NanoReno - 2013

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#46 Post by Applegate »

Yeah, so my plan for anything NanoReno related would be to write something that's more about dialogues between characters with less and less narration than anything. Maybe something more like a game than a VN would be an idea, but I can't code it and don't know any competent and willing coders enough to ask them.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#47 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

Ohwow. After a day of planning and conceptualizing with a classmate, I got a huge story in my hands.

Technically I'm using this interactive fiction called Choice of Romance as inspiration, so many things will refer from it, like character creation. But the story is quite original~ I'm still drafting but I am pretty sure this will be awesome o v o But man, the character customization alone took... several hours to finish HALF of it. Wow.

This will be fun.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#48 Post by myapple »

I would love to join you all, but I have too much on my plate right now :'D
So I will wish you the best of luck instead~

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#49 Post by Carassaurat »

SusanTheCat wrote:You could do this as a zombie apocalypse game. Then you can close the screen when that option dies.
It would be cool to have a "Main" monitor that the player could watch. then they could still feel like they were making choices. The the "main" story dies, they could switch to another monitor
It's funny that you should suggest that, Susan, since I've already worked on a zombie apocalypse game in the past and it's, quite frankly, the absolute last thing I want to write :lol: .

Anyway, my point with it was (will be?) that if everyone plays every route anyway eventually, there's no point in giving a choice. Might as well play out all the routes at the same time.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#50 Post by Fluffywuffykins »

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#51 Post by NeoSota9 »

Sounds pretty good but I don't know if anyone would want to team up with a rookie writer like myself because I suck with drawing so I'd need help with character character designs, backgrounds, cgs although I could also help make a opening if anyone needs one for their visual novel if that's allowed seeing as I'm a pretty okay video editor.

ps. I normally write mystery or fantasy stories (sometimes both at the same time) incase anyone cares.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#52 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

In case any writers out there is looking for a team to work with for NaNoRenO, I'm currently looking for one. :) Practically all I ask is utter dedication, the ability to write in second person AND the ability to write fantasy and romance. I'll handle the political bits. c:

I've already got an artist and a concept person. I'll be the main writer (to handle the political bits and some key scenes) and I'll need someone to write for me for the other scenes as well. I'll leave the political bits out of the job so there's no risk of nosebleed ;)

So far, I've mapped out backstories for each class the player can choose, and added some key points where the reader can choose what skill to learn, definitely raising stats that WILL affect the ending and the obtainable's impression of you. It's a bit complicated, so I'm already mapping it out by making a pseudo-code of sorts in paper. My friend was still planning to make a different set of obtainables with each class the player can choose. Possible, but not within a month.

I'm so excited for this project. It looks even bigger than Soul and Heart, heh.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#53 Post by mugenjohncel »

Guess I'll be joining NaNoRenO again this year with perhaps not one (1) not two (2) but three (3) projects...
Like last year's finished project, my NaNoRenO project will be Marijuana related but with a real story this time and not just some sort of lecture glorifying Marijuana but rather a story focused on... the dealer... the story has existed in very rough form since 2010.
Another project will be Lamest of Lame (a Tales of Lemma Parody). The story has existed since 2009 and has been constantly revised and refined to it's current form. Part of the artwork has already been done but due to an unfortunate incident, I accidentally flattened the master sprites so I'll have no choice but to start all over again... which is perfect since this will qualify my work for NaNoRenO...
Last but not the least is the Hammer Project... this one is by far the longest pending project I ever had in the making despite being the shortest. Script is complete from day one. It has been released privately back in 2012 but accompanied with nothing but placeholder art. So for NaNoRenO, the objective is to get this project done and final by having it's own original resources and everything and release it to the wild...
True, I work alone on my projects most of the time and I doubt anyone would be willing to work with me but I am UNCLE MUGEN... if I can't find a team then I'll just have to work alone like I always do... again ;_; so nothing has changed too much... I'll just have to make more noise on my own from now on...

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Last edited by mugenjohncel on Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#54 Post by Mink »

Since some other people here are taking the NaNoWriMo-ish approach, I figure I should suggest using something like FreeMind to help keep your story together, if you're like me and yours is needlessly complicated.

Also, I was originally going to make it a straight VN. Then decided to make it more of a game (as is "You screwed up and got at game over. You fail."). Then I decided to take a third option and do both. Using Freemind makes it seem doable, and it'll make the game artificially longer.

And oh god the feature creep. I need to follow the suggestion of writing them out and if I have time, implement them at the end.
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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#55 Post by Hazel-Bun »

I just wanted to say I would be interested in teaming up with someone for a short KN or VN ^^
I've been in multiple NaNoWriMo events but this seems pretty interesting too plus I have some ideas for it.

I'd be able to provide spirits, writing (main or co) and CG art work. Most likely I will be using free resources for music, sound and BG art work and then would need someone who could program and or long as that's accepted? Not to sure since I haven't seen a set rule page like NaNo has. I don't really know if free resources can be used haha.

Drop me a PM anytime!
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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#56 Post by NeonCowboy »

I'm not 100% sure of what I intend to do yet, but I definitely intend to participate in NaNoReno this year. I do know that I'd like to tackle something that has the player interact with some sort of computer interface, similar to Christine Love's Digital: A Love Story. I know that she actually did that game for NaNoReno in 2010, so maybe it'll be a Ren'Py spiritual pilgrimage of sorts... :P

So, if there are any artists out there who are interested in doing computer-ish icons and desktop-type things - making a faux-UI for a faux-OS, please let me know. I can handle the writing and I think the music will be super minimal...
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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#57 Post by Itwasneveradream »

-no longer relevant-
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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#58 Post by Cidz »

Oooh this starts in March? Thought it started in April. I better get started on thinking up some ideas. Lately, however, my mind is just so blank! And I'm really not that great of a writer either, and oh well. I really want to participate in this. Maybe I can even find an artist too, and you guys won't have to put up with my grade school drawings :D

edit: Ok, so I talked to my friend and we're going to pair up. He'll do they writing, and I'll do the programing and maybe GUI. But, is anyone interested in being our artist? At least sprite/CG artist (BG would be cool but not dire.) So far, his idea is a dark drama about a housewife who is tired of her marriage and life, and starts seducing the young 18 year old paperboy. (ok this totally sounds like a hentai XD I swear it's not!)
Last edited by Cidz on Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#59 Post by Sharm »

I'm in trouble, I was thinking so much about how to make some good looking sprites in a short period of time that I accidentally started drawing some. I'm going to have to start all over when this starts! This sprite was looking really good too. Oh well, I'll just have to finish it up and make it a free sprite or something.

I think it might be fun to pair up with a writer, but I'm too slow at art and too picky with stories so I'll probably just do it all myself. I'm drawing a blank on story ideas right now, but I've got a writing conference I'm going to next weekend so maybe that will spark something. It'll be fun to do this, I've been staring at the NanoReno section of the forums since I joined thinking about how I wished I hadn't missed it.
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Re: NanoReno - 2013

#60 Post by RangerDanger »

We are working on putting something out for NaNoRenO (finally, right?).

We are going to be doing an adaptation of the short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe. At this point, we pretty much have a full story outline already completed and a development timeline. We are planning to have something around 14,000 words across seven or so scenes. Probably won't be an all-ages type deal, due to some pretty graphically violent scenes. If any art folks are looking for a project to work on for NaNoRenO, we'd like to have you help out, provided you are okay with drawing violent scenes and such.

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