Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#61 Post by qirien »

Ha ha ha, SilkSpider, I wondered if some players might feel that way. :-) For what it's worth, the MC's husband is more loving if the MC is more loving, but I can see how his enthusiasm for farming and humor would not endear him to everyone.

Brennan is kind of supposed to be "hot", but being "hot" does not always make for a stable, happy relationship.
What would happen if they ended up together? I have a hard time believing Brennan would be faithful for long...

Did she end up with Brennan at the end in your game? That is a pretty difficult bad-ending option to find, so I was wondering if anyone would find it...
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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#62 Post by SilkSpider »

Well truth be told the main issue I have with the PC's husband is...
I feel like he used her for his own personal gain. The real reason he suddenly insisted on getting married so quick is because being a married couple, plus the fact that the colony needed someone with the PC's occupation skills, guaranteed he'd be accepted. In other words, she was just his meal ticket... whether he does have genuine feelings for her or not is up for interpretation, but the fact that he basically used her leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
...but that's just my understanding I guess. Brennan is a truly sweet guy who I think is genuinely in love with the PC (regardless of whether or not she pursues an affair with him), or at least cares about her enough to want her to make her own decisions and do what will make her happy. I feel like they will probably be quite happy together on Earth. If nothing else... he'll be forced to pay child support when the time comes. :lol:

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#63 Post by qirien »

Yeah, I can understand how that mistake would bother you. That's one of the things I wanted to portray is how hard it is to forgive a spouse who has done something wrong (and maybe doesn't even see that it's that wrong). How big of a mistake can a spouse make before you say, "Forget it"?

I hope Brennan would treat her right back on Earth. :-)

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this with me!
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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#64 Post by Ferdokki »

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I'm SO glad you finally finished this game and published it!!! =D
I used to follow it while it was still a WiP, and then I disappeared from LSF for awhile, so coming back and seeing it completed is just so beautiful and satisfying! x)

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#65 Post by nocturne1 »

When having an affair with Brennan, I had my MC come clean with her husband about the affair. However when talking with Brennan afterwards, she said that her husband knew nothing about her & Brennan. Is this a coding error?

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#66 Post by qirien »

Ferdokki: Awww, thank you! :o

nocturne1: Whoops! You are right; that is a bug. Thank you for pointing it out (that is one area of the game that did not get as much testing as I would have liked, as none of my playtesters wanted to take that route). I've fixed it in my code, and if there is a future release, it will include that fix as well. :-)
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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#67 Post by AoiShiori »

Gahhh, I loved this! I found it accidentally on the Google Play store and decided to give it a try (I am a big visual novel fan:P) And it's simply amazing.
To be honest, at the beginning I didn't care much for the characters or that. I was thinking I'd just completely mess up Miha's (what I named the MC:P) and Qwen's (The husband) relationship. But then they arrived at the settlement and I began to love the interactions between the two. I grew to love them so much. Qwen was such a sweetie. And the relationship between the two felt so genuine.
Now that I've finished, it holds a nice place in my heart. I liked all the characters so much <3 Great job!:D
P.S: At the end when Brennan announced he was leaving on the community board, what was that between him and Lily?;P

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#68 Post by qirien »

@AoiShiori, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Brennan and Lily have both been lonely for a very long time... :)

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are in the planning stages of a sequel to Our Personal Space, where you will play as Jack (the husband). It will focus on parenting. It will probably be a long time before I have anything to show you, but I wanted you to be the first to know! ;-)

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#69 Post by harleyquinzel »

this was so fun!! played it in one sitting, focused on technical/domestic/social and had a great time :) got the best ending, and with a baby. i liked the husband a lot, he has the same hair as my bf and a lot of their interactions/cute scenes reminded me of us so it was fun and sweet. also, i like how there were choices for little character-building things like your favourite present from the wedding and your occupation, but not so many choices that you couldn't show us the results of them. if that makes sense... ?

i played through the spiritual skill on my "bad end" run and those scenes were really thoughtful and pleasant. all of the skill-building events are so creative!

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#70 Post by SilkSpider »

Can I make a little confession? My alternate internet identity is "Heart" (an anagram of my real name, with a few letters chopped off), aka, the person who created and wrote Our Personal Space's TVtropes page. I... well, I hope I did an OK job of reviewing and analyzing your game. <3

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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#71 Post by qirien »

Wow! How fun to hear from you! Thank you for writing the TV tropes page; I thought it was very well done and felt flattered that someone would take the time to write all that! I was impressed that someone had all that information even before I published the walkthrough, etc. :-)

We hope to be done with the sequel early 2020!
Space to Grow
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Re: Our Personal Space [Sci-fi] [Relationship Sim] [Free]

#72 Post by qirien »

Hey, everyone! I just wanted to post a quick update that the sequel, Space to Grow is finished! It starts right after Our Personal Space left off except this time you play as Jack trying to be a good farmer, parent, and community leader (while still making time for Kelly of course!). And... I don't want to spoil everything but I will say that Brennan appears in the sequel too...
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