Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#16 Post by hyegrrreta »

this game was AWESOME! but after reading the posts here i TOTALLY wish you could romance ganondorf! it would be so awesome!

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#17 Post by Vinyl »

This was surprisingly better than I expected (sorry). xD I'm a little leery of stuff based on existing fandoms (especially involving romance) because they're usually pretty awful. But I really like Kietha! I found her incredibly witty - and her slightly dry sense of humour is fantastic. A+ for protagonist.

I really liked how you wrote Link, too. What a cutie. :D

Are you planning on making any more games in the future? o:

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#18 Post by aimanin »

I decided to try this game out bc of all the rave reviews it was garnering...and ended up creating an account just to tell you how much I enjoyed myself!

I loved the witty banter, and how much character you injected into Link and Kietha. Also, the length of this game is impressive considering that you did it within a month (and a bit).
The art was lovely as well- your Link (hubba hubba!) was very different from the Link that I imagined when I stumbled across LoZ on one of those in-built flight entertainment consoles some 10+ years ago.
Look forward to playing more games you make in the future (if you choose to, but please do!)

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#19 Post by yoshibb »

@Atavia I'm glad that you thought the relationship worked so well. I really wanted it to be believable. Thanks for playing!

@hyegrrreta lol, the evil killers always get all the attention. I wish I had the time to make a ganondorf romance, it would've been interesting

@Vinyl No, I completely understand that you would be wary. That was why I was a bit leery of doing it in the first place. I'm glad you enjoyed it though! I really wanted Kietha to be a likable protagonist.
And yes, I am in the process of making another game! That one is set in a fantasy world of my creation. I actually took a break from it to work on this. I'm hoping I can get a thread up on it this month sometime.

@aimanin Thank you! And I loved writing the banter, so I'm glad people are enjoying it. Link is a bit different from how he is portrayed in games, I wanted him to loosen up a little without losing his character entirely. And as I said above I am doing another game, this one much bigger in scale. I'm hoping to get that organized enough to at least post a demo soon.

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#20 Post by yuucie »

I hope you didn't get the impression that I was complaining! I really was invested in your story, which is why I had so many things to say (not necessarily negative, I was just absorbed in your world).
Aha! Everything makes sense when Kietha's motive is the fear of disappointing others. I relate strongly to that fear. I admit I got the wrong idea at first (but that may be because Kietha is deluding herself, and in the process deluded me too!! Too smart of her), but eventually I did get the impression it wasn't so much not getting home that was bothering her, but the whole normal life idea.

I like your romance scenes a lot, especially because Kietha isn't afraid to initiate. You write them well!

As for the shooting, I was thinking that she could seriously injure someone and that might scare her too. /shudders...I'm glad I'm never in a situation where I have to shoot at anyone. It must've been tough for her.
Really though, good work! Congrats on finishing a game in a month! :wink:

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#21 Post by Kirlett »

OMG This game was amazing, Link was SO cute!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
I loved how the heroine teased him :lol: They're so adorable, agh, it's painful how much I love this Visual Novel.
You're awesome for making this within a month! I laughed so much, too... ahh, such a good game.

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#22 Post by yoshibb »

@yuucie I didn't think that at all, don't worry. I really appreciate the detailed feedback, it'll help me in the future. Especially from someone whose game I really enjoyed :)

@Kirlett Awesome! I tried to inject a lot of humor into it, more than I usually do, so I'm glad I was able to make you laugh. And yeah, Link is adorable.

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#23 Post by Chozogal »

I loved this game. I did. I've been a big fan of Zelda for quite a while. Link was cute. I also saw the love that went into Zelda, Ganondorf, and the backgrounds. Thumbs up for completing Nano. ^_^ Also, loved the story. The story was good.

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#24 Post by Kingv »

I've been meaning to play your game the longest time and just got finished my first play through earlier today. And I must say, it was a great treat! It put me in such a Link mood that i pulled out my old N64 and am going to see if my copy of Ocarina of Time still works tonight. ^_^

I enjoyed seeing all the different backgrounds as they really mirrored the scenes from the game nicely. Especially the
Water Temple and the surrounding areas. Was dying to see if the scarecrow by Lake Hylia was turned to wood as well lol.
I got the True End on my first play through so I'm interested to see all the other ways the story can play out. Kietha was a really nice contrast to Link. She added a depth of humor and sass that worked well juxtaposed against the seriousness of the main conflict in game.

Only thing that felt off was the characters name being on the right side of the textbox, mostly because we read left to right. And I kinda would have liked to see a CG gallery somewhere to admire your art more.

All in all, Lost Heroes was a nostalgic trip down memory lane that felt like an honest to goodness continuation of the OoT timeline that left me wanting more. Totally looking forward to seeing more of your work!

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#25 Post by yoshibb »

@Chozogol Thank you! I'm lad my love for the material came through. I really love the Zelda games, they were a big part of my childhood, so I wanted to do them justice. Thanks so much for playing!

@Kingv Haha, I think you can tell that OoT is my favorite of the Zelda games.

I'm glad you liked the backgrounds, I think they are my weakest area, but I was able to get a lot of practice for them after making this game. I hope to keep trying to improve in that area.
I totally forgot about that guy. I'd guess he's sentient enough to be effected but I don't think his dancing would be much use to Ganondorf lol
Yeah I started doing that before I made the textbox because it felt the easiest to implement, but I'll keep that in mind for other games. I do think it's better on the left side. But I'm happy that contrast came across, I wanted to keep some of the seriousness but I wanted it to be fun and playful as well. Eventually I'm going to create ending CGs when I have the time and then I'll implement a gallery for them. With just two I didn't feel like it was enough to put in the gallery, but thank you for the compliment! I spent a long time working on them.

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#26 Post by Dylan_Bain »

Here is just an idea (and by the way, I am loving this game!!! I have not finished because I have so much on but every day I play for 15 minute intervals! It is so good!)

Now, my idea is you could maybe re-release the game with all character sprites (because you missed out the
old man
sprites, for example.)

I am sure you are capable!
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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#27 Post by 15385bic »

I quite enjoyed this
being a zelda fan this was a must play on my list although its also because i'm zaldaxlink fan i couldn't bring myself to romance link at all OTL. Somehow i as hoping for an ending where the 2 may get together (i know skywards swords was so closeeeee) - considering nintendo will prob never let us see an end like that - how many reincarnations will it take?!

The main character was witty and sarcastic - i liked her.
Wasnt sure how much i liked the shoot him and shoot him option. with her aim - she should've missed on both but nope - not with her luck.
If you were ever to make another Zelda game - i'd love to see more familiar characters =]

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#28 Post by yoshibb »

@Dylan_Bain Oh yeah definitely, if I rerelease it with the extra CGs I'd also want to add the extra sprites to it. It would probably be a good time before I get a chance to though. I'm working on another game which is going to take my attention for a few months.

@15385bic I understand. For me it depends on what Zelda game it is, I really like ZeldaxLink in Wind Waker and Skyward Sword, but I adore MidnaxLink in Twilight Princess. For Ocarina of Time, even though he's always surrounded by girls, I never felt like there was a spark there with any of them. So usually when I write fics from that game I always give them a close friendship. But I do understand those that like the ZeldaxLink relationship more. The romance route is always there if you'd ever like to try it, though ;)

As for the one choice you are talking about:
In the romance route, there is an option to miss him on purpose. I took it out in the normal route to add another evil option and cause Kietha doesn't share that strong of a connection with Link making her more willing to get revenge or follow Ganondorf's will for her own safety. I don't know if there is a way to code it but it would be interesting if you could sometimes miss and other times hit with a shot. Like just a random variable.
Thanks for giving it a try! I don't know if I'll make a sequel but anything is possible :)

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#29 Post by doodle »

I've never played any Zelda-games, but I really loved this. Kietha is now one of my favorite female VN - protagonists. She's so well-written, with many flaws and conflicting thoughts, and it was a lot of fun to see her develop. I also found all the other characters in the game to be likeable, even Orson - he was just so pathetic and full of himself that it made me laug xD
I also loved Link's character, although it was a shame that
because I chose "I want to be a hero" when saving him, even after doing a lot of bonding after that point, him and Kietha ended up not being so at all in the end, despite doing a lot of great bonding before and even after that point. And I thought I'd messed up big time when he ended up throwing me out and I met up with Orson/Ganondorf/Erina, and in the battle got the option to "shoot him in the back" or "shoot him in the calf". I really panicked and thought "Noooooo what did I do wrong? And where?!" But then I calmed down when it turned out Kietha had swapped the crystal with a fake.
It takes a lot to get me that invested in a story and its characters, so you did a great job! I really didn't know what was going to happen in the end. I'd love a sequel to this!

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Re: Lost Heroes [GxB][LoZ][NaNoRenO2015]

#30 Post by yoshibb »

doodle wrote:I've never played any Zelda-games, but I really loved this. Kietha is now one of my favorite female VN - protagonists. She's so well-written, with many flaws and conflicting thoughts, and it was a lot of fun to see her develop. I also found all the other characters in the game to be likeable, even Orson - he was just so pathetic and full of himself that it made me laug xD
I also loved Link's character, although it was a shame that
because I chose "I want to be a hero" when saving him, even after doing a lot of bonding after that point, him and Kietha ended up not being so at all in the end, despite doing a lot of great bonding before and even after that point. And I thought I'd messed up big time when he ended up throwing me out and I met up with Orson/Ganondorf/Erina, and in the battle got the option to "shoot him in the back" or "shoot him in the calf". I really panicked and thought "Noooooo what did I do wrong? And where?!" But then I calmed down when it turned out Kietha had swapped the crystal with a fake.
It takes a lot to get me that invested in a story and its characters, so you did a great job! I really didn't know what was going to happen in the end. I'd love a sequel to this!
I'm so happy to see you liked Kietha. I had a lot of fun writing her and I added more humor to this story than I normally do. It's good to see that they came across as so likeable.

Hmm, that's weird. That choice shouldn't be that big of killer.

I'm gonna post a walkthrough for the romance end cause I've gotten a good amount of people who said they haven't been able to get it. Anyone who wants to is welcome to use it, or if you're happy with the ending you got, that's fine, too. I just want to provide the option cause there is a scene you can miss without the romance ending.
Don't steal
I need to help Link
Start pushing some buttons!
Continue watching
Offer help
Speak up
I care about him
What about you?
Poke him
Be honest
Call him out
Agree With Zelda
Sit next to him
Purposely miss him
Don't shoot Zelda

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