Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#1 Post by kittykatlover »

Devil's Betrayal

Based on Dungeons and Dragons and Baldur's Gate

Thank you to Manga for correcting my spelling. Twice.

Your kingdom has made a deal with the devils
Unbelievable Power
and devil guards--
in exchange for the sacrifice of a child every month
and a portal where demons can come and go from.

Never trust a devil.

The devils have betrayed your kingdom
and are attacking.
You, the only heir to the throne, must be protected at all costs--
at least until you reach age 18,
when the devil's power will become yours.
Your birthday is in a week...
can you survive the devils attacks until then?

Progress Report:

Ren'Py lint report, generated at: Wed Oct 17 19:16:52 2012


The game contains 68 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 591 words,
for an average of 8.7 words per screen.
The game contains 3 menus.

Remember to set config.developer to False before releasing.

Lint is not a substitute for thorough testing. Remember to update Ren'Py
before releasing. New releases fix bugs and improve compatibility.


Current Code:
(as of Wed Oct 17, 8:48 PM)

Code: Select all

# You can place the script of your game in this file.

# Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
# eg. image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png"

# Declare characters used by this game.
    $ pthink = NVLCharacter(None, kind=nvl)
# This is all for the battles, and it uses the Tile Engine. :)
    #defines the images
    image terrain road  = Image("temp_road.png")
    image terrain grass = Image("temp_grass.png")
    image terrain rocks = Image("temp_rock.png")
    image terrain tree  = Image("Tree 4.png")
    #further defines them.
    road  = Struct(lower="terrain road",  upper="")
    grass = Struct(lower="terrain grass", upper="")
    rocks = Struct(lower="terrain rocks", upper="")
    tree  = Struct(lower="terrain grass", upper="terrain tree")
  import copy
  c = copy.copy
  #defines the map
  map = [
   [c(grass), c(grass), c(tree),  c(road)],
   [c(rocks), c(grass), c(grass), c(road)],
   [c(grass), c(tree),  c(grass), c(road)],
   [c(road),  c(road),  c(road),  c(road)]]

  # Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
  # Note to self: remember to remove temp images!
    image temp angry_disheveled = "Eileen_Sprite_Eye-004_Mouth-009_Hair-01-#1_ANGRY AND DISHEVLED.png"
    image temp devil_betrayal = "eileen_Sprite_first-devil-betrayal.png"
    image bg bedroom = "palace bedroom.jpg"
    image bg tunnel = "tunnel.jpg"
    image bg forest = "forest.jpg"

# Declare characters used by this game.
    define y = Character('You', color="#ffffff")
    define I = Character('Ia')
    define t = Character('Tio')
# The game starts here.  
label start:
    #preps the map
    $ e = TileEngine(geometry=TileEngine.ISOMETRIC, map=map, tilewidth=64, tileheight=32, screenwidth=800, screenheight=600, show_cursor=True)
    "Are you a boy or a girl?"
        $ gender = "girl"
        $ gender = "boy"
    scene bg bedroom
    "A girl bursts into the room, slamming the door shut behind her."
    y "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
    show temp angry_disheveled at right
    I "Your... Your highness... the castle-- it's under attack!"
    show temp devil_betrayal at left
    y "What? Impossible! Nobody has dared attack us for more than a century!"
    I "It--it's true."
    y "But, it can't be! Nobody would dare attack us! Nobody!"
    I "I do not lie, your highness."
    "You hear a banging at the door. Ia turns at looks with wild eyes."
    I "They're here! Your highness, you must escape!"
    y "But-- it can't be true. It just can't!"
    t "I think she is telling the truth, your highness."
    y "It's impossible!"
    t " It's possible. And for them to get this far, they must be powerful."
    y "Bu--"
    I "Sorry to interupt, but we need to GO. NOW!"
    "You nod uncertainly, biting your lip."
    t "Follow me please, your highness."
    "Tio opens a secret passage, and you and Ia follow him."
    scene bg tunnel
    pthink "It's been more than a century since we were last attacked."
    pthink "Our country is the most powerful in the world."
    pthink "Our army is stronger than anyone else's."
    pthink "And our royalty aren't vunerable at all."
    pthink "The reason is simple:"
    pthink "We've made a deal with the devils."
    pthink "All people with royal blood shall be made into tieflings when they reach the age of 18."
    pthink "Tieflings are magical people with tails and horns, and they are much more powerful than the average human being."
    pthink "I'm 17 at the moment, and of royal blood."
    pthink "I'm going to be 18 in a week."
    pthink "The changes have already started. A small tail has started to grow, and I've started to think quicker, move better, and I have become stronger."
    pthink "...But our pact with the devils does even more than that."
    nvl clear
    pthink "The devils have agreed to serve us as guards and in our army."
    pthink "This makes us the most powerful country in the world."
    pthink "Of course, we are also the most despised."
    pthink "The devils had their side of the agreement, too:"
    pthink "A sacrifice of a girl every month."
    pthink "...and the ability for them to come to our world whenver they wanted."
    pthink "That is the price of our power."
    pthink "Many people hate us because of this."
    pthink "But, still, who would dare attack us? Even if they hate us-- we are still strong. Too strong for anybody we know of to beat us."
    nvl hide(dissolve)
    jump battle_1
label battle_1:
    "Programmer" "Until I figure out the Tile and Unit Engines, this will be skipped! You may choose to win or loose."
        $ battle_1 = "win"
        jump win1
        $ battle_1 = "lose"
        jump unfinished
label unfinished:
    "Programmer" "I'm sorry, this game is still unfinished! Thank you for playing it in it's unfinished state! Email with any complaints, bugs, or things that you liked!"

label win1:    
    if gender == "girl":
        t "Princess! Are you okay?"
    if gender == "boy":
        t "Prince! Are you okay?"
    "Yes, of course I am.":
        jump win1_menu1_true
    "Belive it or not, I am.":
        jump win1_menu1_true
    "No, I'm not.":
        t "Where are you injuired, then, your highness?"
        "He walks over and looks at me, scanning for injuries."
        y "The devils just attacked us! How would I be okay?!"
        t "No wounds?"
        y "No...."
        t "Then you are okay, your highness."
        y "The kingdom isn't."
        t "But you are."
        y "Sigh..."
        I "Have we done anything to provoke the devils?"
        jump win1_menu1
label win1_menu1_true:
    t "Good."
    I "I'm glad you're not injured, your highness."
    t "We need to talk about the devils, though. "
    I "Yes. Have we done anything to provoke them?"
    jump win1_menu1
label win1_menu1:
    y "I don't think so..."
    I "Are you sure?"
    y "Well, I certainly haven't. I don't know about anyone else."
    t "It's truely worrysome that they would attack us."
    y "Yes, I quite agree."
    I "Well, we probably won't gain anything from just sitting here, I believe. Shall we continue onwards?"
    y "Let's."
    "You walk for a long time, each of you thinking about the battle just happened."
    "Suddenly, your eyes are blinded by light. The tunnel had come to an end."
    show bg forest

The Tile Engine Extension by Chronoluminaire ( ... it_Engines)

(Or else I'll forget everyone that helped me! ^-^" I'm forgetful like that)

Palace Bedroom - ... y384_n9PF9
Secret Tunnel - ... NBO19GaOrw
Forest - ... CmFU84wMqQ

Chronoluminaire for the Tile Engine Extension
My Dad for helping overall
Aedin for fixing Error #1

junna for encouragement.
Manga for (also) encouragement.
Last edited by kittykatlover on Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:49 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#2 Post by Manga »

Sounds interesting, so far. Always been a fan of RPGs and fantasies, so should be interesting seeing how that works out for you. I'll have a look and see if I can spot the bug, but hopefully someone can beat me to the punch and give you, you know, the correct answer.

Also, psst. You mean Baldur's Gate. And Dungeons needs no apostraphe. [/grammar and spelling nazism]

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#3 Post by kittykatlover »

^-^ Thanks!
Shall edit immediately. Thanks for spotting that.

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Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#4 Post by junna »

oooh...D&D! can I love you? I'll be watching you~
chibi avvie by Meg (buprettyinpink).
Image<=helping out

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#5 Post by kittykatlover »

Thanks. ^-^

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Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#6 Post by Manga »

junna wrote:oooh...D&D! can I love you? I'll be watching you~
D&D is cool. I ask a similar question.
kittykatlover wrote:^-^ Thanks!
Shall edit immediately. Thanks for spotting that.
So close, my friend, but it is in fact Baldur's Gate. Don't worry, we'll get there in the end. :P

Oh, and tell me how that tileset thing goes. Always wanted to try that thing out since I first saw it.

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#7 Post by kittykatlover »

Manga wrote:
junna wrote:oooh...D&D! can I love you? I'll be watching you~
D&D is cool. I ask a similar question.
kittykatlover wrote:^-^ Thanks!
Shall edit immediately. Thanks for spotting that.
So close, my friend, but it is in fact Baldur's Gate. Don't worry, we'll get there in the end. :P

Oh, and tell me how that tileset thing goes. Always wanted to try that thing out since I first saw it.
What? I didn't get it right? Noo! :p Corrections shall happen soon.

Well, since i haven't exactly gotten the tileset thing working yet (I think that it may be what's causing the bug.), I'm probably not worthy of explaining. ^-^" Someone else might be better.

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Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#8 Post by Aedin »

One reason that you may have the error is that some of your indentation is wrong. The error screen really didn't give much to go off of, so I'm not sure what else might be wrong though.

Code: Select all

# You can place the script of your game in this file.

# Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
# eg. image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png"

# Declare characters used by this game.
    $ pthink = NVLCharacter(None, kind=nvl)
# This is all for the battles, and it uses the Tile Engine. :)
    #defines the images
    image terrain road  = Image("temp_road.png")
    image terrain grass = Image("temp_grass.png")
    image terrain rocks = Image("temp_rock.png")
    image terrain tree  = Image("Tree 4.png")
    #further defines them.
    road  = Struct(lower="terrain road",  upper="")
    grass = Struct(lower="terrain grass", upper="")
    rocks = Struct(lower="terrain rocks", upper="")
    tree  = Struct(lower="terrain grass", upper="terrain tree")
  import copy
  c = copy.copy
  #defines the map
  map = [
   [c(grass), c(grass), c(tree),  c(road)],
   [c(rocks), c(grass), c(grass), c(road)],
   [c(grass), c(tree),  c(grass), c(road)],
   [c(road),  c(road),  c(road),  c(road)]]

  # Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
  # Note to self: remember to remove temp images!
    image temp angry_disheveled = "Eileen_Sprite_Eye-004_Mouth-009_Hair-01-#1_ANGRY AND DISHEVLED.png"
    image temp devil_betrayal = "eileen_Sprite_first-devil-betrayal.png"
    image bg bedroom = "palace bedroom.jpg"
    image bg tunnel = "tunnel.jpg"
    image bg forest = "forest.jpg"

# Declare characters used by this game.
    define y = Character('You', color="#ffffff")
    define I = Character('Ia')
    define t = Character('Tio')
# The game starts here.  
label start:
    #preps the map
    $ e = TileEngine(geometry=TileEngine.ISOMETRIC, map=map, tilewidth=64, tileheight=32, screenwidth=800, screenheight=600, show_cursor=True)
    "Are you a boy or a girl?"
        $ gender = "girl"
        $ gender = "boy"
    scene bg bedroom
    "A girl bursts into the room, slamming the door shut behind her."
    y "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
    show temp angry_disheveled at right
    I "Your... Your highness... the castle-- it's under attack!"
    show temp devil_betrayal at left
    y "What? Impossible! Nobody has dared attack us for more than a century!"
    I "It--it's true."
    y "But, it can't be! Nobody would dare attack us! Nobody!"
    I "I do not lie, your highness."
    "You hear a banging at the door. Ia turns at looks with wild eyes."
    I "They're here! Your highness, you must escape!"
    y "But-- it can't be true. It just can't!"
    t "I think she is telling the truth, your highness."
    y "It's impossible!"
    t " It's possible. And for them to get this far, they must be powerful."
    y "Bu--"
    I "Sorry to interupt, but we need to GO. NOW!"
    "You nod uncertainly, biting your lip."
    t "Follow me please, your highness."
    "Tio opens a secret passage, and you and Ia follow him."
    scene bg tunnel
    pthink "It's been more than a century since we were last attacked."
    pthink "Our country is the most powerful in the world."
    pthink "Our army is stronger than anyone else's."
    pthink "And our royalty aren't vunerable at all."
    pthink "The reason is simple:"
    pthink "We've made a deal with the devils."
    pthink "All people with royal blood shall be made into tieflings when they reach the age of 18."
    pthink "Tieflings are magical people with tails and horns, and they are much more powerful than the average human being."
    pthink "I'm 17 at the moment, and of royal blood."
    pthink "I'm going to be 18 in a week."
    pthink "The changes have already started. A small tail has started to grow, and I've started to think quicker, move better, and I have become stronger."
    pthink "...But our pact with the devils does even more than that."
    nvl clear
    pthink "The devils have agreed to serve us as guards and in our army."
    pthink "This makes us the most powerful country in the world."
    pthink "Of course, we are also the most despised."
    pthink "The devils had their side of the agreement, too:"
    pthink "A sacrifice of a girl every month."
    pthink "...and the ability for them to come to our world whenver they wanted."
    pthink "That is the price of our power."
    pthink "Many people hate us because of this."
    pthink "But, still, who would dare attack us? Even if they hate us-- we are still strong. Too strong for anybody we know of to beat us."
    nvl hide(dissolve)
    jump battle_1
label battle_1:
    "Programmer" "Until I figure out the Tile and Unit Engines, this will be skipped! You may choose to win or loose."
        $ battle_1 = "win"
        jump win1
        $ battle_1 = "lose"
        jump unfinished
label unfinished:
    "Programmer" "I'm sorry, this game is still unfinished! Thank you for playing it in it's unfinished state! Email with any complaints, bugs, or things that you liked!"
    #Second Page!

label win1:    
    if gender == "girl":
        t "Princess! Are you okay?"
    if gender == "boy":
        t "Prince! Are you okay?"
    "Yes, of course I am.":
        jump win1_menu1_true
    "Belive it or not, I am.":
        jump win1_menu1_true
    "No, I'm not.":
        t "Where are you injuired, then, your highness?"
        "He walks over and looks at me, scanning for injuries."
        y "The devils just attacked us! How would I be okay?!"
        t "No wounds?"
        y "No...."
        t "Then you are okay, your highness."
        y "The kingdom isn't."
        t "But you are."
        y "Sigh..."
        I "Have we done anything to provoke the devils?"
        jump win1_menu1
label win1_menu1_true:
    t "Good."
    I "I'm glad you're not injured, your highness."
    t "We need to talk about the devils, though. "
    I "Yes. Have we done anything to provoke them?"
    jump win1_menu1
label win1_menu1:
    y "I don't think so..."
    I "Are you sure?"
    y "Well, I certainly haven't. I don't know about anyone else."
    t "It's truely worrysome that they would attack us."
    y "Yes, I quite agree."
    I "Well, we probably won't gain anything from just sitting here, I believe. Shall we continue onwards?"
    y "Let's."
    "You walk for a long time, each of you thinking about the battle just happened."
    "Suddenly, your eyes are blinded by light. The tunnel had come to an end."
    show bg forest
I don't know if that will help with your error, but it will make things easier in the long run.
"There’s no shame in pleasure, Mr. Gray. You see, man just wants to be happy, but society wants him to be good. And when he’s good, man is rarely happy, and when he’s happy he is always good."

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#9 Post by kittykatlover »

Aedin wrote:One reason that you may have the error is that some of your indentation is wrong. The error screen really didn't give much to go off of, so I'm not sure what else might be wrong though.

Code: Select all

# You can place the script of your game in this file.

# Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
# eg. image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png"

# Declare characters used by this game.
    $ pthink = NVLCharacter(None, kind=nvl)
# This is all for the battles, and it uses the Tile Engine. :)
    #defines the images
    image terrain road  = Image("temp_road.png")
    image terrain grass = Image("temp_grass.png")
    image terrain rocks = Image("temp_rock.png")
    image terrain tree  = Image("Tree 4.png")
    #further defines them.
    road  = Struct(lower="terrain road",  upper="")
    grass = Struct(lower="terrain grass", upper="")
    rocks = Struct(lower="terrain rocks", upper="")
    tree  = Struct(lower="terrain grass", upper="terrain tree")
  import copy
  c = copy.copy
  #defines the map
  map = [
   [c(grass), c(grass), c(tree),  c(road)],
   [c(rocks), c(grass), c(grass), c(road)],
   [c(grass), c(tree),  c(grass), c(road)],
   [c(road),  c(road),  c(road),  c(road)]]

  # Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
  # Note to self: remember to remove temp images!
    image temp angry_disheveled = "Eileen_Sprite_Eye-004_Mouth-009_Hair-01-#1_ANGRY AND DISHEVLED.png"
    image temp devil_betrayal = "eileen_Sprite_first-devil-betrayal.png"
    image bg bedroom = "palace bedroom.jpg"
    image bg tunnel = "tunnel.jpg"
    image bg forest = "forest.jpg"

# Declare characters used by this game.
    define y = Character('You', color="#ffffff")
    define I = Character('Ia')
    define t = Character('Tio')
# The game starts here.  
label start:
    #preps the map
    $ e = TileEngine(geometry=TileEngine.ISOMETRIC, map=map, tilewidth=64, tileheight=32, screenwidth=800, screenheight=600, show_cursor=True)
    "Are you a boy or a girl?"
        $ gender = "girl"
        $ gender = "boy"
    scene bg bedroom
    "A girl bursts into the room, slamming the door shut behind her."
    y "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
    show temp angry_disheveled at right
    I "Your... Your highness... the castle-- it's under attack!"
    show temp devil_betrayal at left
    y "What? Impossible! Nobody has dared attack us for more than a century!"
    I "It--it's true."
    y "But, it can't be! Nobody would dare attack us! Nobody!"
    I "I do not lie, your highness."
    "You hear a banging at the door. Ia turns at looks with wild eyes."
    I "They're here! Your highness, you must escape!"
    y "But-- it can't be true. It just can't!"
    t "I think she is telling the truth, your highness."
    y "It's impossible!"
    t " It's possible. And for them to get this far, they must be powerful."
    y "Bu--"
    I "Sorry to interupt, but we need to GO. NOW!"
    "You nod uncertainly, biting your lip."
    t "Follow me please, your highness."
    "Tio opens a secret passage, and you and Ia follow him."
    scene bg tunnel
    pthink "It's been more than a century since we were last attacked."
    pthink "Our country is the most powerful in the world."
    pthink "Our army is stronger than anyone else's."
    pthink "And our royalty aren't vunerable at all."
    pthink "The reason is simple:"
    pthink "We've made a deal with the devils."
    pthink "All people with royal blood shall be made into tieflings when they reach the age of 18."
    pthink "Tieflings are magical people with tails and horns, and they are much more powerful than the average human being."
    pthink "I'm 17 at the moment, and of royal blood."
    pthink "I'm going to be 18 in a week."
    pthink "The changes have already started. A small tail has started to grow, and I've started to think quicker, move better, and I have become stronger."
    pthink "...But our pact with the devils does even more than that."
    nvl clear
    pthink "The devils have agreed to serve us as guards and in our army."
    pthink "This makes us the most powerful country in the world."
    pthink "Of course, we are also the most despised."
    pthink "The devils had their side of the agreement, too:"
    pthink "A sacrifice of a girl every month."
    pthink "...and the ability for them to come to our world whenver they wanted."
    pthink "That is the price of our power."
    pthink "Many people hate us because of this."
    pthink "But, still, who would dare attack us? Even if they hate us-- we are still strong. Too strong for anybody we know of to beat us."
    nvl hide(dissolve)
    jump battle_1
label battle_1:
    "Programmer" "Until I figure out the Tile and Unit Engines, this will be skipped! You may choose to win or loose."
        $ battle_1 = "win"
        jump win1
        $ battle_1 = "lose"
        jump unfinished
label unfinished:
    "Programmer" "I'm sorry, this game is still unfinished! Thank you for playing it in it's unfinished state! Email with any complaints, bugs, or things that you liked!"
    #Second Page!

label win1:    
    if gender == "girl":
        t "Princess! Are you okay?"
    if gender == "boy":
        t "Prince! Are you okay?"
    "Yes, of course I am.":
        jump win1_menu1_true
    "Belive it or not, I am.":
        jump win1_menu1_true
    "No, I'm not.":
        t "Where are you injuired, then, your highness?"
        "He walks over and looks at me, scanning for injuries."
        y "The devils just attacked us! How would I be okay?!"
        t "No wounds?"
        y "No...."
        t "Then you are okay, your highness."
        y "The kingdom isn't."
        t "But you are."
        y "Sigh..."
        I "Have we done anything to provoke the devils?"
        jump win1_menu1
label win1_menu1_true:
    t "Good."
    I "I'm glad you're not injured, your highness."
    t "We need to talk about the devils, though. "
    I "Yes. Have we done anything to provoke them?"
    jump win1_menu1
label win1_menu1:
    y "I don't think so..."
    I "Are you sure?"
    y "Well, I certainly haven't. I don't know about anyone else."
    t "It's truely worrysome that they would attack us."
    y "Yes, I quite agree."
    I "Well, we probably won't gain anything from just sitting here, I believe. Shall we continue onwards?"
    y "Let's."
    "You walk for a long time, each of you thinking about the battle just happened."
    "Suddenly, your eyes are blinded by light. The tunnel had come to an end."
    show bg forest
I don't know if that will help with your error, but it will make things easier in the long run.

It fixed the error! Thank you so much. ^-^

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Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#10 Post by Manga »

kittykatlover wrote:Devil's Betrayal

Based on Dungeons and Dragons and Baldur's Gate
We did it, kitty. We did it.

Just stopping to embrace the moment here.


Anyway, looking at the art. Can you maybe get bigger pictures? Unless that's your game's resolution, in which case God help us all. It'd also be nice to see some of the characters, they tend to be more indicative and interesting than the backgrounds. Generally, anyway.

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#11 Post by kittykatlover »


Anyways, about the art. I actually don't like doing visuals until the end of the story,because I hate that step, honestlyand the pictures are (at the moment) there for showing scene changes only. I should probably work on finding better ones. Or try to make my own. "^-^

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#12 Post by kittykatlover »

I've been trying to choose between doing my own art and using others (free work or recruiting artists)
So, I have a question:
Do you think this art is good enough for the typical visual novel?
*in attached file*
Oh, and it isn't fully shaded, just an FYI.
Is this drawing good enough for the typical visual novel?
Is this drawing good enough for the typical visual novel?

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Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#13 Post by Manga »

It's a good start, but I'd say that it could use a bit of fixing. It isn't, however, godawful, which is more than I can usually say about my own artwork, and perfectly good for a first visual novel and for one who is focusing on writing.

I'd move her skirt up a bit.
One of her legs is going outside of her shoething and into the other.
She's a bit skinny, especially when you compare her waist and her legs.
The hair's uneven, but that might be deliberate.
More pedanticly, her chin.
Her arms don't really *fit* together.
I think her neck's a bit long.
Why, it lacks shading!

Note: I am notorious for giving bad advice.

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#14 Post by kittykatlover »

Since I'm not going to be using this costume for my VN, but I did make a template out of it (after I updated it), I'll be changing the thing that I am going to be putting in my VN. Shaded, I think? I know nothing about shading... "^-^
So... ya.
Thanks for the advice! Does this look better?
*The skirt looks odd, do you know why it does?
Does this look better?
Does this look better?

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Projects: Devil's Betrayal

Re: Devil's Betrayal [Fantasy] [RPG] [Battle]

#15 Post by kittykatlover »

I'm doing NaNoWriMo, so progress on this project during November will be... umm... slow. I will still likely progress (mostly on art) but not very fast. "^-^

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