Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#46 Post by try10 »

Finally, I've managed to get the good ending for Reksa, but now I encountered a very annoying bug...and I don't know what to do.
I'm trying to go to Rama's path and during the chapter when I meet the guys after I pick all the activities, the day should be over but the screen doesn't change and Asih keep asking about what should Tamara do for the day. :( and it doesn't stop...
Did this happen to anyone else and how did you solve it? ^_^'

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#47 Post by ScriptWarriors »

Nusantara is a fun game. The story is engaging and the characters are great.

But never have I seen a bugger game than this. There were some things I overlook... actually a lot of things. I overlooked the misspellings, the occasional missing backgrounds, the missing character sprites, the random flashes of lights, the wrong backgrounds for the scene, and even the disappearing dialogue. But it's impossible for me to finish the game anymore. I'm trying to finish Rama's route (Which by the way, is awesome. By far my favorite guy.) But the game won't stay open any longer than five minutes.

This is where I'm currently at:
I'm currently at the part where Rama finally confronted the village about Ayu. I can't get past the part where the Komodos are plot about breaking the treaty.
Each time I tried skipping past the part, read through it, or even click quickly the game keeps on crashing. Driving me absolutely mad. And when I try to save my game right before so I don't have to go through the hassle of skipping, the game crashes there too. And sometimes the save menu freaks out. I'll see an all white screen, missing buttons, and the save menu is out of order. My computer is pretty bad, but it should handle this game. I restarted my computer and even redownloaded the game. But it's still the same. I looked at some of the problem solvers on this thread and my computer already covers it. This game is simply buggy as hell. It's crazy.

I'll play the other guy's route, hopefully it won't be as bad as Rama's but it is disappointing. I feel that I was near the end of his route. Now I can never know how it ended. Sorry if anyone is annoyed by my complaining, but I think some people should be aware about the bugs of the game.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#48 Post by Bouki »

I finally got all the endings and CGs :) Beware, spoilers ahead!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Surprisingly, the one I liked the most was Rama. I played Reksa's route first and thought he would be my favorite (cause green eyes you know) but Rama standed out the most in my opinion. His story was sad and broke my heart (even shed some tears when ayu and teju's spirits came to his defense. That scene was my favorite in the whole game. So touching and beautiful T_T), and sure he was kinda annoying at first with his ''I don't need your help'' speeches (AND HELLA CREEPY AT TIMES) ,but eventually he became my favorite. That's weird cause I played his route as last, thinking I wouldn't even like him. I expected a cliche ''how I tamed a depressed and hurt douchebag into an annoyingly sweet boyfriend'' story at first, no offense ^^' That's why I think his character had the most depth, it was really well-written and didn't push things like Rama suddenly coming out of depression and jumpin at Tamara's arms. I also love childish and unpredictable people, so I really enjoyed his personality. He made me frustrated at times with how he didn't care even in most serious situations, but it was like loving a real person, even though he is unbearable at times, what can you do but love him? So Rama is my favorite of the bunch by far, and will surely be a memorable character for me. His route also had the best CG's in my opinion, especially the one with spirits and his sleeping face. I just stared at them for some time. I will probably make that sleeping one my background :D His bad end... it was the most impressing part of the game I guess, I stared at the wall across my bed for a good 5 minutes after I read it. After seeing that, I am kinda scared of Rama's potential tho D: But still, killing all of them (or as in good end) wreaking havoc in Komodo village by himself? Gotta admire his badassness. Ahem, sorry I rambled too much about Rama. It's just that seems like he's not that popular and... he is nice and he needed Tamara the most.
I played Mitra's route second, he was really handsome, dependable and all, but he missed some charm in my eyes. He was the ideal boyfriend I think, but I would like him more if he had a more... teasing side I guess? My favorite part about his route was how Yuda kept teasing us, it felt like a close group of friends, or even family. Also his Omed-Omedan CG was awesome. Mitra's appearance is really majestic, especially his eyes and wings. Well, Mitra's route gave Tamara the most peaceful life in my opinion. He is really some qualified husband material :D But as Tamara said, who would guess our one gentleman would be such a badass? Thata's bonus charm points in my eyes.
Lastly, Reksa. His tsundereness was quite enjoyable, but his ''I'm not giving a rat's ass about you'' attitude made me irritated. I must say his route had the best romantic momets tho, his purring and ''I don't bite... Hard.'' line made me release fangirl screams. It's just that his love felt a little childish compared to others to me and a little too possessive for my taste.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
At first glance: art, the story being fantasy genre, that it contains elements about Indonesian culture (I really liked learning about a new culture while playing). After reading the description and playing the demo, characters and curiosity about how the story will unfold.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I liked the visual novel, I played lots of VN's, some are average, but I have some which are special to me and some characters who their stories mean something memorable to me, like making me think about things I never did before, or make me realize something about myself and my loved ones, so I put them in a different category. Nusantara was above that average for me with its unique story and mostly because of Rama. Sure as a first project story needed some improvement, and it was buggy (tho I didn't have that much problem as other people, so it wasn't a big letdown for me.) but it was an enjoyable product for me, and thank you for your effort :) I think art was the element stands out the most, characters were good since they were not your usual ''tsundere, prince charming, flirty guy'' trio. They had their reasons for being that way (like Reksa's backstory, he has all the right to not trust people.)

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Sorry, I guess I answered it on question 3 ^^' I would say the story can be improved. There were lots of grammar and spelling mistakes, so spell-checking and releasing it after making it bug-free would be better next time in my opinion.
I have some questions, sorry if some of them are obvious or unrelated, or if i ask too many questions ^^'
1- Does Reksa die if you leave him in the forest? D: I didn't have the heart to leave him any of the routes, but it made me curious when he came to warn Tamara as payback for saving his life.
2- Why do you have to choose Don't leave him-->Be honest to unlock Rama's good end? :D I thought Rama and Reksa would hate each other if they met, so it made me curious why his good end was connected with him.
3- Does Mitra like you even if you're not playing his route? Because he blushes when his warriors menton about him courting Tamara.
4- Reksa said ''We males can conrol the acid level in our saliva.'' if I remember correctly, so females can't control it? Sorry but this bugged me a lot, I spent some time thinking about how female and male Komodos kiss :D
5- Like someone else asked, is Sari Ayu? Or Teju and Ayu became servants too but Sari is someone different?
6- I think this is kinda obvious, but at Rama's bad end he is torturing somebody with red ???'s as his name, was that Purba?
7- When Rama dies, someone says ''So you couldn't save him. It's alright, at least he's with us now.'' Was that Ayu, Teju, Goddess, I don't know, or just some outer holy voice?
8- Lastly, did you plan any of the routes as main or true one, or all of them are equal and just different branches of the story?
9- What is your favorite character, route and CG? :D

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
If it accepts my credit cart, I will glady buy it if it's not 50 dollars or something like that :D I honestly think your next game would be even better, so it would be worth buying.
Last edited by Bouki on Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#49 Post by try10 »

I am waiting until a better version is released. As much as I love this game the crashes ( every 5 minutes or less) and the bugs make it impossible for me to play it or enjoy it since I'm saving every minute and get scared everytime my game freezes because it can crash and the window might close. I can't even use the skip button because it stops responding and the choices could disappear, so it takes a very long time to go through the text again... and it's useless since, BAM the window closes and I have to start over and it's a never ending story. I remember playing a few small novelty games and I gave up because of the crashes. I updated my drivers and directx and I have no ideea what to do anymore. I really wanted to play Nusantara, but I can't so I will be waiting for you to release a new version without so many bugs if possible.
The only route I've managed to finish is Reksa's. :) I really wanted to share my thoughts about the full game...but I'll leave it for the moment I read everything.
I wish you the best of luck if you plan to clean up the game a bit and make a new release!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#50 Post by tamacitas »

GONNA PLAY, I WILL! Thanks for this awesome game!!! kk

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UPDATE 21/12/2015

#51 Post by SweetChiel »

Wow guys, just wow...
I can't open the internet the last 3 days and I was astonished by how many reviews are waiting for me :'D
Not to mention there are more comments at the FB page now! XD srsly, thanks for visiting guys!

Really, I was grinning all the way from page 3 to 4! Thank you so much guys!
Also, before I reply to all of you, I have some good news:

-I finally bought TyranoBuilder and I'm really, REALLY happy with it!! GOD, thank you so much to all of you who donate! QvQ
I can FINALLY say good bye to the bugs! You guys can also expect better VNs since this TyranoBuilder is similiar like Novelty WITHOUT the bugs.
It's also compatible with mac, convert to android -and have I told you it's finished, works well (i read lots of positive review of it on steam), and WITHOUT bugs?

I'm SO. DARN. HAPPY! XD *happybounces*

There's also a feature in TyranoBuilder that I didn't know -IT CAN USE 2D LIVE -I mean, How awesome it will be if my babies actually MOVES! I'll definitely learn about 2D live no matter what!*I'm so darn excited about this feature!*
But then again, that means I hv to remake all the sprites from scratch :') not to mention I still hv work and need to do lots of poking around with 2Dlive and my new TyranoBuilder (I think its not that bad with Tyrano but 2Dlive? Hmm... >< not so sure)

I'm thinking about going serious with VN via patreon. But thats a major decision for me so I'll need to think and do some experiment whether people will be interested with my work or not ><

And yeah, I'm planning to re-make Nusantara since the bugs also disturbs me like hell x_x WITH 2D live ;)
I dunno how long this will take, 1-2 years maybe? But I WILL re-make this mwahahahah! (So I will make this slowly while also thinking about a new plot for my new VN idea xD)

Huff, now that's off my chest, I'll reply to you now, my darlings ^.^-
try10 wrote:I am waiting until a better version is released. As much as I love this game the crashes ( every 5 minutes or less) and the bugs make it impossible for me to play it or enjoy it since I'm saving every minute and get scared everytime my game freezes because it can crash and the window might close. I can't even use the skip button because it stops responding and the choices could disappear, so it takes a very long time to go through the text again... and it's useless since, BAM the window closes and I have to start over and it's a never ending story. I remember playing a few small novelty games and I gave up because of the crashes. I updated my drivers and directx and I have no ideea what to do anymore. I really wanted to play Nusantara, but I can't so I will be waiting for you to release a new version without so many bugs if possible.
The only route I've managed to finish is Reksa's. :) I really wanted to share my thoughts about the full game...but I'll leave it for the moment I read everything.
I wish you the best of luck if you plan to clean up the game a bit and make a new release!
I'm really sorry about your problems try10 D:
Believe me, if there's something I can do, I will re-upload it in a heart beat even if I have to go to an internet booth.
Some people also crashed often, but they somehow find the solution themselves so I dunno x_x;
I hope my new announcement about re-making Nusantara will please you tho :'D Sry you have to wait again OTL

rgbvscb wrote:Okay man... so after like 8 hours of playing i FINALLY finished all the routes, and got all the endings..well, all the good ones c':
So here it goes:

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Dude that's a hard question. Each bachelor had something nice to offer storywise, but if i had to prioritize them i'd say it's:
1.Rama, You know after reading all the comments i honestly considered not playing his route BUT CURIOSITY got the better of me, so here i am, stating that Rama has the best story in my opinion(I LOVE DRAMA OKAY...omg..DRAMA-RAMA).. I mean understand me right, at the beginning he is uh..rather unpleasant, but if you survive long enough and get past the "mama i'm a criminal" phase it's actually (Surprisingly) not that BAD .
And i guess out of those 3, Rama needed Tamara the most... alas that's a story for another time..
2.Reksa, well ..he happens to be my type, so nothing else to say here.
3.Mitra..I loved how his route was all about traditions and customs! it was really informative haha .. then again he's a quite traditional man so it's not like i expected something different.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The fact that it's completed hah. Honestly tho, the art.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I enjoyed it a lot!
The game was a bit too long for my liking.. i blame my lack of patience for that c':... so thanks god for the skip option,
And it still felt kinda modern even tho we're supposed to be who-knows-how-many-years-in-the-past..
but other than that..The game was really nice!
YOu did a great job and i'm proud of you c:

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

NOt really, so i'll move to the next question

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I'll quote acsh on this "I've never bought PC games for cash before and doubt I will- but you can be sure that I'd rave about it to everyone I know, heh."
Woooo! Hi rgbvscb!
Glad to see you enjoyed this game to the fullest even with its imperfections! x'D

1. I laughed so hard when I read DRAMA-RAMA x'D they rhymed and I didn't even notice it before you mention it lol.
I'm also relieved to see the drama went well :')
Honestly, Rama's route was pretty hard for me to get, since sometimes, I will be like 'yep, this is it! I get the feelings right! I'm sure of it!' and then when I program things I will doubt myself and then ended up reading the script out loud when my mom was not home x'D I even get embarassed myself when there seems to be a lot of roller coaster feelings in Rama's route hahahahah.

Ok, I'm gonna stop rambling and once again, Glad to see you love my boys! :'3

2. Thank you! >///<

3. hahahah, impatient to get the juicy parts I see ;p you're not alone!

4 & 5 Okay! Thank you for saving your time and catch u later! xD
scarlet62 wrote:hello, congrats on finishing your otome game XD
first of all i would like to say thank you for making this game, it was really amusing me as i play this since 2 days ago in order to get all endings lol hahaha but there is a problem when
tamara wants to do something with helping the people preparing for the battle and she goes to the burning forest at night and she meets mitra, it alway crashed there
can you help me? i even already updated my direct x :") [edited] don't worry, i already solved the trouble hahaha at least XD

and thx for making game contains of indonesian's cultures, as indonesian i really understand how many cultures and tradition which we have and it is really hard to learn it one by one, because it's too much XD but by making game like this you've made it easier hahahaa :lol:

anyway here is my answer, sorry for my english tho:

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

this is a hard to answer question, really. :x but if i have to choose i will probably choose reksa, but to be honest i'm stuck between reksa and rama, and i was really suprised how there are many people doesn't like him at all :O i mean yeah his character is a bit hard to understand and annoying maybe for some people, but he is actually a good one and his bad ending. wow. i dunno why but i really love it XD and one question about him tho
on the prologue or some scene, there are scenes when tamara run and searching for people calling for her help u know like "help..i just want this pain to stop" or "just..kill me" "or help him" or whtvr, but isn't it rama? you know because when rama died, there was also a scene where the "???" said that "so you've failed to help him, at least he's with us now" . and i get the vibe "that person" is rama, or no?
hahahah sorry, i'm just curious, a lot XD and if it really is,
probably rama is the main guy, then?
lol but i still love reksa tho. i think his route is the most funny and romantic one? well a person like him always get my heart first, after all. and i really love it when he
said am i attractive to tamara
haahahaha XD

well tho, really can't choose between reksa and rama, trust me, they all really adorable <3

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

i was really bored because i had no otome games to play and when i check work in progress, i found this one. i found it interesting as i never find any otome game with indonesia cultures in it, and when i saw your art, it amazed me and decided to wait for it *w* probably if you want me to answer what really make me to play this game is, because of reksa and his description, i got curious on him lol your art is definitely alluring me! ;3

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

the story, of course. you get the drama feel, and it was really suprised when
Tamara said that her uncle did that to her-_-
. i really like it, as i can't stop playing and didn't realize it was already 4. A.M :") but saddly, i do think that the story needs to be improved a little. since you actually left some mystery about grandma.

next is, the character. hahahaha i really like asih character, but i think that someone like her is rare right now :lol: also each character has their own story and personality too. and the last probably ur art, not because i don't like it but if i have to choose after i play this game then it's story-character-and art! ^^

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

i already wrote my question up there hahahaha sorry lol but as for critiques, maybe it's abt the bug which really disturb me sometimes, i don't mind tho. like when
i have to choose between give reksa the crystal or bomb, it automaticly chose the bom one and i have to reload my save a lot :")
but overall there isn't anything which really annoys me, so keep up and keep improving!

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

well i don't really mind, but i don't have any paypal account, and since we both indonesian if you can let me buy it via send the money to your bank accounts and then give the full ver download link why not? lol hahaha since my mother doesn't give me permission to have any bank accounts yet, and here i am, already 18 years old. and oh, please make vn with less bug if it's really going to be paid one lol hahahaha XD

at least this is what i can say for now, thank you for ur time making this vn! this is really worth to be played. i love it, and actually a little sad when i finish this game X') i do want to play a game like this again!
Hi-ya scarlet!
Sorry for the late reply -but I'm glad you solved the problem! :'D

1. Yep, Rama is the hardest to get along for some, but I'm glad to see you like him! He's the hardest for me to write x'D
and about your questions about Rama:
Yep, he was the one who's haunting Tamara's dream. Remember the first time when you started the game with black background and there was water sounds with someone pleading for help? >> 'For Him'. It was Sari who was seeking help x') Sari went into Tamara's dream and told her what will happen to Rama if she doesn't help him.

and yes, Rama was planned to be the main route, but I love all my boys equally so I just make it become 3 story into 1 package ;)
2. Aww thanks! You guys just keep stroking my artist's ego ><

3. hahahaha, yep. There are still loopholes somewhere, probably because of my impatience too x'D But I thought things about Granny is easy to guess, no? o.o If you have some questions about her, feel free to ask! xD

4. Thank you and I'm sorry you have to experience that x.x It happened to some people too, but I'm glad you overcame it!

5. yep, I'm planning to do so xD Heck, the bugs were torturing my poor laptop too Q_Q Ah, I think that can work too xD we'll think about it later when the time comes <3
Last edited by SweetChiel on Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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#52 Post by SweetChiel »

It's already midnight before I knew it x-x
I'll reply to the rest later when I get my darn modem working! I'm at my mom's friend place atm and she's not happy right now ^^;

later, my darlings!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#53 Post by lunarossa27 »

Hello :D
I'm so happy to see this game in the completed games list~
I'll be waiting for the better version. I really really want to play this game but i can't really enjoy if i don't see the background and sprites. TTATT Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this. I wish you good luck.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#54 Post by Electric Daisy »

I LOVE THIS GAME!!I LOVE YOU too for making such a wonderful game for us to play.
At first i'm not really attracted to this game at all even if the art was pretty.But you see,all of the positive comment from others make me curious if this game was really that great and turn out it not just great its PERFECT!I mean the plot,characters,art were all wonderful.I would pay to play this game.

I love all of the boys but reksa was my baby!I love him so much!He was so sexy with those growling and possessive attitude when it came to Tamara.

Can't wait for your next game!Way to go buddy!

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UPDATE 23/12/2015

#55 Post by SweetChiel »

After 2 days and 2 nights of poking and tweaking TyranoBuilder, I came to a realization :(
There's still no feature to make customized screen by drag & drop things in it like novelty.

there are only 5 slots of save/load file -and I don't know how to customize it since it's using HTML code ._.
Not to mention no CG gallery and else. Only minimum screens which is not enough for me. Even the 2D live are still incomple *sigh

It might take awhile until they update things. This makes me realize how unfortunate Novelty is still in beta version despite being the most easy and awesome VN software ever exist.

Oh and I won't be able to reply to the comments for awhile since my internet is STILL not cooperating at home and I'm busy with work and MORE poking on TyranoBuilder :( I did read all of them tho and I'm really sorry for not being able to reply immediately.

for now, here are some cyber cookies and hugs for all of you :'3


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#56 Post by TheOneTwo »

I just finished the game! Hurrah! I'm still on Reksa's route tho. :D

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
--Reksa! I dunno. He looks like my kind of guy. xD But when I was already in the game, I took a liking to Rama. I loved the MC in that route, she's the one who keeps him in shape because dang he has a lot of problems. A LOT LOT. Their interaction was fun to watch and I was so into it. I haven't tried my fave guy's route since he was the last in the list to understand the story better. lol I followed your suggestion.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
--The art style, I guess? And the story is amusing. Your cg's are fab, my dear. They look really good the art is flawless. Tho I did encountered some crashing, but it didn't seem to happen as much as what the others are saying over here. I guess I got really lucky. :lol:

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
--I think the art stood out real well. It's the first thing I see when I clicked the article. :lol: Again, story. You wrote it real well. I started to get interested with Indonesian language as well after playing..

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
--Just keep up the good work! The game is really really good. You did a very great job. Really. 8) Oh, btw, how many cg's exactly are there? I want to make sure I got everything. :wink: :lol: Since after playing Rama's route, there was a missing picture in the bottom right corner.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
--Hmm, I would love to. But I don't think I can since I don't have any cards to use as a payment for transactions like this. Sorry. :(
Bish please, I'm fab.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#57 Post by Virelai »

This is beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, honestly weeping right now because it's so lovely.

I was extremely excited to try it out, and to be honest, I didn't run into any crashes or mishaps. But Reksa's route did freeze for a minute or so, but I just let it run a little and then it continued working.
Hopefully, the other issues of other players will be able to be fixed and resolved, and I'm looking forward to any other future games you'll do (with TyranoBuilder) ;^)

After reading this VN, I would consider buying any future novels you might release. #justsaying

Thank you for your creative input!!!! ! 1 ! ! ! 111

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#58 Post by zujibaby »

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Reksa no contest there. I always like the domineering forthright man. Reksa is da Alpha male! Hes incredibly protective and once he realizes what he feels for you its full steam ahead. I Love his ending best. Where its a claiming ceremony no courtship yeah! I like Tamara interaction with him best as well. There's a genuine attraction there.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
It was on Otome English games. and I like folk lores.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
Reksa. His character drawing, developement and background story.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
To be honest I did not like Rama character and his route at all. I cannot understand what is it about him that is attractive to Tamara. Hes honestly so .... bleah. and the focuses too much on him and durains... I cant like a guy just because that stands out most!! Mitra route is not bad his choices lead you to know the character and why hes attracted to Tamara. But those same scenes which I thought were specific to Mitra seems are also in the other guys route. it feels out of place and takes away attention from the current love interest. Mitra and Rama route is hmmm too similar. It be good to have the common route somewhat short then the specific character routes that is unique to them (that's why Reksa route wins) longer. I sense more to silva and granny relationship I want to know what their history is!!!

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I will donate but not buy. The character routes need work.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#59 Post by tamacitas »

Oh my God. Finally I met Tamara's dad again.

But now, I'm stolen by Mitra. So byeee!!!


1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Since I first play the game, I will always choose Tamara's dad over everyone. He's lovely. But- Mitra has that personality too D:
I really love Mitra. Like, he can be a responsible daddy. Like Tamara's dad <3
I really want threesome asf! Tamara's dad x Mitra x Tamara <333
Mitra is really caring, down to earth, and I'm really touched when he proposed for soooo many times in hope to get a reply. I'm more surprised that he's Garuda! I felt like Garuda is a sweet, pure bird now... (?)
That omed-omedan squeaks me out, and I'm not bored to play his route until dawn.

though, i'm really surprised when rama suddenly showed up until i though "why in the earth do i need to confront this dude while i'm playing mitra's routeee

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
Oh COME ON, you've given the demo before and I'm interested of course!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
Story-wise, it's OK, although you can make an engaging condition as so. I love on how you actually send your story! You are making me immersed into it!
Art-wise, no. No. Please don't ask. I can't look at Mitra's eyes during the WHOLE game. And I don't know why! I always squealed (?) when I see Mitra doing such sweet stuffs (like protecting Tamara with his gorgeous wings).
Character-wise, I LOVE it. There's such a balance, even if I just play Mitra's part. All the characters are actually simple, but I love them. You succeed in character development, gurl.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
I was going to choose both normal end and good end for Mitra, but I accidentally saved Mitra's good end at my save slot WHICH IS THE ONLY SAVE SLOT FOR MITRA'S END QAQ Getting that ending needs hard work, mannn!
However, I don't get BGM stopped in fighting scene (of course, Mitra's, since I can't play the others' yet. Damn the crashes.) o3o

Oh! Forgot to tell, but there are many gone choices. Like, when Tamara says (e.g.) "what should I do next?", the choices won't appear. I pressed Space, then I need to hover the options when Tamara says '...' in her script.

Autosave, remember? When the program crashed, there will be an autosave, either named Save #00xx or #10xx. However, nothing happened when I load the autosave file. Never have I ever use autosave function and I always save often, like what you said. But when I run an autosave file, nothing happened. The scene when Yuda, Mitra, and Granny Sukma discussed about the war turned into nothing but their sprites and the BG. No scripts, no changes in their action, even if I press Ctrl.

Are these bugs or another Novelty's problem? Hope you can fix it.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I would really love to QAQ But I got no finance at the moment. Maybe someday o3o

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#60 Post by Harmonywish »

Such a good game! :> The art, the characters, squeeeee! >w< It crashes a lot, but I love love LOVE it! :'D

I started out on Reska's route because I like "forbidden love" or something like that. Or love-hate? I don't know, I just love it when the heroine has to work to make the guy "open up". But then, info about Rama came up and I realized, he's even MORE interesting :'D I'm currently at the part where
Rama is said to be "dead"
and oh gosh, I just want to play his route :'D But I'm so close to finishing Reska's and I thought I'll finish that first.

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
I like Reska. His attitude is probably what I like the best ;3 But, Rama seems like the most interesting character.
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The introduction of the game is really interesting! The guys were super cool, though, honestly, I liked the female avian more :> The art was also super good!
3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I think the art stands out the most because of the pretty backgrounds and characters and CGs! >w< But the story and characters are also super interesting! ;3 The art is why I started and the story/characters are why I continued it!
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Well, I don't have much except that the game crashes a bit and I did spot a few grammar mistakes. I don't remember what, but in the scene where Tamara climbed a tree with Rama (loved that scene! <3) there was something about him, that he "spreaded" his wings.
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

If would if I had the money! Definitely! But I can't buy a thing online currently... :'D

Overall, I loved this game~ Thank you so much for letting people download this awesome, beautiful game for free >w<

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