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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#181 Post by Arcanum »

*Drools all over the new CG art* That artist is amazing *g*
Also, I love the new romanceable character *_* Poor Chael, I think he's the only guy in the game who didn't really fit my type (and he's the canon relationship too, to boot!)

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#182 Post by GeneDNC »

Waaah! She blinks! That totally took me by surprise. The CG's do look wonderful. I'll drop by with more thoughts when I eventually get around to downloading the demo.

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#183 Post by broken_angel »

I should really take down the "demo" link, haha. It's just the "completed" old version.
The remake is going to be nothing like it, aside from the same characters and resources (sprites, backgrounds, music) being used and the same basic premise.

Once I get some more written, I'll come out with a real demo. But that...might take a while.

Glad you guys like the new CG style (and the new romance, hehe). :D

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#184 Post by ririruetoo »

OH MY GOD! The new CG's are freaking gorgeous! Plus...She blinks! Ahhhhh~! I can't wait to go after the new obtainable. I've already gotten almost all the endings in the demo, so it will be fun to be able to play a improved version of the game. I have a question though, are you changing the plot at all? ( hontestly, I think the characters need to be more fleshed out, that goes for the world too...) Or just the CG's/1 new obtainable? Are you going to redo the sprites also? What about the mini-games? Whoa! Sorry, so many questions... Well, I guess I'll give my review of the demo....

Story: For the most part, I wasn't impressed. I got the feeling that the whole 'heros on a journey to fight common enemy' thing is over used. In some instances, not in a bad way. If of course done correctly. With the demo I felt the whole thing almost rushed. Okay starting out on a journey, you know everyone its a long long ways away, luckly, we'll just skip the whole thing with a quick summary! 'We traveled for many weeks...' *Me:That was quick...*

Romance: I felt the romance was rushed and forced upon. There was no reason for the heroine to fall in love with any of the main cast. There was....I don't know...No building of the relationships? It seems like in most, 'Oh I BARELY know you, you've told me some angsty things about your past, we've been traveling on this really long journey together...I think I'm in love with you!!' *Me:WTF?* Even with Duran, the romance felt very very stiff. Sure they've been friends for a long time, but wheres that 'spark', that feeling that 'yeah, that its right for them to be together, actually they SHOULD be together (if you choose this route of course)

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Completed: Memoirs of an Angel (2010)
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#185 Post by broken_angel »

The plot is going to be changed completely. I mean, it'll still be the basic premise as the leave-the-castle path - Zu escapes from the castle, travels around, eventually confronts Nef - but other than that, it will be a completely different story. You now have to go to the different provinces and actually recruit allies (to accrue military power, political power, and monetary power) to help you take your throne back.

The game mechanics will also be different and will be somewhat similar to DAO, in that you'll have a few main plot quests to complete, and then you can visit other little towns to do side quests that help flesh out the story and world a little more. A map will allow to choose where you go, and time will pass accordingly. The romances will also be a lot more...shall we say...intense? Not quite so formulaic, and with little subplots of their own.

Sprites will be about the same, though I've made updates to some of them. For one, characters who show a lot of skin now have a spring/summer and a fall/winter version of their outfits, since seasons will change in-game. I've also made other tweaks where needed, like the new Nef sprite:


The mini-games will still be included, but in different forms. The murder mystery, for example, is now being expanded to be a major part of the plot, and gifting will be available regardless of your "personality type." As for the martial arts tournament and dance competitions, they'll most likely be optional end-game side-quests or something.

EDIT: I didn't see your post before I posted, haha, but yes, I'm definitely going to address the issues that the original had of being "rushed." The reason I skipped huge chunks of time is because they literally didn't DO anything. I mean, they're just kind of wandering around without any real purpose....until the end, where Nef says "Hey, let's fight." That will be drastically changed in the remake; there will be clearly defined goals to achieve throughout the game.

The romances were short and rushed because the story itself was short and rushed. There wasn't a lot of time to even develop the romances in the short amount of story-time there was. Again, since the remake will be MUCH longer and less linear, there will be many more opportunities to explore relationships at a deeper level than just "Hi, I like you, let's get married."
Last edited by broken_angel on Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#186 Post by Tenxinori »

B..beautiful art -0-

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#187 Post by ririruetoo »

More on Romance: Prime example of doing this right~ Rose of Versailles. Although, I have to say Neffy's was my favorite out of all of the obtainable. Yet even he needs some characterization...Also, I think the heroines feelings need to be more...explained? 'Oh Neffy! You've treated me like your personal slave for most of my life, and you've also made my life and my friends lives a living hell...But...I love you!' *Me: I know the heroine would never talk all 'bubbly' like that. But I'm just showing oh I viewed the matter...)

Art work: I am very glad you are changing the CG's! The old ones were pretty, but in some cases, like the one when she embraces Kirile, I believe his tattoo was the wrong color and on the wrong side. Sprites I thought were so-so.

Music: I really enjoyed the music actually. Well mostly just the opening menu song though, the rest I thought was very average.

All in all: While it does have replay value, all in all I thought the whole thing to be very average in its scope and charactization. I am looking forward to your re-done demo though!

I sorry if I was too harsh on my views, but that is my honest opiton of the game

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#188 Post by broken_angel »

*points to my edited post above, just in case*

No worries, you weren't too harsh. It's precisely because it was my first game and was just "so-so" that I felt the need to remake it - and this time, make it right. The story and characters had so much unexplored potential that it didn't feel right to leave it as it was.

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Demo Available]

#189 Post by Riviera »

Love love love the new CGs. Love them.

I also like the new face for Nef better than the old one.. something about the face just looks a bit more... balanced. Even though it's just the mouth and eyebrows that were changed.

*bookmarks the blog link*
Will edit/proofread for cookies.

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Updated w/ short beta]

#190 Post by broken_angel »

Finally got around to updating the first page with the information from my website.

That includes a new, very short beta. I'll probably replace it soon since I've changed it a bit since then, but it'll give you a basic idea of how things are different from the original. The prologue really is the only similar part between the two games; after that, this remake has a completely different plot.

Unfortunately, progress is going slowly due to schoolwork piling up. *sigh*

But here are some more art previews for those who may be interested. :) These are from loading screens that will show up throughout the game based on who you've met so far.

Image Image Image
Image Image Image
Last edited by broken_angel on Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Updated w/ short beta]

#191 Post by therealrose »

This looks so good! I can't wait to be able to play it!

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Updated w/ short beta]

#192 Post by Cinerious »

/stares long and hard


/stalks :D
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Updated w/ short beta]

#193 Post by ixWishing »

Ohhh! The project's alive!
& With one brand new guyy this time (: !
The last time I played the beta, I got all the 4 guys ;0 .
CGS are hard to finish getting! LOL

Cute art btw <3 (:
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Updated w/ short beta]

#194 Post by try10 »

AMAZING ART!!! I can't wait to play the full game!
U r GREAT!!!

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [Updated w/ short beta]

#195 Post by broken_angel »

It's good to see that there are still some people interested in this project, despite the fact that I'm taking so long, haha.
I figured everyone would have given up by now. xP

And yes, the art is amazing. I'm so lucky to have found this artist, and I hope to be able to continue our relationship for the romance CGs later down the road.

ixWishing - There's one new datable guy, yes, but there will be many new characters...including *gasp* some more female characters. They won't be companions in the same way that the boys will be, but you'll be able to add them to your party for battles and will play parts in the plot.

P.S.: Added Ahzi's preview to the assortment above. What a cast of cuties~ xD
For those that are curious, the flowers are a theme throughout the whole set. Each character has one that represents them (or their relationship to the heroine) in some way...though you can't necessarily tell, since the ones in the top row all got cropped off.

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