Screen on top of other

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Screen on top of other

#1 Post by Shlizer »

Hi. I'm currently working on my own achievement module, similar to one like that: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=61320&sid=f660ea20 ... 9ccc72ad89 but I'm having truble with popup overlay.

What I'm trying to achieve?
I'm going to create screen for showing freshly gained achievements, but I don't like the idea of hiding it by showing menu or going further with conversation. What I mean by that is for eg. popup will be shown for 3s and then fade out (of slide, whatever), but it should be visible all those 3s - no matter if user open menu, label will change or so.. the problem is I don't know where I should put that screen and how to call it.

I tried using just show on main_menu, but it obviously gets hidden, while I close menu. I tried to append it to config.overlay_screens, but then it can be seen only in-game and is not visible in menus. I just can't figure out how to add layer on top of game and menu so it will show my screen no matter where user is (at least I guess that's propper aproach), but I can't make it happen.

Can someone guide me where should I look solution or is it even possible to do.

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