Wishful Dreams - [Fantasy][Horror][Survival][+16/18]

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Wishful Dreams - [Fantasy][Horror][Survival][+16/18]

#1 Post by Destiny »

Well, since I'm almost finished with the (german) script to "Cards of Destiny" (and I'm quick with drawings, so it shouldn't take that long anymore) I think I will start a idea thread where I collect my thoughts about my next game.
Please be honest with me and give me critique about stuff that sounds too much dramatic or strange to you :)
Because I would love to make that game awesome ^^

I guess, I will make the gender of the MC optional.
Meaning, you can play as a girl or a boy, even though female would be the "normal" solution.

Aiden/Amy is a normal guy/girl at the very beginning.
He/she studies economy, works parttime in a bar on the weekends and lives alone with his/her dog Stella.
The unusual thing is, that he is gay/she is deeply interested in finances. He/she has a boyfriend named Ethan and everything is going quite well for him/her.
But when Ethan suddenly dies in an gas station explosion and a mysterious guy appears, the strange things begin to unfold.

(Picture of Amy will come soon)
He/She is 23 years old, studies economy and somewhat simple.
He/she likes dogs and rainy weather, cheese cake and variety shows.
He/she is someone that thinks realistic, but still likes to watch mystery movies at times, even though he/she enjoys a good thriller more.
He/she loves his boyfriend Ethan deeply and has a breakdown when he dies.
His/her characteristic color is green.
Ethan/Kano (left)
He is 26 years old, works in a bank, is bisexual and a kind, silent guy.
He took a liking in Aiden/Amy first and they became a couple quite fast due to their shared fascination for finances. He is a very caring partner and due to his calm personality they never had a real fight so far.
He suddenly dies after leaving a party early because of work when a gas station explodes right beside him.
It is later hinted that he could be a supernatural being, often preteding to die and switching to his next vicitim right after that.
He seems to have planted a eye on Aidens/Amys forehead according to others.
His characteristic color is blue.
He is often refered to as "Kano, thousand eyed god of water and knowledge".

Fudo (right)
He is seen first in the diguise of a young man of ~25, wearing only white with white hair and red eyes.
He will be the first to raise suspicion about Ethan being dead or even human.
He never hides the fact that he isn't human or that he dislikes humans for their fragile and stupid nature.
His true form, being a black mass of eyes and mouths will be seen soon after where he will grant Aiden/Amy enough wishes to find Ethan and talk with him about the eye.
He seems to enjoy torturing others and will constantly mock Aiden/Amy for his/her human emotions.
His characteristic color is red.
He is refered to as "Fudo, discarnate god of fire and illusions".
Father James (right)
He is 31, a young priest in a church in the suburbs.
He strongly believes in god and seems to be constantly questioning himself, almost looking like hating himself deeply.
He's soon being revealed as being a half golem (his father was a golem who raped his human mother) and he atones for the sin of being a monster by constantly praying for salvation.
He honestly wants to help Aiden/Amy since he sees him/her in a simliar situation as he sees himself, only that Aiden/Amy can escape it.
He seems to be in a strange relationship with Seth, even though it is kind of obvious he seems to hate AND like him at the same time.

Seth (left)
He is about 400 years old and a pure vampire instead of a halfbreed.
He despises humans for simliar reasons as Fudo, but is still more friendly to them.
He is proud of being a born vampire and often brags about his powers (like living forever, only dying by special meassures and being able to heal himself within seconds completly).
He doesn't hide the fact that he seems to be deeply in love with James, even though he is fairly cruel to him at the same time and loves to make him angry.
According to him James is one of the few beings with human blood that knows how to kill a eternal being (like a vampire).

Stella (lower center)
Aidens/Amys dog.
She is a Shiba Inu and about 3 years old.
She is more and more often seen with a giantic black "dog".

Shane (upper center)
He is a werewolf from the age of 150.
Since his great grandfather was human, he isn't a pure werewolf, but he does hide the fact, if possible.
He is in love with Stella and - even though he hates humans (and because of that Aiden/Amy) - helps Aiden/Amy later for her sake.
He is wild and aggressive, only being kind to Stella.
He acts sometimes like a teenage rowdy, being childish and mean, cursing a lot and destroying things in anger.
He has four appearances he can switch between:
His standart look is that of a giantic black dog/wolf.
He can also switch to look like a normal human.
When his emotions (of any kind) become very strong, then he will become unable to keep his human form and will grow his ears and tail, revealing him as a werewolf.
And when wanting to fight he can become a "real" werewolf, a being between wolf and human.
He is mainly seen as dog or as a human (with wolf traits).

Raidon (no image)
A being seemingly related to Kano and Fudo.
He is refered to as "Raidon, crystalline god of thunder and power".
He is sleeping at the moment according to many characters

Once the pact with Fudo is craftet the "real" game will start, meaning enemys will appear.
Those are supernatural beings (often simply called "monsters") that whish to steal his/her eye, thus attacking him/her.
The player has to choose at the beginning of every fight who he wants to rely on: Fudo, Ethan or no one.
No one will ALWAYS result in death, since Aiden/Amy isn't a real thread to any of the monsters.
Depending on Fudo will make him fight for you, depending on Ethan (by tearing away the band-aid that Aiden/Amy has put on the eye) will make Aiden/Amy transform in a monster himself.
While depending on the eye will make the world seemingly transform (starting to become more and more surreal and making it possible for Aiden/Amy to differ between real humans and monsters in disguise), depending on Fudo will result in him/her becoming more and more unemotional.

For every wish that Fudo fulfills he asks for a "personality trait". Those are emotions that humans have and giving one away will result in the human missing it.
(I reduced the idea of ten traits and ten memorys to only ten traits, since it will remain twenty chances of surviving with depending on the eye ten times).
The personality traits a human has are:
1) Fear - Without fear he/she will not think about danger and risks, thus becoming kind of careless.
2) Hate - He/she will like everyone. If love is missing as well, everyone will become uninteresting for him/she. He/she will loose his/her interest in finding Ethan once he/she loses his/her hate.
3) Love - He/she will dislike everyone. If hate is also missing, he/she will become uninterested in everyone.
4) Grief - He/she will no longer be able to be sad or feel empathy for someone.
5) Joy - He/she will no longer be happy about something and stop enjoying things.
6) Boredom - He/she will no longer feel boredom. Boredom will normally lead a human to do something against it. Without it a human will simply sit there, staring into nothing.
7) Curiousity - He/she will no longer be curious, wishing to know things. Everything is simliar important and uninteresting. Without it his/her will to find Ethan will drop.
8) Lust - He/she will no longer enjoy things he absolutly loves. He/she will not feel the desire to accomplish something, to be happy and - of course - also sexual lust will disappear completly.
9) Disgust - He/she will no longer feel disgust, meaning he/she will touch everything, maybe even eat. Combined with fear missing he/she risks of dying by eating/touching lethal stuff (for example is the blood of some monsters like acid).
10) Trust/Faith - Without trust he/she will begin to distrust everyone, seing in everyone a suspect. He/she will no longer believe his/her friends, even accuse his/her own dog of betrayal.

To win the game the player has to choose wisely when to use the eye and when to use the wishes. It's also important when to sacrifice what trait for a wish.

A "stat menu"
The player can see how Aiden/Amy is feeling at the moment.
Left is the forehead eye. Cracks on the iris will show his/her state of being corrupted by too often depending on it. Once the iris is totally broken, Aiden/Amy will succumb totally and disappear to Ethans side, never to be seen again.
Right will be his/her soul in form of a colorful glowing ball. Every trait has a color, loosing one will result in one color missing. Once the ball is all white, Aiden/Amy has lost his/her soul to Fudo.

A huge amount of CGs
Therefore I will most possibly have no more then the characters named above. There will be some side characters, but they will get no sprite and no regular appearance.

MAYBE a fighting sequence
I'm thinking about this really hard.
The one possible way would be a cg showing the monster being defeated by Fudo/monster Aiden/Amy.
The other way would be a battle system where the player can control Fudo/monster Aiden/Amy. But I kind of dislike this version, since it would include the possibility that the player could still loose to the monster (which isn't want I want, I want to make it obvious that Fudo and Ethan are extremly powerful compared to any other).

Four endings
One for Fudo, one for Ethan, a neutral one and a bad ending (which changes depending on why the game is lost).

Choices for character behaviour
Except from the choices to define who to succumb to and the choices defining how close Aiden/Amy becomes to Ethan/Fudo there will be mainly choices defining what a person Aiden/Amy is.
At the start there will be ten choices about how to react to someone (for every trait a fitting response), making it also possible for players to react the way they see appropiate.
But the more traits are lost the more the amount of choices deflate.
So the loosing of choices will also result in Aiden/Amy maybe getting less and less information, if only traits are left that make him/her unfriendly.
The choices will NOT define the game itself (as to winning or loosing, succumbing or not), but choosing the traits wisely will make the player get a huge knowledge of "monsters", the world and his own changes. Choosing wrong traits too early will instead result in knowing almost nothing, since the supporting characters will refuse to help.
It can be possible, that choosing the traits that are good for getting a huge knowledge are NOT good for surviving the game (thus making the player ALSO choose between knowledge and getting a "good" ending).

Additional informations:
The game is supposed to be long, so there will be a lot of text (even though that can be reduced by choosing traits that will give almost no information). I guess, I would aim for AT LEAST a playing time of about 5 hours for getting one of the endings.

The game will most possibly be at least +16, maybe even adult.
I want to include violence, rape and stuff.
The game is also supposed to become a quite dark game, being clear about the fact that Aiden/Amy is fighting for his/her dear life and soul.
The monsters will be killed visually and I'm thinking about adding moments where Aiden/Amy gets raped by Fudo, maybe also more explicit sex scenes with other characters, but I don't know about that.
Also the endings will NEVER be a "real" happy one, so it should be for mature players just for that reason (since I know that young players can't really bear a bad ending).


Please, tell me your honest opinion Q__Q
Please, please, please!

"Monster Aiden/Amy" isn't going to look as the creature on the sketch.
I just played around a bit. He/she will definitly NOT look like that, so no critique needed for that ^^
Last edited by Destiny on Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Wishful Dreams (Working Title)

#2 Post by Obscura »

Ok...this is only my humble opinion, Destiny...take for it what you will!

There is a lot of stuff going on this game. It sounds like it's at least a year's worth of work. For something that long, I would personally try to make it accessible as possible to a greater number of people. I would try to change the protagonist to female, or add more women. Yes, I know that's horrible, because I'm a BxB fan, but you're list of potential players will be a lot greater, especially because you have a new/different game mechanic going on.

Or make the guy bisexual and throw some women in the game. I feel you'd have at least quite a few hetero guys interested in playing this. A BxB + a supernatural theme + an original game mechanic is a really specialized audience. If you are thrilled by the story, go for it. But I worry it's gonna be hard finding a lot of people to play it.

As for drawing just dudes...start practicing women! You can do it! (Women are so much easy for me...drawing dudes has always been tough.) Over the past few months I've gone from some terrible drawings to something I feel is somewhat decent. What's really helped me is going to posemaniacs where I do the 30-second-quick sketch thingy they have (well, actually maybe 10 90-minute quick sketches.)

Anyways, what I like about your project:
- interesting characters, varied characters. A priest? Yay.
- your writing style is nice and simple (I don't know if you use that for your games, but you should...it keeps my interest!)

What I don't understand about your project:
- The game mechanic. Not sure how it will work, but maybe this is something a demo is better suited to show?

What I don't like about the project:
- Ahhhhhh, those wolf ears. Your game seems serious and those wolf ears just screams "comedy and hijinx!" to me. :-) They don't seem to fit the theme of your project.

Anyways, this seems like a massive undertaking. Will be keeping an eye on it!
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Re: Wishful Dreams (Working Title)

#3 Post by Tmesis »

This sounds really interesting ^^ (Also helps it's BXB)
The story is something I haven't really heard much about, so I like its uniqueness.
I'm a bit of a noob, so I haven't play much games. But I'll be sure to have this on a look out :)
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Re: Wishful Dreams (Working Title)

#4 Post by Obscura »

But I worry it's gonna be hard finding a lot of people to play it.
Oh sure, Tmesis, just negate everything I just said by popping in and declaring your interest. :lol:

Never mind, Destiny. Don't listen to me! Good luck on your game.
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Re: Wishful Dreams (Working Title)

#5 Post by Tmesis »

Obscura wrote:Oh sure, Tmesis, just negate everything I just said by popping in and declaring your interest. :lol:

Never mind, Destiny. Don't listen to me! Good luck on your game.
Ha ha I apologize for that. I really didn't see your post until I posted my reply XD
Is it because you thought the explanation wasn't clear enough? I'm sure Destiny will get into more details later with comments and opinions of others :3

Oh and I wish you the best of luck Destiny!~
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Re: Wishful Dreams (Working Title)

#6 Post by Kuroneko_rg »

I remember you wrote about this in "Ideas dump". It looks like a lot of work to be done though.
I like the idea of making the gender of the MC of free choice.
Why there is a cat in Fudo's sketch? Is it another form he takes?

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Re: Wishful Dreams (Working Title)

#7 Post by Destiny »

Yes, it is.
Since the MC likes dogs, Fudo will also bully him by appearing as a cat, making his dog angry.
I even think about making him /her allergic to cats (I informed myself, it is possible to be allergic to ONLY cats), thus making Fudo appearing as a cat another way of him torturing the MC.
And I guess I will go with having a optional gender.

@ Obscura
I already got a PN where someone would help me with sketches for female characters.
So... I guess I will go with that.
I have a LightBox (meaning I can make two almost identical sketches with ease), so maybe I can even go indeed with GxB/BxB, just changing the MCs gender and keeping the rest. Meaning I can make it optional who the player wants to play with (but maybe making the standart choice playing as a female MC).
The game mechanic is clear in my head, only the thing about the fights is something I'm thinking hard about...
The wolf ears...
I draw lot's of werewolfs in my mangas and somehow got used to drawing them when the character has extreme emotions.
Maybe I will think about it again, but I added his appearances in the start post.

Thanks for your interest.
I hope, if I really make this game, that I'm able to fulfill your expectations :)
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Re: Wishful Dreams - [Fantasy][Horror][Survival][+16/18]

#8 Post by BairaagiVN »

This looks pretty interesting. The system of giving up various traits sounds like it could add a lot of depth, or possibly complication depending on how it's handled.

Just as a personal preference, I think there's way more than enough rape in anime and VNs as is, so I don't much like the idea of including it here.
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