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That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles [Otome/BakeSim]

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:18 pm
by Rewritten Ennui

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:21 pm
by Funnyguts
-eats my cookie-

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:41 pm
by Sunlit-Dreamer
*nomnomnom on cookie, eying Alfonse* I shall be stalking you. Would say more but nothing to really say. Oh wait I do have something to type about.

Since it's a bakery, does that mean there's a baking portion of making cookies, cakes, etc? Or will it just go like the usual vn? Just curious. (If there is a cooking portion I shall be asking more questions bwuahaha)


Edit: Sorry about that, was really hungry so brain wasn't screwed on right. @@ Fixed his name!

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:50 pm
by Rewritten Ennui
Sunlit-Dreamer wrote:*nomnomnom on cookie, eying Alfonso* I shall be stalking you. Would say more but nothing to really say. Oh wait I do have something to type about.

Since it's a bakery, does that mean there's a baking portion of making cookies, cakes, etc? Or will it just go like the usual vn? Just curious. (If there is a cooking portion I shall be asking more questions bwuahaha)

His name is Alfonse :cry:

There won't be a baking minigame where you get to bake stuff, if that's what you're asking. Just a portion where you select what to bake for the day. As you progress through the game, you'll unlock more recipes. (hope that answered your question well enough :c)

Also! I'd like some feedback on how to make some of the boys more interesting at first glance, particularly Aaron. I get the feeling that he's not going to be one of the more popular guys D:

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:06 am
by SilverxBlue
*dies from huge wall of text*
*Is revived by cookie.*

Why do I suddenly get the feeling that Santos is canon? Meh, maybe it's just me.
Anyway, I'll start stalking this. (slice-of-life + (humor, two of my favorite genres) = insta-love for me.)
Good luck!
Rewritten Ennui wrote:Also! I'd like some feedback on how to make some of the boys more interesting at first glance, particularly Aaron. I get the feeling that he's not going to be one of the more popular guys D:
Just don't turn him into the athlete stereotype and give him something... something that would make him quite memorable and unique. (e.g: Accessory, hobby, bad habit, etc...)

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:17 am
by sake-bento
You had me at "bakery."

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:22 am
by Rewritten Ennui
SilverxBlue wrote:*dies from huge wall of text*
*Is revived by cookie.*
I'm sorry for making you suffer from text overload T_T Once Ryurieri gets some of the character sketches done, I'll update to make the post look prettier. At least the logo is super cute <3 BTW, the cat's name is Tybalt. ican'tbelieveiforgottomentionthemascot
SilverxBlue wrote:Why do I suddenly get the feeling that Santos is canon? Meh, maybe it's just me.
Would the canon guy have no last name? I certainly hope not. I just can't think of a good surname for him though >_> Help choose a name for him?
SilverxBlue wrote:Just don't turn him into the athlete stereotype and give him something... something that would make him quite memorable and unique. (e.g: Accessory, hobby, bad habit, etc...)
I've avoided using straight-up stereotypes, so expect everyone to have a layer of depth that you probably weren't expecting to see. And besides, isn't Aaron's forgetfulness of names already a bad habit?
I assure you that there's a good reason for his social awkwardness.
sake-bento wrote:You had me at "bakery."
shfklashfkalopHODSdfskhfkdsf *headdesk* sake-bento-san! DDDDD: Now I have to make sure that this game rocks. Remember to take your free cookie :3

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:43 am
by Funnyguts
Hi! I'm one of the coders. Just a bit of info on the baking part: Basically, every day you're running the bakery, you'll pick out a few things to bake from a list of cakes, breads, and cookies. (and maybe pies.) Once you bake everything, customers will come in and buy things, usually the more popular items in the bakery. Plan out a good menu each day, and you'll be able to encourage your customers to come back for more, as well as entice new customers to come and visit!

The ideal goal is for the game to be easy to understand and play, but still be affected by your actions and possible to fail at. We're still working out the details.

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:54 am
by SilverxBlue
Rewritten Ennui wrote:At least the logo is super cute <3 BTW, the cat's name is Tybalt. ican'tbelieveiforgottomentionthemascot
Oh, man! I forgot to comment about the cat, I stared and marveled at it's cuteness for minutes, before I began reading! D:
Rewritten Ennui wrote: I just can't think of a good surname for him though >_> Help choose a name for him?
I'd love to help with that, but I somehow feel odd giving a surname to him. The name "Santos" is mostly a surname here in my country.
So if I give something like "Santos Ramirez" it feels like I'm giving the person two surnames. T_T

And to be honest, I would have made Aaron my favorite, but Santos already took it away from him. ^_^;; (Has a soft spot for Meganes.)
Funnyguts wrote: Hi! I'm one of the coders. Just a bit of info on the baking part: Basically, every day you're running the bakery, you'll pick out a few things to bake from a list of cakes, breads, and cookies. (and maybe pies.) Once you bake everything, customers will come in and buy things, usually the more popular items in the bakery. Plan out a good menu each day, and you'll be able to encourage your customers to come back for more, as well as entice new customers to come and visit!
Oh! So it's something like a bakery sim, right, right? :)
Man, the repeated mentioning of cookies, has got me craving for one. >_>

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:01 am
by Funnyguts
^Yeah! It's part bakery sim, part VN.

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:01 am
by Veniae
Oh, wow! I'm certainly stalking this - it sounds so. awesome. Love the cast, everyone seems cool and interesting. Also, thanks for the cookie. *U*

Good luck!

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:43 am
by TsukiShima
Oh, finally, you're game! This seems so cute, I'll be looking forward to it! The cookie in the logo already seem good xD

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:01 pm
by Riviera
Oddly enough, I love baking and am planning on going to culinary school to try and make a go of that myself.

I never had a swarm of men show up, so I must be doing it wrong. :lol:

*eats cookie*

Not that the fiancee would like it much if that did happen.

First glance opinions: I look forward to the baking related area of the game! The minigames, the atmosphere, and any recipes that may show up (unlikely, but I hoard recipes like a crazy woman).

The guys all look fairly interesting, if a bit cliche. Cliche is not a bad thing, since these seem to be very basic descriptions and I'm sure we'll find out more about them during the course of the game.

I like that this will deal with life issues. The most memorable games that I've played have done that.

The logo is so, so, so, so cute. It would be absolutely perfect for a bakery sign or picture for their shopping bags or... something. Don't think it will show up in the game but that was my first thought! :D

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:09 pm
by Sunlit-Dreamer
Okay first I'll say sorry for misspelling Alfonse's name. (So I went and edited my post, SORRY ALFONSE! YOU'RE MY FIRST TAR-I mean have a cupcake =3)

So it'll be planning style eh? I'm good with that. It kinda reminds me of the computer games, minus the story, I had to play in elementary school. To sell hot dogs, and lemonade. By basically planning what to make, how many to stock, blahdy blah. It was pretty boring in a way though. (Since there's only one thing on the menu, and it involved business numbers.)

I wonder if I'll be able to figure out what combination of recipes will bring in good stats...well I'll figure that out when I play it. XD

Oh, and as for Alfonse being innocent and polite? Keep it. Keeeeeeeep iiiiiiiiiiiiit. It makes him cuuuuuuuuuuuute~ X3 After all, an innocent boy who's younger than you is ADORABLE! (And attractive in my case XP)

As for Aaron....I'm just glad he's not the usual jock type who thinks he's better than everyone else and isn't made a player either. (That is really annoying)

Re: [GXB] That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:37 am
by Ryurieri
Um, hey! I'm the artist for this VN and I have no idea what to write but Ennui made me I guess I'll apologize for the lacking of bishie arts here XD There will be soon. Suggestions for how the characters'll look like are welcomed (but I can't promise you I'll be using all of them though ouo;;)
*eats cookie*