(P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#76 Post by teacup »

Sorry for not having the sprites done yet - I have finals next week and need to study. I'll still try to post them this week, though! I promise!!
Thank you ^-^
No, that isn't what Nemu is asking... but that would be a really adorable scenario XD I'll definitely have to include a lap-sleeping scene...
@Kahtita, Elze, Cain
Thank you all ;o;!! I'm glad you're liking the look of the game so far!!
W-whoa O_O Thank you for taking the time to leave such a long comment!! I really appreciate it!
I skimmed through the thread for the first game and the demo thread for it and the end point that I agreed with most was that a lot of the things people didn't like/complained about (two different things, those) were things that could've been fixed if the people playing the demo and providing feedback before the game was finished actually said something about it before it was too late.
Yeah... I think that may be why I didn't take some of the harsher criticism so well :/
I'm not blaming anyone else for my mistakes, but if any of those people had given me feedback when I made the demo, I could have avoided a lot of those problems in the full game. Instead they waited on the full game and then pointed out even the smallest of flaws [almost all of which were in the demo and could have been fixed]. So I appreciate you giving me this sort of feedback now before it's too late. ^-^
Nanatsun wrote:;< And now concerning my choice of Hitomi for the poll... I don't really like the idea of picking a favorite based on just a short paragraph (even if that's supposedly the point for this one), but... I like clumsy boys. Also his girly name. Please tell me he's gonna be a submissive type. ; ;
It's just a first impressions poll :) I'll probably put up another poll after the demo is released to see what people think after they've actually 'met' the characters. I'm always curious to know who is the most popular initially. I find it especially interesting that Yusa shot to the top quickly and then Mikah overtook him in less than a day - those sorts of things are amusing for me to watch XD
Hm... submissive type? That would mean he's rather weak and does whatever others say, right? Well he won't be like that towards everyone, but he is definitely submissive to the higher-ups in the student council. :D I can't give away all of the hidden traits his personality has just yet, though ^^
Gotta say, I'm not much a fan of Mikah yet. It's probably just because I didn't care for Ryuu, but that's terrible in itself. (Myself letting Ryuu ruin Mikah for me, that is.) He's probably just going to not be my taste in the end, since I do have high hopes for the development of each character. But if that's all I can say, I probably shouldn't have said anything about him yet. Ah well. He'll probably be the best kind of improvement for those who liked Ryuu, but for those like me who just can't dig the upbeat ones, I hope we can at least appreciate him. :)
I hope you give Mikah a chance even if you didn't like Ryuu. >w<; I don't want to spoil his personality, but I can assure that they are quite different people once you get to know them more.
Yusa.. I just hope you know what you're doing with throwing the word "otaku" around.
Ah, i know what otaku means, yes. xD
That was just a rather joking caption that I put on my blog. I won't refer to Yusa as an otaku in the actual game. He likes manga and dating games more than the average person [enough so that you could probably consider him an otaku of those things] but calling him otaku was just me being silly XD [same with how I often refer to Kaius as emo] I-I'm sorry if my jokes are taken seriously >o<;;
His obsession with games/manga is actually an important part of his character and has to do with his pyschic power though, so hopefully he still seems interesting to you.
Concerning "odd" character paths such as Ren... As someone who was hoping for more with Haruhi's path, I don't want to see Ren suffer the same fate.

I'll make sure that Ren's route doesn't get shafted like Haruhi's was. Haruhi was more of a hidden bonus [especially for people who haven't read the threads] so I didn't flesh out his path very much.
Unfortunately the whole sibling romance thing is something that I'm not including due to my personal... problem with it. It isn't that I'm afraid of what others will think. Although this is fiction, and I'm not saying anything negative about other games that may include romantic sibling relationships, I don't really want to write about it myself ^^; it may be the fact that I have an older brother myself and thinking about sibling love just makes me squirm a bit.
I'll try to clearly establish the fact that he isn't romanceable in the game so I don't give anyone false hope!
On the different colored ties.. o_o I think you should address that in-game!
I really like your ideas for the ties xD I honestly didn't put much thoght into it... when picking out their tie color, I just thought "hm, which color looks best on this guy? green? okay, he gets a green tie!" lol. But your ideas are much better than mine! I hope you don't mind if I [possibly] decide to use one of them. xD
Artwork so far is a big improvement since the first game, but that's already been said.
I will be the first person to say that I don't know how to draw females. It's always seemed to be that girls in anime have bigger eyes than guys to make them look cute/feminine, which is why I made Rinko's eyes larger than the others. I honestly never thought of associating the size of their eyes with their personality ^^;; I'm not a very good artist, so I apologize for that!
Also, Hitomi's sprite was the absolute first I did. For that reason, I was probably still experimenting with the style, and the others turned out looking a different. Do you think it's distracting enough that I need to redo it? [or at least redo the coloring?] D:
And sorry about the hands. :/ I see the problems with them, but I don't know how to fix them. Again, art isn't my strength. D: That's why I got a CG artist this time XDD I wish I could be better, but unfortunately I can only see the flaws and wish I could fix them.. but can't. Sigh.
I think that's all I can really say at this point in production. I hope none of what I've said has been taken poorly. As I said at the beginning, I do like this. I wouldn't bother to say anything at all, let alone this huge post if I didn't like it or even hated it. :) I hope to be able to provide helpful feedback as more work gets done and the demo comes around. It's not quite Christmas yet of even 2011, but I've been looking forward to Christmas of 2012 since this was announced. So if all of this is accepted, I hope to be around until next Christmas, watching as this project unfolds. Keep up the good work, Teacup!
Thank you very much for the comments and feedback. It helped me a lot. ^^
Last edited by teacup on Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#77 Post by Aquane »

Wooo updates that I've missed xD

I have to say, Marin was cute but... Rinko.. is so.. beautiful <3 I love her design. Interesting characters too, can't wait to see how you put these new pyches into play. :3

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#78 Post by XxshimyxX »

*ahem* :lol: i'm gonna introduce myself as your new thread stalker!!!
i played planets just a few days ago and really loved it especially Kaius ( but i love all of them actually, i don't see why they don't love Lucan ._. )and recommended my friend to play it as well and she loves it too. I have to say that when i'm really focused on something, i don't even notice the mistakes because i'm truly enjoying the game instead of trying to point out the mistakes in it so it was really a pleasure to play your game! and i can't wait to play this one :D

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#79 Post by Nanatsun »

teacup wrote:Hm... submissive type? That would mean he's rather weak and does whatever others say, right? Well he won't be like that towards everyone, but he is definitely submissive to the higher-ups in the student council. :D I can't give away all of the hidden traits his personality has just yet, though ^^
Not exactly XD There's plenty of submissive "types" who still have a spine and a half. I guess "uke" might have been a better word to use, but it doesn't seem quite so integrated into hetero. (Shame!)
teacup wrote:I-I'm sorry if my jokes are taken seriously >o<;;
His obsession with games/manga is actually an important part of his character and has to do with his pyschic power though, so hopefully he still seems interesting to you.
Not at all! My misunderstanding was more due to people misusing it in general. And I did say he would already be interesting, so.. 8D He'll probably be my third play.
teacup wrote:Unfortunately the whole sibling romance thing is something that I'm not including due to my personal... problem with it. It isn't that I'm afraid of what others will think. Although this is fiction, and I'm not saying anything negative about other games that may include romantic sibling relationships, I don't really want to write about it myself ^^; it may be the fact that I have an older brother myself and thinking about sibling love just makes me squirm a bit.
Completely understandable. While there's plenty of "odd" things like that that I either enjoy or can at least appreciate from a safe distance, I can understand why it would make people uncomfortable. I can't say I have a sibling, but incest of the parental variety is still on my squick list. Yet, at the same time, since I find similar ones at least interesting, I can see why people would or wouldn't like certain ones. Nothing wrong with being on either side of it.

Actually, on the "odd" path topic... I recall some people asking if Kaius' dad was romanceable. o_o Looking at Hitomi... would he happen to be the non-squick answer to that? XD
teacup wrote:I really like your ideas for the ties xD I honestly didn't put much thoght into it... when picking out their tie color, I just thought "hm, which color looks best on this guy? green? okay, he gets a green tie!" lol. But your ideas are much better than mine! I hope you don't mind if I [possibly] decide to use one of them. xD
Wellp, you did ask for any suggestions! xD Any and all are up for grabs! That gives me another thing to be excited about. :twisted: Which one.....
teacup wrote:Also, Hitomi's sprite was the absolute first I did. For that reason, I was probably still experimenting with the style, and the others turned out looking a different. Do you think it's distracting enough that I need to redo it? [or at least redo the coloring?] D:
It's not that his needs redoing. I think his looks the best out of the boys, and that's not just because I like him best so far. As I said, his looks most polished. (And Rinko's is, of course, even above his.)

Mwehe... with winter break, I'll be watching more attentively. :> *perch*

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#80 Post by Kahtita »

OMG :shock:

Now that you mention it, Hitomi does look like Kaius' father. :lol:

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#81 Post by Cain0425 »

do you think it is kaius' father or only some that looks like him?

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#82 Post by Aquane »

Well Cain, it can't be Kaius's father. XD Teacup said this game takes place after the first one~

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#83 Post by Cain0425 »

ohh that true i for got about that

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#84 Post by teacup »

LOL you guys, I can assure you that Hitomi is not related to Kaius in any way.. and is DEFINITELY not Kaius' father! XD The resemblance was totally unintentional though I do see it now, lolol.
I'm actually considering changing his design a bit since he looks a little too much like Kaius' relative. How would you guys feel if I changed Hitomi's hair color to dark brown instead of reddish brown?
Y/N? [ignore his rather derpy expression if possible]
Here's Ren, Rinko's brother.
I was gonna have Rinko's roommate finished by tonight but unfortunately I suck at drawing girls I've decided to scrap her and redo it. You please wait just a little longer. >o<;

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#85 Post by evility »

I like the red hair better XD (probably because I was one of the ones who thought it would be nice to have an option to date Oginuma-sensei... XD), but the brown hair looks quite good as well :).

I also really like Ren's design :). Seems exactly like the protective brother type.

Good luck on further development! :D

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#86 Post by Rewritten Ennui »

You should make Hitomi a distant cousin of Kaius for teh lulz I wouldn't mind a change in hair color. Keep it or change it, I'll be fine :3

Also, too many people like Mikah :cry: No one else has a chance of overtaking him at this point *le sobbing*
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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#87 Post by teacup »

Whoa, I honestly didn't know so many people want to date Kaius' father O_O
Really surprised XDD
Thank you!
Rewritten Ennui wrote:You should make Hitomi a distant cousin of Kaius for teh lulz I wouldn't mind a change in hair color. Keep it or change it, I'll be fine :3

Also, too many people like Mikah :cry: No one else has a chance of overtaking him at this point *le sobbing*
Actually.. a lightbulb just went off in my head... they may end up being related after all xD
Ahaha, I'm totally surprised with the results so far! I didn't think Mikah would pass everyone like that, especially since Yusa was far ahead at the start! Poor Nemu...
Then again, I figured he would be last, considering he seems pretty vague from his description.
I expected Mikah -> Hitomi -> Yusa -> Nemu

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#88 Post by Camille »

It's a general rule that as long as a character has a sprite, there will be people who want to date that character and/or are wondering why the MC can't date/pursue that character. XD That's why they made the Baka Trio dateable in Starry Sky ~after Summer~, haha.

Personally I think Hitomi looks better with the brown hair, but I like brown hair with blue eyes, so I'm a little biased. /)_(\

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#89 Post by evility »

Camille wrote:It's a general rule that as long as a character has a sprite, there will be people who want to date that character and/or are wondering why the MC can't date/pursue that character.
For me it's just Oginuma-sensei's personality XD. Who wouldn't want to huggle a guy like that (even if he IS middle-aged XP)?
Then again I am also biased in my preference for meganes and for older gentlemen 8D.

Judging by the looks of it, Hitomi's personality wouldn't be like Oginuma-sensei, huh... Still. First choice for me XD.

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Re: (P)lanets 2 - the life of happiness has started! [otome]

#90 Post by Celianna »

Oh, I just noticed this thread. Great to hear you're making a second one! I enjoyed the first one, so this is a treat.

The only gripe I have is that your art style makes every guy look like the same person, except they're wearing different wigs. This is probably why the redheaded guy looks like the principle guy from the first game - simply because the face is the same. Then for some reason you've drawn all the noses facing to the left, that doesn't help much in making them look different XD

I recommend experimenting a bit with the shape of the face (making the faces a bit rounder, or giving them a wider chin) to change their looks, as well as giving each guy a unique eye style that isn't all squinty like. The main character has big round eyes - why can't one of the guys have that?
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