Seiyuu Danshi [18+ / BxB / Kickstarter-funded dating sim]

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#16 Post by meyaoi »

We’re working on the actual one (the sexy CGs). When it’s done, we’ll post it here!

Btw, big thanks to those who have spared their time to fill in our questionnaire before. We got so many feedback from you all, but, we still need more! So, if you haven’t filled it in yet, please spare just 3 minutes of your time to fill in the questionnaire and help Seiyuu Danshi be a better game! ... o/viewform

From the questionnaire’s result, we see that many of you wants to add a bulkier, hairy, and older middle-aged man. So, we have decided to add one middle-aged dateable secret character for you guys to enjoy! Of course, either to top or be topped, it’s your choice!
We will need more feedback and opinion later for designing this secret character! After we make some rough sketches of this character, we will post here for you all to see and give comments on :)

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#17 Post by meyaoi »


Another update~! Here’s the mock up for the dating phase (nope, it’s unfortunately not implemented yet ._.)What could the icons be? What do they represent for? Are you curious? xD
More details will be explained in the next update, where I’ll upload another video displaying the actual footage of dating system inside the game!
I am still having my final exam right now (which will end in another 3 days), so I might not be able to work on it right away, but I’ll keep you guys updated. Stay tuned! :)

Haven’t filled in our questionnaire yet? Please spare 3 minutes of your time to help Seiyuu Danshi to become a better game :)

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#18 Post by meyaoi »

Hello, I’m here with another update for Seiyuu Danshi!

These are two of the many places that you can visit inside the town.
If you have seen the video, you might see the word “trait” mentioned here and there. So, what is “trait”?
Trait is special characteristic that MC can learn by either reading book, eating food, or watching movies inside the game. These traits will be needed for certain voice acting jobs, for example, acting as sick character requires you to have the “sickly trait”, acting as rich man requires you to have “extravagant trait”, and so on.

In case you’re wondering, project has been progressing greatly and I have also received a lot of responses from all of you! Thank you for all the enthusiasm!
Demo is on progress and I’m working hard to finish the demo ASAP so all of you can try the game firsthand!

Well, that’s it from me today.
Stay tuned for more updates!

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Less than 3 days before KICKSTARTER campaign launches!

#19 Post by meyaoi »


Seiyuu Danshi will be launched on:
DATE: 3rd February 2016

TIME: 12:00 PST!

Note the date!

If you have been waiting to play Seiyuu Danshi’s demo, NOW IS THE TIME!The demo link will be available on the Kickstarter’s page and contains the first two weeks of the game, available to play on: Windows, Mac, and Linux. Feel free to give us feedback on the demo

Why Kickstarter? Can’t you just keep doing what you have been doing?
We have been making Seiyuu Danshi with just the two of us (we are sisters. by the way, if you don’t already know <3). We have been making the art, programming, writing, making the video, all by ourselves. However, we feel that we have hit the limit of our ability. Some of you expressed that the current art is not appealing enough, that the characters look too similar in appearance. I feel that it is due to my lack of ability as an artist. Hiring people who are truly good at what they do will greatly enhance the quality of the game. As players, you guys deserve a better quality game!
Our ultimate goal is to create a commercial quality dating sim for fans of BL / yaoi genre to enjoy, as we need to agree that there is a definite lack of this in the market. So, let’s make this happen!
We will be eternally grateful if you help spread word about this!
What is Seiyuu Danshi? What is this game all about?
Those who have followed us from the beginning might be sick already with these things that we are going to post, but we will repost them again to refresh your memories~ (…and for the sake of our new visitors. Welcome to the team!) ... arter.html

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#20 Post by PyTom »

You don't get your own topic just for your kickstarter. Use this thread.
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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#21 Post by peroxidehead »

I can't wait! Definitely looking forward to this game! :D

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#22 Post by kino-san »

Hello! I've been stalking the development of the game. Also I've seen this game a lot in the communities I hang out in.

I just came here to post to say that you are doing a great job with the game. In this current time there really isn't a lot of BL/yaoi VN games coming out especially one that's unique like yours.

I LOVE MALE SEIYUUS! It's my lifestyle, I memorize a lot of male seiyuus in anime and BLCDs. I am a heavy BLCD listener so I pay attention to the male seiyuu as well as listen to the freetalks carefully. So to have a game where I can play a male seiyuu is really exciting.

It's just really impressive and amazing to see the work done using renpy, I've haven't seen something so professional from the work of two sisters. I am kinda envious of your coding and art (I wish I could pull stuff like VN looks crappy comparing to yours..weep).

I also wanted to add my view on what gekiganwing quoted about the target audience for the game. Yaoi is a odd sub genre where the main audience is girls and a small amount of guys (don't get me wrong there is a male audience for yaoi but it is heavily overshadowed by girls).

I am a girl myself and I enjoy BL/yaoi for the interactions between the personalities of two males. So in my view I don't really want to imagine myself as a guy being in love with another guy (maybe some girls want that). I would of loved to follow a main character with a personalty date these love interests with different personalities (gah I hope I make sense.).

So what I am saying is that the male audience would LOVE to be a male seiyuu charming other male seiyuus, while (most/some) female audiences would like to cheer two males getting together instead of thinking they would like to be a male.

Neither-less of the target audience I still looking forward for the development of the game!

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#23 Post by meyaoi »

Thank you! :D

Hello! Thank you for liking the game. For the issue that you and GekiganWing pointed out, even though the main character is name-able, doesn't mean that he has "bland personality" to make players be able to feel like him. It's just extra perk that the MC can be named anything, and it's up to the players what to name him, but he still has his own unique personality.

By the way, I'm very surprised too when I see it, but the male-female ratio of the questionnaire respondent is actually 60-40 something (Yeah, shocking isn't it? Male dominates the poll :shock: )

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#24 Post by meyaoi »

Go ahead and check it out here: ... -visual-no

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#25 Post by runeraccoon »

Wow, already funded! Is there even any special publication that you were doing? This is amazing.

And I'm really excited to know that you're in Indonesia!

I don't have a credit card, so it's not possible to buy/pre-order online. If you'd like to consider gathering funds/make preorders in local doujin market like Comic Frontier? I'd be sure to buy it! Looking forward to be able to grab a copy of this game OwO

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#26 Post by meyaoi »

fuicchi wrote:Wow, already funded! Is there even any special publication that you were doing? This is amazing.

And I'm really excited to know that you're in Indonesia!

I don't have a credit card, so it's not possible to buy/pre-order online. If you'd like to consider gathering funds/make preorders in local doujin market like Comic Frontier? I'd be sure to buy it! Looking forward to be able to grab a copy of this game OwO
Apakah anda orang indo juga? hehe :lol:
(I'll reply in English anyway, since I think speaking in foreign language is not allowed here?)

I don't think I did anything special, really, there's not even any press who covered about it, so I got pretty hopeless but there were so many supporters who loved the game and spread word about it, and I think it's all thanks to them! :mrgreen:

I've thought about attending local doujin market to promote the game before but I was afraid that there wouldn't be enough interest. I definitely want to try them out someday, though, haha, just never had enough courage to do it :cry:

Anyway, if you want to you can always pay directly through our (Indonesian) bank account.

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#27 Post by runeraccoon »

Apa bikin ya page Indo-nya untuk fanpage Seiyuu Danshi biar banyak yang mau datang ke booth kalau buka di event hueheuehuehe (Di comifuro peminat yaoi banyak kok, kalau tau Black Monkey Pro bikin game, itu selalu laku //yha)
So the demo is pretty much the most important thing, huh? I'm even amazed that you're going to dedicate some parts to enhance the sprites, I think it's pretty amazing already! * 7 *

I think it could be for continuous selling the merchandise more than anything. And if there would be some skits, you could always make some online event, like competition to give them voice or something lmao. That would do good to generate more interests. (Don't mind this suggestion too seriously, I'm just into fandubbing is all. xD)

Indonesian bank account! That would be nice. Even nicer if it's BCA and I could still get the early bird option, on, say, March. //no hope
That option should be in your Kickstarter page, please! That way I could share it to my friends. :D Yaoi + seiyuu are pretty much the only thing that my circle of friends are digging for lmao.

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#28 Post by meyaoi »

fuicchi wrote:
Apa bikin ya page Indo-nya untuk fanpage Seiyuu Danshi biar banyak yang mau datang ke booth kalau buka di event hueheuehuehe (Di comifuro peminat yaoi banyak kok, kalau tau Black Monkey Pro bikin game, itu selalu laku //yha)
So the demo is pretty much the most important thing, huh? I'm even amazed that you're going to dedicate some parts to enhance the sprites, I think it's pretty amazing already! * 7 *

I think it could be for continuous selling the merchandise more than anything. And if there would be some skits, you could always make some online event, like competition to give them voice or something lmao. That would do good to generate more interests. (Don't mind this suggestion too seriously, I'm just into fandubbing is all. xD)

Indonesian bank account! That would be nice. Even nicer if it's BCA and I could still get the early bird option, on, say, March. //no hope
That option should be in your Kickstarter page, please! That way I could share it to my friends. :D Yaoi + seiyuu are pretty much the only thing that my circle of friends are digging for lmao.
Huehehe, boleh juga fanpage indo sih, tapi ntar ribet takutnya maintain 2 fanpage :oops:
And yeah, I know Black Monkey Pro! (I mean, who doesn't know about them in the yaoi world? :p )

The option can't be added to the Kickstarter, unfortunately (the Kickstarter doesn't allow payment method aside from credit card), but you can e-mail me directly instead (, and I'll give you the bank account!
Dan bakal kita kasih treatment khusus buat sesama fujo/fudan Indo dengan kasih promo early bird buat kalian semua (meskipun udah habis). Tolong jangan bilang-bilang orang laen huahuaa. Promo khusus indo ini :p

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#29 Post by runeraccoon »

Ugh tapi tapi tapi pengen //gimana
I know right lmao. I think in most of their attendances in CF, their games are sold out every time. LOL. So if possible, please do have a booth in comifuro~ *___* Or culture japan daisuki which will be held in March, but that's in Malang, I think...?

I will do! And that's the first time I heard it, I guess. I might have remembered wrong, but as long as it's a separate campaign such as "We'll add your local bank payment into the milestone" unofficially in Kickstarter, you could promote the local payment in your page as well. :') I'll look around for samples if you're interested in it.
HORE!!!! * 7 * Maaf belum bisa sekarang, lagi super kere huhu, tapi pasti aku e-mail buat minta no rekening~

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Re: Seiyuu Danshi (18+ Yaoi / BL Dating Sim Game in developm

#30 Post by meyaoi »

fuicchi wrote:
Ugh tapi tapi tapi pengen //gimana
I know right lmao. I think in most of their attendances in CF, their games are sold out every time. LOL. So if possible, please do have a booth in comifuro~ *___* Or culture japan daisuki which will be held in March, but that's in Malang, I think...?

I will do! And that's the first time I heard it, I guess. I might have remembered wrong, but as long as it's a separate campaign such as "We'll add your local bank payment into the milestone" unofficially in Kickstarter, you could promote the local payment in your page as well. :') I'll look around for samples if you're interested in it.
HORE!!!! * 7 * Maaf belum bisa sekarang, lagi super kere huhu, tapi pasti aku e-mail buat minta no rekening~
Ntar deh pas lebih senggang coba buat ah :p :p :p
Jangan khawatir, santai saja hahaha, tidak kabur kemana-mana Seiyuu Danshi xD
And wow, I didn't know there were things like that in Kickstarter! Please do send me examples if you have it ^_^

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