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Re: Guestbook

#2851 Post by SakiPai »


I really hate doing introductions because I've said all this a million times, you know?
Okay, I'm Saki. I love drawing, writing, and working with UTAU. I got into creating VNs because I actually aim to be a game developer, and I figure this will be a great way to get used to it and to develop skills, as well as a portfolio.

Nice to meet you and stuff.

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Re: Guestbook

#2852 Post by pickle131 »

Figured I should post here myself since I've basically just been stalking posts for games and stuff XD I'm pickle131 / Sayuri and I'm a second-year university student. I enjoy playing visual novels on my spare time, and am considering making a short story VN sometime over the summer. Primarily however, I'm an actress and love to help out with different visual novels whenever I get the chance c: (It's fun and plus it helps me expand my resume with original projects where I get to help bring original characters to life.) I also love to sing, and demos of both my singing and acting can be found by clicking the image in my signature! I also really enjoy proof-reading and drawing. If you ever want to chat about anything, feel free to PM me C:
Sayuri [ freelance actress / singer / fangirl & stuff]

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Re: Guestbook

#2853 Post by ameriko »

Hi everyone!

My name is Haley. I've been working on a historical vn and decided it was really time to stop lurking.

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Re: Guestbook

#2854 Post by aphosphene »

Hey wonderful citizens of Lemmasoft :)
My name is Ain, but I'm also known as aphosphene or just Phos :3

Location? Castle Black. Just kidding (big fan of ASOIAF here), I'm from the Philippines actually but I travel a lot. I've just registered but I've been honestly lurking and stalking around 2010. I generally draw most of the time but I write as well when the mood kicks in randomly. I've had experience with 3D design and animation, just a little, and I do some video editing from time to time. I have a bit of knowledge in Renpy coding, since I like making random short VNs for myself. Nowadays, I'm getting interested in voice acting, but I'd probably back out someday. I mean I can't even sing! T^T

I think Lemmasoft is a wonderful place for people with creative minds and would like to express their creations. I'd like to be a part of that community, even just a tiny part. Gosh, melodramatic theme music please! XD seriously though, I just like looking at other developers and fangirl about their games (and die a little bit inside because of envy).

Recently I've been working on a kinetic VN (that would probably be part of the series). It's still on a very rough phase. It basically revolves around gang/mafia-like action stuff, deception, espionage, seduction, political and business conflict, wine production, love for family and companionship. I'm not even sure if I would finish it.

So yeah. Dunno what else to say.. Pardon my rambling (I really tend to do that a lot) and my awkwardness. :3

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Re: Guestbook

#2855 Post by o v e n »

aphosphene wrote: It's still on a very rough phase. It basically revolves around gang/mafia-like action stuff, deception, espionage, seduction, political and business conflict, wine production, love for family and companionship. I'm not even sure if I would finish it.
Um. Yes. Yes times all the stars in the sky, you should finish it. Going to post it in the WIP section? I could cheer you on in your thread. xD

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Re: Guestbook

#2856 Post by CryInDeepRed »

Hey I'm new here :) I came over on recommendation from a friend who said that people who can't code or draw could sometimes work on projects. I admit it - I'm an idiot at coding and, despite having tried to learn RenPy, I still can't seem to get the hang of it (and I don't have Windows so I can't use the "easier" WYSIWYG softwares, and would probably get justly bashed for them anyway). As for art, well, I like taking photos, drawing abstract art, etcetera, but I am NOT very good with drawing people or scenes.

That said, I love to write, love visual novels and the idea behind them and have some ideas (I've played through Katawa Shoujo, loved it, and Hotel Dusk and Ace Attorney are awesome...) and I am also a musician. I also am good at research, and I know my way around some things (e.g. visual kei culture and the like) So I'm dropping by to offer my services and see if anyone can use them. If no one can, that's cool - I don't want to start any dramas or the like aside from what's on screen.

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Re: Guestbook

#2857 Post by coffin-tan »

Hello Lemma!
My name's Trish, and it's nice to meet you guys! xD
Just call me by my username which is coffin-tan, or coffi/coffee if you like to shorten it, like a nickname ...or maybe coffee latte or choco smoothie. Whatever lol.
I've been lurking around the forums for uh... about a year, maybe? I was checking out different kinds of visual novels and playing it afterwards. I felt guilty about not having an account and not being able review the visual novels that I had played. :(
After that I decided to make an account and join in the forums haha~! (it took a while though, since yahoo mail was being so stubborn ;__:)
Okay... so my location is.... PLATINUM JAIL. dun dun daaa! ...Just joking.
>.< I live in the Philippines.
I also have a blog at wordpress, but there's um...pretty much nothing(YET) *cough*. Give it a month or two OTL.
Hmm... comments for the forums? Well, first of all, I like lemma. Its like a creative gathering of sorts. This is a good place to improve your skills, and some people are there to 'perk you up' *cough* critics *cough*.
Alright, and with that, I have signed the guestbook :D

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Re: Guestbook

#2858 Post by aphosphene »

o v e n wrote: Um. Yes. Yes times all the stars in the sky, you should finish it. Going to post it in the WIP section? I could cheer you on in your thread. xD
Oh geez! Uhm, thanks :oops: I honestly didn't think my story would attract people, it's all mature and stuff. With sexual themes, and violence and well... food. XD

I wish I could post it in the WIP section, but from what I understand I think the project should be worked on a weekly basis before posting it. And I could be very lazy. I'm barely even 5 percent done with the story. Very little work on the GUI. I'm not even sure if I'll be using sprites (I planned to have it all in CG, but we all know how freaking hard that would be.) xD

Still thank you :D

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Re: Guestbook

#2859 Post by aphosphene »

coffin-tan wrote: >.< I live in the Philippines. :D

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Re: Guestbook

#2860 Post by Michmat »

Name: Michmat
location: Interwebz
website:none, a steam account which I will post later..... maybe
comments about Lemma Soft: I signed up right now for help. but hopefully someday I can help others. it's nice to meet you all, I hope this isn't a dead forum ;_;
EDIT: and I also want to make friends!! I don't care your age, your sexual preference, gender, race or anything like that, if you're kind, then I would love to be friends :) I mean I don't care as in I don't judge... yes I do care about who you are.

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Re: Guestbook

#2861 Post by lioncub »

Good night!
My name: Ann
location: Ukraine (near Russia :o )
website:I have not made any website and do not have my own
comments about Lemma Soft: I signed up for advises. Also I want to associate with different people. I think, that LemnaSoft is interesting, because it dedicated both fot users and creators of VN
P.S. sorry for my bad English, but I am lazy and do not try study English hard

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Re: Guestbook

#2862 Post by TinaOtonashi »

Hello people! My name's Martina, I'm 17 years old and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I've been lurking around the forums for around a year now, and I thought it was about time for me to introduce myself and review VNs!
Recently I started my first project with a friend of mine and my boyfriend, and I would love to have new partners to work with, and friends to chat and share advice with!
So, that's all for now, see you around!

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Re: Guestbook

#2863 Post by Camy »

Hello everyone! I'm Camy, short for my real name, Camille. I'm 24 years old and I live in Cedar Park, Texas. I attend my community college for Web & Interactive Design and I'm a huge video game fan, VN/dating sims included of course. I'm here to offer my design skills (interface designer, web designer (for those who need a site), or game logo designer) or a writer. I do have a wish to make a game or two (perhaps more) of my own but I still need to smooth out the storyline and other characters before doing so because I LOVE to write/coming up with stories, especially when it involves fantasy.

Oops, forgot to add my site:
Last edited by Camy on Mon May 27, 2013 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Guestbook

#2864 Post by Blue Lemma »

@Michmat: We're not dead :D

Welcome everyone!
“Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.”
- Napoleon Bonaparte

I've retired from forum administration. I do not add people to the "adult" group, deactivate accounts, nor any other administrative task. Please direct admin/mod issues to PyTom or the other mods : )

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Re: Guestbook

#2865 Post by chamomilea »

Hello everyone! I'm Jay, otherwise known as Chamomile. I'm 19 years old and currently live in Carolina Beach, North Carolina. I'm currently out of school due to personal and financial issues, but it doesn't stop me from getting things done. I've been fond of playing all types of visual novels since around my middle school days, and have been working on a couple stories of my own from them on. I draw (mainly scribble nowadays) and voice act when I have free time or am needed for a friends project. Currently I've been working on a project with a friend that I hope to one day release because it's a story I wrote a long time ago and won an award for. I'd love to meet anyone who wants to talk and I'm always up for a good chat about anything anyone needs to say. My dream career is to work in animation and art therapy.
I don't have a website right now, but I will be setting one up soon! As for my comments on the forum, I've lurked for a while without joining but I finally felt it was a good time to join.

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