prob with textbox covering the side image

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prob with textbox covering the side image

#1 Post by ladynamoru »

hello and good day, um sorry for troubling you.

but it's just that whatever I do, I just can't make it right and Im still kinda lost >_<

I did manage to put in a side image on the left side

define mc = Character("[name]", color="#ff00fc", ctc=anim.Blink("Sprites/mc/MCclo.png")) or "Freya"

label start:
show mc at left

but I now encounter another prob....
It seems the text box is covering the side image is there a way to reverse it?
(make it side image covering a part of the text box)

and I also want to try the "ctc=anim.Blink" but when I did try it the image is on the right XD
can I also ask how to re position it? and where to re position it?

sorry for being clueless >_<
Im hope that someone can help

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Re: prob with textbox covering the side image

#2 Post by Alera »

I replied to your message, but I'll post my answer here too, in case anyone else wants to know:

Have you tried looking at the built in tutorial? There is a part just about side images! And if you select the tutorial project and go "Edit file- All Script Files" you can find where the thing you need is!

I did that and here's what I got about defining side images (I added my own comments, simply delete the things after the #s):

Code: Select all

   # To have a side image that is over your textbox you need to define your image in the character's definition
    $ eside = Character(_('Eileen'), # Add a name for your character like normally
                        color="#c8ffc8", # Choose a colour for them
                        window_left_padding=160, # This value shows where your text starts. Make it a bit bigger than the pixel width of your side image to avoid overlapping. 
                        show_side_image=Image("eileen_side.png", xalign=0.0, yalign=1.0)) # And this is where you define your side image and its position 
And so when you want to use your side image, you don't need to do it the same way like with other images and have "at left", all you need is just the character's name! So just by having

Code: Select all

eside "Hello!" 
Will do the job for you.

About "ctc=anim.Blink" - I don't have much experience with it, but here's what I found about it by tweaking the example in the tutorial:

Code: Select all

$ ectcf = Character(_('Eileen'), 
                        ctc=anim.Blink("sakura.png", xpos=50, ypos=50), # This is what changes the position
                        ctc_position="fixed") # But you need this to make the positioning work
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Re: prob with textbox covering the side image

#3 Post by Mammon »

I have the same question as Ladynamoru, but this answer unfortunately doesn't work for my problem as I cannot use side image. Or rather I can, but it would be a nigh undoable amount of work. For you see, I have made a whole bunch of expressions for my main character whom I want to portray to the side of the text. I thought the number of sprites wouldn't be too outrageous, but after doing the math it turns out there are about 15000+different combinations possible. (Eek!)

For the other characters it's not an issue as I can simply use layers, but my protagonist is a different story. The textbox is in the way with regular images and I'd rather not define a few hundred different combinations of expressions.

So, is there a command to make an image supercede the textbox the same way you can specify it to be 'at left' or 'with dissolve'?
Is there some way to specify that an image should always be displayed on top of the textbox when defining it?

If there is no such feature in renpy, I guess I could try to solve the problem the other way around; Give my protagonist a custom textbox where I simply erased the problematic part of the textbox, but I'd rather try solving it this way first if possible.

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