Gaijin Kei - Ideas and Introduction

Ideas and games that are not yet publicly in production. This forum also contains the pre-2012 archives of the Works in Progress forum.
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Gaijin Kei - Ideas and Introduction

#1 Post by aero_piro »

Hello, good morning/evening, hola, buenos dias/noches, guten morgen/aben, konichiwa, ohayoo and konbawa!
(And thus expends my entirety of knowledge surrounding foreign greetings with languages familiar to me.)

Wherever, whenever, bottom line: 'sup?

My name is Alex (Aero) and I have discovered Ren'py after playing the amazing VN Katawa Shoujo!
So here I am, an aspiring programmer, a thoroughly experienced writer, a casual artist, and an all around.. erm.. guy person.
Ladies man too! (But only on weekends.)

This isn't my first blog post on the WWW, but it is the first here, so I hope my introduction has been satisfactory towards everyone gracious enough to cast me more than a subtle glance.

I've been working with Ren'py for the past...two or so weeks total now. I began the project Gaijin Kei on February 29, 2012, hence I won't hear from an anniversary until another four more years. Diligent in my motives, I toil day and night to not receive confusion after staring at lines and lines of coding completely alien to me.

I have been successful thus far, troubleshooting here and there after a subtle change or line placement within the script.

Enough about me. I will ramble if you let me.
Also, I am tackling this during High School, so... bear with me. I'm doing my best!

Gaijin Kei
Project Start Date - 2/29/12
Team Members - 2

Gaijin Kei is meant to be literally translated into 'Foreign Blessing,' hopefully.
It was inspired by my... necessity to want others to be able to hear the music I am writing to, during the corresponding scene or region. (I've written several books.)
The art and programming are just goodies in the package, but deserve and receive no less attention than the story.
This is also an 'Experimental' project, to see how well it's received, to see how far I can take it.

The next project is deemed to be much bigger and even have Voice Acting, maybe!

The team for this project consists of myself and my best friend, Megan. Having taught me how to draw manga-styled cartoons since the fourth grade, we've come a long way indeed.

Throughout the game, we have generated virtual avatars of ourselves.
I am represented by Esmo, or the Ever So Mystical Onigiri.
Meg, by Esme, the ESM-Enchilada.

(It's totally 10:05 with no homework done and school tomorrow... but I will persevere!)

The game can be played from two perspectives, depending on the gender chosen by the player.
The player assumes the role of Alex (Hey, that's my name!) as a male, and Megan as a female.
The names, obviously, have been chosen for convenience. (Con-ven-i-en-ce, I had to retype it like.. six times.)

Alex's mother is in the U.S. Army and is being rotated overseas to Japan.
Megan's father is a computer technician who works for a company that contracts out to the U.S. military and is sent to Japan to work on a project.

Alex and Megan have gone to school together until a year prior the game's introduction.
Megan since has moved to Alabama.

However, the new turn of events have seeming reunited them.
Meg arrives a week before Alex.

Both are set to live on a Joint Military base for both the U.S. Army as well as the Japanese Self Defense Forces. (All this is speculative, since a Southern Georgian boy like me has never traveled outside the boundaries of the United States...)

Attending school there (an American styled one), the two must cope with the resulting changes in cultural society as well as interactions with new and unusual people.

There are six main characters, including the players respectively.

Alex Boston,
Arashi Kurosawa,
Daryl Jones,

Ellie Jones,
Megan Flannigan,
and Kaori Rinbayashi.

Laziness = Ctrl + C......... Ctrl + V

Character Notes: (And introducing the conversations between me and Megan)
"Moe can be Kaori Rinbayashi, around... 165 cm, huge chest, glasses, navy hair, amber eyes

The idiot is now...... Arashi Kurosawa
He is about 180 cm, brown hair, gold eyes

Yup! The tsundere can be Ellie Jones
She will be 5 feet even, blonde, green eyes

The boy is...hmmm....
I wanna name him Daryl
He is about six foot three, blonde, bluish eyes
He likes cats. A LOT.

Megan Flannigan
I want red haaaaair
And my green eyes, glasses OCCAISIONALLY, but only when I'm studying or gaming
I like yaoi, creep on people like Haruhi S., and dress like VK - Visual kei
oshare kei
Look up An Cafe Miku or Bou

I dunnoooo...... Ahoge boy (Alex)

Teacher name: Sumn Asagi, Lan

So yeah, that's the jist of it....

Or IS IT?! >.>

Play it and find out! When I finish anyway. I've got all summer to finish it...
I was supposed to go to Split Option Basic Training, buuut... the spots all got filled.. Sadness.

Megan's supposed to do character art while I'm doing... pretty much everything else. :P
Oh meh goodness, I wish we had a music person. *Cough*

Anyways, here are some screenshots! :D
The arts all mine, please leave nice criticism below.
Or be mean. And then. Well.. a giant leek in the sky shall crush you as you're eaten by Greg Kinnear... *Shudders* ...alive.

'You should mention what you hope to get out of the thread.'
Response, correspondence, peer-review, motivation, assistance, mental-help, building connections, in case I hit a roadblock with Ren'py, etc.

P.S. It sounds like a bland story line.. but that's the point. Can't have too many spoilers now, can we?

P.P.S. It will get silly in some parts, but that's mostly due to my tangent-bound tendencies.

P.P.S.S. My friend ChaosLord121 is the Lead Motivator! Horray! As well as #1 Alpha Tester! :D
Meh Avatar
Meh Avatar
Avatar.png (2.96 KiB) Viewed 2223 times
This picture I took on my own, and sketched with Wacom.
This picture I took on my own, and sketched with Wacom.
Experimenting with my Wacom, yeah it's a tracing, but it's helping! :D<br /><br />It's taking two hours... also.
Experimenting with my Wacom, yeah it's a tracing, but it's helping! :D

It's taking two hours... also.
Main Menu<br />I like it. Freehand sketching.
Main Menu
I like it. Freehand sketching.
Esme Freehand (I haven't the slightest clue how to properly draw an enchilada. Truth be told, I didn't know what one was until I Googled it...)
Esme Freehand (I haven't the slightest clue how to properly draw an enchilada. Truth be told, I didn't know what one was until I Googled it...)
esme_load.png (21.54 KiB) Viewed 2233 times
Esmo Freehand
Esmo Freehand
Last edited by aero_piro on Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gaijin Kei - A work in progress. [Visual Novel][English]

#2 Post by aero_piro »

Going to restructure this after taking a gander at the other forum posts, as of now..
This is probably best described as an 'Idea' since Megan hasn't really made any character art, nor have we added dynamics to the characters as of yet.

But I dunno how to move my post.. :/

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Re: Gaijin Kei - A work in progress. [Visual Novel][English]

#3 Post by gekiganwing »

Welcome to the forum, Aero_kiro. If you're having trouble using Renpy, or understanding errors, this is one of the best forums to ask for help.

Regarding your title, you said, "Gaijin Kei is meant to be literally translated into 'Foreign Blessing,' hopefully." I did a couple quick web searches to see whether this is true. The first was to see if 'kei' could mean 'blessing.' A Wikipedia article states that Kei is a *name* that can mean 'blessing,' depending on the kanji. Though it seems that 'gaijin' has meanings such as 'non-Japanese' and 'alien.' There may well be a more fitting Japanese word that means 'blessing.' Then again, you might benefit from using an English title...

It looks like your story will include two teenage characters who have to relocate to a military base somewhere around Japan, and then attend school nearby. Have you had any experience like this? Do you know anyone who's had a similar experience? If not, then I recommend doing your research. Make sure your setting is plausible. Absolute realism is not necessary, but you don't want to disrupt the readers' willing suspension of disbelief.

Writing a lengthy visual novel requires a lot of work and tenacity. Plus it's difficult to get people to work together. Hopefully you will find a way to succeed.

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Re: Gaijin Kei - A work in progress. [Visual Novel][English]

#4 Post by aero_piro »

Yes, I as well as many I know are and have been relocated due to militaristic routines. I come from a military background. And am also in the military.

Thank's for the reply.
If I happen to stumble along someone who could clarify a more proper name, it's much appreciated.

Again, thank you.

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Re: Gaijin Kei - A work in progress. [Visual Novel][English]

#5 Post by aero_piro »

Can anyone explain to me as to how to customize the look of buttons, such as the main menu buttons?
Or even to eliminate the border, and to use just a textblock as a button?

Also to create transitions?

And lastly, I've written for some of the menu buttons to stay the same size:

init python:
style.mm_button.size_group = "mm"

but as I move from a menu back into the main menu, the buttons seem to change size unless highlighted. Then they return to normal.

Much appreciated,

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Re: Gaijin Kei - A work in progress. [Visual Novel][English]

#6 Post by Auro-Cyanide »

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Re: Gaijin Kei - A work in progress. [Visual Novel][English]

#7 Post by aero_piro »

Thank you. I'll look around before posting next time. :D

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