Q/A: Obfuscating Images

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Help me, PyTom!

#1 Post by snowshine »

Ne, PyTom. I readed your toturial, and didn't undersand "Obfuscating your Game" part :cry: .
"... To use this, one can change into the game directory and run a command like:
../archive.exe images *.png *.jpg "

I'm confusion about how to do. Can you tell me about this part again, simly?
Thank you :lol:

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#2 Post by PyTom »

First of all, let me point out I split this into its own topic so that more people can see the answer.

Okay, more detailed instruction on how to obfuscate/archive images.

1) Run a command line.

2) Change into the directory containing your game. (If you haven't changed anything, this will be somehing\renpy-4.0\game\)

3) Enter in the command:

Code: Select all

..\archive.exe images *.jpg *.png
Where jpg and png are the extensions of the image files you want to archive. (So if you have any bmp files, you can add *.bmp to that list. But png and jpg are probably the best formats to use.)

The program will churn for a few seconds, and will then be done. You can then move the jpg and png files out of the directory, and your game will still work, provided you added the

Code: Select all

     config.archives = [ 'images']
lines to your game.

Is this enough? Or is your problem with the command line itself? If that's the case, let me know, and after calling you a young whipper-snapper, I will write you a batch file that does this. :) Just let me know what kinds of files you need to archive.

Hope this helps.

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#3 Post by rioka »

lol I think the problem is that you wrote the tutorial much like a programmer would read (and write) it. I had no problem with it as I'm used to it but I think you should consider doing one in layman's terms. =)

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#4 Post by PyTom »

To some extent, I can't help it. I'll stop coding when they pry my cold dead hands off the keyboard.

There are also some things that can't really be expressed well through spoken dialogue. (Like how to call the archive command.)

There's also the fact that the new demo took me about a day to make (not counting the time it took to draw or photograph the images, but counting the time it took me to find them on my hard drive, always an adventure), so it wasn't much.

If people have suggestions for the tutorial, please let me know. If you think you can express something clearer, write it up and I'll add it in. I've been programming for over 15 years, since the first time I touched a computer. So I really don't know what it's like to interact with a machine without programming it.

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#5 Post by rioka »

I don't blame you. When you're used to expressing and talking to others who understand it like you, that is also how you explain it to any other person even if they're not in the field.

I wasn't going to mention it at this early stage but anyways:
I am planning on making a how-to/making of the game (literally - from images, script, etc) using my first game as an example. I figure it would be a boon and help direct newbie's in their own projects using Ren'py - not to mention maybe get more people to make ren'ai games. ;D
But that'll be awhile till I start it (hey, I gotta finish the game first! ^^) so don't anyone hold their breath.

If I have time to spare till then, I'll see about writing a simple-speak version of your tutorial, PyTom.

Btw, how's you game going snowshine? ^_^

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#6 Post by snowshine »

REALLY? Will you write for me a batch file ? YATA! :lol: Thank you very very very much. Tee-hee.
The files I need to archive are *.jpg and *.png.
Again, Thanks a lot. :oops:

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#7 Post by PyTom »

Just put the following lines into a file named archive.bat, which you should create using notepad in the game directory. Be sure that it's a bat file and not a text file.

Code: Select all

..\archive.exe images *.png *.jpg
Once you save the file, you should be able to double-click on it and it should just work.

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#8 Post by snowshine »

Ne, I did it :shock: ! You're a big help, PyTom!

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#9 Post by PyTom »

Glad to help.

Two things:

First, did you make your avatar yourself? It looks like its some sort of vector art. What program did you use? I'm a big fan of vector art myself, since I suck at drawing the old-fashioned way.

Second, if I did my math correct, in Vietnam, you posted just after 4am. So what are you doing up so late? :-) That's what I call dedication to our craft.

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#10 Post by snowshine »

I used Flash to draw. Last year, I tried making my own Flash cartoon (through its length is only around 2,5 minutes :oops: ). This avatar was imported from it.
Oops! Did you notice? I usually stay late to do my favorite works: building my Web, drawing manga for publishing house, and, of course, making game :lol: . Mama said I was a little owl. Heee...
PyTom, you know, I'm your fan. Because you can program RenPy. I have never study about program. Mama want me to go the medical university, so I study Flash, Photoshop and Wed by myself ( I'm broke :cry: )... Well, I'm using your RenPy to make "Buried" . This game is on my Web http://storm.prohosting.com/vmanga/game ... thieu.html.
Yeah, are you making your game, PyTom? If you want me to help anything (oh no, I only know drawing), please tell me. Because you helped me, and because I'm a your fan.

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#11 Post by Sai »

snowshine your game looks very nice (although I can't understand the language it seems nice). I also saw your Flashwork and it is very good ^^

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#12 Post by BlackSpider »

Just had a look at it. Really great. I especially love the last screenshot. What a pity it's not going to be in English.

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#13 Post by PyTom »

In response to snowshine:

I'm too normal to have fans. Let's just set up a mutual admiration society. :-)

Right now, I'm trying to do my game by myself, at least when it comes to script, art, and programming. We'll see how that goes.

Since it seems like the first real Ren'Py game will be in a language other than English, I pushed up a feature into Ren'Py 4.1. It will now be possible to localize the main and game menus. One can now supply a translation for any of the English text that's created by the library. This will be in the release that's coming out tomorrow.

Also, if you ever make an English translation of your game, I'd love to play it. If you feel that you need an editor, and noone else more competent steps up, I'll do it.

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#14 Post by Grey »

Woah, mad language, look at all those accents! Not even Babblefish (babelfish) can help me, like it can to some extent with japanese sites :roll:

The art looks nice though, and congratulations on your fan PyTom ;)

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#15 Post by rioka »

Snowshine>> Nice screenshots you got there snowshine! The last one is especially nice. Keep up the good work. :D

PyTom>> lol So I guess only the weird one's get to have fans then? ;)

Wow, 4 projects using RenPy already. Not a bad start. 8)

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