When I Rule The World: released!

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#46 Post by peridot »

I know it's been a while since the game was released, but I just wanted to say that I've played the game and I really liked it. It's got me looking for other good ren'ai, when I'd never played any before...

I like Selena; she's really interesting - at first she seemed pretty silly and fluffy but it quickly became clear that she was much more interesting than that. I also like that she's female.

A great game. I hope you write more...

(incidentally, I'm also very pleased with the existence of ren'py, as it means that us linux users can play the games)

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#47 Post by Cardcaptor RaaShaun »

I really like this game ^_^ It was the first one from the renai.us website that I played. It was also the first one I've played that was originally written in English. This game peaked my intrest because I read that the protagonist was female which really hasn't been the case in any of the translated Japanese works that I've played so I tried it and I liked it alot ^_^ I was slightly discouraged that I managed to get the ending 4 first but I kept with it and managed to get all four endings. It was a pretty cool story but I have to agree that until I got endings 2 or 3 I didn't think that Eletis existed either ^_^

Well it's about time for me to go and read some more Kinetic Novels. However, thank you very much chronoluminaire, for writing this story. I look forward to seeing your next work ^_^

Rainer Deyke

#48 Post by Rainer Deyke »

I have to say I was very disappointed by the ending(s), on several levels. I could go on about this at some length, but here's the short version:

My first impression, before even starting the game, was that Selena is obviously delusional. The more I got into the game, the more the game seemed to confirm this point. My impression was that the writer obviously wanted to remove any doubt about this as soon as possible.

So, having a perverse mind and always being on the lookout for possible plot twists, I started to consider that Selena's world view might actually be partially or completely correct. I noticed that there was no outright evidence to contradict the existence of the Agency. I noticed the imminent collision of contradictory worldviews. So I asked myself, why does it have to be Selena's worldview that is destroyed and everybody else's (including my own) that is validated? Surely the theme of the game would come across stronger if I find out that I was the delusional one.

And then the expected plot twist failed to happen. This is to my mind the most disappointing ending, even if it is the most believable. Kind of like watching a detective show and finding out in the end that the real culprit was the obvious suspect whom everybody suspected from the beginning.

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#49 Post by mikey »

Well, I suppose you were like me (I commented on this earlier in the thread)... I still somehow think that it is very obvious, and for quite some time into playing I had troubles figuring out whether the game thinks I know, or not. I had no real choice than to play as the "knowing" player and I found it enjoyable.

If you know Columbo, you watch it and you know who the murderer is, the point is in getting there and somehow watching how Selena would find out or cope was interesting in its own way.

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#50 Post by Radhreni »

I've played through twice, and one of the things I really enjoyed was the fact that both playthroughs were very different, save for the first five minutes or so (before the story has an opportunity to branch). I don't know how different the other two endings are, but I'll get around to checking those out too.

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#51 Post by RedSlash »

I actually thought about "A beautiful mind" when playing this game. However, unlike most people I only starting thinking that halfway through the game. It was enjoyable neverless.. diverts from the usual cliched games.


#52 Post by Guest »

Congratulations. It is not easy to portray someone who is dellusional (she had very mild paranoia from what I could see) so that is a very difficult point of view, but you did a good job! Just a few minor details:

1)It usually doesn't start like that... It's more subtle. But it's still very well explained so congratulations.
2)No one stops believing in something like that all of a sudden. I know that because I had a similar problem (now I'm over it) and, well... Imagine if you realize that one of the most important things that you believe in could in fact be nothing but a lie, and worse, a lie you made up yourself! I, for example, only got over it after going through several fits of depression and self-injury. I know it would not look good and I know that nobody cares about actual reality but... Maybe the process could have been a bit slower...?

But still a wonderfull game! Sometimes it was a bit scary because many of her ideas were so close to stuff I have thought up myself... But that just shows it was a very well-thought and intresting game. I don't actually want you to change anything. The game is perfect as it is. I am just adding knowledge for it's own sake.

I know this is a bit off topic, but nevertheless...

A very good game.

Oh... And I've played many other games from around here too. Congratulations to all the ren'ai game-making community of lemma soft. Your games are incredible, high quality and free! What more could I ask?

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Cool Game!

#53 Post by n9261andvari »

Cool game! I only managed to get 1 ending in which Selena finds her love rejected by Eletis and that "The Agency" does not exist. Man...I actually thought "The Agency" existed...which shows you've done a really great job portraying Selena's imaginative mind. (^_^) Ooh and I really liked the extra "Naze Nani When I" it's pretty funny and pretty cool too. It's so much fun when the characters get to interact with their fans and answer their questions...BTW you don't happen to have a FAQ for the endings do you? :wink:


Re: When I Rule The World: released!

#54 Post by rockr3438 »

So how many guys are there to choose from? I heard there was one but this isn't a one guy only thing right?

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Re: When I Rule The World: released!

#55 Post by chronoluminaire »

rockr3438 wrote:So how many guys are there to choose from? I heard there was one but this isn't a one guy only thing right?
There are two guys involved in the storyline: Takeshi, a transfer student classmate of Selena's, and Eletis, her old tutor. Selena can fall in love with either of them. There are 4 endings, 2 for each, but they're not exactly a good-and-bad ending for each guy :)
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
More recently I designed the board game Steam Works (published in 2015), available from a local gaming store near you!

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Re: When I Rule The World: released!

#56 Post by sheetcakeghost »

I played through the game in its entirety (even though until I read through the forum I didn't know it, the similar endings tricked me) and it's one of the better ones of this sort I've played. I played through the blond first and got ending 1. Then I purposefully chose Eletis to see the Agency ending as I wanted quite badly for the blond to be a test to see if her faith was unflapable. Then I got to be mildly disappointed when I saw the reactions he had to her comments on The Agency. While I'd have liked an ending where it was all real (even if it was a joke ending) I still enjoyed the game. I even managed to look past the grammatical errors, which is hard for me to do.

Luckily I've got an active imagination, so really I can conjure up any ending I want.

If you ever decided to work more on this idea, add some more choices (perhaps one where the blond confronts Eletis for brainwashing the girl, or maybe even an ending where she convinces him she's right and they slip into her delusion together) or more characters to choose from, I would just adore playing it. Hell, I'd even pay money for it. (Not much, mind you. I'm poor.)

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Re: When I Rule The World: released!

#57 Post by Coren »

I realized that the 4 endings seem to be ranked from the happiest to the least happy. XD Was that intentional?

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