Get that thing off your chest... Now...

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3706 Post by Head_Phones »

Lishy wrote:Lately my chest has been hurting me a lot. For the past few days, I've also been feeling a pressure, like someone pressing their fist against it. I hope nothing bad happens...
Oh dear, you should probably get that checked out. Better safe than sorry, hon.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3707 Post by LVUER »

Lishy wrote:Lately my chest has been hurting me a lot. For the past few days, I've also been feeling a pressure, like someone pressing their fist against it. I hope nothing bad happens...
Yes, better check it fast. If you also experience a back pain and/or cold sweat... and those symptom come on and off, I'm afraid it could be a heart attack (it could get worse fast, so check it fast).

Anyway, if you feel discomfort/pain, that means there have to be something wrong with your body or you do something wrong.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3708 Post by Sugar-Junkie »

Lishy wrote:Lately my chest has been hurting me a lot. For the past few days, I've also been feeling a pressure, like someone pressing their fist against it. I hope nothing bad happens...
It could just be stress/anxiety, I often got this kind of chest pain when I was a teen, but you should go see a doctor. Better safe than sorry ;)

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3709 Post by Deji »

So I got tired of forever waiting my bf to propose to me.
We've talked about marrying this year, especially after a couple of friends got engaged.
I told him that screw proposals, we'll just decide to get engaged by ourselves, since it's something that affects both of us and it shouldn't be decided just by one of us (plus that'd save me a lot of frustration come our anniversary and valentine's day, expecting he'd finally propose and him not doing so - he acknowledged he hadn't give it a thought... =_____= )

And, surprisingly, he agreed.
So we'll get engaged this week, tomorrow is our 10th anniversary of going out and I said it'd be a good time. He agreed.
I demanded a ring, he said he had no money to buy one, but any ring will do, really, I don't need a fancy one >> seriously, even a US$30 one will do.

So that's it.
No romantic moment or anything, just a mutual decision that seems to lack any weight.
I'm not pleased, but I'm tired of waiting and getting frustrated by the king of status quo >:T

Tomorrow is our anniversary and I'm planning to decorate the apartment and get all dolled up and make him dinner and PROPOSE TO HIM MYSELF. Because I refuse for our engagement to start out so... blah >:T So I'll make it a memorable occasion BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE.

I hope it goes well xDDD
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3710 Post by Fungii »

My god that was the scariest opening to a post ever, I was really not expecting it to go the way it did haha. Congratulations, though! Hopefully you don't spend a perpetuity in engagement for the next ten years instead!

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3711 Post by Rinima »

Lishy wrote:Lately my chest has been hurting me a lot. For the past few days, I've also been feeling a pressure, like someone pressing their fist against it. I hope nothing bad happens...
go see a doctor :\
Hope it gets better soon though!
Deji wrote:So we'll get engaged this week, tomorrow is our 10th anniversary of going out and I said it'd be a good time. He agreed.
Good luck!
And congrats for tomorrow (so long as it goes well XD)
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3712 Post by SimonLayton »



You see, there's this friend that she talks to everyday in facebook. He's her classmate, and they were in good terms, because they had the same interests, and he was being a good friend to her. And then there's prom this Friday, and he asked her out via Facebook, as usual. She politely declined, because the reason was even though they talked a lot online, they haven't exchanged a single word in real life, and my sister knew it would be awkward, unless they started talking to each other in real life. So when she turned him down, he suddenly became very hostile to her in real life.

You see, prom traditions here in the country, at least in our school, are different from what we usually see in TV, in movies. We don't ask out our own classmates out. We regard each other as brothers and sisters. Everyone goes to prom to have fun, to dance with each other as friends, not as dates, not as girlfriend/boyfriend. So when a close male friend of my sister asks if he could dance with her in prom, she said yes, and when another classmate of her asks if she'll come to prom and dance with her too, she said yes. She said yes to these two people because they talk and hang out with her in real life. And every time she said yes, this facebook friend of hers glares at her direction, like she just did a serious crime.

This jerk of a friend made my little sister very insecure, to the point it drove her to tears. Made her overthink that, behind her back, he is sneering things to his friends about her. Probably telling his friends that he was "friendzoned". And how she's a bitch for turning him down. Wow, so gentlemanly.

Don't get me started about what people had said and treated my girlfriend too. She's already living in a strict household, an opressed environment, her friends leaving her to dust because she tells the truth about herself, and her own goddamn father calling her a cow for simply carrying healthy farm goats during a field day in campus, for disliking the college course she took, her passion, didn't even care if she wanted to be a veterinarian after she graduated, didn't care about her love for animals. Her father was too prideful, so full of himself. He supports animal cruelty because it was the only way they could be trained and restrained, because they were dumb, dirty and uneducated, and he just wanted my girlfriend to be married off to someone with a dowry..

I --




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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3713 Post by Applegate »

This jerk of a friend made my little sister very insecure, to the point it drove her to tears. Made her overthink that, behind her back, he is sneering things to his friends about her. Probably telling his friends that he was "friendzoned". And how she's a bitch for turning him down. Wow, so gentlemanly.
"Made her overthink that". "Probably". It's a bit too early to demonise when there's no evidence that says he did do it.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3714 Post by SimonLayton »

Applegate wrote:
This jerk of a friend made my little sister very insecure, to the point it drove her to tears. Made her overthink that, behind her back, he is sneering things to his friends about her. Probably telling his friends that he was "friendzoned". And how she's a bitch for turning him down. Wow, so gentlemanly.
"Made her overthink that". "Probably". It's a bit too early to demonise when there's no evidence that says he did do it.
She overheard a few boys in her class cursing at a few girls who turned them down. One of them is her friend.

Even if there is no such evidence, the way he treated her made her feel bad about herself; he made her think that it's all her fault. Which was wrong.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3715 Post by Applegate »

She overheard a few boys in her class cursing at a few girls who turned them down. One of them is her friend.
Again, it need not mean anything. I understand that you might be angry, but I think you're too quick to jump to a conclusion.

I think communication and thinking about things is important. I also am a meddler and lecture. If that's not your cup of tea, do not read on.
If I had a good friend who I'd always talk to on Facebook, and I asked them out to a dance party just as friends and I'd be refused, I would be a little upset, but okay. If that same person then will go with other friends, then yeah, I can well understand being angry because it's like you're not as important a friend as the other two. Clearly, you're losing out. Is it proper to just get angry and not ask for clarifications? No. Is it understandable that you'd get angry if your friend singled you out and clearly favours other friends over you? It is.
he made her think that it's all her fault. Which was wrong.
I don't know what "fault" you're speaking of, but in terms of clearly favouring two friends over this other friend, your sister may have inadequately communicated this to her friend. And even if she did, teenagers are wont to feel slighted when they're clearly not as important to someone as others are. Is there a finger to point for the blame game? No, and even if there was, it goes both ways.

What you're describing is a communication breakdown. Your sister's friend (let's call him Boy A) has begun acting in a way you feel is hostile. Behaviour you point out is glaring at your sister. I discard any "as if" statements as these are assumptions that assume the worst of others.
You correlate the glaring with your sister agreeing to go to a Prom dance with two of her other friends.
You point out that prior to this happening your sister declined to go to the Prom dance with Boy A. It's not clear to me whether she communicated that it was because she felt awkward about going with a friend she's never spoken to offline.
As a result of the glaring, your sister developed feelings of insecurity and fears Boy A may be talking bad about her behind her back.
Based on this, you conclude Boy A is an asshole.

However, not once do you mention talking to Boy A. You say your sister overheard him and his friends badmouthing girls that had turned them down. Turned them down for what? A romantic relationship, or a friend activity? If the former, why then do you postulate he must respond as severely to a friend refusing to hang out with him?

It's easy to make assumptions and fantasise about the other person. It's dangerous when these fantasies attack your own self-image. The important thing to do is to communicate and understand each other. And if it then turns out they are indeed venomously malicious and because you didn't want to hang out he's slandered your name all over the place, at that point you can go ahead and get angry. Probably sock 'em in the face good.

So long as the other party hasn't had a chance to explain themselves, or if there hasn't been anything that beyond a reasonable doubt points out that he's everything you thought of him, it's not reasonable to grow angry or sad. After all, everything you've thought of is unverified speculation.

It's no better than fantasies. Don't destroy relations, make demons out of people and/or attack your own feeling of self-worth on the basis of your own imagination. Confront the other and communicate; There's no other way to get clarity.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3716 Post by Taleweaver »

Deji wrote: Tomorrow is our anniversary and I'm planning to decorate the apartment and get all dolled up and make him dinner and PROPOSE TO HIM MYSELF. Because I refuse for our engagement to start out so... blah >:T So I'll make it a memorable occasion BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE.

I hope it goes well xDDD
So how did it go? I'm curious!
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3717 Post by ThisIsNoName »

Applegate wrote:
And if it then turns out they are indeed venomously malicious and because you didn't want to hang out he's slandered your name all over the place, at that point you can go ahead and get angry. Probably sock 'em in the face good
Note: this advice only works if you are under 18 and/or are willing to spend a decent amount of time in jail. Cops generally don't appreciate vigilante ass-hat punchers.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3718 Post by Deji »

Taleweaver wrote:
Deji wrote: Tomorrow is our anniversary and I'm planning to decorate the apartment and get all dolled up and make him dinner and PROPOSE TO HIM MYSELF. Because I refuse for our engagement to start out so... blah >:T So I'll make it a memorable occasion BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE.

I hope it goes well xDDD
So how did it go? I'm curious!
Oh, it went great! :D I posted about it on the happy thread, haha.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3719 Post by Applegate »

ThisIsNoName wrote:
Applegate wrote:
And if it then turns out they are indeed venomously malicious and because you didn't want to hang out he's slandered your name all over the place, at that point you can go ahead and get angry. Probably sock 'em in the face good
Note: this advice only works if you are under 18 and/or are willing to spend a decent amount of time in jail. Cops generally don't appreciate vigilante ass-hat punchers.
Well, yes, I don't mean to actually resort to violence, but at that point you've reached where I'd say you're 'justified'. No matter how much of a backpfeifengesicht someone has, it's not often a good idea to act on your impulses there.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#3720 Post by Sugar-Junkie »

I'm in such pain that I'm almost wishing I would faint so it would end, haha... fml

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