RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#91 Post by georgmay »

Of course, no problem. Well It can be long a bit, but I've selected everything that belongs to an app.
An app's activity name is com.android.the_question

Code: Select all

I/ActivityManager( 1467): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.the_question/org.renpy.android.PythonActivity } from pid 1544

I/Launcher( 1544): onPause()

I/ActivityManager( 1467): Start proc com.android.the_question:python for activity com.android.the_question/org.renpy.android.PythonActivity: pid=3754 uid=10067 gids={1015, 3003}

I/OrientationDebug( 1467): [pwm] in updateOrientationListenerLp()

V/OrientationDebug( 1467): in updateOrientationListenerLp(), Screen status=true, current orientation=0, SensorEnabled=false

I/OrientationDebug( 1467): [pwm] needSensorRunningLp(), return false #3

I/WindowManager( 1467): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=1

I/ActivityManager( 1467): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=257/2 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=17 uiMode=17 seq=173}

D/PhoneApp( 1534): updateProximitySensorMode: lock already released.

I/Launcher( 1544): onWindowFocusChanged(false)

D/Launcher( 1544): setWallpaperDimension() called


D/Launcher( 1544): It's image wallpaper. suggestDesiredDimensions(-1,-1)

E/ClockWidget( 8691): getOrientation landscape

E/ClockWidget( 8691): drawDayText

E/ClockWidget( 8691): width= 50

E/ClockWidget( 8691): widthText= 83.0

E/ClockWidget( 8691): RIGHT

I/PowerManagerService( 1467): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=102

I/ApplicationPackageManager( 3754): cscCountry is not German : XEO

W/ResourceType( 3754): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000

W/ResourceType( 3754): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_image.so 0x40517278

I/ActivityManager( 1467): Displayed com.android.the_question/org.renpy.android.PythonActivity: +358ms

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_image.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_image.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_ttf.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_ttf.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_ttf.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libpython2.7.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libpython2.7.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libpython2.7.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libapplication.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libapplication.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libapplication.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_main.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_main.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl_main.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/_io.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/_io.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/_io.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/unicodedata.so 0x40517278

W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1544): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Added shared lib /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/unicodedata.so 0x40517278

D/dalvikvm( 3754): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/unicodedata.so 0x40517278, skipping init

D/dalvikvm( 3754): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/_imaging.so 0x40517278

D/libEGL  ( 3754): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_hgl.so

D/BRCM_EGL( 3754): eglCreateContext() context: 0x197188, VC context 1, Thread 3770

D/BRCM_EGL( 3754): eglCreateWindowSurface() surface: 0x1971d0, VC surface: 1, Thread: 3770

D/BRCM_EGL( 3754): eglMakeCurrent(0x197188, 0x1971d0, 0x1971d0) Thread: 3770

I/libSDL  ( 3754): Physical screen resolution is 320x240

D/dalvikvm( 3754): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 84K, 48% free 2845K/5379K, external 408K/517K, paused 37ms

I/ApplicationPackageManager( 3754): cscCountry is not German : XEO

I/libSDL  ( 3754): Physical screen resolution is 320x240

I/python  ( 3754): Private directory is /data/data/com.android.the_question/files

I/python  ( 3754): Argument is /data/data/com.android.the_question/files

I/python  ( 3754): Handing off to main.

I/python  ( 3754): /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/renpy/bootstrap.py:263: RuntimeWarning: import cdrom: No module named cdrom

I/python  ( 3754): (ImportError: No module named cdrom)

W/FastDormancy( 1534):  before ======= ENTER DORMANCY =======

D/dalvikvm( 1467): GC_EXPLICIT freed 345K, 46% free 7092K/12999K, external 2405K/3003K, paused 149ms

I/python  ( 3754): Imported android.sound.

I/python  ( 3754): Screen diagonal is 3.33333333333 inches.

D/dalvikvm( 1544): GC_EXPLICIT freed 191K, 51% free 3543K/7175K, external 2651K/2686K, paused 87ms

W/PowerManagerService( 1467): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x3

W/FastDormancy( 1534):  before ======= ENTER DORMANCY =======

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 37

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

I/ActivityManager( 1467): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps:NetworkLocationService for service com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.location.internal.server.NetworkLocationService: pid=3772 uid=10056 gids={3003, 1015}

D/BatteryService( 1467): update start

D/dalvikvm( 3772): GC_CONCURRENT freed 140K, 45% free 3122K/5639K, external 408K/517K, paused 4ms+12ms

I/ApplicationPackageManager( 3772): cscCountry is not German : XEO

D/NlpVersionInfo( 3772): com.google.android.location not found

D/szipinf ( 3772): Initializing inflate state

D/szipinf ( 3772): Initializing zlib to inflate

D/dalvikvm( 3772): GC_CONCURRENT freed 164K, 42% free 3539K/6023K, external 408K/517K, paused 3ms+4ms

D/dalvikvm( 3772): GC_CONCURRENT freed 163K, 40% free 3915K/6471K, external 408K/517K, paused 4ms+5ms

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 35

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

D/LocationManagerService( 1467): passive location requested by UID(10056) com.google.android.apps.maps, 

D/WifiService( 1467): [mPersistState] : Off

D/WifiService( 1467): [mPersistState] : Off

D/dalvikvm( 3772): GC_CONCURRENT freed 666K, 46% free 3690K/6791K, external 408K/517K, paused 4ms+3ms

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 35

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

W/FastDormancy( 1534):  before ======= ENTER DORMANCY =======

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 34

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 33

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 32

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 31

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

I/python  ( 3754): Logging to /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/log.txt

I/libSDL  ( 3754): SDL_SetVideoMode(): application requested mode 320x256

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-S5360/GT-S5360:2.3.6/GINGERBREAD/XXKJ4:user/release-keys'

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): pid: 3754, tid: 3770  >>> com.android.the_question:python <<<

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 000000c4

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  r0 00427058  r1 000000c4  r2 000000c4  r3 ffffffff

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  r4 0044c5b0  r5 00000000  r6 46e8b040  r7 80942880

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  r8 000000c4  r9 ffffffff  10 000000cc  fp 00000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  ip 809407e0  sp 46e8b028  lr afd10f68  pc 8092532e  cpsr 20000030

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d0  3f8000004b7fffff  d1  3f80000000000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d2  c100000044160000  d3  4448000000000258

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d4  3f80000000000320  d5  3f80000000000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d6  3f0000003f800000  d7  00ffffff3f800000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):  scr 00000000

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):          #00  pc 0002532e  /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):          #01  pc 000083e0  /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): code around pc:

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 8092530c 6932683b 469b2100 92007933 20006972 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 8092531c 69b29201 92029503 f7fe2200 4659fa2f 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 8092532c 60084441 4641683b 2a00585a 4652d03a 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 8092533c 683b509d 585b4641 6323685b f7e69805 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 8092534c 2800fde7 9a05db2e 04402080 f7f94010 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): code around lr:

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): afd10f48 02800016 08bd87f0 e5964000 e5967000 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): afd10f58 e2144903 1a00000e e5965000 ebffedd4 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): afd10f68 e2055a02 e3853001 e1500003 0a000006 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): afd10f78 e5865000 e1a00006 e1a01005 e3a02001 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): afd10f88 ebfffeaa e1a00004 e8bd87f0 e3a00000 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): 

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): stack:

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8afe8  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8afec  8092389b  /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8aff0  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8aff4  809294f5  /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8aff8  80942954  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8affc  00000010  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b000  0044c5b0  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b004  000000c4  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b008  ffffffff  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b00c  000000cc  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b010  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b014  0044c5b0  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b018  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b01c  46e8b040  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b020  df002777  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b024  e3a070ad  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): #00 46e8b028  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b02c  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b030  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b034  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b038  480d1f60  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b03c  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b040  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b044  00000210  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b048  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b04c  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b050  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b054  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b058  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b05c  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b060  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b064  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b068  082e15fb  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b06c  002e81c8  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b070  ffffffff  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b074  00000004  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b078  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b07c  00000020  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b080  00000020  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b084  80940be0  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b088  47fdd536  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b08c  809083e5  /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libsdl.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): #01 46e8b090  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b094  815bcb98  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b098  00198578  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b09c  8150cbac  /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/pygame_modules.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0a0  002e8088  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0a4  8153f694  /data/data/com.android.the_question/files/pygame_modules.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0a8  002e8088  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0ac  476073a0  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0b0  00198578  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0b4  80d0ced0  /mnt/asec/com.android.the_question-1/lib/libpython2.7.so

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0b8  80e26334  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0bc  002ea470  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0c0  00000001  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0c4  80e26334  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0c8  480d11e0  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0cc  47fe9620  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0d0  00000000  

I/DEBUG   ( 3135):     46e8b0d4  480b4c90  

W/FastDormancy( 1534):  before ======= ENTER DORMANCY =======

I/BootReceiver( 1467): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_03 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/DEBUG   ( 3135): dumpstate /data/log/dumpstate_app_native.txt

D/dalvikvm( 1467): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 322K, 45% free 7207K/12999K, external 2405K/3003K, paused 109ms

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 29

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

D/BatteryService( 1467): update start

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 29

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

W/FastDormancy( 1534):  before ======= ENTER DORMANCY =======

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): asec list

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.skype.raider-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.bytestorm.speedx-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.opera.browser-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> org.coolreader-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> me.abitno.vplayer.t-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.android.the_question-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> ru.uralgames.durakplus.android-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.qo.android.am3.trial-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.dragonplay.liveholdempro-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> se.codebrew.gdtr-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> us.bishoujo.moonlight-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.symantec.norton.snap-1 

D/VoldCmdListener( 1296): CommandListener::AsecCmd::runCommand -> com.instagram.android-1 

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): ecio: 30

E/StatusBarPolicy( 1520): iconLevel: 4

E/liblog  ( 3135): failed to call dumpstate

I/ActivityManager( 1467): Process com.android.the_question:python (pid 3754) has died.

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#92 Post by georgmay »

Should I just need to use lower version for a while?

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#93 Post by georgmay »

Guys! Any ideas??

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#94 Post by PyTom »

It may be that your device is just too low-end for Ren'Py. (Running out of memory, for example - or perhaps the screen is too small.)

Can you run other OpenGL ES apps.
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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#95 Post by georgmay »

As I said I've downloaded other Ren'Py games from google play, it works perfectly.
And I've downloaded some games that using GLES2.0, there's no any problems.

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#96 Post by ukid »

Which folder is used for the port?

i try with the_question folder on ren'pys folder and build it with RAPT. and i got message.
D:\rapt->android.py build the_question release

Updating build files.

Updated project.properties
Updated local.properties
Added file D:\rapt-\build.xml
Updated file D:\rapt-\proguard-project.txt

Creating assets directory.

Packaging internal data.

I'm using Ant to build the package.

Buildfile: D:\rapt-\build.xml


[delete] Deleting directory D:\rapt-\bin
[delete] Deleting directory D:\rapt-\gen




[echo] Creating output directories if needed...
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\rapt-\bin
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\rapt-\bin\res
[echo] Gathering info for question-dasfga...
[setup] Android SDK Tools Revision 19
[setup] Project Target: Android 2.2
[setup] API level: 8
[setup] ------------------
[setup] Resolving library dependencies:
[setup] No library dependencies.
[setup] ------------------
[setup] API<=15: Adding annotations.jar to the classpath.
[setup] ------------------

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\rapt-\gen
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\rapt-\bin\classes


[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling aidl files...
[aidl] No AIDL files to compile.
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling RenderScript files...
[renderscript] No RenderScript files to compile.
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling Resources...
[aapt] Generating resource IDs...
[aapt] D:\rapt-\AndroidManifest.xml:2: error: Error: Float types n
ot allowed (at 'versionCode' with value '1.0').

D:\rapt-\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:598: The following error occur
red while executing this line:
D:\rapt-\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:627: null returned: 1

Total time: 1 second

The build seems to have failed.
but, when i try with build the_question help its say the build succeeded.
D:\rapt->android.py build the_question help

Updating build files.

Updated project.properties
Updated local.properties
Added file D:\rapt-\build.xml
Updated file D:\rapt-\proguard-project.txt

Creating assets directory.

Packaging internal data.

I'm using Ant to build the package.

Buildfile: D:\rapt-\build.xml


[delete] Deleting directory D:\rapt-\bin
[delete] Deleting directory D:\rapt-\gen

[echo] Android Ant Build. Available targets:
[echo] help: Displays this help.
[echo] clean: Removes output files created by other targets.
[echo] The 'all' target can be used to clean dependencies
[echo] (tested projects and libraries)at the same time
[echo] using: 'ant all clean'
[echo] debug: Builds the application and signs it with a debug key.
[echo] The 'nodeps' target can be used to only build the
[echo] current project and ignore the libraries using:
[echo] 'ant nodeps debug'
[echo] release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be

[echo] signed before it is published.
[echo] The 'nodeps' target can be used to only build the
[echo] current project and ignore the libraries using:
[echo] 'ant nodeps release'
[echo] instrument:Builds an instrumented package and signs it with a
[echo] debug key.
[echo] test: Runs the tests. Project must be a test project and
[echo] must have been built. Typical usage would be:
[echo] ant [emma] debug installt test
[echo] emma: Transiently enables code coverage for subsequent
[echo] targets.
[echo] install: Installs the newly build package. Must either be used
[echo] in conjunction with a build target (debug/release/
[echo] instrument) or with the proper suffix indicating
[echo] which package to install (see below).
[echo] If the application was previously installed, the
[echo] application is reinstalled if the signature matches.
[echo] installd: Installs (only) the debug package.
[echo] installr: Installs (only) the release package.
[echo] installi: Installs (only) the instrumented package.
[echo] installt: Installs (only) the test and tested packages (unless
[echo] nodeps is used as well.
[echo] uninstall: Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or
[echo] device. Also uninstall tested package if applicable
[echo] unless 'nodeps' is used as well.

Total time: 1 second

It looks like the build succeeded.
any suggestion? i've try it for two days and still got same message. :(

Posts: 482
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:10 am

Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#97 Post by AxemRed »

[aapt] D:\rapt-\AndroidManifest.xml:2: error: Error: Float types n
ot allowed (at 'versionCode' with value '1.0').
versionCode must be an integer, 1.0 is not an integer -- try 1
http://developer.android.com/guide/topi ... html#vcode

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#98 Post by JustALittleSin »

Building my game keeps getting stuck at the same error:

Code: Select all

I'm using Ant to build the package.

Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

The build seems to have failed.
I've googled around a bit but couldn't find a clear solution. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#99 Post by PyTom »

Are you running in the rapt directory? Does build.xml exist?
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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#100 Post by JustALittleSin »

I'm running in the rapt directory. There's no build.xml in there, but there is in /buildlib. When I copy it to the rapt directory and run the build command the file disappears though.
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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#101 Post by JustALittleSin »

Ugh, It looks like I overlooked an earlier errormessage, something like "Error: Target id android-8 is not valid. Use 'android list targets' to get the target ids". I found the solution here: http://techpad.co.uk/content.php?sid=96

Anyone with the same problem should

1. run android-sdk/tools/android.bat
2. Install everything in the folder Android 4.1 (API 16)
3. run android.bat again, with the following command: android create avd --target 2 --name my_avd
4. open buildlibs/build.py in an editor and change android-8 (on line 231) to android-16

After that, RAPT worked perfectly for me.
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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#102 Post by cyrus_zuo »

@JustALittleSin - I ran into the same problem, thanks for posting your fix here :)

I am now getting back to finishing my M&M to Android project, which I first built successfully on Android like a year ago until I was derailed by a save issue and then many others. I have it working on device now, with all my old changes, so it is likely releasable, but I'm tempted to make changes (always so tempting!).

Wanted to post as I ran into the same error as before and figured out my culprit.
The error, which only occurred on device, was:
TypeError: range() integer step argument expected, got float.

The culprit, it turns out, was LiveTile, which I had implemented specifically for the Android version in hopes of saving some space :).
LiveTile, it turns out, isn't working with RenPy on Android. Not sure why, but wanted to mention it here in case someone thought it worthy of adding to the Android documentation.

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#103 Post by ninjagrass »

JustALittleSin wrote:Ugh, It looks like I overlooked an earlier errormessage, something like "Error: Target id android-8 is not valid. Use 'android list targets' to get the target ids". I found the solution here: http://techpad.co.uk/content.php?sid=96

Anyone with the same problem should

1. run android-sdk/tools/android.bat
2. Install everything in the folder Android 4.1 (API 16)
3. run android.bat again, with the following command: android create avd --target 2 --name my_avd
4. open buildlibs/build.py in an editor and change android-8 (on line 231) to android-16

After that, RAPT worked perfectly for me.
Thank you so much!

I managed to run:

Code: Select all

andriod.py build mygame release
In the rapt-6.13.11/bin directory there are these files:

Code: Select all

But when I run, 'andriod.py build mygame release install' it says the device could not be located and it keeps waiting for the device. Logcat says waiting for device.

So I decided to install mygame-1.00-release.apk directly to my phone manually. It installs but after the renpy loading screen the app closes and does not run at all. Is there something I am missing? I just put the apk directly onto sdcard and installed? Renpy games on Google Play seem to run fine.

Hope this is clear, please let me know if any more information is required.

Edit 1: After reading around this seems to be the same problem as georgmay. I think the problem is that I have not defined my andriod hardware device anywhere and I am assuming it does not automatically pick it up. All I did was connect my device and ran 'release install' command (and it rightly says could not find device). I am using linux (debian) any advice?

Edit 2: After following http://developer.android.com/guide/deve ... setting-up I managed to get this message instead:

Code: Select all

error: insufficient permissions for device 
Edit 3: I managed to do it by using this for debian:

Code: Select all

'android.py build mygame release install' runs now and installs the game but the game does not load. I am trying this on XPERIA Mini.

Final Edit: It works! I was just compiling a game with the tile and unit engine other games work perfectly. I guess the tile and unit engines are incompatible with RAPT?

Thank you.

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#104 Post by Morhighan »

Hi there, so I'm following this guide.

I'm at "Step 2: Set up the Android SDK and Development Environment" and I keep getting this. (see attached.)

I keep re-installing the JDK, but to no avail.

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Re: RAPT - Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool

#105 Post by rikimaru55 »

Hi! I managed to create the build and install on Android using APT, but when I ran it, I got the following error:

While executing init code:
File "game/options.rpy", line 272, in script
File "game/options.rpy", line 277, in python
NameError: name 'build' is not defined

Have you seen this error before?

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