearence and name."
        "Let's start with the name."

            povname = renpy.input("Type your character's name bellow.")
            povname = povname.strip()
            if not povname:
                povname = "Emily"

        "[povname], is that right?"

        label justtobesure:
                jump charactercreation
                $ povname = ""
                jump redoname

        label redoname:
            povname = renpy.input("Well, what is your name?")
            povname = povname.strip()
            if not povname:
                povname = "Emily"
            "[povname], is this right?"
        jump justtobesure

    image char = DynamicDisplayable(draw_char) # using DynamicDisplayable ensures that any changes are visible immedietly
    $ character = Character('Koma', color="#c8ffc8", window_left_padding=180, show_side_image=DynamicDisplayable(draw_char_side))

label charactercreation:
    $direction = 1
    $doll = im.Composite(
        (361, 702), # image size
        (0, 0), "base.png",
        (0, 0), "glasses1.png",
        (0, 0), "hair1.png",
        (0, 0), "shirt1.png",
        (0, 0), "tie1.png",
        (0, 0), "pants1.png"
        ) # We have to set the variable at start, but Ren'Py will sometimes crash ("can't construct the image in draw_char()") if we set it to None

    show screen dressup_button
    $ dressup_button_show = True

label cont:
    show char
    character "La, la, la!"
    jump cont

screen dressup_button: # a button to call the dressup game
    if dressup_button_show:
        vbox xalign 0.01 yalign 0.01:
            textbutton "Change look." action ui.callsinnewcontext("dressup")

label dressup:
    show char:
        xpos 250
        # display the arrows for changing the dress:
        y = 20
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=ui.returns("hueL"), ypos=y, xpos=100)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=ui.returns("hueR"), ypos=y, xpos=300)

        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=ui.returns("hairL"), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=ui.returns("hairR"), ypos=y, xpos=400)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=ui.returns("glassesL"), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=ui.returns("glassesR"), ypos=y, xpos=400)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=ui.returns("tieL"), ypos=y, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=ui.returns("tieR"), ypos=y, xpos=400)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=ui.returns("shirtL"), ypos=y+80, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=ui.returns("shirtR"), ypos=y+80, xpos=400)
        y += 80
        ui.imagebutton("arrowL.png", "arrowL.png", clicked=ui.returns("pantsL"), ypos=y+160, xpos=50)
        ui.imagebutton("arrowR.png", "arrowR.png", clicked=ui.returns("pantsR"), ypos=y+160, xpos=400)
        ui.textbutton("Return", clicked=ui.returns("goback")) # image button version: ui.imagebutton("return.png", "return_hover.png", clicked=ui.returns("goback"), ypos=0, xpos=0)
        ui.textbutton("Start Game", clicked=ui.returns("Start Game")) # image button version: ui.imagebutton("return.png", "return_hover.png", clicked=ui.returns("goback"), ypos=0, xpos=0)
    $ picked = ui.interact()
    # based on the selection, we increase or decrease the index of the appropriate dress up item

    if picked == "hueL":
        $ hue = hue - 1 # if previous hair is chosen
        if hue < 0: # making sure we don't get out of index range (index -1 is not allowed)
            $ hue = hue_styles_num
    if picked == "hueR":
        $ hue = hue + 1 # if next hair is chosen
        if hue > hue_styles_num : # making sure we don't get out of index range (index musn't be bigger than hue_styles_num)
            $ hue = 0

    if picked == "hairL":
        $ hair -= 1 # previous hair
    if picked == "hairR":
        $ hair += 1 # next hair
    if hair < 1: # making sure we don't get out of index range (index 0 is not allowed)
        $ hair = hair_styles_num
    if hair > hair_styles_num: # making sure we don't get out of index range (index musn't be bigger than hair_styles_num)
        $ hair = 1

    if picked == "glassesL":
        $ glasses -= 1
    if picked == "glassesR":
        $ glasses += 1
    if glasses < 1:
        $ glasses = glasses_styles_num
    if glasses > glasses_styles_num:
        $ glasses = 1

    if picked == "tieL":
        $ tie -= 1
    if picked == "tieR":
        $ tie += 1
    if tie < 1:
        $ tie = tie_styles_num
    if tie > tie_styles_num:
        $ tie = 1

    if picked == "shirtL":
        $ shirt -= 1
    if picked == "shirtR":
        $ shirt += 1
    if shirt < 1:
        $ shirt = shirt_styles_num
    if shirt > shirt_styles_num:
        $ shirt = 1

    if picked == "pantsL":
        $ pants -= 1
    if picked == "pantsR":
        $ pants += 1
    if pants < 1:
        $ pants = pants_styles_num
    if pants > pants_styles_num:
        $ pants = 1

    if picked == "goback":

    if picked == "Start Game":
        jump confirmlook

    jump dressup # we don't want to return on every click, this jump loops until we click on "back" button

label confirmlook:
        "Is this how your character looks?"
                jump continuegame
                jump dressup

label continuegame:
    scene black with fade
    hide char
    pov "This is how I look!"

    "This is random text to see where it goes"


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Re: Side image composite, help.

#2 Post by Kia »

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