Lint warning when using Cycle block

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Lint warning when using Cycle block

#1 Post by qirien »

I'm using cycle blocks to choose between several options, but Lint is giving me this warning:

Code: Select all

Didn't properly report what the next statement should be.
I couldn't find any documentation on cycle blocks other than the patreon post here:

As far as I can tell I'm doing everything right; the code seems to work just fine; lint just reports some kind of issue (maybe cycle doesn't work with lint?)

Here's my code:

Code: Select all

            cycle work_hire:
                    "A few of the miners' kids were willing to help out on the farm -- but for a steep price. They didn't know much about farming, but they learned quickly!"
                    $ lorant_points += 1
                    $ modify_credits(-200)
                    "[kid_name] asked around, and some of her friends came and helped out. They didn't do the best job, but they didn't want much pay, either."
                    $ modify_credits(-100)
                    "Sara and Oleg answered my job offer -- it sounded like Sara and Ilian were going through a rough patch and she wanted to be financially independent."
                    $ oleg_points += 1
                    $ modify_credits(-150)
                    "I looked and looked but no one had the time to help me for any price that I could afford."
                    "So my crop yield was not what it could have been."
                    $ modify_credits(farm.income_loss(85))
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