Crystal Heart

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Doggy Nino
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Crystal Heart

#1 Post by Doggy Nino »

Crystal Heart is a game I'm creating that is based off of the " Kingdom Hearts".

Crystal Heart:
You've has just gotten out of highschool and has recently bought yourself a new apartment. You spend the night their and have dream. Nukku the fairy of love has chosen you to help her collect the pieces of the legendary Crystal Heart which has the power to make her into adult. You must chose on who you want to be with and earn different experiences of the developing relationship. Be who ever you want to be and live your life the way you want it.

Rated: 13 and up, for sexual themes, violence, use of language, and use of alcohol :shock:

Will have:
-personality test to see who you are
-name your character
-choose the career you want
-mini games
-life like events
-make friends with the other NCPs
-variety of music

Here's who is helping:
Quiet_Riot-Logo designer/beta tester
Ominias-proof reader

You play as 18 year old namine from kingdom hearts2 personality wise it really depends how answer the test.

Dateable Guys -

Sora: Age 19
Loves: Superheros and justice
Hates: nothing ( seriously except may be oranges.)
He’s one of the youngest waiters working at Mina’s Café a popular family restaurant .He’s currently working there to try and make enough money to pay off his family’s extremely large loan. He’s very naïve and is extremely kindhearted towards anyone, even people he just met. Sora also has big sense of justice and loves anything that has to do with heroes and crime. But he has an extremely large and dark secret that for some reason he wants no one to know about. Due to loving to talk all the time he can be rather annoying.

Roxas: Age 18
Loves: Writing and listening to music
Hates: Himself and selfishness
He is the son of a wealthy fat cat-daddy millionaire that you meet after you graduate from school. At first Roxas seems very cold and cruel but actually is a big softie after he gets to know you for a while. He tends to hate himself due to his mother dying after he was born. He thinks he had killed his mother.) Roxas doesn’t have any friends except for Axel who he trusts completely.

Van: Age 17
Loves: Fighting, causing trouble , and protecting you
Hates: Fruit and mushy things
This is your childhood friend that you have known since you were 9. Stubborn and hot-headed. Van’s family died in a car crash since then he has been taking care of himself. He’s very over-protective of those he loves including you. (Since you are practically like family to him.) He has many fan-girls who chase him all of the time, who are also extremely jealous of you two being close. He has bad rep saying that he has won 100 fights on the streets. He tends not to rely on anyone due to being very independent.

Leon: Age 21
Loves: Art, kids, and animals
Hates: Soup and birds
The quietest out of all the boys as well as the shyest out of all of them. He’s quite creative in the culinary arts as well as making sculptures. Leon tends not to talk that much and if he does he only speaks a couple of words. He’s kind to most people but has a hard time showing his feelings. Currently he’s an art student at a local art college called “Art’s Freedom Center”. Leon also works a part-time job as an assistant in a local coffee shop called “Aluminous Smell”. He is currently living with his older sister and younger brother who are over-protective of him...

Riku: Age 19
Loves: Anime, manga, videogames, drawing, and teasing you
Hates: People judging him unfairly and soda
Riku is a sarcastic guy who loves to tease people whenever he gets a chance. He’s the kind of guy who will try to help people in any way possible. Riku is studying very hard in the arts of drawing to become a manga artist. He is an obsessed otaku and isn’t afraid to show it. Riku understands people very well so he’s very sociable and has a lot different friends. His best friend is Sora but to Riku he’s more like a younger brother. Riku loves to help people in any way he can, so he does lots of community work. He’s also known as local community artist. Riku hates when people criticize about him or his love for anime.

Axel: Age 19
Loves: Sleeping, comics, and kindness
Hates: Worrying too much and salty food
Axel is Roxas’s loyal best friend and spends most of his time in a library that’s only 2 blocks away from your apartment. Alex is outgoing, mellow , and extremely calm so he tends not to worry about things that much. He’s sometimes says things that are random or that are just plain embarrassing. He loves to sleep and read comics books whenever he gets the chance. He works as an assistant in preschool helping teach kids things in fun ways. He is actually a genius in his I.Q. So he went to college earlier than most people. Axel believes one must work hard to become what they always wanted to be.

Kai: Age 18
Loves: Sushi, movies, and hard-working people
Hates: Sympathy, cats, and school related things
Your mysterious next door neighbor. Kai is real jerk to everyone and is very cruel and cold even more so than Roxas. Though he acts like jerk he has heart of gold and tries his best at everything he does more than any of the other guys. He’s a real smart-aleck and can be a bit of a pervert at times. He doesn’t really know anyone since he moved in around the same time as you. Also he keeps his past hidden from everyone due to some unknown reason…wonder why?

Noah: Age 17
Loves: Himself, his family, and expensive things
Hates: Vegetables and annoying people
Noah is a stuck up rich boy who thinks he can get whatever he wants because he has money and is famous. He is the guitar player in one of the coolest bands playing right now. He’s very short and arrogant. He thinks he’s a real bad ass and hates when he doesn’t get what he wants which he sometimes resorts to violence. He stays in contact with his family which is his mother and little sister. He has some depression issues the reason for them is unkown…


Selphie: Age 19
Rival for Sora!
Likes-Candy, pastries, jump rope, and “cute” items
Dislikes-Sour and spicy foods
Selphie is bubbly small girl who also works as a waitress at Mina’s Café. She loves to jump rope and has a giant sweet tooth. Her attitude is good-natured and sweet as can be. Her little brother has been missing over 2 years so she has been helping her father with taking of the family. She has been having a crush on Sora for a year.

Xion: Age 17
Rival for Roxas!
Likes- Reading, seashells, and listening to music
Dislikes- small places
Xion is Roxas’s and Axel’s friend who seen with them regularly. She tends to be very shy and kind of anti-social. She plays in a unknown band called“Organization XIlI.” She has known Roxas since she was 5 years old and tends to be very close to him at all times when she’s around. Once you get know she actually quiet friendly and emotional and has kind of a big sister role in the trio.

Maria: Age 17
Rival for Van!
Like- Van and dressing up
Dislikes-Namine and bugs
Maria is in charge of the Van fan club and has the hots for Van big time. She gets jealous when Namine interacts with Van even just by talking. She’s hates bugs but hates our heroine even! (Which makes it hard to befriend but if you’re up for the up to the challenge…) Though she may seem rude and spoiled she genuinely cares about her friends and of course Van the most.

Yuffie: Age 19
Rival for Leon!
Likes – Excise, reading comics, and doing martial arts
Dislikes- Color pink and broccoli
Yuffie is an outgoing fun-loving young woman who enjoys life to the fullest. She is Leon’s childhood friend and has known him since they both we’re toddlers. Yuffie loves to work out and you can find her at the gym most of the time. She is kind of a tomboy but still loves cute things except the color pink….

Aqua: Age 18
Rival for Riku!
Likes- Oil painting, rock climbing, flowers, and jewelry
Dislikes- crowds and the dark
A beautiful young woman who is attending at the same arts college as Riku. She can be described as serious, kind, strong willed, and responsible. She is very dependable and will always help her friends in serious situations. Aqua at times can be rather difficult to understand but tends to want to make new friends.

Larxene: Age 17
Rival for Axel!
Likes-Apples and teaching
Dislikes- mornings
A woman with a strong personality who loves to teach kids! Larxene is kind and sweet when she teaching at the preschool as an assistant but her true personality is cold, ruthless, and uncaring. She tends to flirt to with Axel any time when she’s around you two. (Which doesn’t have any effect on him….) She may seem cold to you at first but once you get on good terms with her she’ll be a faithful friend that will help you when trouble comes.

Cecilia: Age 18
Rival for Kai!
Likes-Cosplaying, collecting anime items, drawing manga, and playing video games (including visual novels)
Dislikes- sitting still and being bored
A female otaku who works at mini mart. Energetic and happy-go-lucky she spends her time mostly at an arcade or the park. She rather tall than most girls her age so people call her names like giant. She lives with her parents in the basement!

Iris: Age 16
Rival for Noah!
Likes-quiet places and playing the piano
Dislikes- loud noises and storms
The youngest rival but also the quietest. Iris is a very weird small girl who hates noise that is really loud. She met Noah when the two were at the hospital for treatment of illnesses. Like Noah she also has a mental illness but hers is less as dramatic it’s insomnia. She also has a disability which is blindness….

Minor characters:
Nukku: age unknown
She's the little fairy that needs you help to get the crystal heart so she become an adult. She tends to be very sweet and forgiving but do bad things and she'll get extremely angry.

Demyx: 25 years old
He's your older brother that helps give advice about the different guys.He's very harsh and misunderstands many things.

Kairi: 19 years old
Your best friend and your brother's girlfriend. She's always trying to get you a boyfriend, Your loyal best friend. :)

Melody: 8 years old
Your neighbor. A sweet little girl who comes over to your apartment. She calls you onee-chan. Your the sister she always wanted.

Miggles: Your loyal pet moogle that will help you with things through out the game. Yay.

Release date:

Alright the official release date. I'm not exactly sure when the final project game will come out. I will try my hardest but I think if I give a real estimate on it would approximately a year or two. Now this is not offcial but that is my true guess since this such a extreme and big project.


Quiet_Riot-Logo designer/beta tester
Ominias-Proof reader/beta tester
ChocoBunny-Idea helper
Doggy Nino-Writer

Jobs still available:

-Script Writer
-Music Artist
-BG Artist
-Official Design
-Character Artist

*Please note this a non-profit project.*

Here is our new official blog:
One of Namine's personalities!
One of Namine's personalities!
The new Nukku!
The new Nukku!
It's Miggles!!!!!
It's Miggles!!!!!
Last edited by Doggy Nino on Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:37 pm, edited 41 times in total.
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Crystal Heart

#2 Post by azureXtwilight »

Nice premise so far, I'm interested. Can you show us the main characters and their details a bit?

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Re: Crystal Heart

#3 Post by Fluffycrow »

Sounds like a fun game. You say this is based on Kingdom Hearts, but is it completely AU? If so, you'd probably be better off keeping it free of KH references; that way it can be played by fans and non-fans alike.

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Doggy Nino
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Re: Crystal Heart

#4 Post by Doggy Nino »

Its for both kingdomhearts fans and non-fans, I will also be creating my own characters aswell.
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Crystal Heart

#5 Post by azureXtwilight »

Can I request Axel be dateable too, then? I love Axel! X3

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Doggy Nino
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Re: Crystal Heart

#6 Post by Doggy Nino »

Totally that's great idea I'll make him and Roxas best friends!
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Doggy Nino
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Re: Crystal Heart

#7 Post by Doggy Nino »

I think there will be a total of 7 guys?? I'm not too sure.Oh yeah I will take any request for the other two guys so please give me ideas this my first time making a game like this and I need help!!!!
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Crystal Heart

#8 Post by sayuri »

azureXtwilight wrote:Can I request Axel be dateable too, then? I love Axel! X3
I definitely agree. Sora, Riku, Roxas and Axel should all be datable characters. I understand if you've already written Riku as an older brother but still. They *are* the main characters. Just my opinion. I'd never discourage anyone creating an otome game though :).


If you are looking for suggestions for guys you could put Cloud and Sephiroth in. They make an appearance so why not? :D

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Doggy Nino
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Re: Crystal Heart

#9 Post by Doggy Nino »

Yeah that's true... could you suggest a personality if I was to make a character to be the brother instead!!!!
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Crystal Heart

#10 Post by azureXtwilight »

If you want to make a brother for Namine, how about one from the organization XIII?
Saix (shot) or Marluxia or DEMYX!!!
Yes, I agree, Riku and Terra should be dateable :)

EDIT : Yes I agree with Demyx.
Last edited by azureXtwilight on Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Crystal Heart

#11 Post by sayuri »

Hmm... the older brother could be some sort of domestic. Like Mr. Mom. Sweet, protective of his little sister. I guess he would look somewhat like the MC. I'd imagine brown hair and hazel eyes.


OOOOOOH I changed my mind I want Demyx to be the brother. I always though he looked like Namine ^^.

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Doggy Nino
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Re: Crystal Heart

#12 Post by Doggy Nino »

Alright! thanks alot guyz!! Also I think I will be creating the art and drawing the scenes. For music I gonna have huge variety so that way everyone can play it's not fair just to have one music genere!

I'll upload the different drawings of the characters after I create them.
Be warned I'm still a beginer so it won't look perfect but I'll try my best!
Demyx will be the brother that's finale!!!
Is there any more suggestions for what I should add?

I still need personaility types for the two other guys! It can be anything so be creative. :wink:
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Crystal Heart

#13 Post by Doggy Nino »

For two the other guys I will create them so I need suggestions about personalities and apperance wise.
I might give our heroine a pet (she might get lonely sometimes) any idea what I make it as???
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Crystal Heart

#14 Post by azureXtwilight »

No Axel?
Aww.... :(

Now, for pet ideas... a moogle, maybe? :)

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Re: Crystal Heart

#15 Post by Doggy Nino »

oh sorry I forgot to add him hold on!!!! I make a bio really quick!
"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs." -Daniel J. Boorstin

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