Multiple vboxes in one screen, possible?

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Multiple vboxes in one screen, possible?

#1 Post by Biotikos »

Okay so I asked about making quicktime events with Python, if it was possible and how, and they answered me with this code:

Code: Select all

 call screen qte_one
       screen qte_one:
                    vbox xalign 0.3 yalign 0.7:
                           imagebutton idle "cg/coco.png" hover "cg/coco ok.png" action Jump("qte_one_success")

                    timer 3.0 action Jump("qte_one_fail")
And it worked; so I wondered if adding another vbox and assigning it a variable $ you could make two QTE appear in the same screen, so I did this:

Code: Select all

call screen qte_two
           screen qte_two:
                    vbox xalign 0.4 yalign 0.3:
                           imagebutton idle "cg/coco.png" hover "cg/coco ok.png" 
                           $ coco1 = True
                    vbox xalign 0.6 yalign 0.7:
                           imagebutton idle "cg/coco.png" hover "cg/coco ok.png" 
                           $ coco2 = True 
                    timer 2.0 action Jump("qte_two_fail")
           label qte_two_success if coco1 and coco2 == True:
And it throws me this:

Code: Select all

File "game/script.rpy", line 1460: expected ':' not found.
    label qte_two_success if coco1 and coco2 == True:
I knew you couldn't place two variables (coco1 and coco2) in the same string, but I still tried, and obviously it didn't work.
How can I make it work?

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Re: Multiple vboxes in one screen, possible?

#2 Post by Asceai »

Code: Select all

if coco1 and coco2 == True:
    label qte_two_success

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