"Drawn To You" - better version?

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Should I make "Drawn To You" longer and re-release it?

No votes
No, move on to another project
I don't really care
No votes
No, it's fine
Total votes: 10

Recca Phoenix
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"Drawn To You" - better version?

#1 Post by Recca Phoenix »

There were a lot of complaints about the shortness of the game, and I would LOVE to add more, it's just it would take a lot of additional planning and writing and stuff at this point.
Should I just leave it and move on?
Or should I go back and fix it?
I just want to know if a big overhaul would be appreciated at this point, since the game is "done."

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#2 Post by Rika-chan »

I voted "no, it's fine," because I think it is fine. I don't think you should have to add more to it if you don't want to. Just because people complain doesn't mean you have to cater to their whims. It's your game.

After thinking some more about the game, it's really not the shortness of it. It's how much you're trying to cram into it. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but jumping into bed after the first date is a little fast for me, and I personally won't buy into it because I wouldn't do that without knowing the person better. But the game is so short, you don't have time to develop characters much. That's why I said that I wish it was longer: so that I could see the characters develop more, which would make the romance more believable.

But as it is, I think you should leave it, unless you want to change it.

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Re: "Drawn To You" - better version?

#3 Post by mikey »

Recca Phoenix wrote:There were a lot of complaints about the shortness of the game, and I would LOVE to add more, it's just it would take a lot of additional planning and writing and stuff at this point.
Should I just leave it and move on?
Or should I go back and fix it?
I just want to know if a big overhaul would be appreciated at this point, since the game is "done."
Ok, if I may... my answer is a definite NO.

Don't do it. It's fine as it is, perhaps make minor tweaks, but let it be.

I'm aware that some may reccomend redoing the game should you feel like it and want it, but honestly, you shouldn't.

The reason is very simple - by ticking the box beside the project and putting it away as finished, you are free to move on.

Sure, the feedbacks probably gave you lots to think about and many ideas on how to improve - but it's my opinion that if you feel they are good and to the point, let your NEXT game be the one that takes them into account.

I suggest that you seriously redo this game ONLY if you are unhappy with it - and if you really wanted to tell more. That's my thought on this.

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#4 Post by Sed »

I'd say NO too. I know I suggested making the game longer, but my intention was for your next game. I agree with Mikey said, take whatever lessons you learned from "Drawn to You" and get on with the next game.

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#5 Post by musical74 »

Honestly, I would say DO NOT unless you are really upset at how the game is now. It's your first game. Use what people are saying, both positive and negative (excluding comments of *this is great!!!!* without saying why or *this game sucks!!!!* without saying why...neither says anything, really) and draw on that for your next game. By using what the feedback is for Drawn to You, you can draw on what worked, what didn't, and what people were largely *ehhhhh couldn't really relate to X* comments.

Unless you are really wanting to redo the game, leave it as is =) =)
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#6 Post by DaFool »

It's a good game.

The standard complaint of 'but it's too short!, characters can be developed longer!' applies to ALL if not MOST of the fan games here. It's just the constraint of an amateur developer who doesn't have all the time in the world.

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#7 Post by Kurb »

I haven't played your game yet Recca, so I haven't voted. I couldn't help commenting on Rika-Chan's comment however with regards to jumping into someone after the first date. It made me smile because that's actually something I don't have to worry about for my game. In my game, its sex first, and THEN you start worrying about the relationship and character. But then again, my game is targeted for the gay male audience. lol. Doesn't work the same way with girls, I guess. Or does it? ;)

Recca Phoenix
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#8 Post by Recca Phoenix »

It really depends on what type of character the main girl is. In most cases (esp. commercial games) she is "you" and/or high school age. Obviously these games have no sex references. But I just thought these uh "Ooooh, I got to dance with Naoji at the prom!!!" endings were just too anti-climactic.....
I also wanted Liany to be more of an adventurous type character, more.....badass??/cool......I guess......than your typical ren'ai game girl.
I guess it just caters to the market, but oh well. he he he he.....
Come on they are in COLLEGE, what's on their mind? ~ ~ ~
With all due respect though, I love a well-developed relationship. It's a game too, there's a certain amount of unrealisticness for the sake of the game, ne?
I mean in the average girl's day she is not going to meet 3 or 4 awesome guys.....

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#9 Post by PrettySammy09 »

Recca Phoenix wrote: I mean in the average girl's day she is not going to meet 3 or 4 awesome guys.....

I say that you should just leave it as it is. :D I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I think that you should move on to another project and have fun with that one instead of worrying about an old one forever. ^_^

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Re: Lol

#10 Post by Rika-chan »

Kurb wrote:I haven't played your game yet Recca, so I haven't voted. I couldn't help commenting on Rika-Chan's comment however with regards to jumping into someone after the first date. It made me smile because that's actually something I don't have to worry about for my game. In my game, its sex first, and THEN you start worrying about the relationship and character. But then again, my game is targeted for the gay male audience. lol. Doesn't work the same way with girls, I guess. Or does it? ;)
I think it's illogical to take my comment and generalize that to all women. Just because I find it hard to believe doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, or that people shouldn't do games like that.

Sorry for the derail.

RP, I agree with the idea that you should take what you learned, and apply it to the next game. :)

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Focus on next game

#11 Post by ErrorMind »

The game is good, I play it over and over again cause I want to see another ending :lol:

"Drawn to you" is too short, yes But no need to make it longer, just focus on your next game. I’m looking forward for your next game :D

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