Practice Writing Scene Requests
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Practice Writing Scene Requests
As a person who loves to be creative, I am always looking for ways to further myself and my skills, on here the specific skill I want to improve is writing.
I would be happy to take requests from people to write a specific scene in a style they want. This way I can experiance different styles and improve my repertoire.
So please if you have some time I would appreciate you dropping a line and giving me a request for a scene,
I don't mind how much information you give me to work with, simply saying "Two guys on a train arguing about a girl" will work fine for me to come up with something. However more detail might yield better results, this would be a good experiment to find that out.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope I'll recieve a request from you soon.
I would be happy to take requests from people to write a specific scene in a style they want. This way I can experiance different styles and improve my repertoire.
So please if you have some time I would appreciate you dropping a line and giving me a request for a scene,
I don't mind how much information you give me to work with, simply saying "Two guys on a train arguing about a girl" will work fine for me to come up with something. However more detail might yield better results, this would be a good experiment to find that out.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope I'll recieve a request from you soon.
I believe that a man should not go back on his decisions,
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
Attachment and Love, is Attachment and Love, regardless of time, space or circumstance.
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
- SusanTheCat
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
A man and a woman are doing something together. (e.g. Washing dishes, shopping, raking the yard)
They had previously had a big fight about something. (e.g. money, children, career)
Write the scene so that reader knows they had a big fight ... but they never mention the fight in the conversation.
They had previously had a big fight about something. (e.g. money, children, career)
Write the scene so that reader knows they had a big fight ... but they never mention the fight in the conversation.
" It's not at all important to get it right the first time. It's vitally important to get it right the last time. "
— Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
— Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
- Reikun
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
Two young children are together in a room.
One of them was blind by birth.
The non-blind kid tries to describe to the blind kid what the color red looks like.
Happy writing!
One of them was blind by birth.
The non-blind kid tries to describe to the blind kid what the color red looks like.
Happy writing!
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
A hardened killer breaks into a house only to find something more dangerous than himself.
Style: Satirical or Farce
Style: Satirical or Farce
(All projects currently on a hiatus of sorts. I blame life.)
Tsundere VN
Not really checking the forums any more due to time constraints, so if you want to contact me, PM. I'll get a notification and log in.
Also, I've been hit and run posting, which means I don't see many replies. If you want to respond to something I've said, also feel free to PM me.
NOTE: if you've got questions about vnovel or things like that, it's Leon that you should be contacting. Leon's been pretty much handling everything, but due to various reasons, I've had to withdraw entirely.
Tsundere VN
Not really checking the forums any more due to time constraints, so if you want to contact me, PM. I'll get a notification and log in.

Also, I've been hit and run posting, which means I don't see many replies. If you want to respond to something I've said, also feel free to PM me.
NOTE: if you've got questions about vnovel or things like that, it's Leon that you should be contacting. Leon's been pretty much handling everything, but due to various reasons, I've had to withdraw entirely.
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
SusanTheCat's Request
Man and Women After an intense argument (3rd Person)(Visual Novel Style)
Code: Select all
Nathan thrust another suit into the suitcase. Letting it join a violent mess of underwear, socks and soap.
This time a pair of boxers went in. but they refused to stay in and slid out from the side laying to rest on the empty matress the suitcase lay on.
"Come on you stupid...!"
He made to grab the offending garment but missed. Instead he smacked the suitcase off the bed.
It sailed through the air, as if relishing it's new found freedom, before smacking unceremoniously into the sliding mirror and disgorging it's contents all across the floor in a display not unlike that projectile vomit.
"I only told you to pack, not to break everything."
Natalie leaned against the doorway, her own plain suitcase in hand. She forced a smile as her joke fell on death ears. Without waiting for Nathan to say or do anything she pushed herself off and made for the wardrobe on the other end of the room.
"Theres nothing broken in here Natalie, besides, I am packing."
It was all Nathan could do to stop himself from hissing his words out, he gritted his teeth and felt his body grow hot. He wasn't quite sure yet if it was because of anger at her, or embarrassment at being seen like this.
Natalie seemed very relaxed despite Nathan's obvious barely contained frustration, She just went on packing her own possessions as if Nathan wasn't there.
They did this in silence for a while, a heavy silence. Natalie calmly packing her things while Nathan pickeup his cothes and tryed to unsuccessfully stuff them back into his suitcase.
Nathan couldn't help imagining what he could do right then at that very moment. He could push her down and force her to stop packing, could make another attempt.
Could knock her out.
Could hide her.
Never have let this happen.
He wondered what Natalie was thinking. He couldn't read her forever calm face. He couldn't guess or assume when all he had to work with was her damned poker face.
Coincidentally Natalie was also wondering what Nathan was thinking, though she was for less interested in finding out. To her it was done, nothing left to seriously think about except what to pack and how to pack it. Which she was very close to finishing.
Nathan had only just gotton his clothes in order and was packing his soap when the click of Natalie's suitcase closing alerted him to her packing completion. He looked up and watched her as she strode back across the room to the door.
Just as she reached the door turned back to Nathan and gave a quick wink and a smile, waving at him as if she was boarding an aeroplane. Which she was, come to think of it.
"Goodbye Nathan! I hope you have great time in England!"
Nathan glared daggers at her as she giggled. She contemplated on whether Looks could kill as she closed the door. They were both glad that the oppressive atmosphere was gone as Natalie left the house.
Reikun's Request
A blind girl and her childhood friend discuss color(First Person)(Visual Novel Style)
Code: Select all
"Hey Lia."
Juni's voice attempts to raise me from my nap. I find this rather rude as I've only just managed to get myself comfortable across her lap. Which Is very comfortable now that I think about it.
"Lia wake up."
I feel her hand prod me in the side in an attempt to stir me but I persevere and refuse to get up. I also wiggle myself deeper into the bedsheets spread across her in an attempt to seem more sleepy.
"Lia if you don't get up and talk to me I'll never return your Gigaman CD's"
This distresses me considerably as I suddenly envision Juni sitting atop a pile of my beloved Gigaman CD's and laughing at me in that posh rich person way with her hand over her mouth going 'Ho ho ho ho"
I don't want to seem like it effects me though so I compromise with her by talking with my eyes closed while still lying on her lap which is still very comfrotable.
"What Juni?"
I try to sound as sleepy as possible. Which isn't very hard considering how tired I am.
"Would it be alright if I asked you what your favourite color is?"
"Favourite color?"
This strange question gets me up off her lap. This is the first time she's asked me something like that. I sit up in the bed and look straight at Juni to see her expression.
Like always she has her eyes are closed and she's smiling calmly down at where I was. Her pale face framed by her curled hair the color of raven's feathers.
"Yeah... I just feel really curious about it. How you see the world."
"But Juni... You don't..."
She turns her head to face the new position of my voice. I used to think it was hard to do that but she has an uncanny knack for getting it right.
"I know I can't see but is it too much to ask?"
I feel bad for bringing up her sight but I quickly try to make up for it.
"No I meant you don't have to ask me so formally"
I see her smile grow a little wider and her cheeks flush slightly, I congratulate myself on a good save before thinking about what I should say.
"Let me think..."
"You have to think about it?"
"Yeah I do, favourites arn't easy to come by."
Now that I think about it, I havn't ever really thought about what kind of color would be my favourite. I'm wearing clothes with blue, red and brown on them but I don't think they are my favourites. And I don't really like green since I hate falling into grass and getting leaves in my face.
I suddenly notice a beam of sunlight come streaming in through the window, lighting up Juni's face. She seems to radiate more light, if thats even possible. I find myself staring at her as I notice this and I find myself thinking how the yellow sunlight makes her seem so pretty.
"Yellow, yellow is my favourite color"
Juni seems to think on my answer as she rests her cheek in her hand. I find myself wondering what she's thinking. Is she trying to imagine the color yellow? Is she guessing at my reasons for liking it?
"What is yellow like?"
"Eh?... Um..."
I try to think of a way to explain this to Juni. She's never seen color before. She's been blind since birth so there's no way just saying describing yellow as a color would work. Juni gets about and understand the world by touching, smelling and hearing alone. There must be a way to describe yellow to her with these senses alone.
"Yellow is like... the sound of windchimes."
I just said the first thing that came into my head and it sounds stupid before I even finish the sentence.
I can't just take back what I said so I keep going, hoping my next few examples won't be as stupid.
"Yeah windchimes... Whenever I hear windchimes I think of the color yellow. There are other things that are like yellow too."
"Things other than windchimes?"
"Yep, like that feeling when the warm sun hits your face as you walk outside. That always makes me think of yellow."
I think I'm getting the hang of this. It seems to be getting a little easier.
"And when I hear birds chirping in the morning as I wake up they remind me of yellow. When you pat a really furry dog and it licks you in the face that feels really yellow too!"
This is getting kinda fun. Trying to think up different things that make me think of yellow. I wonder if Juni's having as much fun imagining yellow with my examples.
"And when you eat something really sweet and you think 'That tastes really good!' That's yellow too, cause alot of sweet things have yellow on them."
"And you know when your really happy and smiling all the time? I'm pretty sure that happens cause your yellow inside."
I like the way that last one sounded, it feels like something my dad would have said after he came back from that University place.
"I think I like yellow too"
"Yeah yellow is a good color! yellow should be your favourite color too Juni!"
Juni begins to giggle when she hears how excited I sound. Even I admit I sound real excited.
"Hey Lia, I feel really yellow right now."
"Like happy? I do too! You know when I'm with you Juni I always feel like I'm all yellow."
I notice that Juni suddenly blushes and tries to hide it with her hands. Next thing I know I'm blushing and hiding it with my hands too even though Juni can't see. I can't believe I just said something so embarrassing.
"We should make a promise Lia."
Juni's voice is very quiet. So quiet I almost don't hear it. I don't know why but I start whispering to her too.
"What kind of promise?"
Juni slowly lowers her hands and smiles widely at me, I can't help but begin smiling too.
"We should promise eachother that as long as we're together we'll always be yellow."
"I like that promise"
I extend my pinky finger and hook it around Juni's.
"I pinky promise that from now on I'll always be Yellow with Juni!"
I believe that a man should not go back on his decisions,
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
Attachment and Love, is Attachment and Love, regardless of time, space or circumstance.
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
- Reikun
- Miko-Class Veteran
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
Awesome!! I think you did a pretty good job with both of them (though, why windchimes? Do they really make you think of the color yellow? They personally make me think of the color blue!) There are quite a few typos, but nothing that impedes understanding.
High five for the boxers!
High five for the boxers!
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
Thank you very much for your praise, and yes windchimes always make me think of yellow (I always woke up when the windchimes outside my room began to sound, usually just as the sun was streaming into my window)Reikun wrote:Awesome!! I think you did a pretty good job with both of them (though, why windchimes? Do they really make you think of the color yellow? They personally make me think of the color blue!) There are quite a few typos, but nothing that impedes understanding.
High five for the boxers!
I'm trying to type better without typos so i'm going with the practice makes perfect motto.
I believe that a man should not go back on his decisions,
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
Attachment and Love, is Attachment and Love, regardless of time, space or circumstance.
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
A boy trying to chat up a girl who is studying for a major test tomorrow. At the end, the girl leaves with another boy.
Write it so that there is a lot of description, and it feels melanchoy.
Write it so that there is a lot of description, and it feels melanchoy.
Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
A girl reflecting on her memories on her wedding day. The boy should be fun, playful and outgoing, while the girl is shy and timid.
Could you write it in a montage way? That be nice. Oh, and please show how they met and how he proposed.
Thank you and sorry for being so specific!
A girl reflecting on her memories on her wedding day. The boy should be fun, playful and outgoing, while the girl is shy and timid.
Could you write it in a montage way? That be nice. Oh, and please show how they met and how he proposed.
Thank you and sorry for being so specific!
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Re: Practice Writing Scene Requests
Thank you both for your requests, I will get onto them as soon as possible ^.^
I believe that a man should not go back on his decisions,
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
But here I am deciding to break that one rule of manliness.
Because I would rather be thought less of as a man,
Then be lost as a person.
-Alexander. Infinity Ocean
Attachment and Love, is Attachment and Love, regardless of time, space or circumstance.
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
- Terro, The Saddest Music In The World
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