What do people misunderstands about you?

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#16 Post by Sapphi »

My sense of humor. I have this way of making really wacky comments... which are funny to me precisely because they are so ridiculous... but some people take them seriously and are appalled.

Also I get the sense a lot of people in real life think I am not friendly. That's not really true... I'm just shy and go into silent mode when I don't know anybody in the room. And also it's tough to make friends with people who are appalled at your sense of humor. Hmm... come to think about it, that's probably a chief reason that I don't have many close female friends... O_O
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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#17 Post by kura-ou »

Sapphi wrote:My sense of humor. I have this way of making really wacky comments... which are funny to me precisely because they are so ridiculous... but some people take them seriously and are appalled.

Also I get the sense a lot of people in real life think I am not friendly. That's not really true... I'm just shy and go into silent mode when I don't know anybody in the room. And also it's tough to make friends with people who are appalled at your sense of humor. Hmm... come to think about it, that's probably a chief reason that I don't have many close female friends... O_O
I've done and gone through these same things, Sapphi ;-; (Well, so long as we both have at least a handful of trustworthy friends, it's okay :))

For the most part, I know that people think that I'm a money-grubber or am arrogant online. I work hard just like anyone else, and I can't work for free. It took years just to see any improvement in my art.

Others IRL or online think that because I'm nice, they think that I'm fake. I'm not really the type to look for benefits and just like helping others, doing nice things, and buying gifts for my friends (RL or online)--that's just the way I am. I don't like being accused of being fake when the person I thought I admired and treated like a friend online accused me of using her. Wasn't she being dishonest with me, then, for acting nice towards me? She only started acting this way after she made this new friends. It's been very disappointing as of last year.
I've done my best to stay myself and get rid of this negativity by distancing myself from her or her friends since they're now in their own little clique. I don't want to get my self-esteem stepped on by a bunch of people that don't really respect me.
I guess I took having such good friends RL and online before for granted and assumed that because I knew her the longest, that she wouldn't suddenly change on me and treat me like crap. But whatever, at least these friends that I have now are genuine and kind.

Another thing that people tend to misunderstand about me is that because I like being kind towards others, that I'm using them or am just a 2-D person with no personality. I do have a personality, but I'm extremely picky. Only people who are genuinely interested in me for friendship will ever get that far, and no, it's not that drastic of a change from my outside personality x.x I mean, I get angry like everyone else--I just don't take it out on anyone and tolerate it for as long as possible unless my buttons are pushed.

Sorry for the long rant .__.;;;
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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#18 Post by borisoda »

People tend to think I am like 5~7 years older than my actual age.
Probably due to the lack of hair density on my part lol

I am really envious of people who look younger than their actual age

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#19 Post by kaki »

roundmetal wrote:People tend to think I am like 5~7 years older than my actual age.
Mine is the exact opposite. People think that I am at least four years younger than I actually am. It probably doesn't help that I don't wear make up or wear girly clothes and that I'm only 5'...

Other than that, many people seem to think that I'm amazingly smart. While I may take harder classes, people don't seem to realize that I'm pretty much passing with C/D grades. They also think that I'm shy and quiet when I'm actually not. At other times, some people kind of think I'm a snob because I tend to ignore them if I walk by them. It's not my fault though. I don't know why, but I have this thing against walking on cracks (and I only walk on the white lines on a crosswalk, and I tend to step in the tiles if it's a tile walkway, etc), so I always look down when I'm walking. Thus, I tend to miss people when I'm walking by. I'm not ignoring them or anything... just not paying attention... orz

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#20 Post by Aines445 »

Oooh misunderstandings....<.<

Well, people always think that I'm depressed and say that I look depressed, like "Hey, are you okay?", and I'm just like "Uh Yeah O.o...." because I'm completely fine, and I've been kind of friendless (Forever alone XD)so it happens a lot. Like when I used to be bullied (Psychologically) in school, I wasn't affected by it at all, I just ignored them and if they were getting on my nerves I would hit them, so I was seriously okay, but I guess I was born with a sad face XD. And apparently I look like I'm not paying attention to anything, but I am.

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#21 Post by pwisaguacate »

Ah, I can be misunderstood for various things in real life. I don't have many friends, and I generally don't talk much. This sometimes brought about certain remarks about being shy or embarrassed, which I especially noticed during middle school (first half of puberty, I presume), and that can get annoying.

Just a few things...:
  • Academic inclination. I excelled as a student in elementary and middle school but began to falter throughout high school. There are those who would believe that I work hard in school. My immediate family knows I've been slacking off (lots of time on the computer), but at the same time what they do not understand is my stress.
    • Life plan. I do not wish to argue deep into this. I got it under control. Almost.
  • Strength. I am relatively short and average weight for my height. There will be kids who'd believe I could probably pull off an Asian death roundhouse or something. While I'm not strongly trained lifter, I won't mind carrying stuff. I can break DVDs one at a time by holding it in one hand and punching it near the middle with the other hand. Bleeding knuckles generally result (note: I only tried this one day) after a number of discs and will shock the average viewer. The knowledge of how to punch one is helpful.
  • Physical pain. l am pain tolerant, but I do not enjoy pain. As for punching those blank DVDs I mentioned, I avoid messing myself up too much. I am not, and will not, be as violent as a person truly bent on killing some one.
  • Empathy. My little sister is particularly hit by the way I don't seem to give a shit whenever somebody dies and we attend a funeral. Okay, maybe I can't give shits, but am I that bad? Who's the one who told mom one day, when she experienced reoccurring muscle tension / sharp pains (don't know exactly) (I've had my share of foot spasms before), that it was just a typical numbing / something.else thing? YOU DID.
    • I am not morally guide-less.
  • Sexual orientation/drive. Due to my asocial ways, I would expect this. I had a moderate dislike for peers during middle school, so I kept strongly "neutral." It is not clear to everybody whether I'm gay, straight, or who I'm mentally fapping to right now (SHHH~). I will tell you right now that I'm definitely straight and not confused.
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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#22 Post by Sabotage »

Based from experience, I've always been labeled as the "serious" one. Not really 'intimidating' as most people have shared already, but more of somebody who's lost in their own world or perhaps even a bit "uptight". Most of my friends are surprised to find out I'm quite talkative/warm once I'm in my comfort zone. I've also been called a "weirdo" a good number of times in my life (they were correct).

When people get to know me, they usually say "You were so quiet." "Oh I thought you weren't into that stuff!" "I never thought you'd like it!"

...Is it the glasses..? I wonder.

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#23 Post by Amorphous »

People tend to think that I don't like art or literature at all, and are really surprised when they learn that I enjoy writing and drawing, and that oftentimes I even prefer writing to doing math. Granted, this is probably because of my reputation at school (where I have a pretty clear path in engineering), and probably my overly logical nature.

I've also developed a reputation at school for being a calm person. Which is entirely false; I freak out about pretty much everything. I just don't show it often on my face, and when I'm nervous, I actually talk slower than usual, so everybody just interprets that as me being calm and collected all the time.
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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#24 Post by thedarkdefender »

People think that I am a very responsible and studious person, and it's all because of my glasses. I even got chosen as a leader just because of my glasses.
People who doesn't really know me also think that I am a very quiet and gentle person, someone not to be messed around with. If only they knew how wrong they are.

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#25 Post by deviltales »

roundmetal wrote:People tend to think I am like 5~7 years older than my actual age.

I am really envious of people who look younger than their actual age
I feel you, buddy. I'm 17, but I'm tall for my age. Add to that a pair of glasses and a little make-up and I usually receive about 23-24.

another, and the most annoying, is my faith. I mean, what is wrong if I like to wear more black rather than pink and I like rock music? I'm not the spawn of Satan and neither a sociopath killer. I am an atheist, but I do respect religion, and I feel quite ashamed when certain people call me such names. :|.
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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#26 Post by thedarkdefender »

deviltales wrote: I'm 17, but I'm tall for my age.

I'm 17 too and I'm too tall too, and not just for my age. An average woman in here would usually be 5' - 5'2 in height.

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#27 Post by Destiny »

Many people think that I am unforgiving. Even all kinds of horoscopes, from chinese, moon or zodiac sign to my blood type, tell me that I am supposed to be unforgiving. Well, the fact is that there is only one person that I am unwilling to forgive. And only because she had gotten me almost killed.
But usually I'm very kind-hearted and forgive very easily. Still, many people accuse me of still having a grudge because of this or that ô_o

A lot of people think I try to piss them off.
I am the noisy, talk-active type that - seemingly to my own disadvantage - knows quite a lot of stuff. So talking with me can soon end in a monologue of mine when the talking partner isn't the type to just speak between my lines as I sometimes tend to do. And those that aren't able to do it often seem to think that I actually try to chase them away by just flooding them with talk, despire me just wanting to socialize.

I am very shy.
When you throw me a room full of strangers, I will NOT make first contact. They need to talk to me first. And if I know only one person, then I will probably piss that person off, because I will follow it like a puppy.
And, well, since I am a very open and talkactive person once I actually take a liking to someone, most people never believe me when I tell them, I'm actually shy.

Lastly, many people seem to think that I am a very aggressive person.
I have a dark and mean humour (even towards myself), love sadistic movies and games, I am very loud and energized and I can't stay calm when people try to provoke me. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty big for a girl and also seem to look pretty intimidating, even though I have no idea why.
So many people for example never want to do sports with me, because they get extremly scared, if I run towards them (like in soccer, rugby, volleyball or simliar).

A inofficial 5, that only applies outside of germany, is what I noticed here in Japan:
It seems like I am the most untypical german and even more the most untypical girl ever in the eyes of others.
I don't eat a lot of meat, I am a water drinker (so no beer for me), I often have a very friendly and calm athmosphere around me despite the cliche of the strict and somewhat rude germans (I can be like that, too, but people here seem to recognize that I am not being rude on purpose), I am not the least bit interessted in soccer and I am not even someone that enjoys schadenfreude.
I am also weird for a girl, with short hair, almost never wearing real girly clothes, my habit to not notice flirting and my total lack of interest for styling and dressing up.
Many people here, japanese as well as other foreigners seem to be very irritated about how to approuch me because of that ôo
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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#28 Post by Taosym »

I have a deviated septum, and when I concentrate I'm always narrowing my brow.

This leads to funny things like people asking me what's wrong all the time because I'm frowning and breathing heavily through my nose.

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#29 Post by Cabriolean »

People tend to get my age wrong: it normally varies between 15 and 24, I act fairly immature, I'm fairly short and my voice sounds kind of young, however I am well-endowed and have wide hips. Basically, in uni where my age is guessable from context they get it right, in casual situations people guess me as too young, and in serious situations they guess me to be older as I act and dress according to the situation, I also force myself to speak more slowly.

I also don't tend to wear makeup unless it's more formal and I tend to wear baggy clothing, often bright colours etc. so...........

In uni a lot of people are trying to get laid, whenever I talk to a guy, it's generally interpreted as flirting. I don't actually flirt much at all, I just tend to get along with guys better than girls, I have more female friends, but that's due to going to an all-female school.

People think I am really, really forgiving/like everyone, there are very few people who I hate, one of these people is best friends with one of my best friends so I have to be civil, I make an effort to be civil to everyone, unless I genuinely hate them. On the other hand, if I do seek revenge for something, I don't tend to do it openly, and things not worth seeking revenge for, I still remember and dislike the person for doing it.

I'm a lesbian/straight/promiscuous, people who I tell I'm bisexual (I'm really pan, but that tends to confuse people even more), assume I'm actually a half-closeted lesbian or want to sleep with everyone. People who I haven't told assume I'm straight, which most people are, so a fairly logical assumption.

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Re: What does people misunderstands about you?

#30 Post by SilverxBlue »

They think I love to study and that I am really mature for my age.

Like enta, everyone thinks I love to study, when in reality all I really do is slack off with my food and video games. Maybe it's because I love to read books and I am often seen walking while holding one, but those are ficiton. They don't have anything to do with my studies at all.

As for my maturity, I don't even know... My family knows (and is often annoyed by) how childish and immature I act. Imagine my shock and confusion when my friends and classmates admire me for my so-called maturity. Maybe it's because of my height and I am often looked at as the leader-figure of our block section even if I absolutely loathe leading people.

There's also my nationality. Whenever someone meets me for the first time, they automatically assume I'm full/part Korean when I'm not. My eyes aren't even that chinky, so I don't get why that happens. >_>
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