Recruitment for serious FREE project

For recruitment of team members to help create visual novels and story-based games, and for people who want to offer their services to create the same.
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Recruitment for serious FREE project

#1 Post by isanohohoemi »

Warning: I'm not an English native speaker so please bear with me.

Hi there! I decided I want to make an otome game/Visual Novel or whatever you want to label it just for the fun to try something new. I've made a few mangas (also for fun as a hobby) before and I love to tell stories. Last year I thought about making a game and I started reading a lot of tutorials and stuff to do so but maybe because there was a huge amount of work and time I needed for that I ended up doing nothing. Then I thought I would build up a little experience first and I decided to help someone else with their project. I love to paint and draw so I helped someone here as a main artist doing sprites and probably later also CG's but sadly the girl's project wasn't making much progress and maybe because our lack of communication I didn't feel motivated enough to continue and she never ever contacted me again so I guess she wasn't that into the project either.

Anyway, now I feel like doing a game (again), it just seems like fun and things we make because we want to sometimes are the things better done.
This time I'll be on charge to make sure this project sees the light at the end of the tunnel of production.

So, first of all, I want to tell all people interested that this project is for FREE because it'd be my first one and it may not be your first one but I don't feel like charging for something I know I'm not so experienced yet. If this one goes great (as it would be) then we can start talking about money in the next one.
If you know you are the type of person who's very enthusiastic at the beginning and later not so much and drop the things halfway, then please don't sign up because it's just a waist of time and work. If you accept then please keep your word and stay with us until the end. I know people have other things to do in life, I do too and btw, I don't call that "my real life" and this my "cyber life" or whatever, since this kind of projects and my hobbies are also a part of my life, my "real" life, they might not be my first priority but they are totally on the list. I am understanding but I also know that when people want to do the things they can always find some time or way to do them, there are always exceptions and extreme cases but we can always talk about what we can do in certain circumstances, I'm nice, I don't bite :)

Okay, now here comes the part were I'm supposed to tell you about the story so you know if you're interested or not. I'll write the idea I have for the intro:

The story begins when the main character (a girl in my mind but it can also be a boy and in both cases is around 20 years old) is hit by a car while riding on her bike on a rainy day on her way to somewhere unknown. She's in a lot a pain (after the hit, of course) and while she's complaining (not out loud... more like just giving up) she's having some blurry flashes about the people around her on the street, some flashes later in the hospital and then one about a flower field. When she sees this last one (which goes on and off) she also begins to actually smell the scent of flowers and she sees someone standing among the flowers. She can't really see him well but it's safe enough to say it's a guy whose searching out for her, he's standing there with his left arm extending towards her. Suddenly she's feeling calmer and calmer and the pain is going away. She asks herself whether that's because she's actually dying and if it is, she thinks that's not so bad after all, she's feeling relieved. When everything is black (or white) she feels the warmth of a hand taking hers.

Okay... that's pretty much what I have about the intro and I'd like if it's stays like that, you know? Not giving a lot of details.

What comes next is the girl working on a cafe or an Ice cream shop or whatever and she explains that she lost her memory after the accident. She only remembers what we just saw on the intro. The next thing she remembers after that is waking up in the hospital with her family around her although she didn't know who the hell they were.
It’s been like 8 months or even a year later and the therapist (or whatever the specialist calls) says that it’s okay if she starts working on something very simple but were she has to deal with people in order to integrate herself with society once again since she can’t go to school yet because she doesn't remember everything she had learned before.

Now, here comes the thing:
She starts realizing that she sees people that others not but the “ghosts” aren't blurry or transparent or anything like that, they look like any other normal person.

She also finds out that what it appeared to be an accident turns out that it wasn't. Someone hit her on purpose.

Okay, that's all I'm going to say, I already have a lot of ideas but I'm saving them for the people who I'm going to work with. If you feel like joining the project then, by all means, let me know and we'll see what you'll be in charge on.

I'm in charge of the sprites and CG's, I'll let you the samples I did for the girl's project last year so you can see a little what kind of style I use but you can also check my deviant account for some other pics (pretty much old now since I went on a hiatus and I'm back now).



This are the position I can think of now where I'll need some people:

Script writer/ Screenplay - Someone who helps me put the story into a game (dialogues, locations, events, etc.) in proper English.

Musician - No need to explain. I'll need some mystery's pieces and such but also some happy ones so it's cool if there's someone fexible.

Voice actors - They won't do much but will have them too.

I think those are all positions, whatever new comes in the way I can do it or someone else in the team. One person can take charge of two positions if they feel like to. First of all I need the one who's willing to help me complete the story and then probably the Programmer. The Musician can already sign up because I don't know how long can take him create all the pieces.

If you know someone who can be interested please let them know that they can send me an email anytime. All people interested send me a PM, a note on deviantart or an email to
I don't really care if you're a pro and do this for a living or if it's your first time trying this and do it just as a hobby, if you feel like providing some of your talent than you are totally welcome. You can also just do something little and not the whole thing and that's also okay, just talk to me! :D

Do this just because you feel like helping and probably because later this can be a good thing to have in your curriculum if you're artistic orientated :)
Last edited by isanohohoemi on Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Recruitment for serious FREE project

#2 Post by gekiganwing »

First, if you haven't read the Suggestions for Recruiters sticky thread, be sure to do so. You may benefit by looking it over.

Second, please let people know about the scope of your project. In other words, give us an estimate of the following:

* How long do you plan for each story path to be?
* Do you intend to create a lot of options, story branches, and endings? Provide details if possible.
* Do you want to include complex gameplay?

Third, as you said, it can be difficult to find another person who is ready and willing to work with you on a free project. It can be even tougher to find someone who can remain committed no matter what happens (emergencies, commitments, health concerns, and so on).

Fourth, if you want to present your story as a visual novel, then you will benefit by learning the basics of how Ren'py works. Take a few minutes to read this seven-part tutorial. If nothing else, this will help you understand feedback as you work with other people.

Finally, if you want another way to tell this story, remember that there are other options. You can present it as a novel with illustrations, or as a comic. You can even present it as hypertext fiction with some basic web coding.

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Re: Recruitment for serious FREE project

#3 Post by Cadenza »

Sent a PM your way offering my programming services - I like the concept and I wouldn't mind a bit more experience under my belt. I can also do the design for GUI.

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Re: Recruitment for serious FREE project

#4 Post by isanohohoemi »

gekiganwing: thanks for the recommendations and I know I'm not giving a lot of details away but that's just because I want to leave some surprises for the players or maybe just because I'm not too sure about some stuff and they might even change later.

I do know some basic stuff about ren'py, as I said, I already tried to make one VN last year.

In any case, I just posted this for the chance to find a team to work with because then it'd be easier and faster as if I do it all by myself. I can do it all alone but I choose not to if someone else is willing to join me.

If the people who are feeling like joining the team want to know more about it then we can discuss some details via PM or email but for those not interested to join I would say, we'll be back later with a pretty VN to entertain you :)

Cadenza: THANKS for joining! :D

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Re: Recruitment for serious FREE project

#5 Post by owlcity89 »

I just sent you a PM offering you my services of script writer! Hopefully you didn't mean I need to be able to use Ren'py because sometimes it doesn't like me... DX Still if I can't be helpful to you in that way I would hope I can be a person for you to bounce ideas off of and maybe a proof reader.

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