Space Opera VN, Looking for Experienced Coder/Programmer

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Space Opera VN, Looking for Experienced Coder/Programmer

#1 Post by Super_san »

Hello all!

I would like to say, I understand coding and working on VNs is a tiring job and those that have the talent to do so have my infinite respect (especially if you do it for free). I have had this idea for years but I am utterly useless at working with programs such as Ren'Py and the like. I can however, supply the script and illustration but I'm in dire need of a coder. Hopefully you will be enticed and intrigued by the plot of the story.

Ragnarok[tentative name until I find a better one]

Genre: Space Opera/Action

The Great War between the three powers of the Centauri Galactic Arm, Stahlberg Empire, Empire of the Frozen Star and the 4th Tri-Star Republic, has raged on for 15 years with neither side gaining much in territory. The greatest effect of the Great War is on the Empire of the Frozen Star. The Zhar having mismanaged the war and the elite nobles of the Imperial Navy utter failing launching catastrophic offensives against Stahlberg has sent the men of the navy to the brink of mutiny and rebellion. Everyone wants the war to end but the Nobles and Zhar force the fighting to continue.

Our story revolves around the crew of the Battlecruiser Ivanov. Having had their captain killed during the defeat and lose of asteroid fortress Chernikamen (BlackStone), Second Lieutenant Yevgeny Senyavin and his friend First Lieutenant Alexei Prikaz are left to command the ship and the thousands of crew and wounded collected from battle. As they try and retreat to territory their empire commands they find a horrifying discovery. The fleet that defeated them at Chernikamen as punched through the Imperial defences and what they thought was the border into friendly territory is weeks in front. Now trapped in enemy territory far behind enemy lines they must survive with a battle scared battlecruiser on its last legs.

Other Note:
So the story is a mix of style of narrative we see in movies like Master and Commander and Hunt for Red October. In aesthetic think of animes like Gundam and Legend of Galactic Heroes.Much emphasis is placed on the background story of the crew and the main characters. I hope to do a mechanic were you must manage the emotions and trauma of the crew to in order everyone survives and chaos doesn't break out leading to a mutiny. The story is rather long so instead of a single game, I envisioned we could publish "Chapters" every so often instead. Each Chapter is a full game in of itself but a part of a larger Space Opera.

Here are some early sketch art (I shall be updating as I go):

What the UI of the Game would look like:

Lieutenant Yevgeny Senyavin

Battlecruiser Ivanov
Currently being rendered in 3D model to be worked for different scenes by a friend

Any feedback or ideas are welcome!~

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Re: Space Opera VN, Looking for Experienced Coder/Programmer

#2 Post by Marionette »

Your story sounds pretty interesting, very battlestar galactica -esque. lol And the art is pretty slick.

I was just wondering if you could supply some more details on the kinds of work you need your programmer to do?
Are there other mechanics you intend to include besides managing the morale of the people on the ship, (though depending on how much control/response you give the system could be pretty in-depth in and of itself lol), Like interactive battles etc?

Just to let a prospective programmer know what they would be getting themselves into. :p

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