Sending Scripts to Voice Actors

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Sending Scripts to Voice Actors

#1 Post by CainVoorhees »

(feel free to move this if it's in the wrong forum)

Since I'm writing the script for my game in Ren'py, I've wondered what would be the best format for these scripts to send to voice actors.

I've thought about breaking down the story into scenes and formatting each scene to a screenplay, but I also wanted to see what others thought or have done.

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Re: Sending Scripts to Voice Actors

#2 Post by Kessie »

I'm just a starting voice actor so I haven't read over many scripts at all-

But I find it extremely useful when I can see all the lines not just my own in the story so I know what my character is reacting to and what I'm talking about.
I also appreciate it if the mood/reaction is implied to me somewhere like in brackets at the end of sentences so I know what sort of tone to aim for ^^.
As an extra but not completely necessary I guess, it's nice to know if there are words I should emphasise or make sure is clear when I say it that might be important to the plot placed in bold or italics? ^^

Like I said though, I'm really just a starting voice actor but thought I'd share my opinion on the matter if it helps in any way. :)
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Re: Sending Scripts to Voice Actors

#3 Post by dramspringfeald »

Format RTF Only is the best way to go. It can be seen on all computers and most tablets. Unlike txt or even unformatted text can be bolded, highlighted and even have pictures. This helps with reading.

Now Down to brass tacks. This works for me but it should work well for others.

For Demos and Tryouts.

Having a photo of the full cast plus include the Bios for each main character helps me to "get to know" the rest of the characters.

Next give me the entire script (or as much as you have.... at least 2 pages) and be sure to Highlight or Bold my parts.

Give me an Idea where you want the voice to go and I will give you a few readings usually in wav or ogg.

Repeat for each character you want me to test for.

If selected then we are ready to go. Repeat and we move on.
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