Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

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Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#1 Post by Amarrez »


November 1
Caucasian male, late thirties, was admitted to ER with high fever after returning from vacation in Madagascar. Pain in joints, sweating, and delirium all point to malaria. Have ordered a round of treatment with quinine and artesunate. Patient is too ill to release; will keep for at least two days.

November 2
Patient initially suspected to have malaria has worsened. Anti-viral treatments have not lowered his fever. Initial diagnosis of malaria may be in error; now suspect ebola. Delirium has worsened. Bleeding from orifices and severe jaundice also present. Hourly ice baths have done little to help bring fever down; coagulants have not stemmed bleeding. Attempts to contact next of kin have not met with success.

November 3
Patient suspected to have ebola has died. Initial autopsy did not detect any known
tropical viruses in the patient's blood. Currently waiting on additional tests.

November 4
God help us all.

Memento Vivere is a visual novel of a connected group of characters struggling to survive a zombie outbreak in the city of Derry. The project began in February 2012, and now in November 2012 we're finally releasing our prologue.

This short prologue is designed to introduce you to the cast of characters in the game.

If you enjoy the prologue, make sure to visit us at our website, where you can find our blog and forum. We're in the market for additional artists, editors and musicians, so if you feel you have something to offer us then visit us on our rizon IRC channel #memviv or on the forums.

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Memento Vivere - Remember to Live




Last edited by Amarrez on Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#2 Post by Geckos »

Looks quite intriguing! I shall be playing it soon. :)
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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#3 Post by AshenhartKrie »

Oooh, looks cool. Very pretty art.

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#4 Post by Reikun »

Hi! I played through this today and figured I'd leave my thoughts on it.
I'd say the story was a bit average in execution. Nothing too unique for a zombie thing. From the very first exchange with
Grey asking for nails and boarding up the place, I could already predict the story was a zombie type thing. I did not read your first post with the game description before playing through so I'm not sure if you intended that the player should be able to tell it's a zombie thing right off the bat or not.
Your first post with the dates and descriptions of a patient are very interesting to read (esp. Nov 4... haha) but nothing like that appeared in the KN, which is disappointing in hindsight...
Some things I liked:
-- I liked the premise of Grey being interrupted by the zombie apocalypse when he was trying to break up with Sara. It should prove to make their relationship very interesting later on. I just hope Sara doesn't turn out too much like Gasai Yuno (especially with that prowess with bat wielding and how she seems to want to be with Grey no matter what).
-- The scenes at the church with Elizabeth, Deacon, and Father were pretty good. It communicated Elizabeth's naivete quite well, the Father had some good wit going for him and DEACON ♥ is my favorite. I hope he appears later on again......... The rushing mob of people trying to get in was good too. Some variety in expression of needs beyond food may have added to the immersion though. Doesn't anyone need to use the restroom? Nobody is injured and needs first aid?
Some things I didn't like:
-- Was the black dude with the gun at the church supposed to be black? His sprite could definitely benefit from some darker skin tones if you're trying to portray a black person.
-- Didn't much like the scenes with Naomi the police lady. In my experience, on duty police don't often let their hair down and flowing like that since it can get in the way. It gave me the impression that Naomi isn't very disciplined as an officer. It's understandable that her hair may have been messed up while she was fighting, but it seems more like a poor design choice that went for "look" over functionality/practicality.
-- 13 year old Alex going out to help Ben (with Ben insisting that Alex should go and Maya being against it) screamed "The Walking Dead" right at my face. This is almost exactly what happens then Rick wants to teach his son how to use a gun a his wife is against it (in the comic anyway, I don't know about the game). Not sure if this game was inspired at all by The Walking Dead, but this scene was suspiciously similar to it. Could've been handled a lot more uniquely (and interestingly) than it was.
Also, is the music supposed to be super quiet? :/ I had to turn my sound up pretty high to hear it at a decent volume.
Overall this was OK as a prologue and intro for the characters, but I hope the real deal is a lot better....

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#5 Post by Amarrez »

Thanks for the feedback, rest assured we're taking it all on board as we go.

I'm not sure that Deacon was intended to be that much of a hunk though :3

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#6 Post by ixWishing »

Ahh, downloading this right now~
I'm a bit terrified of plots like these, but yeah ;o;
It was too interesting, I had to go download it~ lol
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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#7 Post by Dangertyde »

So far, this looks amazing. I was thinking to myself that the VN department was severely lacking in apocalyptic premises, and this definitely captivated my interests. I like seeing the different situations all the characters find themselves in.
I was actually a little touched when the Deacon offered to take the gun, in case things got out of control. (which they always do) Acknowleding he would go to hell (by his beliefs) it just kind of got to me.
Anyways, I really look forward to what comes from this. Fantastic work thus far!
Just gonna strategically place this over here...
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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#8 Post by Chibichann »

:D a story related to zombies,i am really not into this kind of stories but i gave it a try and i liked it.

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#9 Post by KochiyaChii »


It'd be nice to play it but zombies scare me T.T
and other games
that's pretty much it

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#10 Post by tiya_nofurita »

The arts are gorgeous and the story simply piques my interest :D Downloading now!

Edit : just played it. Whoaaaa I can't wait for the next ^_^

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Re: Memento Vivere: Prologue [Kinetic]

#11 Post by Didules »

This game is great! The art is beautiful and the characters are intersting (though I would have loved to see how Grey looked like ^^)
The music fits the theme perfectly and I was simply scared by the story ^^"
I sincerely hope that every character will survive in the next game ^^
Thank you for the game!
Good luck for the next part of the story ^o^

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