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Is the Windows/Mac/Linux for Markets Distribution necessary to upload a Mac-only version to Steam?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:23 pm
by Obscura
So, I'm attempting to get a Catalina-compatible version of our game up on Steam.

The issue is, when building a Markets distribution, Renpy also bundles the Windows and Linux versions into the .zip. Normally I'd just upload this entire .zip into Steam.

This would be fine, except because of Catalina, I need to submit a Mac build to Apple and get it notarized by Apple first.

Has anyone just tried to notarize the entire Markets distribution? Or you have to make a separate build for Mac first? If the latter, then what did you use to "build" this version? The Mac option or the Markets option? And if you used the Markets option, did you need to pull out the non-Mac related data first?

:roll: Scratching my head over this entire convoluted process, thanks!

Re: Is the Windows/Mac/Linux for Markets Distribution necessary to upload a Mac-only version to Steam?

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:37 am
by Zetsubou
I haven't tried with the markets zip. I used the Mac build instead. The one which gives you a file.

If you're up to the stage where you're trying to sign a build (I'm assuming you've followed PyTom's patreon article on notarization) you should be able to place your file in the mac-notarization folder and run: ./ mygame-1.0-mac step1
That will find the, extract it, and notarize the .app file.
Once you get an email from Apple saying the notarization was successful, you can run: ./ mygame-1.0-mac staple_app
Then upload the stabled .app via SteamPipe.
You don't need to go through the rest of the notarization process for Steam builds.

Re: Is the Windows/Mac/Linux for Markets Distribution necessary to upload a Mac-only version to Steam?

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:32 am
by Obscura
I appreciate the response Zetsubou. That clarifies a lot of things, thanks!

Re: Is the Windows/Mac/Linux for Markets Distribution necessary to upload a Mac-only version to Steam?

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 8:33 pm
by Zetsubou
I take back what I said about
You don't need to go through the rest of the notarization process for Steam builds.
It seems that you do need to at least go through step 2.
If you don't go through step 2, then the signed .app from step 1 will give the error "Unnotarized Developer ID"
Step 2 doesn't change the .app, but it does give Apple information about the build which it needs in order to verify the .app file.

In any case, I've still been unable to get this working. I don't think SteamPipe is able to handle notarized .app bundles right now.
steamcmd doesn't appear to run on Catalina at all (throws a warning on Mohave, refuses to start on Catalina), and a notarized .app bundle fails verification after going through SteamPipe (even if it's uploaded from Mohave, without moving or changing the bundle in any other way).
Unless Steam changes something in their build tools, I think only hacky workarounds (like uploading a DMG and having a shell script extract it) will work right now. But that would probably fail Steam's verification anyway...

Re: Is the Windows/Mac/Linux for Markets Distribution necessary to upload a Mac-only version to Steam?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:46 pm
by Obscura
Don't know if this helps or sheds any light on the situation, but someone wrote a post on notarizing Mac games on Steam: ... o_signing/