Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#301 Post by Veniae »

I think that's perfect. There isn't anything else to say, really.

Also, how did you make the GUI?

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#302 Post by Explosions&NickCage »

babyfish wrote:
Charm - 'Flirting' with the various people around the mansion will earn you plenty of charm, but your reputation will take a hit. (And your love interests, if any, will be pissed)
Will there be any extra scenes that occur if you piss off your love interests? Even if it's just something simple like they glare at you in a hallway, it would be a nice demonstration of cause/effect that could add to it. And all it would be is something like a couple extra lines in general, or a couple of lines per person if they all would act differently when miffed.

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Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#303 Post by babyfish »

@Veniae: Did somebody order a MINI-TUTORIAL??? Incidentally though, I'm using an ancient version of Ren'Py (6.12-ish), so some rules regarding screen language may differ from what I show here.

Basically I use photoshop to create the graphics for the UIs. What you see as the skill practice menu is actually a number of different images that are 'stacked' on top of eachother.

First is the bottom 'background' layer. Let's say that this layer is called 'bottom'.

Second are the buttons as they are when unselected. This layer I named 'ground'.

Third are the buttons as they are when the cursor hovers over them. This layer I named 'hover'

Note that each 'layer' is positioned on a 1024x768 png graphic. Saves me the trouble of positioning.

In Renpy, I use screen language to create the GUI. To be specific, I use imagemaps, which in my opinion are just versatile and amazing.

The coding for the screen might look like this:

Code: Select all

    screen skillpracticemenu:
        modal True
        zorder -3
        tag skillpractice
            ground "skillpractice_screen_bottom.png"
            ground "skillpractice_ground.png" 
            hover "skillpractice_hover.png" 
            hotspot(251, 231, 164, 59) action Show("skillpractice_cleaning") 
As you can see, in the screen I have two imagemaps. One is just the 'bottom' graphic, which is just an inactive image that's there for background purposes. The second image are the buttons. Hotspots are the areas that you click on to initiate an action. In this case, the hotspot in question is the 'cleaning' button. Clicking on it causes the menu to switch to another screen, which in this case happens to be a list of activities related to cleaning.

"modal = True" ensures that the player cannot click past the menu. 'zorder' is the top-bottom order in case more than one screen is shown simultaneously (such as the date/time GUI in the previous screenshots). "tag skillpractice" means that the screen will close automatically when other screens with the same tag are called up, so that they switch from one to the other without showing up on the screen at the same time.

So, this is how I use the screen language to create most of the components of the GUI. Hope that answers the question! =D

@Explosions: Incidentally, I've already written a few 'burn' events, in which potential date-ables will give you the cold shoulder if they hate your guts. Just to make you feel horrible, and all that. =D But where romance actually exists between the MC and the date-ables, I will definitely expand this to include events where current love-interests get a little peeved by your shenanigans. Expect your reputation and relationship to take serious hits if you're not careful. XD

And everyone has their own script. They've all got their own unique personalities, so don't expect anyone to share lines whatsoever. =3

More on the schedule action 'Meeting People' later! Once I figure out the gist of it, anyways...

(Work in progress)

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#304 Post by Veniae »

You are wonderful! <3

While I think I've got the hang of the imagemap basics, I definitely learned quite a few new things (for example, I have a feeling that the zorder function is going to save me hours of struggle next time xD). Thanks a lot and the best of luck! x3

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#305 Post by babyfish »

@Veniae: Glad it helped! =) I'll probably try and do more mini tutorials later as I go along, or as people ask for them.

Got some graphics work done today, mainly for the headings for each time period.


Here is how they appear on the screen, with the background slightly faded.


As you can see, there are six different periods throughout the day. When you plan for your schedule, your first action takes up Dawn to Morning, your second action takes up Midday to Afternoon, and your third action takes up Evening to Night.

Right now I'm going to talk about what I have planned for the schedule action 'Meet People', which occurs on your Saturday Evening off and your Sunday Morning off. For this action, you get to choose one of the potential romance interests. Once you meet up with them you can engage in certain topics of conversation, use the opportunity to give them gifts, or ask them out on a date.

Naturally, this is dependent on your current relationship with them. If they barely know you, they'll only stop to chat with you for a few minutes, and it really wouldn't be appropriate for them to accept gifts or go on dates. Build your relationship with them though, and your conversations will last longer, and they'll accept gifts and dating.

This is also dependent on the current time period. Some characters will be unavailable for dates in certain times of the day. For example, Katya has work on Sunday Mornings, but is off on Saturday Evenings. Edward's schedule is the opposite, since he does most of his work on the evenings. Gabriel on the other hand just hates mornings. And Alexius has a curfew (LOL). They'll stop to chat, but you won't be able to go on dates with them if it's not a convenient time for them.

I think this system is more realistic, especially since each of the characters have their own schedules to balance. This also avoids having players go on chain-dates with the same character throughout the whole weekend.
(Work in progress)

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#306 Post by Ginger »

Wow, that is a beautiful GUI. I'm glad to see that this is still being worked on c:

Also if there's still some spots open, I'd totally love to help with proofreading.

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#307 Post by Auro-Cyanide »

Just wanted to pop in and say I soooo looking forward to this game. Everything is absolutely gorgeous! Especially that drool worthy GUI. I don't think I have ever been this excited by the prospect of cleaning things XD Good luck with everything!

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Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#308 Post by jeje »

Such drooling good looking GUI... I'm sooooooooo waiting for this! Good luck!!!!

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#309 Post by Kay »

Babyfish, you're back!!

Loving the way the GUI is shaping up, as well as the time indicators. So pretty. So much detail ... : )
Image credit to Murry Lancashire.

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#310 Post by selenity136 »

You're back! :D

This is one of the very few WIP games that I've been looking forward to! :D

So far, I really like the GUI and the skill stats. Though, I've noticed there's alot of them that starts with a C. Only thing that I kinda don't get is how organizing the library increases cunning. Also for the skills, is there a success/fail system implemented?

For the character interaction system, will there be a calender of when they're available or is it more like 'you'll have to figure it out and keep track of it on your own' type of thing?

How far are you on the script side of things?

Gah, I'm really loving your work! :D For someone who's doing this all by herself, it's really inspirational--especially how much work you've done so far. I hope you'll finish this!

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Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#311 Post by babyfish »

Cleaning, cooking, getting cozy with people in high society, what's not to like?! XD

And to be honest, I couldn't have made the GUI what it was without the awesome suggestions from everyone. Such as the icons, for example, that wasn't even my idea! Thanks bunches~ X3

@selenity: Yeah, they all start with a C. Somebody pointed that out, and again I'll say it was an accident, I swear. XD As for organizing the library, I know its a bit of a stretch, but bear with me a little. XD Gameplay wise, Cunning 'roughly' covers your sharp-mindedness, logic, and knowledge in academia. Acquainting yourself with the books in the library and being well-read can be seen as increasing your academic knowledge. But if its too much of a stretch, then I might change it, haha.

(I mean...if people absolutely do not want that free Cunning point, then okay... XD;;)
Here's a little more on skills and I hope for each of them to cover.

Cleaning: This stat covers how skilled you are at maintaining the well-being of a household. It reflects your tidiness, your sense of organization, and incidentally - how good you are at spotting things amiss or out of the ordinary.

Cunning: As mentioned before, this stat measures your sharp-mindedness, cleverness, wit, sense of logic, and academic knowledge. Again, very broad.

Courtesy: This trait covers your manner, grace, and eloquence. This trait also makes you more diplomatic, and better able to persuade certain people in some situations.

Charm: Pretty straightforward. Charm covers your sense of allure and charisma. Much like courtesy, high charm allows you to be more persuasive, even a little manipulative. However, some characters respond better to courtesy as opposed to charm and vice-versa.

Culture: A very interesting, very broad skill. This skill covers your knowledge in the arts, including... well, art of course. But also music and drama. Some characters in the game will have artistic interests, and will respond well if you share the same pursuits they do.

Cooking: Obviously, your culinary skill. As they say, the way to a man's (or a woman's) heart is through his stomach. Learning how to make their favourite foods is a nice way of winning brownie (pun not intended) points with them. ....Although giving them burnt(if I implement a failure chance) or hated foods might lead to hilarious results.

So far, the Practice Skills action does not have a chance for failure. Essentially, you have a sure-fire chance of getting the points, but as a way of balancing it out, you might have an added effect of losing points in other stats.

The only action that has a chance for failure is the 'Cunning' action known as 'Play Cards'. Which is basically gambling with your fellow staff members. (...Which is against the rules. -.-) Naturally there's an element of luck involved, and your payout will depend somewhat on your 'Cunning' stat. There's a bit of an incentive there, as you can potentially get huge monetary payoffs... but you do risk running into trouble with the boss.

For the action 'Meeting People', characters will generally stop to talk with you unless they are super super busy(or if, alternatively, they hate your guts). You just have to figure out which day (Saturday or Sunday) is convenient to go on a date with them. Generally they'll let you know through dialogue. If you guys want a way to keep track of availability though, I might implement it.

As for script, do you mean the code or the story? As far as the story goes, there are still a staggering number of events that I need to write. Coding though doesn't seem to be too bad. Still finishing up on certain gameplay functions however, most notably the shop system.

Gah @_@ So much work! Thank you again for sticking with me thus far~
(Work in progress)

(' )< -babyfish

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Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#312 Post by FatUnicornGames »

Looks like fun! It sounds really complicated to program, but I love that kind of statbuilding.
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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#313 Post by selenity136 »

Pretty cool you get to play cards with your fellow co-workers! =D I don't remember if currency is used in the game, but if you do play cards--besides the skill reward--do you also get currency as well? And would the current love interests comment on that habit if you play it one too many times?

What are you planning to have in the shop system?

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Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#314 Post by babyfish »

Yes! Currency is used in the game and can be earned (or lost) from playing cards, depending on what sort of wager you make at the beginning. (50, 100, 250, or 500) Currently, the way its set up, you can either lose some/all of your wager, break-even (just get the same wager back), or win up to double your money. Your chances of winning are largely determined by luck, and your 'Cunning' skill. To balance it out, your Reputation decreases each time you choose to play cards on the weekend, which may result in a greater chance of you getting into trouble with the boss.

Your friends and love interests might notice and respond differently. I haven't implemented this yet, but we shall see regardless. =)

Shops will be relatively simple (hopefully). No equips. Just mostly stat-raising (and decreasing) items that vary in price. And of course, gifts. Gifts are fun. Everybody likes gifts. Especially your potential love interests. =D

...And of course, you can't go to the Midsummer Ball without a dress, which of course you can order from the tailor's provided you have the money...

So yeah, working on that! And also, working on conversations at the moment. Conversations can be done by choosing the action "Meet People" over the weekend and then chatting with your chosen person. The better your relationship, the more conversation topics will be unlocked, and the more you'll be able to learn about each character, which should be fun gameplay wise and story wise. (I hope) Some of the conversation topics I'm working on include:

"Where did they grow up and what was it like?"
"What was their family like?"
"What are their dreams and goals?"
"What are their favourite foods?"
"What do they look for in a relationship?"

Naturally, some questions are only appropriate at higher levels of affection and so forth, which should be familiar to those who know the dating sim drill. They might respond differently depending on how you ask and respond, either with approval or disapproval. Think of the conversations from a Bioware game, for example.

Working on some school projects in the meantime, but I'll keep you guys posted. =)
(Work in progress)

(' )< -babyfish

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Re: Re: [WIP] Maid of Midsummer - updated JULY 11, 2012

#315 Post by Arcanum »

I can't get over how beautiful and detailed this game is. The UI is simply beautiful, I loved the icons for the times of the day. They're gorgeous.

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