Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#61 Post by mslilian »

Loved this game! going to review it now!
Last edited by mslilian on Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#62 Post by mslilian »

I already annoyed you on your page on Facebook but I just love this game so much!

So i'll be more than happy to answer these questions!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Purba. Duh. *coughs and chokes*

So when I play any otome, i analyse all of the characters based on appearance first and then decide from there . shallow, i know. I definitely had my eyes on Reksa and I was determined to win his heart :P

But then I played Mitra's route first and he really grew on me, he was definitely the most loving and nicest bachelor. After playing all three of the guys, i'll definitely have to say that either Mitra or Reksa win, I love their personalities (and appearance) ^q^


2. What makes you consider to play this game?

I randomly found this game while on these boards, I was like, oh hey, the name sounds unique, clicked on it and then I saw the art! That definitely drew me in (kudos to that), then i read the plot and the character summaries and I definitely wanted to give Nusantara a shot!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I would give this game a 8/10 , Art was amazing, amazing enough to keep me interested , Characters were all likeable and they also had their flaws, which is expected. I loved Tamara's character, she's so realistic and not a marysue or a damsel in distress. and I LOVED her inner thoughts and teenage feelings at inappropriate times . Couldn't ask for a better protagonist! Storyline is captivating and interesting although, more general backstory and history could have been inputted for depth. We could have found out more about Tamara's parents and what happened to them. But i'm not complaining. The soundtracks and music was probably one of the best features, I loved the menu track , I literally sit there everytime and listen to the whole track before clicking start/load. Sound effects were on point, we got the feel of the situation with them. CGS were awesome! They were detailed and a lot of time was put into them, I could tell.

By the way, your characters all reminded me of other anime characters? I know it's random but hey, who doesn't want to compare their characters?

Mitra - Makoto Tachibana (personality-wise)
Reksa - MAD DOG CHAN X IWAIZUMI HAJIME from haikyuu!! (personality-wise)
Rama - Toma from Amnesia (personality-wise)
Asih - Eren Jaeger or his mum (appearance-wise)
Yuda - Castiel from my candy love (appearance AND personality)
Purba - Kiba from naruto or Koga from Inuyasha (appearance)
The three kids - Mio, kio and nao from DMMD (appearance and personality)

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

The game kept crashing so easily, but I know that that wasn't your fault, the stupid program is just stupid. I would have loved a secret route, like after you finish all the other endings and routes, you get that one secret route. Be it, a new character or being able to romance with Asih (please i need that, even though she's married ) or even Purba (so I can abuse the shit out of him) . Sometimes games do that, as an award for completing the game.

I also thought it'd be more of a tragic game because the game did mention death and war, which, you did have but I would have thought more people would die. Not that I wanted it, no! I was actually betting that Yuda would die though, like I felt that he and Asih were so happy and that you'd do something so horrible to us by killing him off.

Still an A++ game for a free game *applauses*

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Definitely, i'd pay at most $15 for any otome, i'm looking forward to your next project! Merry christmas!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#63 Post by SweetChiel »

Whoa, look at all the love! xD
WARNING, wall texts of LOVE coming right up!

CatyCats wrote:Congratulations on finishing it!
now my opinions :D

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
I enjoyed all 3 of the guys!
Mitra was just as expected. Sweet and god I blushed xD Reksa, god he was annoying at first but later on I liked him! I totally laughed when he purred !!! HE PURRED!!!! And awwwwwwww on the end: God dammit woman! Kisses. I was surprised really xD. Rama, wonderful story too! Sad but sweet :3
Which I like the most... meh 3 of them! Each of them are unique :p

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The art, the story. Mostly the story. Winged men, sounds interesting and ORIGINAL!!!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
god, if you played all 3 of them, the story came out great!
I mean, I don't know if I'm wrong but Sari, the bird, was she ayu??? A really awesome story, funny too hehehe, sweet while I blushed (wings scene on the ceremony <3)
Too bad it's just a story and not REAL! I want to fall in that world too...great effects too! It was like real! The ppl,music,effects,movements,.. really, you put a lot of effort in it and it was totally worth waiting for. :D
Oh and I totally would re-play this! It's worth it (so the story was truly wonderful and re-playable!)
All the characters are unique and awesome too!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
I already
know about the kiss of reksa hehehe.
Hmm ...sorry nothing Dx

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
YES, depends if it's interesting :p

Hi CatyCats! Glad you can make it! xD look where we are after so long! hahahah, darn, sorry for the very late reply!
Thank you for taking your time to review! *hugs*

1. Aww, I'm glad you like all the boys <3 they're my babies :'D

2. Amen for Originality! xD

3. Yes you're right :'3
Sari is Ayu <3
I'm so happy you can enjoy it to the fullest! QuQ I think I spent the majority of my time with programming the battle scenes x.x

4. Oh you, naughty girl xDD

5. pray so my well of inspiration will never be dry! xD
Akira Tsubakiya wrote:1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
At first, I like Rama's route and then *bam* Reksa's route smack me in the face with all the cuteness and tsundereness. Lol Can't stop fan girling.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The art style and the ikemen!!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I LOVE it! :) The story stand out the most. A good game need awesome story and plots.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
The story flow well and it went smoothly. I love the characters' personality and how they still get along with each other. The game is a bit buggy and crashes lol I manage to keep on playing even when I lost my saves. The game was that good *thumb up*:3 It's on my top 10 of visual novel.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I would buy any games you make but I'm broke lol
Hi Akira! Thanks for sparing your time to review! :'D

1. lol, that's my boy xD his popularity never cease to amaze me hahahah!

2. aww thanks! success for producing bishies! xD

3. Amen and thank you! Q///u///Q

4. Yup, it also crashed often in my poor ol' laptop here *pats
I can feel the pain >< ...but you made me blush when you said you consider this to be one of your top 10 VN! QuQ thank you! *hugs*

5. aww, nevermind! Thank you for your support! >:D
ScriptWarriors wrote:Nusantara is a fun game. The story is engaging and the characters are great.

But never have I seen a bugger game than this. There were some things I overlook... actually a lot of things. I overlooked the misspellings, the occasional missing backgrounds, the missing character sprites, the random flashes of lights, the wrong backgrounds for the scene, and even the disappearing dialogue. But it's impossible for me to finish the game anymore. I'm trying to finish Rama's route (Which by the way, is awesome. By far my favorite guy.) But the game won't stay open any longer than five minutes.

This is where I'm currently at:
I'm currently at the part where Rama finally confronted the village about Ayu. I can't get past the part where the Komodos are plot about breaking the treaty.
Each time I tried skipping past the part, read through it, or even click quickly the game keeps on crashing. Driving me absolutely mad. And when I try to save my game right before so I don't have to go through the hassle of skipping, the game crashes there too. And sometimes the save menu freaks out. I'll see an all white screen, missing buttons, and the save menu is out of order. My computer is pretty bad, but it should handle this game. I restarted my computer and even redownloaded the game. But it's still the same. I looked at some of the problem solvers on this thread and my computer already covers it. This game is simply buggy as hell. It's crazy.

I'll play the other guy's route, hopefully it won't be as bad as Rama's but it is disappointing. I feel that I was near the end of his route. Now I can never know how it ended. Sorry if anyone is annoyed by my complaining, but I think some people should be aware about the bugs of the game.
Hi ScriptWarriors!
I'm really sorry to hear what you have to get through just to play this VN D:
I didn't get that much bug when I played it, but the missing buttons are a mystery to me too x_x that often happens if you skip too fast and the buttons don't have time to load properly, and what happened to the save menu? O_O; gosh, I feel so bad.
The crashes also happened to me so I know your frustrations x.x

Novelty is a great software to make VN, but unfortunately, it's left unfinished by the creator :'D
there's little I could do about the crashes so I apologize for antagonizing your computer >_<; have you tried plaing it in window-mode?

I hope you can give this VN another chance when I remake it with Ren'Py or TyranoBuilder tho :'D
Thank you for pointing the flaws out *hugs & gives cookies*
Bouki wrote:I finally got all the endings and CGs :) Beware, spoilers ahead!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Surprisingly, the one I liked the most was Rama. I played Reksa's route first and thought he would be my favorite (cause green eyes you know) but Rama standed out the most in my opinion. His story was sad and broke my heart (even shed some tears when ayu and teju's spirits came to his defense. That scene was my favorite in the whole game. So touching and beautiful T_T), and sure he was kinda annoying at first with his ''I don't need your help'' speeches (AND HELLA CREEPY AT TIMES) ,but eventually he became my favorite. That's weird cause I played his route as last, thinking I wouldn't even like him. I expected a cliche ''how I tamed a depressed and hurt douchebag into an annoyingly sweet boyfriend'' story at first, no offense ^^' That's why I think his character had the most depth, it was really well-written and didn't push things like Rama suddenly coming out of depression and jumpin at Tamara's arms. I also love childish and unpredictable people, so I really enjoyed his personality. He made me frustrated at times with how he didn't care even in most serious situations, but it was like loving a real person, even though he is unbearable at times, what can you do but love him? So Rama is my favorite of the bunch by far, and will surely be a memorable character for me. His route also had the best CG's in my opinion, especially the one with spirits and his sleeping face. I just stared at them for some time. I will probably make that sleeping one my background :D His bad end... it was the most impressing part of the game I guess, I stared at the wall across my bed for a good 5 minutes after I read it. After seeing that, I am kinda scared of Rama's potential tho D: But still, killing all of them (or as in good end) wreaking havoc in Komodo village by himself? Gotta admire his badassness. Ahem, sorry I rambled too much about Rama. It's just that seems like he's not that popular and... he is nice and he needed Tamara the most.
I played Mitra's route second, he was really handsome, dependable and all, but he missed some charm in my eyes. He was the ideal boyfriend I think, but I would like him more if he had a more... teasing side I guess? My favorite part about his route was how Yuda kept teasing us, it felt like a close group of friends, or even family. Also his Omed-Omedan CG was awesome. Mitra's appearance is really majestic, especially his eyes and wings. Well, Mitra's route gave Tamara the most peaceful life in my opinion. He is really some qualified husband material :D But as Tamara said, who would guess our one gentleman would be such a badass? Thata's bonus charm points in my eyes.
Lastly, Reksa. His tsundereness was quite enjoyable, but his ''I'm not giving a rat's ass about you'' attitude made me irritated. I must say his route had the best romantic momets tho, his purring and ''I don't bite... Hard.'' line made me release fangirl screams. It's just that his love felt a little childish compared to others to me and a little too possessive for my taste.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
At first glance: art, the story being fantasy genre, that it contains elements about Indonesian culture (I really liked learning about a new culture while playing). After reading the description and playing the demo, characters and curiosity about how the story will unfold.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I liked the visual novel, I played lots of VN's, some are average, but I have some which are special to me and some characters who their stories mean something memorable to me, like making me think about things I never did before, or make me realize something about myself and my loved ones, so I put them in a different category. Nusantara was above that average for me with its unique story and mostly because of Rama. Sure as a first project story needed some improvement, and it was buggy (tho I didn't have that much problem as other people, so it wasn't a big letdown for me.) but it was an enjoyable product for me, and thank you for your effort :) I think art was the element stands out the most, characters were good since they were not your usual ''tsundere, prince charming, flirty guy'' trio. They had their reasons for being that way (like Reksa's backstory, he has all the right to not trust people.)

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Sorry, I guess I answered it on question 3 ^^' I would say the story can be improved. There were lots of grammar and spelling mistakes, so spell-checking and releasing it after making it bug-free would be better next time in my opinion.
I have some questions, sorry if some of them are obvious or unrelated, or if i ask too many questions ^^'
1- Does Reksa die if you leave him in the forest? D: I didn't have the heart to leave him any of the routes, but it made me curious when he came to warn Tamara as payback for saving his life.
2- Why do you have to choose Don't leave him-->Be honest to unlock Rama's good end? :D I thought Rama and Reksa would hate each other if they met, so it made me curious why his good end was connected with him.
3- Does Mitra like you even if you're not playing his route? Because he blushes when his warriors menton about him courting Tamara.
4- Reksa said ''We males can conrol the acid level in our saliva.'' if I remember correctly, so females can't control it? Sorry but this bugged me a lot, I spent some time thinking about how female and male Komodos kiss :D
5- Like someone else asked, is Sari Ayu? Or Teju and Ayu became servants too but Sari is someone different?
6- I think this is kinda obvious, but at Rama's bad end he is torturing somebody with red ???'s as his name, was that Purba?
7- When Rama dies, someone says ''So you couldn't save him. It's alright, at least he's with us now.'' Was that Ayu, Teju, Goddess, I don't know, or just some outer holy voice?
8- Lastly, did you plan any of the routes as main or true one, or all of them are equal and just different branches of the story?
9- What is your favorite character, route and CG? :D

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
If it accepts my credit cart, I will glady buy it if it's not 50 dollars or something like that :D I honestly think your next game would be even better, so it would be worth buying.
1. Aww, your reply just made me really happy Bouki! :'D
Rama is the most complex character and things got a little out of hand sometimes the better I can visualize him but I'm glad you like him! :') I was prepared for some people to dislike him but it makes me warm to know someone understand him! :')
and believe me, I was surprised at myself for managing to write his bad end x'D when I programmed it I impressed myself how angst I could be lol.
Omed-omedan is also one of my fave part to write! The festival, the high, the hyper, the fun! Man, I wish I can participate or see it with my own eyes too xD and yes, I agree that Mitra needs some more spice in his life. The guy is too peaceful -not that I'm complaining if I get a guy like him, but still :'))
and lol, your comment about Reksa's line made me grin like a horse xDD

2. Amen! My goal to introduce Indonesian culture is a success then! >:D

3. You're welcome and it's my pleasure! you have no idea how happy I am to see so many people enjoy my VN :'D *hugs* Not to mention that means I successfully told people about my babies life story *solemn nod*
and the bugs, lol, I wish TyranoBuilder would hurry with the updates so I can remake it faster >.< the bugs are disturbing me too like a horrible itch!

4. lol, the questions grow since the last time I saw it xD but no prob!
- 1.
No, he didn't die, I mentioned him a little at Rama's at Mitra's ending that he was one of the captured Komodos waiting to be judged for his 'crimes'.
- 2. oh, that xD
Because, if you looked at Rama's profile, he doesn't like liars. If he knew you lied -no matter how small or to who, he will never trust you fully again.
-3. Hmm, that event can be defined into multiple things hahahah xD
If you follow his route, then yes, he was embarrassed and was afraid his intention will be revealed (he havent decided yet, but he already put some thought in it.), but when you don't follow his route, it can be defined as a crush or simply embarrassment that your friends suggested such things. Mitra is a serious person :')
- 4. This is never mentioned in the VN but here:
In my concept, males poison are more potent than females, so the males naturally find the skill to control it. The females never bothered to try since their saliva is only capable of paralyzing for a few hours -and did you know that komodos saliva doesn't affect each other? xD it's true. So between female and male komodos it will be like a normal kiss.
Sari and Ayu is the same person xD Their names is a hint itself. In Indonesia there's an advertisement about Sari Ayu Mutiara when we were young hahahahah. That's where I find the idea of their names!
-6. Hmm, I wonder :p it could be Purba, it could be Yuda, it could be just a random Komodo. I'll leave it to your imagination ;)
-7. ahh, that was
Ayu/Sari. If you notice, at the first chapter where there's '???' pleading for someone to save 'Him' it was Ayu, she regreted for leaving Rama so suddenly and left so much hate that it made Rama's mind became twisted.

I was planning to make Rama's route the true end xD but after writing a lot, I decided to make all routes equal since I love my boys too much :'D
-9. I love all my boys! XD seriously hahahahah. Rama is my baby, Reksa is my boy, and Mitra is my babe ;) the scenes I enjoyed most to write was omed-omedan, Reksa vs Purba the first time, and surprisingly Rama's bad end *shudder*
As for the CGs... I was very happy to draw
Rama's CG when Tamara hugged him when he cried :') finally come to where he opened up! Reksa's kiss CG is also a surprise >< I re-drew his hands so many times lol, and Mitra's omed-omedan CG ;)
5. AMEN! Before that, I need to poke and learn a new software so it wont torture the poor laptops/computers :'D

thank you and sorry for the late reply Bouki! *hugs*

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#64 Post by SweetChiel »

try10 wrote:I am waiting until a better version is released. As much as I love this game the crashes ( every 5 minutes or less) and the bugs make it impossible for me to play it or enjoy it since I'm saving every minute and get scared everytime my game freezes because it can crash and the window might close. I can't even use the skip button because it stops responding and the choices could disappear, so it takes a very long time to go through the text again... and it's useless since, BAM the window closes and I have to start over and it's a never ending story. I remember playing a few small novelty games and I gave up because of the crashes. I updated my drivers and directx and I have no ideea what to do anymore. I really wanted to play Nusantara, but I can't so I will be waiting for you to release a new version without so many bugs if possible.
The only route I've managed to finish is Reksa's. :) I really wanted to share my thoughts about the full game...but I'll leave it for the moment I read everything.
I wish you the best of luck if you plan to clean up the game a bit and make a new release!
Ahh I'm really sorry to hear that try10! D:
the bugs are so disturbing! I'll do my best to learn a new VN software tho :') I'm sorry that you have to wait again, have you tried to play it in window-mode? if it's still not helping then there's little I could do *sigh*

But at least you get to finish Reksa's story! >.<
lunarossa27 wrote:Hello :D
I'm so happy to see this game in the completed games list~
I'll be waiting for the better version. I really really want to play this game but i can't really enjoy if i don't see the background and sprites. TTATT Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this. I wish you good luck.
Hello lunarossa! and thank you! :'D
whoa the background and sprites are missing? D: that never happened before!

I'm sorry for the disconvenience, but I AM planning to do a re-make so sorry that you have to wait again >.<;
Electric Daisy wrote:I LOVE THIS GAME!!I LOVE YOU too for making such a wonderful game for us to play.
At first i'm not really attracted to this game at all even if the art was pretty.But you see,all of the positive comment from others make me curious if this game was really that great and turn out it not just great its PERFECT!I mean the plot,characters,art were all wonderful.I would pay to play this game.

I love all of the boys but reksa was my baby!I love him so much!He was so sexy with those growling and possessive attitude when it came to Tamara.

Can't wait for your next game!Way to go buddy!
Hi and you're welcome Daisy! :'3
I'm on cloud nine to hear you said its 'perfect' <3 There are still crashes and technical issues, but hey, I'm so happy to hear you love my VN! *glomps*
Yep, his growling and possessive attitude is really popular x'D I don't know what to do with him hahahahah
Thank you for commenting and stay tuned! <3

TheOneTwo wrote:I just finished the game! Hurrah! I'm still on Reksa's route tho. :D

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
--Reksa! I dunno. He looks like my kind of guy. xD But when I was already in the game, I took a liking to Rama. I loved the MC in that route, she's the one who keeps him in shape because dang he has a lot of problems. A LOT LOT. Their interaction was fun to watch and I was so into it. I haven't tried my fave guy's route since he was the last in the list to understand the story better. lol I followed your suggestion.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
--The art style, I guess? And the story is amusing. Your cg's are fab, my dear. They look really good the art is flawless. Tho I did encountered some crashing, but it didn't seem to happen as much as what the others are saying over here. I guess I got really lucky. :lol:

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
--I think the art stood out real well. It's the first thing I see when I clicked the article. :lol: Again, story. You wrote it real well. I started to get interested with Indonesian language as well after playing..

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
--Just keep up the good work! The game is really really good. You did a very great job. Really. 8) Oh, btw, how many cg's exactly are there? I want to make sure I got everything. :wink: :lol: Since after playing Rama's route, there was a missing picture in the bottom right corner.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
--Hmm, I would love to. But I don't think I can since I don't have any cards to use as a payment for transactions like this. Sorry. :(
Hi OneTwo! Thank you for sparing some time to leave a review! :'3

1. OOhh, so you're the type who leaves the favourite for last 6: But so far I'm glad their personality attracted you xD
and yup, Rama has lots of issues going on, he's a difficult child to write but I still love him anyway xD I hope you too <3

2. aww, you guys keep stroking my artist's ego. My head will fall soon :')) but hey! congrats for minimal crashes!

3. YAY for Indonesian introduction! xD HURRAH for its cultures too, lol.

4. There are a total of 29 CGs (Not including their secondary pictures) Oh and the bottom right is Rama's bad end CG :p

5. It's okay, dear, the thought is already more than enough :')
I'm glad to see you enjoyed my game! *hugs*
Virelai wrote:This is beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, honestly weeping right now because it's so lovely.

I was extremely excited to try it out, and to be honest, I didn't run into any crashes or mishaps. But Reksa's route did freeze for a minute or so, but I just let it run a little and then it continued working.
Hopefully, the other issues of other players will be able to be fixed and resolved, and I'm looking forward to any other future games you'll do (with TyranoBuilder) ;^)

After reading this VN, I would consider buying any future novels you might release. #justsaying

Thank you for your creative input!!!! ! 1 ! ! ! 111
Hi Virelai :'3
Your kind words made me blush >////< and you have no idea how pleased I am to hear you have no issues with crashing :'D bless that computer of yours!
and yes! If only I can customize the screens with TyranoBuilder (Why does it has to be HTML coding T^T) it's really an awesome software but I wish it will update soon!

and Thank you for your consideration and reviewing! c':
zujibaby wrote:1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Reksa no contest there. I always like the domineering forthright man. Reksa is da Alpha male! Hes incredibly protective and once he realizes what he feels for you its full steam ahead. I Love his ending best. Where its a claiming ceremony no courtship yeah! I like Tamara interaction with him best as well. There's a genuine attraction there.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
It was on Otome English games. and I like folk lores.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
Reksa. His character drawing, developement and background story.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
To be honest I did not like Rama character and his route at all. I cannot understand what is it about him that is attractive to Tamara. Hes honestly so .... bleah. and the focuses too much on him and durains... I cant like a guy just because that stands out most!! Mitra route is not bad his choices lead you to know the character and why hes attracted to Tamara. But those same scenes which I thought were specific to Mitra seems are also in the other guys route. it feels out of place and takes away attention from the current love interest. Mitra and Rama route is hmmm too similar. It be good to have the common route somewhat short then the specific character routes that is unique to them (that's why Reksa route wins) longer. I sense more to silva and granny relationship I want to know what their history is!!!

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I will donate but not buy. The character routes need work.
Hi zujibay! thank you for reviewing! :D
1. lol, I agree with you. Reksa always charge full speed ahead whenever he's determined to do something (or want something lol)

2. I also like folklores OuO

3. mmhmm, I see. As predicted, development characters hold a huge part of it xD thanks!

4. Yup, Mitra and Rama's routes are somewhat related to each other since they were best friends x.x Thanks for pointing out the weird scenes tho xD I sensed it when I programmed it, but I thought it's still okay, lol. Maybe I should make it more subtler or make it smoother? yup, gonna do better next time >:3
and yes, lol. It amuses me how many people notice things about Granny and Silva xD here's my answer for you:
Granny and Chief Silva was good friends when they were young. They even almost got romantically involved with each other, but since they're both the next chief in line, they each have duties to attend. Silva was prepared for the consequences, but not Sukma. Sukma said she chose duty ahead from love and left Silva heartbroken.
It was only later after Reksa was born that Silva found out about Sukma's reason for rejecting him: Sukma cannot bear children due to an unique body condition.
5. Yup, thank you very much! :'D

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#65 Post by SweetChiel »

kyakyakyu wrote:DARLING!
Oh my God. Finally I met Tamara's dad again.

But now, I'm stolen by Mitra. So byeee!!!


1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Since I first play the game, I will always choose Tamara's dad over everyone. He's lovely. But- Mitra has that personality too D:
I really love Mitra. Like, he can be a responsible daddy. Like Tamara's dad <3
I really want threesome asf! Tamara's dad x Mitra x Tamara <333
Mitra is really caring, down to earth, and I'm really touched when he proposed for soooo many times in hope to get a reply. I'm more surprised that he's Garuda! I felt like Garuda is a sweet, pure bird now... (?)
That omed-omedan squeaks me out, and I'm not bored to play his route until dawn.

though, i'm really surprised when rama suddenly showed up until i though "why in the earth do i need to confront this dude while i'm playing mitra's routeee

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
Oh COME ON, you've given the demo before and I'm interested of course!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
Story-wise, it's OK, although you can make an engaging condition as so. I love on how you actually send your story! You are making me immersed into it!
Art-wise, no. No. Please don't ask. I can't look at Mitra's eyes during the WHOLE game. And I don't know why! I always squealed (?) when I see Mitra doing such sweet stuffs (like protecting Tamara with his gorgeous wings).
Character-wise, I LOVE it. There's such a balance, even if I just play Mitra's part. All the characters are actually simple, but I love them. You succeed in character development, gurl.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
I was going to choose both normal end and good end for Mitra, but I accidentally saved Mitra's good end at my save slot WHICH IS THE ONLY SAVE SLOT FOR MITRA'S END QAQ Getting that ending needs hard work, mannn!
However, I don't get BGM stopped in fighting scene (of course, Mitra's, since I can't play the others' yet. Damn the crashes.) o3o

Oh! Forgot to tell, but there are many gone choices. Like, when Tamara says (e.g.) "what should I do next?", the choices won't appear. I pressed Space, then I need to hover the options when Tamara says '...' in her script.

Autosave, remember? When the program crashed, there will be an autosave, either named Save #00xx or #10xx. However, nothing happened when I load the autosave file. Never have I ever use autosave function and I always save often, like what you said. But when I run an autosave file, nothing happened. The scene when Yuda, Mitra, and Granny Sukma discussed about the war turned into nothing but their sprites and the BG. No scripts, no changes in their action, even if I press Ctrl.

Are these bugs or another Novelty's problem? Hope you can fix it.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I would really love to QAQ But I got no finance at the moment. Maybe someday o3o
lol, hi sweetie, glad to see you bouncing with life! xD

1. lol, I never thought you'll pair Mitra with Tamara's dad and even make them a threesome lol
my poor characters x'DD but I do agree that Mitra is so sweet <3 I was embarrassed when I wrote his lines :')) and yeah, Garuda became so sweet I almost have diabetes x'DDD but hey, he's also has his manly moments right? *wiggle eyebrows*


3. AMEN for the word 'engaging'! I try to write fun scenes to not make you guys bored after all xD I'm so happy to hear that!
and aww, you're so adorable! xDD I can imagine the awkwardness and embarrassment of someone who cant meed her crush's eyes :')

4. lol, that happened to me too. No scrollback in novelty x.x
Oh and when a scene plays without a text box, try press the yellow 'Toggle' button. The text box should appear with the dialogues.
I don't know why it does that O_O; a bug maybe?

and again, I don't know what's wrong with the autosave T^T
I apologize for the discomfort, but the auto save file also sometimes drives me nuts. I didn't use them often and chose to save myself so I know which one is which x.x

5. lol, no prob! Just to see you enjoy my game makes me happy! xD

Thanks for taking your time to review, sweetie! *hugs*
mslilian wrote:I already annoyed you on your page on Facebook but I just love this game so much!

So i'll be more than happy to answer these questions!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Purba. Duh. *coughs and chokes*

So when I play any otome, i analyse all of the characters based on appearance first and then decide from there . shallow, i know. I definitely had my eyes on Reksa and I was determined to win his heart :P

But then I played Mitra's route first and he really grew on me, he was definitely the most loving and nicest bachelor. After playing all three of the guys, i'll definitely have to say that either Mitra or Reksa win, I love their personalities (and appearance) ^q^


2. What makes you consider to play this game?

I randomly found this game while on these boards, I was like, oh hey, the name sounds unique, clicked on it and then I saw the art! That definitely drew me in (kudos to that), then i read the plot and the character summaries and I definitely wanted to give Nusantara a shot!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I would give this game a 8/10 , Art was amazing, amazing enough to keep me interested , Characters were all likeable and they also had their flaws, which is expected. I loved Tamara's character, she's so realistic and not a marysue or a damsel in distress. and I LOVED her inner thoughts and teenage feelings at inappropriate times . Couldn't ask for a better protagonist! Storyline is captivating and interesting although, more general backstory and history could have been inputted for depth. We could have found out more about Tamara's parents and what happened to them. But i'm not complaining. The soundtracks and music was probably one of the best features, I loved the menu track , I literally sit there everytime and listen to the whole track before clicking start/load. Sound effects were on point, we got the feel of the situation with them. CGS were awesome! They were detailed and a lot of time was put into them, I could tell.

By the way, your characters all reminded me of other anime characters? I know it's random but hey, who doesn't want to compare their characters?

Mitra - Makoto Tachibana (personality-wise)
Reksa - MAD DOG CHAN X IWAIZUMI HAJIME from haikyuu!! (personality-wise)
Rama - Toma from Amnesia (personality-wise)
Asih - Eren Jaeger or his mum (appearance-wise)
Yuda - Castiel from my candy love (appearance AND personality)
Purba - Kiba from naruto or Koga from Inuyasha (appearance)
The three kids - Mio, kio and nao from DMMD (appearance and personality)

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

The game kept crashing so easily, but I know that that wasn't your fault, the stupid program is just stupid. I would have loved a secret route, like after you finish all the other endings and routes, you get that one secret route. Be it, a new character or being able to romance with Asih (please i need that, even though she's married ) or even Purba (so I can abuse the shit out of him) . Sometimes games do that, as an award for completing the game.

I also thought it'd be more of a tragic game because the game did mention death and war, which, you did have but I would have thought more people would die. Not that I wanted it, no! I was actually betting that Yuda would die though, like I felt that he and Asih were so happy and that you'd do something so horrible to us by killing him off.

Still an A++ game for a free game *applauses*

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Definitely, i'd pay at most $15 for any otome, i'm looking forward to your next project! Merry christmas!
Hi mslilian! thanks for sparing your time and reviewed! O///u///O

1. Aww, Mitra and Reksa won your heart! lol, don't worry. First impressions is important >:D you're not alone!
I'm really surprised but at the same time also happy when I read that you cried during omed-omedan and Reksa's scene x'DD your happiness makes me giddy, lol.

2. YAY! Glad I managed to rope you in ;) HURRAH!

3. Yup, the BGMs and SFX are the hardest to find since I'm a really picky person :')) but gosh, you gave me too much credits! Anymore and my head will fell over from how big my artist's ego is becoming lol xDD

and lol about the character references!

By the way, your characters all reminded me of other anime characters? I know it's random but hey, who doesn't want to compare their characters?

Mitra - Makoto Tachibana (personality-wise) <<< my beta-reader said the same thing x'DD Gosh, Makoto, the perfect husband.
Reksa - MAD DOG CHAN X IWAIZUMI HAJIME from haikyuu!! (personality-wise)<<< WHOA, someone is similiar like Reksa? O_O I gotta watch that anime later! xD
Rama - Toma from Amnesia (personality-wise)<<< I Spontaneously laughed when I read this :"))) I've just played Amnesia not long ago and yeah, they're a bit similar
Asih - Eren Jaeger or his mum (appearance-wise) <<< lol, Really? xDD Eren? well, Eren IS a good kid but... hahahahah! No offence about his mum, but I havent watched the anime so I should probably watch it before commenting.
Yuda - Castiel from my candy love (appearance AND personality) OOoohh, I know him! xD and yeah, they're similar tho Yuda swear more often than Castiel hahahahah!
Purba - Kiba from naruto or Koga from Inuyasha (appearance) Yep, the face markings are inspired by him xDD
The three kids - Mio, kio and nao from DMMD (appearance and personality)
How did you know? :'D But I guess it's kinda obvious... But I can't help it! They're too cute! ><

4. LOL the romance with Asih cracked me x"DD you have a creative mind!
You're quite a sadist tho, but I can't blame you for expecting the unexpected about character death :') but don't worry, I havent gotten that sadistic... yet. *runs away*

and yes, that's a good idea about secret route. Maybe I will try to implement true/secret route for my future game ;) thanks for the suggestion!

5. Aww, thank you for rating and supporting me! :'D
Nothing makes me happier than that! A new VN might take somewhile since I need to learn new softwares and re-make Nusantara for mac users and androids maybe. but remember me! xD

Alright, finished replying to all of you!
You guys are awesome! You know that? :'D I'm so happy with your responses, whether its about the deadly crashes or when you gushes about your favorite bachelor <3


xoxo, SweetChiel

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#66 Post by tamacitas »

SweetChiel wrote:lol, hi sweetie, glad to see you bouncing with life! xD

1. lol, I never thought you'll pair Mitra with Tamara's dad and even make them a threesome lol
my poor characters x'DD but I do agree that Mitra is so sweet <3 I was embarrassed when I wrote his lines :')) and yeah, Garuda became so sweet I almost have diabetes x'DDD but hey, he's also has his manly moments right? *wiggle eyebrows*


3. AMEN for the word 'engaging'! I try to write fun scenes to not make you guys bored after all xD I'm so happy to hear that!
and aww, you're so adorable! xDD I can imagine the awkwardness and embarrassment of someone who cant meed her crush's eyes :')

4. lol, that happened to me too. No scrollback in novelty x.x
Oh and when a scene plays without a text box, try press the yellow 'Toggle' button. The text box should appear with the dialogues.
I don't know why it does that O_O; a bug maybe?

and again, I don't know what's wrong with the autosave T^T
I apologize for the discomfort, but the auto save file also sometimes drives me nuts. I didn't use them often and chose to save myself so I know which one is which x.x

5. lol, no prob! Just to see you enjoy my game makes me happy! xD

Thanks for taking your time to review, sweetie! *hugs*
1. I mean, come on- Mitra is like a daddy, Tamara's dad is a daddy, and they can spoil their daughter. IYKWIM *smirk* I do get a little bit spoiled when Mitra's trying to be a gentleman (?) But since that's for the sake of his village, well, m'kay... (?)
Speaking about that, I haven't seen someone saying about Yuda or Asih around here... orevengrandmasukma-

3. Seriously. I can still look at Rama's or Reksa's (or even holy daddy on the game which is Tamara's daddy (?)), but Mitra is no joke. I never smile myself or even can't look at my bias' eyes. Deez nuts bruh.

4. I'll try that later. Thanks!

You're welcom bby ;;) and Merry Christmas!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#67 Post by Harmonywish »

I think you missed my reply! >w<~ Happy holidays to you too! I just finished Reska's route, his good end was really cute and that CG at the end had to be my favorite! His bad end was really sad though. ;w; I loved that CG as well.

I went onto Rama's route and he is pretty interesting or maybe insane. :'D I went for the bad end because of the CG and I am super creeped out. ;w; Errrr gosh. I knew I was expecting that be er..... poor Mitra....

Got his good end! >w< Rama was nice there, but I think after looking at his endings I think Reska is my favorite currently. The CG of Teja and Ayu again was really nice!! It was super pretty <3 That story of them was really sad, but I'm happy they got together in the end :3 Too bad there wasn't any kiss CG for Rama and Tamara. But the good end one was really nice.
Last edited by Harmonywish on Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#68 Post by LiadainRiley »

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Tough one. I genuinely loved them all. I played in the order Mitra > Rama > Reksa. First of all, I'd like to commend you for creating these characters. You wrote them well. Mitra is undeniably high grade husband-material, a guy any family-oriented female would easily fall in love with. And I totally did. But then I went for Rama... His route wasn't as predictable, had much depth, and even if you don't really like him that much, you just can't let him be. By the end he really grows on you. And it's very obvious that you invested a lot into his route. I expected Reksa to be the usual tsundere, and I totally did not expect to see so much sex appeal in him. Hands down, Reksa is my absolute favourite. And sex appeal isn't the only reason :) He is strong, especially mentally. He isn't indecisive like Mitra or Rama. He knows what he wants. He also displays the potential of becoming a sweet family guy. I also like Tamara when she's with Reksa more than Tama+others. Sure, Mitra heals her, and she heals herself while healing Rama, but in her relationship with Reksa her personality grows. By the end she becomes more mature than other versions of herself. I get the feeling that she's fallen really hard for him, because the war and their relationship become so much more important to her than any of her past issues, that she simply overgrows them.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

Honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to play this game :) I wasn't impressed with the art, but the concept caught my attention. I liked the setting and the characters seemed promising.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Overall, it's a solid good vn. I liked it. I wouldn't have finished it otherwise. Story and character. It's great that you invested into research and all the little details. But the best element is still the character. I've already said enough about the guys and Tamara, but Asih and Yuda also deserve mentioning. They are very typical, but maybe that's what makes them so great. They are believable. Their interactions with each other and Tamara are realistic and you feel like you've been friends with them since forever.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

Although I liked the overall style, I think the art requires consistency. There's a noticeable difference in the art in the menu, CG's, and in-game. There's also room for improvement in displaying emotions. That's something that will come with experience. I've no doubt that you'll become better if you continue working hard.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

Yes. But obviously, there's no room for bugs and crashes :)

Thank you for this game! It was very enjoyable. Best of luck to you in your future projects, SweetChiel!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#69 Post by lunarossa27 »

Hello lunarossa! and thank you! :'D
whoa the background and sprites are missing? D: that never happened before!

I'm sorry for the disconvenience, but I AM planning to do a re-make so sorry that you have to wait again >.<;
Maybe it's just my comp's problem then? I forgot to say that the story seems pretty interesting and i love the art too. :D I saw this before in the WIP and I was looking forward to it. It's just so sad but i think it'll be worth the wait.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#70 Post by SweetChiel »

Harmonywish wrote:I think you missed my reply! >w<~ Happy holidays to you too! I just finished Reska's route, his good end was really cute and that CG at the end had to be my favorite! His bad end was really sad though. ;w; I loved that CG as well.

I went onto Rama's route and he is pretty interesting or maybe insane. :'D I went for the bad end because of the CG and I am super creeped out. ;w; Errrr gosh. I knew I was expecting that be er..... poor Mitra....

Got his good end! >w< Rama was nice there, but I think after looking at his endings I think Reska is my favorite currently. The CG of Teja and Ayu again was really nice!! It was super pretty <3 That story of them was really sad, but I'm happy they got together in the end :3 Too bad there wasn't any kiss CG for Rama and Tamara. But the good end one was really nice.
Hi Harmony! and sorry that your comment got skipped >.< Stacked comments did that to me x'D

Yup! Wish you a merry christmas! I'll combine your comment with your review, 'kay? ;)
Harmonywish wrote:Such a good game! :> The art, the characters, squeeeee! >w< It crashes a lot, but I love love LOVE it! :'D

I started out on Reska's route because I like "forbidden love" or something like that. Or love-hate? I don't know, I just love it when the heroine has to work to make the guy "open up". But then, info about Rama came up and I realized, he's even MORE interesting :'D I'm currently at the part where
Rama is said to be "dead"
and oh gosh, I just want to play his route :'D But I'm so close to finishing Reska's and I thought I'll finish that first.

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
I like Reska. His attitude is probably what I like the best ;3 But, Rama seems like the most interesting character.
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The introduction of the game is really interesting! The guys were super cool, though, honestly, I liked the female avian more :> The art was also super good!
3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I think the art stands out the most because of the pretty backgrounds and characters and CGs! >w< But the story and characters are also super interesting! ;3 The art is why I started and the story/characters are why I continued it!
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Well, I don't have much except that the game crashes a bit and I did spot a few grammar mistakes. I don't remember what, but in the scene where Tamara climbed a tree with Rama (loved that scene! <3) there was something about him, that he "spreaded" his wings.
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

If would if I had the money! Definitely! But I can't buy a thing online currently... :'D

Overall, I loved this game~ Thank you so much for letting people download this awesome, beautiful game for free >w<
1. lol, people keep misspelling Reksa's name xD
Also, I'm sorry for the crashes ;u; I'm working on the ren'py version now, but I'm glad you pushed through and managed to finish the routes!
>>> went onto Rama's route and he is pretty interesting or maybe insane. :'D This comment made me laugh so hard x'D yeah, he's insane but I love him x') if Rama creeps you out then it's a success for me :'p but I like your honesty!

2. YAY! Then I'm on the right track >:D

3. aww thank you ;w; I tried my best to make the characters interesting ~

4. lol, grammar mistakes runs in my vein no matter how many times I tried to clean it OTL... Oh, and I'll do my best to learn Ren'py! >:'D
lol, that scene x'D yup, gotta love that awkward moment.

5. I'm also like you last month x'D I had no idea about how to use credit cards... Gods, I didn't even know what's the difference about credit and debit card *silly me*, but my job demands it so... :')))

Anyway, thanks for sparing some of your time to comment! They always made my day <3
kyakyakyu wrote: 1. I mean, come on- Mitra is like a daddy, Tamara's dad is a daddy, and they can spoil their daughter. IYKWIM *smirk* I do get a little bit spoiled when Mitra's trying to be a gentleman (?) But since that's for the sake of his village, well, m'kay... (?)
Speaking about that, I haven't seen someone saying about Yuda or Asih around here... orevengrandmasukma-

3. Seriously. I can still look at Rama's or Reksa's (or even holy daddy on the game which is Tamara's daddy (?)), but Mitra is no joke. I never smile myself or even can't look at my bias' eyes. Deez nuts bruh.

4. I'll try that later. Thanks!

You're welcom bby ;;) and Merry Christmas!
1. Lol, so Mitra is more like a father figure to you :')) how cruel lmao
oh, believe me, there are people talking about Asih, Yuda, and Granny but they're just buried by people gushing about Reksa xD

3. aww, I wish I was there to share that moment x'D (maybe I'll take a picture or something lol)

Yup, definitely a merry christmas! *u*
LiadainRiley wrote:1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Tough one. I genuinely loved them all. I played in the order Mitra > Rama > Reksa. First of all, I'd like to commend you for creating these characters. You wrote them well. Mitra is undeniably high grade husband-material, a guy any family-oriented female would easily fall in love with. And I totally did. But then I went for Rama... His route wasn't as predictable, had much depth, and even if you don't really like him that much, you just can't let him be. By the end he really grows on you. And it's very obvious that you invested a lot into his route. I expected Reksa to be the usual tsundere, and I totally did not expect to see so much sex appeal in him. Hands down, Reksa is my absolute favourite. And sex appeal isn't the only reason :) He is strong, especially mentally. He isn't indecisive like Mitra or Rama. He knows what he wants. He also displays the potential of becoming a sweet family guy. I also like Tamara when she's with Reksa more than Tama+others. Sure, Mitra heals her, and she heals herself while healing Rama, but in her relationship with Reksa her personality grows. By the end she becomes more mature than other versions of herself. I get the feeling that she's fallen really hard for him, because the war and their relationship become so much more important to her than any of her past issues, that she simply overgrows them.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

Honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to play this game :) I wasn't impressed with the art, but the concept caught my attention. I liked the setting and the characters seemed promising.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Overall, it's a solid good vn. I liked it. I wouldn't have finished it otherwise. Story and character. It's great that you invested into research and all the little details. But the best element is still the character. I've already said enough about the guys and Tamara, but Asih and Yuda also deserve mentioning. They are very typical, but maybe that's what makes them so great. They are believable. Their interactions with each other and Tamara are realistic and you feel like you've been friends with them since forever.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

Although I liked the overall style, I think the art requires consistency. There's a noticeable difference in the art in the menu, CG's, and in-game. There's also room for improvement in displaying emotions. That's something that will come with experience. I've no doubt that you'll become better if you continue working hard.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

Yes. But obviously, there's no room for bugs and crashes :)

Thank you for this game! It was very enjoyable. Best of luck to you in your future projects, SweetChiel!
Hi Riley, thanks for reviewing! OuO Now, without delay:

1. Oh gosh...
In one paragraph you wrote all the things and messages I want to convey to the players! :')
You gave my babies the highest credits you could give and I'm really, really touched by how you wrote it. Thank you for understanding my characters to the core and your appreciation was everything I could ever ask for and more!
*If I could give you a hug irl, I will!*

2 & 3. Amen! boy, am I glad that I managed to rope you in :'D
and Yes, I was trying to avoid stereotype and cliche (though as you can see, it kind of still having those elements) But I also believe that there are reasons why stereotype and cliches are still popular these days -like an orchestra, a music will have a different feeling depending on the conductor.

4. yup, quality control for the CGs are quite challenging for me x') my prefered style is semi-realism, but my VN is supposed to be 2D art so... yup, still have to learn x.x The image at the title is from the poster which is why it has higher quality x'DD
Thanks for pointing that out! I'll do my best to cover it in the next project! >:D

5. Another reason why I need to learn ren'py ASAP x'D

thanks again Riley! Do come again! :'3

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#71 Post by Akitsuki »

Congrats on completing the game! Oh gosh, I haven't opened the web for a while and all of sudden you're finished making it! I'm so downloading this and I'll let you know my opinion when I'm finished playing. Again, congratulations! You did a great job!

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UPDATE 28/12/2015

#72 Post by SweetChiel »

In today's update:

After a week of endless reading and learning about Ren'Py (Thanks to kisa and every user of lemmasoft here who encourages the remake of Nusantara with Ren'Py). I was very surprised when I came to an enlightenment : I frickin' understand about Ren'Py using J.edit O_O;
The last time I tried ren'py (roughly 2 years ago), I busted my brain over changing the main menu's BG -_-;

That's why, imagine my surprise when I actually understand about hotspot, animation, imagebuttons, -and I even could make CG screen and encyclopedia with Ren'py -Not easily mind you. The CG gallery is an improvement from leon's instant CG gallery code, and I spent 2 sleepless night for the encyclopedia...

Nevertheless, the gallery and encyclopedia screens are fully functioning! *clapping to myself*
*credits also goes to leon, aleema, and to many others in lemmasoft who provided answers about renpy*
cg gallery renpy.png
Now you know the remake is in progress and still in the 'preparation' stage.
I don't intend to make any changes in the script since it's already 'done' for me ^.^ improvements will be for the next game.

What troubles me might be the animation of characters x_x (you know I like to slide things), the conditional if, and I also decided not to include 'affection meter' since lord-knows how to make that thing with codes. No 2D live either since TyranoBuilder is still incomplete :( I can't make CG gallery or customized screens. HTML coding makes no sense to me OTL...

The progress might be slow since I have work and all that jazz, but I'll make a new thread if the ren'py version is done ;)

now, off I go to rest

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#73 Post by Naomi1 »

Question! For your future VN's will one of them be placed in the Nusantara universe?

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#74 Post by Katherynliza »

Kikaharu wrote:
Reiyane wrote:
Kikaharu wrote:I have a random problem now with Meeting all the guys. After I finish meeting all them Asih keeps asking me what I want to do now and there isn't any choices. The first time I skipped through the things i have read already and that happened. So i reloaded an earlier save (one that I saved this new route around so it's not like it's from way way earlier.) and met the guys without skipping anything and I'm still getting her asking what I want to do now. even though I finished meeting all the guys.

P.S. sent a message to Reiyane about what might be why they can't get the good ending. So hopefully what I said helps.
I received your message and replied to it, thank ^^

And about your problem - try to slide your mouse up and down the screen, the options should appear. It happened a few times to me, usually after using skip button. They are there, just... don't always appear for some reason.

Chiel, for some reason I was never given that option. It went straight to the normal end -,-
Oh nope. I talked about that to Chiel and it's not any invisible options. I visited all the guys and shouldnt have any other options and I have slide my mouse around nothing showed up. So it's like a new bug I somehow came a crossed.

Oh also DONT SKIP when you are getting close to the part with the Goddess. I noticed that sometimes when you skip close to an option it doesnt always stop at the option. sometimes it will pick for you and keep going.


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#75 Post by Rahnos »

^ Getting the same bug with Asih and not having anymore options instead of it going through to Granny. While trying to do Rama's route.

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Honestly I wanted to do Reksa's route first, because he seemed so interesting, but I tried Mitra first, and ended up loving him more. ^/////^ I really really loved Mitra's route! Reksa was very good as well, but Mitra is just so sweet. At first I didn't see his good ending completely, but I went back when I compared Reksa's ending and saw that I didn't get the CG for Mitra yet. (I thought at first that it was maybe linked to the normal end)

I'll add my thoughts on Rama's route once I've done it. He seems very interesting, which is why I've saved him for last.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The story seemed very interesting, and the art is very good as well. I also tried a bit of the demo before playing. I've definitely been stalking this one for a while.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I think the biggest standout here is story. It was unexpectedly very good. I really didn't expect too much about it, but it was surprisingly mature and deep and layered. Two thumbs up ^___^
The characters were good, and so were the art, but the story was what I love most about it. I loved the dynamic between Asih and Yuda, and the reluctant friendship of Yuda and Tamara. I always like it when there's more characters than just the 'bachelors' to interact with. Asih and granny were great! I liked how some of the women who were mentioned were very strong warriors, and yet not all of them were forced to.
Actually I really loved the theme as well. I love other cultures and it's definitely not something you see everyday on Lemmasoft (I wish hahaha) but it was definitely one of the best otome I've played, and I've been playing a lot of them for a few years now.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Question: is there any way for us to get a soundtrack of sorts? I really loved the music. Not every track of course, but most of the ones that I think are original music.

Also, for the remake, I hope there's a way to animate the sprites in the same way. Nusantara would not be the same without it. :) It's a shame Novelty is so buggy and crashy, because it really works otherwise.

Other than that I really had a hard time playing, it crashed a lot even when following all the advice, and I had a couple of bad bugs. (which is why I haven't been able to play Rama's route yet) EDIT - restarted the game and put my phone on the skip button and was finally able to skip past Asih (sorry Asih, dear, I can't listen to you going "What do you wanna do next?" all day).
I wish the game had been proofread better. Other than that I have no real criticism.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Yes, I would definitely consider buying your next visual novel! Please don't stop, this was really good! :) Take your time too, it seems like games like this need a lot of it.

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