My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome???] [Friendship]

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My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome???] [Friendship]

#1 Post by FonaCall »

I can't believe I'm finally getting this idea out... Here goes...

Hey there! We're FonaCall and we're thinking of making a visual novel of our own. (We'd want to call ourselves Black Eared Games, if ever we get to actually start production for this. Currently, we're a little busy with helping an upcoming visual arts company that focuses on comics.)

I've been wanting to make a story involving the seven deadly sins, but I haven't been able to make a story that I like...until now. Whoopee.

My Seven Deadly Friends (this is still a working title)

Credits (so far):
Story and Direction: Piet Wolfvolk
Character Art: Rivaldi Cunicula, Jin Neko
Programming (basic lolz): Shin Neko
Shota Supply (lol) and Art Support: Jin Neko

Basic Gist of it All:

You play as Clara, is a girl with aniridia, who becomes a new student at a high school and, being new and a little different from most other students, sort of finds it hard to make friends, when everyone pretty much has their own clique and whatnot. She is drawn to and also attracts the attention of seven guys who have (more or less) odd(-colored) eyes as well. (And also super powers.)

Main Characters: (sorry for the lack of sprites... that's part of why this is in Ideas instead of WIP. I may get Rival and/or Jin to add art later. Hehehehe...)

Clara (this is her default name, but you can change it)

You play as her in this game. Do you play as her in this game?

She is a transfer student who has aniridia (lack of irises) and wants to make friends with the other students. During her first few moments in school, she takes notice of these odd eyed guys who seem to have no friends as well, and decides that befriending them would be a good start towards a happy school life, or something like that. What she doesn't know is that she is pretty much risking her life, and there is pretty good and mostly sensible reason why these seven aren't with anyone in the first place.

Despite her condition and situation, she has a mostly positive outlook on life. She says that if she's going to be blind when she gets older anyway, she might as well look on the brighter side of things while she has her vision. She also seems to either be aromantic or dense, as she ignores pretty much any romantic advances made on her.


He's one of Clara's classmates. His eyes are usually brown, but they turn red at times. He's one of the nicer guys, as he will be friendly to Clara, and will help her out with things she has trouble with, like seeing what's on the blackboard or finding their homeroom. He's not a completely open guy, though, as he has a side of him he tries to keep secret from most, and you finding out what it is is part of his route. (Yeah, yeah, I know, he's the token Japanese guy too...)


He's another one of Clara's classmates. Like Guren, he usually has brown eyes as well, but instead of turning red, his eyes turn completely black at times. He is usually a quiet person and is kind by nature, but for some reason, he has a fear of being with people and crowds. He also can't seem to be able to handle pressure and stressful situations very well, either. Helping him get over it is part of his route.


He's yet another one of Clara's classmates. His eyes are purple. Of the classmates, he is the most outgoing and friendly (he's into hugs and stuff even). He also can be very curious and a bit childish. Most people would comment that he likes eating, but in reality he wants to find something to satisfy his near-insatiable appetite, which Clara can possibly give him. What it is, you will find out in his route. He could be one of the least dangerous guys (or at least one of the guys whose bad ending can't easily be reached unless you're some sort of genius), but watch out. He bites.


He's also a classmate of Clara's. He has gray eyes. He is a professional hooky player (yes, you read it right) who seems to not care about anyone or anything else as long as he can do things in his own way and in his own time. Most people already don't mind him doing it, as he can pass the requirements and exams anyway, and, for some reason, he can avoid very much anyone who wants to catch up with him for anything. Clara, however, becomes a little concerned about him, and she aims to find a way in his route to get him to attend classes like any other student. Will it be that simple?


He is a student of another class, and is a classmate of Reo and Skye's. He has green eyes. He has had a terrible and forced separation from his girlfriend
(she died)
, and seeing that Clara is getting the company of these other guys, he wants a piece of the action. Maybe even the whole of it. If you want me to describe his tendencies, he's someone who can get completely devoted to someone else, but at the same time, he wants whoever the object of his affection is to be completely devoted to him as well (even though he doesn't really say it outright). Well, that's not gonna sit well when Clara has these other guys with her, right? DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!

By the way, Forest is his family name. Apparently, he doesn't like his given name.

Also, he's the character who started the whole idea. He was the main character of another story based on the lyrics of the song, Mr. Brightside, by The Killers. I'm thinking you probably know what deadly sin he represents already.



He is another student of another class, and is a classmate of Forest and Skye's. He has yellow eyes. He is generally a very serious person, and also a cheapskate and a miser, notorious for not sharing any of his fortune with anyone, and charging a large interest for anything he does "share", among other things. When he encounters Clara, he couldn't help but help her out and give her advice regarding keeping money and things, much to the other students' surprise. In his route, Clara finds out the reason behind his usual behavior and why he treats her so differently.



He is yet another student of another class, and is Forest and Reo's classmate. He has blue eyes. He is the year level representative for the student council, and he helps out in a number of sports and academic clubs, which makes him a pretty popular student in their school. He is a grade-school classmate of Clara's before, and so they sorta know each other since they were pre-teens at least. For some reason, he wants to impress Clara with what he does, but will it even work? And why does he do it?

- 7 guys the main character can befriend (nope, not date... maybe that will be for another time.)
- Some of the guys' routes would need to be "unlocked" in some manner. Hopefully we can make it so that players won't get stuck not being able to play a route. We'll make it so that players can play all the routes at some point in time.
- No relationship points, people. Just good old choice making. Besides, you want them to all be the main girl's friends, anyway.
- There will be at least one good and one bad ending for each of the guys for a total of at least 14 endings. (We already have two bad endings for Guren's route, though...)
- It is possible for the main character (and/or other characters) to die in any route. No, seriously.
- There will be different in-story events depending on the order in which you befriend the seven. Most guys' routes can be "easier" to play through if you have befriended certain guys beforehand, at least.
- Aside from a possible CG gallery, there will be extra scenes and bloopers available for playing/viewing after the main game. (I'd want a music gallery too, if we get a composer.)

- still in the conceptualization stages, really, so I can't say yet. The artsy people among us are drawing sketches of some of the characters already, though.

What it would need:
- Possibly more artists for sprites. Also, artists for backgrounds, CGs, the GUI, and the logo.
- Music. I would love to have an OST for this if ever, but if there's no choice, we'd have to stick to royalty-free music. Geh.

Other notable stuff:
- From what I'm conceptualizing now, I think this may extend to at least another game. Apparently, it has a bigger story than I thought, because of the unanswered questions it leaves behind.
- For a first project, this is pretty ambitious. Geh...

What do you think of the idea, guys? Also, is there anyone you may be interested in? (lol, why am I so lazy with questions?)

Questions (finally, some serious shit):
1. What if it was an otome, but it's mostly in the POV of the guys? (I don't think I've seen an otome in the POV of the love interests, or in this case, friend interests.) Would it be any different? Would it be too gimmicky? Would you even play it? Would it even be an otome? (lol)
2. Since there are sketches now of some of the characters... What do you think so far?

- Piet
Last edited by FonaCall on Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:59 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#2 Post by Oktolio »

I'm not going to sugar-coat my review/opinion (nor that you'd like it? Or maybe you do in case I'm sorry for bluntness!), but the first thing that came to my mind while reading this was: "Cliche much?" By that I mean: there's so, so, sooo much games/films/books etc. that have the trope of 'I'm the only one girl that can befriend and change him even if many have tried before! Dark past? Pff. A criminal supermind? Pfff! Sparkling vampire? PFF I CAN DEAL!' Also, super hot guys with super hot powers. Yup.
But then I read it again. So I can have a better grasp of the story. The cliche feeling still lingered, but instead I found your idea intriguing. Taking into account befriending 7 deadly sins? Well, ingenious! I don't think anyone tackled the subject this way.

Anyway, more in-depth aspects that I fancied:
1) The MC's syndrome. Will it play a crucial role in the story? Or it'll just be, for "flavour"? Either way, I like it. It'd be as if she has "dead" eyes (AND she'll be befriending 7 DEADLY sins? :D)
2) That it's romance-free. I myself am a huge fan of a little romance here and there. But it's refreshing to see guys and girl just in the "friendly" spectrum. Though there's "Lust" right? Kinda sad he won't be getting a little, say, 'special' treatment ;)
3) As I mentioned earlier, the concept of 7 deadly sins as, well, not monsters (or ARE they? ;) ) I cannot wait how you pull that off. Were the colours assigned true to their meaning (or resemblence to the actual sins) or randomly, though?
4) This feature:
There will be different in-story events depending on the order in which you befriend the seven. Most guys' routes can be "easier" to play through if you have befriended certain guys beforehand, at least.
Great idea! Very inventive. (Though I'm already crying for you just how many different events you'll have to write)

I'm looking forward to the characters' designs the most of all. I always do :D
All in all, even if it's just a concept, keep going! It has the potential to arise to a very ambitious and great game.
By the way: if you need a CG artist, I can help you! :D At least, you can "audition" me to see whether my style will fit into your game ;) (Or you can check my DA, but I've just joined there, so there's not much to see!)

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#3 Post by FonaCall »

Oktolio wrote:Hello!
I'm not going to sugar-coat my review/opinion (nor that you'd like it? Or maybe you do in case I'm sorry for bluntness!), but the first thing that came to my mind while reading this was: "Cliche much?" By that I mean: there's so, so, sooo much games/films/books etc. that have the trope of 'I'm the only one girl that can befriend and change him even if many have tried before! Dark past? Pff. A criminal supermind? Pfff! Sparkling vampire? PFF I CAN DEAL!' Also, super hot guys with super hot powers. Yup.
But then I read it again. So I can have a better grasp of the story. The cliche feeling still lingered, but instead I found your idea intriguing. Taking into account befriending 7 deadly sins? Well, ingenious! I don't think anyone tackled the subject this way.
Lol, I actually wasn't taking into account that the main character would be having this "heroine complex", where she thinks she alone would be able to save these guys. Heck, the side characters don't even expect her to do anything like that. I was thinking more of she really just happened to want to befriend these guys just because they don't have any friends yet, and that she didn't know what danger she was getting herself into.
Oktolio wrote: Anyway, more in-depth aspects that I fancied:
1) The MC's syndrome. Will it play a crucial role in the story? Or it'll just be, for "flavour"? Either way, I like it. It'd be as if she has "dead" eyes (AND she'll be befriending 7 DEADLY sins? :D)
All I can say that it will be related to a certain incident that won't be discussed that much in this particular game, but would be touched upon in a later game. I find it a good challenge, trying to write about someone who has a partial disability. Dammit, I need to make sure my research is solid lol.
Oktolio wrote: 2) That it's romance-free. I myself am a huge fan of a little romance here and there. But it's refreshing to see guys and girl just in the "friendly" spectrum. Though there's "Lust" right? Kinda sad he won't be getting a little, say, 'special' treatment ;)
I'm okay with romances too, but with all the romance and the dramas I get exposed to here in the Philippines, I can safely say I want something else. I can say that some of the guys will have some romantic feelings for the MC, but the MC won't be reciprocating. I dunno, it's kinda like what they did with the Uta no Prince-sama anime. Hahahahhahahaha!

Yep, there's a Lust guy there. With that, I aim for the player to be reminded that lust is different from love. There may be some h-scenes with that particular route, and it may be initiated by the Lust character or some other person who's affected by the Lust character.
Oktolio wrote: 3) As I mentioned earlier, the concept of 7 deadly sins as, well, not monsters (or ARE they? ;) ) I cannot wait how you pull that off. Were the colours assigned true to their meaning (or resemblence to the actual sins) or randomly, though?
Regarding monsters... One of them may not be as human as one would think. As to who it is... I'll leave you to guess.

Most of the colors were assigned with the sin in mind, with the exception of Gluttony, I guess. I can't really connect it to a color, but what I chose for the character for that stuck. Hahahaha!
Oktolio wrote: 4) This feature:
There will be different in-story events depending on the order in which you befriend the seven. Most guys' routes can be "easier" to play through if you have befriended certain guys beforehand, at least.
Great idea! Very inventive. (Though I'm already crying for you just how many different events you'll have to write)
Thinking about how the general story would go for the Greed character makes me cry already. I only have a rough concept of him and what happens in his route as of now, while the others have some form of beginning to end already.

I probably won't make the differences in events that big, and I will probably only have certain befriended characters important for making most routes easier.
Oktolio wrote: I'm looking forward to the characters' designs the most of all. I always do :D
All in all, even if it's just a concept, keep going! It has the potential to arise to a very ambitious and great game.
By the way: if you need a CG artist, I can help you! :D At least, you can "audition" me to see whether my style will fit into your game ;) (Or you can check my DA, but I've just joined there, so there's not much to see!)
I look forward to how they'll all look too! (Gotta get my partner working! Hehehe...)

Thanks for the support. About the CG thing, I'll keep you in mind and maybe stalk your DA.

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#4 Post by Oktolio »

I think because of the "roughness" in basic idea might got me thinking she got that god forsaken "heroine complex". Good she's just a nice girl!
I can say that some of the guys will have some romantic feelings for the MC, but the MC won't be reciprocating. I dunno, it's kinda like what they did with the Uta no Prince-sama anime. Hahahahhahahaha!
Oh jeez I know right :D (Poor Cecil...and the rest of the cast that isn't Ittoki :p ah well) Aww unrequired love. Gotta get tissues ready.
Thanks for the support. About the CG thing, I'll keep you in mind and maybe stalk your DA.
You're welcome! I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for new updates :)
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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#5 Post by AntiquedFae »

I can't help myself but drop by and wish you the best because this just looks so, SO much like fantasticality given game form. I *love* how this sounds. Seriously. I will be stalking this and sending you feeble game player hopes and dreams that this gets completed because...I want this in my life.
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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#6 Post by watchfob »

Listen.... I love it.
She also seems to either be aromantic or dense, as she ignores pretty much any romantic advances made on her.
Sign me the HECK up

Just from these profiles, I'd say I've got a soft spot for Jet. I also like that certain routes' orders affect others -- it's a neat sort of integration that I haven't seen done anywhere else so I'm interested in seeing how that plays out.

also if you need a CG artist and or composer I can help with both of those things just throwing that out there

Best of luck!

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#7 Post by FonaCall »

Oktolio wrote:Oh jeez I know right :D (Poor Cecil...and the rest of the cast that isn't Ittoki :p ah well) Aww unrequired love. Gotta get tissues ready.
I guess Otoya is pretty much who she ends up with in that, but I don't think Haruka has returned his feelings... Wait, I didn't watch Revolutions yet, so *gasp* do they end up together?!?!

I wanna play the game version of that, but stupid patches. If only there was an English localization... Ah, Natsuki my baby...
AntiquedFae wrote:I can't help myself but drop by and wish you the best because this just looks so, SO much like fantasticality given game form. I *love* how this sounds. Seriously. I will be stalking this and sending you feeble game player hopes and dreams that this gets completed because...I want this in my life.
Hm, Fantasticality eh? Never heard of it. But, yeah, thanks for the good wishes, and we'll do our best to get this game going!
watchfob wrote:Listen.... I love it.
She also seems to either be aromantic or dense, as she ignores pretty much any romantic advances made on her.

Sign me the HECK up

Just from these profiles, I'd say I've got a soft spot for Jet. I also like that certain routes' orders affect others -- it's a neat sort of integration that I haven't seen done anywhere else so I'm interested in seeing how that plays out.

also if you need a CG artist and or composer I can help with both of those things just throwing that out there

Best of luck!
Aw, Jet... He's a sweetie, for sure.

About that route order thing, I figured, since the guys are going to be friends and not rivals in love, they might as well help each other out. I guess this is why I chose to have the game stick to friendship because at least I can do that. Also, I think a lot more people are gonna die if they ever become the MC's love interests and each other's love rivals instead. I can see the disaster coming, especially with Forest and Jet, and maybe Guren. Those first two are definitely deadly.

I'll keep your offer for both in mind. (OMG, composer!)

Thanks for the comments!

- Piet

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#8 Post by FonaCall »

We're not actually starting on this yet, but I thought I could show some preliminary sketches. (Piet got told off because he was prioritizing writing the concept for this, when he was supposed to be helping out with work. I thought this could cheer him up some.)

Here is my first sketch of Clara. Her design might change (I was surprised that she looks good already), but I will be keeping the sunglasses, as she needs it for the photophobia that comes with her condition.

Here is my first sketch of Jet. It was decided a bit last minute that he would be partly of Chinese descent, hence the bits of costume. (I also do not have a school uniform design yet.) I would have to make him look a bit older, I suppose. Hairstyle is not final, but I think the braids will stay. I have yet to draw him in his "black eyes mode".

- Rivaldi

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#9 Post by Writer16 »

Okay, I'm definitely keeping an eye on this progress. :D It's such an intrigue idea, but a bit cliche, yet it can go in a totally unique direction. Plus, hasn't everything already been done, with different twists on them? I like the whole seven sins' idea, and am eager to see your view on it.
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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#10 Post by FonaCall »

Writer16 wrote:Okay, I'm definitely keeping an eye on this progress. :D It's such an intrigue idea, but a bit cliche, yet it can go in a totally unique direction. Plus, hasn't everything already been done, with different twists on them? I like the whole seven sins' idea, and am eager to see your view on it.
Thanks man.

I've thought of something that may just get it a bit further away from the cliche thing. Hopefully we can pull it off.

(Artists are going to cry about it, though.)

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome] [Friendship]

#11 Post by FonaCall »

More sketches! =^A^= - Jin

Tried to sketch more of Clara's hair, but I think I failed... "=w=

Argent. The hairdo looks a bit overused, but then we're not really going for a wild hairstyle thing anyway! That would be too much like a card game anime!

Lila! He's my favorite! I'm going to be making sprites for his route too. =^_^=

A random someone who confesses?!

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome???] [Friendship]

#12 Post by FonaCall »


We may not be able to update much on this thread (we will if we can, and we will be making a WIP thread once we feel there's enough to present), so please feel free to visit our development blog for updates instead.

Thank you.

- Rivaldi

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome???] [Friendship]

#13 Post by FonaCall »


I finally felt in the mood to actually draw something in colour. Here is what Skye looks
to most
. I am currently working on a sample image for Reo, and will be posting that soon as well.


- Rivaldi

For those who are freelance VN staff and also for those who are VN team leaders, please read this. Inform yourselves. Thank you.

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Re: My Seven Deadly Friends [Otome???] [Friendship]

#14 Post by FonaCall »

And as promised, the sample image for Reo. Piet could not help but fill in the hair.


Slightly more in-depth profiles will be posted in our development blog.

- Rivaldi

For those who are freelance VN staff and also for those who are VN team leaders, please read this. Inform yourselves. Thank you.

Status: More or less busy with IRL work and finishing a game in time for Halloween Jam in

Brainstorming for the following:
My Seven Deadly Friends | the rest of the ideas

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