Secret Santa 2013 !

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#91 Post by DragoonHP »

I'm almsot finished but won't be able to post it before 24.

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#92 Post by PyTom »

As an aside, I'd just like to thank TsukiShima for taking the initiative to step up and run this year's Secret Santa. Without people stepping up to do things like this, they wouldn't get done - and the forum would be worse for it. So thanks, TsukiShima!
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#93 Post by Armee »

I'm almost done <3 Just a bit touch up and I will have it on this thread in December 24th, after I send my gift to my receiver.
I didn't have enough time so it's a bit plain >_> I was sick and all exams stuffs attack, at least I hope they will like it

I'm Katta's santa.
Last edited by Armee on Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#94 Post by azureXtwilight »

I sent mine to my receiver, I'll post it here when everyone else has posted theirs. Or not.

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#95 Post by SilverxBlue »

Ahhhh! I'm almost done... I'll just add the finishing touches and probably do a lot of editing and then most likely send it tomorrow before posting it here. ;A; I'm so nervous... I hope my receiver will like it. @___@
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#96 Post by Lumen_Astrum »

Hooray to cramming. I'm done with mine! uwu
Sent it to the recipient. Will post later when everyone does or sth.


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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#97 Post by soraibi »


This present is for PhoenixStardust. Happy early Christmas! I'm not too sure about the dapper thing but I tried lol I'm on my iPad by the way and the internet is really slow so the picture is from photobucket anyways...enjoy ^^

I'm gonna send it to the person on pm as well...

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#98 Post by Caveat Lector »

For itwasneveradream, here is a Rose Colored Days oneshot, which is about a series of e-mail exchanges between Lulu and Jan in the weeks leading up to Christmas:

Disclaimer: “Rose Colored Days” is property of Itwasneveradream. Also, it is highly recommended you listen to Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars while reading this.

From: justjan
To: rainbowflanco
Subject: B-day thanks
ARGRFRAH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS!!!! :-) I LOVE Berserk, and I’ve always wanted to check out the anime adaptation!! The anime is impossible to find ANYWHERE. Well, sure, it’s available on-line…for roughly, oh, a million dollars or so. As soon as I’m done typing up this up, I’m gonna marathon the anime and tell you how it measures up with the manga.
Thanks again!

From: rainbowflanco
To: justjan
Subject: Re: B-day thinks
You’re welcome! Yeah, I know what you mean. I was wondering what to send you as a birthday gift this year, and I was talking to Maya about it and she was like “Hey, my brother spent a ton of money on this anime he wound up hating, but maybe your friend will like it” and I was like “Does it have swords and stuff?” and she was like “Yeah, and it’s really, really bloody and violent” and I was like “HELLZ YEAH!”
Maya said her brother hated it cuz apparently, it ended on a cliffhanger or something. Not sure if I would like it, then. I hate it when things are just left hanging, ya know?

From: justjan
To: rainbowflanco
Subject: Re:re: B-day thanks
JUST finished an hour ago. DAMN I forgot how AWESOME the Golden Age arc was! And whaaa? How can he NOT like Berserk? PHILISTINE! :-p
But seriously, yeah, the anime does end on a cliffhanger. It kinda sucks, but at least I know what happens in the manga. Even if you don’t know what happens on one side of the story, at least you get to know the other side, right?
PS So how’s school going? Everything’s fine over here. Not the same without you, though.

From: rainbowflanco
To: justjan
Subject: School UGH
Do NOT talk to me about school. I have FOUR overdue assignments PLUS exams coming up PLUS I’ve gotta get a birthday gift for Kiko (who, btw, looks more and more like L from that Death Book anime we marathoned through one time). ARRRRGGHHH!!!! >:-(

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:School UGH
Damn, sorry to hear about all that. :-( I know the feeling, exams are coming up soon. And LOL on Kiko. You’ll have to send me a pic of him sometime.
In the mean time, I attached a downloaded mp3 of the demo version of Riko Flanco’s “Your Galaxy”. Hope this cheers you up!

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: Re:re:School UGH
Thanks so much! It brightened my day! :D Riko is so awesome. Did you know she started out working at a hair salon to support her four younger siblings while her dad was in the military? Can you imagine going from that to being one of the biggest pop stars ever? It’s kinda like Cinderella.
Any-hoo, I’m thinking maybe I’ll get “The Lunch Club” for Kiko’s birthday—not the original, the director’s cut. I’m sure he’ll like it, maybe. If nothing else, I could get him a banana to go with. ;-)
PS Here’s an attached pic of Kiko. I’m telling you, he looks just like L!

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:re:re:School UGH
LOL WUT. XD About Kiko looking like L. Not the whole bit about Riko. Yeah, that sounds awesome. I used to have a crush on Cinderella when I was little.
Just a warning about the director’s cut for “The Lunch Club”: I saw some bootlegged clips on YouTube and…
Let’s just say some scenes might give your mom a heart attack.

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: Kiko’s Birthday
Soooooo sorry I didn’t reply sooner, mom took away my computer privileges until I buckled down on my assignments. I’m FINALLY done! I thought I wouldn’t survive, but I made it! Assignments + exams = OVER! :D
Any-hoo, about the subject header…I got your last message a bit too late. XD Kiko was so excited he wanted to pop the movie in the DVD player right away. My parents saw the movie in theatres when it came out (it was their first date, so it holds—or held—a dear place in their hearts), and wanted to watch with Kiko. I was put on popcorn duty, so I made some, and we sat together, and…
Oh dear Lord, I don’t think my poor eyes will ever recover from that scene in the cafeteria with the innocent pumpkin pie. XD I can see why some people would call it controversial, lol! XD And it was just soooo awkward, I was sitting there and my whole face burned up, and my parents...they just won’t talk about it. But they’ll recover. I hope. XD
Now, I have just one other thing to worry about: Christmas shopping! How’s Christmas going over there?

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:Kiko’s Birthday
LOL. Check your e-mail before you purchase next time! XD
Christmas shopping is going pretty good. It’s my turn to play Santa for Nancy this year, and she wants one of those talking rabbits. I got one right before the rush apparently got really, really ugly according to the news. I don’t know WHAT she sees in those things. It’s just so…*shudder*. Or maybe she’s a nightmare fetishist in the making, who knows. XD
Oh, and in other news? Dad might get transferred back to the Philippines! It’s just a maybe, though, so don’t get your hopes up.

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: Re:re:Kiko’s Birthday
Yay, that would be so awesome!
Awww, but those bunnies are so adorable~. /\._./\ While shopping today, I got a new haircut. Here’s a pic attached!

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:re:re:Kiko’s Birthday
Awesome haircut! Love the colors too!
Hey, this might sound random, but do you have a boyfriend?
(note 2 self: arrgghhh no no no delete!)

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:re:re:Kiko’s Birthday
Your haircut makes you look cute! So, have you noted
(note 2 self: delete!)

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:re:re:Kiko’s Birthday
Nice haircut!

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: You okay?
Is everything okay? You didn’t have a lot to say last message. Is it about your dad getting transferred? Is he not going after all?

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:You okay?
Sure, everything’s fine. Still no word on dad’s transfer. But I found out something totally cool about samurai swords this morning: Did you know that katanas are made from a special steel called “tamahagane”? It’s kind of like a cool badass name, you know? “Tamahagane”…sounds like it would be an awesome name for a shonen anime protagonist! Yes, in fact, maybe you could design a new outfit for Tamahagane or something? Not that you HAVE to, just, you know, take your time. Or maybe we could talk about it more when I come back. If I come back.

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: Tamahagane
Tamahagane’s outfit will have to wait. I filled up my sketchbook yesterday, and I might have to wait until Christmas to get a new one.
I’m thinking of trying out for the girls’ volleyball team next semester. But then there’s also the school’s art club, and their meetings would take place at the same time as volleyball practice. Plus…I hear the art club might be haunted~. 0_0

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:Tamahagane
Go with whatever speaks to you, but man, the haunted art club sounds pretty awesome. I’d join a club over here, but, well, you know how well people and I mix. It would be less of a hassle to be in a club with just two other people, like maybe you and Kiko.
Oh! I know! If we ARE going back to the Philippines, maybe we could start our own club and hunt for ghosts?

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: Re:re:Tamahagane
ZOMG THAT WOULD BE SOOOO AWESOME~~~!!! :D But if you can’t make it, I’m probably going with the haunted art club.
Do you want me to send you anything for Christmas? It’s too late for me to send you anything by mail, but maybe I can send you something via e-mail…?

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Re:re:re:Tamahagane
Maybe just an mp3 or something. I’m pretty good for presents here.

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Confession
You know, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, and I have something to say to you. I might like you. Like, like you-like you. I’ve liked you-liked you since we were little. I love your laugh, your energy, the melted strawberry frozen yogurt dripping down your chin during the summer, your screams whenever Jack Saffron comes on screen, and the way you sing at karaoke. And I was just wondering if
No, no, NO! Delete, delete, delete!

To: rainbowflanco
From: justjan
Subject: Christmas
Merry Christmas.
PS If you’re wondering why I haven’t sent you an attachment as a Christmas present…my dad’s getting transferred back to the Philippines after all! :D We’re flying in New Years Eve!

To: justjan
From: rainbowflanco
Subject: Re:Christmas
That’s so awesome! I literally SCREAMED when I read you were coming. Mom rushed in and thought I was either being murdered or came across another screamer video again. XD
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

-The end
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#99 Post by xavimat »

Merry Christmas, Rousseau!

This short KN is my present for you, “Parasite Eve related” (or sort of). I hope you like it.
Ren'Py lint report.

The game contains 66 dialogue blocks, containing 807 words and 4,499 characters, for an average of 12.2 words and 68 characters per block.

The game contains 0 menus, 4 images, and 12 screens.
(27.48 MiB) Downloaded 50 times
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#100 Post by silverpikachu99 »

xavimat wrote:Merry Christmas, Rousseau!

This short KN is my present for you, “Parasite Eve related” (or sort of). I hope you like it.
Ren'Py lint report.

The game contains 66 dialogue blocks, containing 807 words and 4,499 characters, for an average of 12.2 words and 68 characters per block.

The game contains 0 menus, 4 images, and 12 screens.
Have a Happy New Year 2014!
This was honestly so cool! The music went perfectly with the story. Your writing was very nice. Great job! :)
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#101 Post by azureXtwilight »

For Anne, I am really sorry that I know nothing about Shinsengumi :oops: , so please have this Kaze Hikaru fanart instead~
Merry Christmas!

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#102 Post by ludeshka »

I come bearing gifts!!

I was Armee's secret santa!
I hope you have wonderful holidays! :)
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#103 Post by xavimat »

silverpikachu99 wrote:This was honestly so cool! The music went perfectly with the story. Your writing was very nice. Great job! :)
Thanks silverpikachu99! (a comment 12 minutes after posting it!)
I hope Rousseau likes it.
Happy Christmas!
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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#104 Post by Applegate »

SilverHyena's Secret Santa:

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Re: Secret Santa 2013 !

#105 Post by CheeryMoya »

Merry Christmas silverpikachu99! I made you that otome game.

Please tell me what you guys think! Admittedly, I spent most of the dev time on making it look nice.

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