Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#106 Post by AstrellaLunari »

Woah, this was amaaaaazing! This is probably one of the best vns I have ever read! The way you captured the main characters' feelings, the way you let us fall in love with the village just as she did.... GAH!!! It was so incredibly immersive! The world was a live with detail and color!


It was, apart for the glitches you couldn't control and a few grammatical errors here and there, pretty much perfect. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. <3

My Game:
I had a beautiful love story with Mitra. I liked that I could still spend time with the villagers and the children and still win the heart of my intended. Of course, when I was banging my head against the Reksa route later, I realized that I was actually a lot more limited in what I could do than I thought, but the only disappointing thing to come out of that was having to go visit Reksa directly after Asih asked me to accompany her and Yuda (which made me feel bad for blowing them off.) I didn't visit Reksa during that week initially, which made me have to reset since I somehow ended up getting courted by Mitra again. xD I guess he is the "default?" It was kind of sweet being courted by him after Reksa left, so it still provided a good story, but I definitely loved the whole Mitra romance the most. I did eventually get things lined up so I could do Reksa's route, which was really sweet, too! I felt bad that I missed the opportunity to take care of him in my first playthrough, so I really wanted to give it a try.

Unfortunately, I felt way too uncomfortable to pursue the Rama route since Tamara was getting into a severely unhealthy relationship with him, but I'm sure it would've been a wild and wonderful ride, considering the writing of the other two routes! Somehow, Reksa's "possessiveness" didn't bother me so much since if his dialogue had been replaced by princely, elegant words, it would have had the same effect. Basically, it seemed like he and Tamara were communicating, and I didn't feel like one character was overpowering the other, but that might've just been my interpretation.
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful experience with us! It was such a wonderful journey!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#107 Post by SweetChiel »

Whoa sorry for the late replies my darlings x.x
Internet is being peachy with me these days, unstable and pretty much offline. Work and re-make is doing baby steps but steady!
MadlandPrincess wrote:
Bellethiel wrote:I played in Mitra -> Rama -> Reksa order (though I got Rama's good ending as last one)

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Rama is my baby. I want to hug him and hide from the cruel world.
I got his bad end at first because I was playing his route as second, so I wanted to try out some options differently and I left Reksa without any care. Guess what... Krama hit me hard.
When I managed to unlock Rama's good ending I was like: damn frikin right, omg FINALLY *tears of joy*
I refuse to replay other routes now, cause I refuse to let him die.
SOMEONE ELSE WHO LOVES RAMA!! :D :D :D :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
Lol, this is exactly my reaction x'DD
rialta wrote:Super

I press shift+g and update directx in the game
others games didn't worked but it's past!!!!
It's worked !! thanks
Enjoy the ride, hun :D
Oktolio wrote:Hello!
I played it some time ago - and loved it! Great job (and it didn't crash that much, yay!), I enjoyed the plot, though I didn't like the idea of the protag's ability to understand the language, but not speaking it (seemed unnecessary to me - it'd be funny though if she COULDN'T learn the language at all - or rather cute, if she had to use her mimic and hand signs to voice her needs :D)
Onto the questions!
1) Reksa will always, for forever and beyond be my favourite. I love guys that under a thick shell and a plethora od thorns have soft, cute side. And are super protective. You could say I'm a tiny wee bit of a masochist, ahaaa...I liked his endings the best, too. I think I teared up a little on a bad end (;_;"). Also, great design. The second one is Rama, poor baby boy. But at the same time it annoyed me that he didn't even TRY to see the other side of the story...but yeah. He's pretty close to the 1st place (is it bad preffered Bad End as the end of his journey? Yes? Well...)
2) I decided to play this game because of art, and, I am really sorry for that, because I thought: "well aren't those lads hot! Give me (6 u 6)". I always check out the art first, so thumbs up!
3) Kind of answered that, but the characters stand out for me the most. All are lovable in their own way, even Yuda, lol. Then the plot. A shame it wasn't stat-raising game (with addictional language-learning; I think it'd have been better but it's only my opinion!)
5) If it was as interesting as this vn, I'd consider it! :)
Hi Oktolio!
Yeah, I'm also a bit skeptical about how the heroine will learn the language x'D Still no other idea to do this naturally hahahah, dang. But hey! Thanks for the idea! I agree that it will be hilarious if both parties have to use body language for everything at first :') I'll consider it, maybe. Ufufufu...

1.) Who isn't? xDD lol, I think we same fetishes about bad boys (Where we can unfold a sweet part of him -and that moment when he finally take a moment to show how he cares and then cherish us so much just make me go 'AWW' a lot. until now, no cure for it :'). Okay, I'll stop rambling.)
And no, it's okaaay xD I noticed how much emotions were put into the bad endings (How did my brain do that... The power of imagination is scary if I get into the beat x.x)
2.) lol it's ok. First impressions are important after all >:D Thank you!
3.)Yes, I agree that need to find a sample of stat-raising game since I dunno how to program it D:
5.) Amen! I will do my best to meet your expectations!

Thank you for taking your time to review! :D
AstrellaLunari wrote:Woah, this was amaaaaazing! This is probably one of the best vns I have ever read! The way you captured the main characters' feelings, the way you let us fall in love with the village just as she did.... GAH!!! It was so incredibly immersive! The world was a live with detail and color!


It was, apart for the glitches you couldn't control and a few grammatical errors here and there, pretty much perfect. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. <3

My Game:
I had a beautiful love story with Mitra. I liked that I could still spend time with the villagers and the children and still win the heart of my intended. Of course, when I was banging my head against the Reksa route later, I realized that I was actually a lot more limited in what I could do than I thought, but the only disappointing thing to come out of that was having to go visit Reksa directly after Asih asked me to accompany her and Yuda (which made me feel bad for blowing them off.) I didn't visit Reksa during that week initially, which made me have to reset since I somehow ended up getting courted by Mitra again. xD I guess he is the "default?" It was kind of sweet being courted by him after Reksa left, so it still provided a good story, but I definitely loved the whole Mitra romance the most. I did eventually get things lined up so I could do Reksa's route, which was really sweet, too! I felt bad that I missed the opportunity to take care of him in my first playthrough, so I really wanted to give it a try.

Unfortunately, I felt way too uncomfortable to pursue the Rama route since Tamara was getting into a severely unhealthy relationship with him, but I'm sure it would've been a wild and wonderful ride, considering the writing of the other two routes! Somehow, Reksa's "possessiveness" didn't bother me so much since if his dialogue had been replaced by princely, elegant words, it would have had the same effect. Basically, it seemed like he and Tamara were communicating, and I didn't feel like one character was overpowering the other, but that might've just been my interpretation.
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful experience with us! It was such a wonderful journey!
Hi AstrellaLunari! Your kind review took me to lala land for a moment there :'D made my day indeed!
You give me too much credit -not that I'm complaining, but my artist ego is pretty big now x"D don't want my head fell over lol.

I'm so happy you enjoyed the new world I introduced you!
and yes, I facepalmed whenever I noticed the grammar mistakes in the ren'py re-make x.x I might still miss some so I'll apologize in advance >_<;
Yup, Mitra is the 'default' bachelor here xD I don't have the heart to leave Tamara single after the whole mess she's in hahahah. I'm also a romantic so... :')) you saw what happened there lol.
-and yes! I wanted to put Asih & Yuda's side-story as a free-to-click option (where it doesn't affect the routes) but with the humongous amount of events and me being impatient, I ended up using them as one of Mitra's sub-event x_x
Thanks for pointing that out tho! I'll take note of it OuO
I'm also glad to see your journey with Mitra & Reksa's routes are not too bumpy with the crashes! YAY! Three cheers for that!

And it's okay, I consider Rama's route as the most dark,difficult, and 'roller-coaster' story so I understand if you feel uncomfortable with it x) they are means to put a variety in the routes for softcore-women and hardcore-women lol.

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UPDATE 27/1/2016

#108 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys!
Just wanna say the Ren'Py version of Nusantara is doing well! Slow, but steady!
The progress at the moment is in the middle of 'Month 3 Week 3' section! :D

Just wanna tell you guys that x'D
But don't ask me 'when' it will be released since I have no idea of 'when'. I'm focusing on work, life, making baby steps with ren'py now >.<


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#109 Post by SilkSpider »

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

It's a toss up between Mitra and Reksa. They're both unbelievably manly hotties. :twisted:

What makes you consider to play this game?

The beautifully detailed and polished art style caught my attention, plus the fact that the first romantic VN I've ever seen that has darker skinned men as love interests. *drool*

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Everything! The gorgeous art style, the captivating characters, the take on fascinating Indonesian folk legends that many people have probably never heard of - this VN contains a lot unique elements that really make it an exceptional work.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

My only real criticism is the very large amount of grammatical and spelling errors, though all the dialogue is still perfectly readable nonetheless. Most of the issues are with verbs, either with an improper verb being used for a certain situation, or verbs being in the wrong tense. In the future, having someone help to proofread and polish things up would definitely be a good idea.

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#110 Post by Averxy »

I just finished two of the three routes, and I absolutely loved them both! I was up until 9 am playing Reksa's route haha.

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

My very, very first thought when I opened up the game and saw the main menu was "I want the small, angry one" (a.k.a. Reksa). I didn't know anything about the game before playing and I restarted after figuring out I failed to get on Reksa's route the first time. After Reksa I played Rama's route, and I did prefer Reksa's. I haven't gone through Mitra's route yet, as I tend to lean away from routes that I feel like I'm being pushed towards. So, with only playing through two of the routes, Reksa is 100% my favorite bachelor right now! (Talk about a long winded answer, eh?)

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

The art was absolutely beautiful! Though I tend to play every Otome game I can find - and somehow I missed this one, though I'm glad I found it. I was instantly interested in the game as son as I saw it on Englishotomegames.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

All three elements are amazingly balanced, I really love the characters and the story is very well written and thought out. The thing that stood out the most to me was the amount of time and effort that was put into the game, and it made it way more enjoyable. I really have enjoyed my experiences playing though it so far (aside from the minor crashing issue!)

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

My biggest issue was the grammar at some points. I would get stuck on certain words and sentences trying to fix it in my mind before I could let myself continue. I noticed a few irregularities that confused me, as well.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

I would most certainly consider buying a VN from you! I'm extremely excited for your next one and if you had a Kickstarter, Patreon, or Indiegogo I would definitely support it. (I would have paid for this game, if I had money to spare at the current moment ;_;)

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#111 Post by mohammed22 »

I don't remember the last time I've played a game this great and touching. The art is amazing, the characters are amazing, the music, the story all are to die for. If this is your first work I don't know what will happen to me when I see your next creation. I am really sad that I've finished the game. Oh, my best character Reksa, as sexy and handsome as sin, even his angry domineering way is sexy.
Tamara, "I am going home"
Reksa, "Not if I can help it, I only play for keeps!" LOL
Why I played this game is its unbelievably gorgeous art and fantasy element (my best favorite element)
There were some grammar mistakes but they are so few and little to be considered. There is also the probblem that the endings and characters are triggered by the choices you make sometimes rather than the affection meter.
All the three elements of your VN are masterpiece quality
If you make another visual novel I will try to buy it even though buying things through online isn't easy in Egypt
Gah! I am going through Nusantara's withdrawal symptoms already

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#112 Post by Kyonda »

Thanks for help and for the nice game..I finally managed to play the game .. i didn't reach the end yet due to multiple crushes..but i liked the story and i am determined to finish it .. (going through rama's route .. hope i can get his happy end ^-^)

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#113 Post by Kayber »

Downloaded the game ages ago, finally got around to playing it. After having been spoiled by some commercial games, I haven't paid a lot of attention to the games on here but, for some reason, this one really caught my eye. Glad it did, too - the characters and the story were really great! Spoilers, obviously, but if somebody's eight pages into this topic and still hasn't played the game then only they can be blamed for it!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
I liked them all for very different reasons. I tend to enjoy chaotic characters, so Rama was pretty fun for me. If he had a darker sense of humor and was a bit more mature, he probably would have been my insta-fave. His background was really quite touching, and I liked the growth of his character within his route. I have to admit, though, that characters who have a past love that is that intense usually aren't my favorite love interests to pursue, and that was also the case here, but his ending was pretty great. His route brought out the patience and stubbornness of Tama.
Mitra was adorbz. Nothing really wrong with his character at all. He's good, solid, and, well, you just can't go wrong with him. He brought out the MC's dependability and mothering/wifey nature and it was cute. He was my second favorite bachelor even though he might be seen as the least interesting, and that fact alone is interesting to me.
Reksa was my babe. When I started the game, I was fully expecting to be a hardcore Mitra fangirl, but then I saw Reksa and his growling (and the chibi sequence) melted my heart. I was glad that you generally avoided typical cliches with him - he was confident though quiet; quick-tempered about certain topics, impatient, but could think about matters when a problem was presented to him; intelligent and strong; a little tiny bit insecure about his image and his daddy (awww); got a super amazing protective streak for everyone that turned out to be a bit of a flaw...he had sex appeal that he didn't flaunt to just anyone, he was mad hot, and I could gush about him forever. Loved his story and, were it not for Rama/pigeons/dreams, I would have said his overall arch felt the most canon to the actual story, especially considering his ending brought the two races closer together. And, good lord, his purr...I replayed his route like three times just to have a gigglefit at his purring.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
I like stories about war, and about outsiders who are thrust into the middle of it. It's interesting to me. That part of the story especially caught my eye, so I d/l'd it.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
It was a great story, 8/10. Elements that stand out the most are characters like Reksa who seem really fleshed out and have a great personality. The story was good, solid, nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary but still managing to be fun. My biggest complaints are that the dream sequences seem like they'll be a really big deal, but they fizzle into nothing no matter which route you go. Yeah, it's a premonition for what's to come, but it seemed a bit....lacking? Not sure what word I'm looking for. Also would have liked to have read more about the war in general, but that's because I'm a terrible person.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
I know it's totally not your fault but my game had a lot of devastating bugs. I abused the crap out of the ctrl skipping just to get back where I had lost my spot. Several instances of getting stuck at a choice that no longer existed (like where you had three options, did one, came back to two options, did one, came back to one option, did it, then...stuck). My biggest question about the game is just me being nitpicky and ridiculous, but...if the Goddess has the ability to see the future, and take beings from the future into the past, then couldn't she also have changed the past to remove the "Blessing" and prevent the war in the first place? She brought Reksa back from the dead, gave her servants the ability to pass on the dreams about Rama to Tamara, and yet....*shrugs*. I don't know. Also, the fact that Tamara's near rape was a heavy thing in two stories, but never mentioned in the third, was a tiny bit odd. Anyway, aside from that, there were some spelling/grammatical errors within the story, and also a few instances of labeling the wrong speaker.
Also, minor suggestion: more seductive Reksa pls.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I'm dirt poor, but if it was set up on a donation system then I would strongly consider donating something to the greater cause. I was thoroughly impressed by what I saw and was looking at your deviantart and stuff to see if you had some other work.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#114 Post by kistnerelizabeth »

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
OMG! I loved them all! However, Rama and Reksa were my favorites!

Rama- gah he pissed me off so much with his depression, yet because he was suicidal, it drove me nuts not to have Tamara romance him. I've dealt with suicidal people and it's really sad to see them go through it all- depression, anger, etc.. I felt so bad for him! I like that you made it take forever for him to get over his issues versus just instantly being okay. His storyline definitely wore my patience and had me wish I coulda yelled at him or slapped him a few times to knock some sense into him. I definitely understand being distraught about what happened, but I sometimes felt like he over-did it. The suicide attempts especially- OMG that part just had me like O_O the whole time. It was like Kate in "Life Is Strange" when she attempted suicide. It drove me up a wall with him wanting to die. It made it hard to play the other storylines because of him dying.

Reksa was so awesome! I saved him for last cause I just had a feeling he would be the greatest and I was right. His character was a brat, but was fun to befriend. The Chibi parts, purring, growling, and then the roughness at the end as a pre-marriage ceremony- those parts had me all giddy! :3

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

Well, the characters and plot were the first things I saw. Then I saw how well it was made and I was like- MUST. PLAY.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I'm literally tempted to make a "Let's Play" series of videos for this game cause, OMG it is amazing! I accidentally wound up staying up for 24 hours on my last day off before having to go to work at 6am cause I was so hooked on this game that I couldn't stop and it wound up making me sick so I had to call out and sleep for the whole next day. But, it was worth it. Such a fun game!

The art style, the character design, the awesome back story, the length of the plot- it was awesome!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

Most people have mentioned the bugs. They were sorta annoying, but I just re-downloaded the game to fix them. There were a few spelling/grammar errors, but it was pretty well made other than that. I really liked the lore behind this game. These characters were really awesome. Where did you get the idea for this game?

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Now that I've got a full time job and don't really do anything but play games and have gotten super obsessed with Otome games, your game included, I would be more than happy to pay for another game! :3

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#115 Post by phoenix2899 »

Finished playing (good ends only, though I died once). I was pretty happy with the game. Great art, interesting plot and characters. Some bugs, like the skip function can play up and no option to 'only' skip already read text. Also, sometimes the choices don't appear, though they are actually there.
Happened to me on Reksa's route- the 'give him pink crystal' didn't appear, but clicking above the explosives choice still worked.
Answers to your questions-

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why? I am torn between Reksa and Rama. I loved Reksa's protective and possessive nature, though he was a bit sexist. Rama was cute. I did his route first
I'm drawn to characters that need healing- I just wanted to help him. I wanted him to stop hurting. And I was super curious about where his issues were stemming from.
As for Mitra
he was very hot, but kinda boring. The perfect guy type and obvious choice. I didn't hate him, but some of the things he did put me off. I hated the way he forced Tamara into the kissing ritual. Seriously pissed me off, because I am super independent and hate being forced or manipulated into anything. I wanted an option to slap or yell or refuse him. I'd forgive him- culture differences, misunderstandings and all- but at least let me get angry at him for it first.
2. What makes you consider to play this game? Story sounded interesting and the art looked great.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?) The art is beautiful and the story is pretty well done. There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but thats kinda expected.
I was so sad Rama died in the other routes but I understand the need for it, or at least why it happened
. The strong traditional gender roles kinda irritated me, but again, that's my personality. At least Tamara is outspoken and has a strong personality for the most part- not a weepy and weak heroine.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft. See above- nothing else really. Though I'm kinda curious about what the deal is between Granny and Silva.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD) Sure! This one was well done. I'd definitely consider. Maybe you'd consider Steam as well? I'm more connected with that than

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#116 Post by Birdie »

It's my time! I love this game in overall, so here is my feedback:

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Reksa. I really adore his character - wild, possesive, but also tender in some way. I remember that after playing demo I was in love with him. I really like how his attitude towards Tamara changed. Their relationship was very "edgy" in the beginning, but I was in awe how naturally they developed feelings for each other. I don't believe that it was a love from the first sight (I think that Mitra was in high heels over Tamara from the beginning).

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
Characters, new races, world. I was curious and after playing a demo version - you convince me with your writing skills as well.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Story and character but I also liked your art style. MC was refreshing - young but capable, funny, witty. My kind of girl! They are some bugs, after skipping and just before you can choose somethng - blank screen. Some mispelling errors. But in overall - very good Visual Novel.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
What is your favorite character, route and CG?
And what was your inspiration for creating this game and characters?

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#117 Post by NatGa »

This game is simply wonderful.

But I have a problem, I can't get neither one of Mitra's ending no matter
what I do. After I choose wheter I am going to stay or go home, game simply
crashes every time T.T

I tried every proposed solution on this forum, but nothing helps.
Is there anything I can do(except wait for Ren'py release)? T.T

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#118 Post by Ippi »

First off, let me say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. Thank you so much for making it and all of the hard work you obviously put into it.
1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Mitra, I can't get over the polite types that don't treat you like property. Reksa was second while Rama was a bit too tragic and immature for me. Only one slight problem I saw with Mitras character I listed below.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

I have to admit it, the artwork. I have browsed every novel listed in the visual novel data base (some listings were OMG YUCK, my poor eyes) and lets admit it, the first thing you notice is the artwork. No matter how well written a story is, it is hard to immerse yourself into something that is drawn out in distracting childlike scribbles. This was very beautifully done and the characters were beautiful. They caught the eye right off making me want to download and play immediately. Wow!

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Yes, Yes and YES. It was the artwork that first attracts and wants you to read to get to know these beautiful characters but afterwards, the story completely draws you in. There is so much action that it never gets boring and enough choices and branches that you can keep playing again and again without getting bored. The character development was very well done allowing you to really feel you got to know and understand them and be able to care for their outcomes.
Also loved the encyclopedia and how you were able to bring so many cultural references into the game. Adding this was a wonderful touch that was able to teach us so much, thank you!
This was a wonderful and well done visual novel all round, you can tell it took a long time and I loved it so much, thank you!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Warning: Major Spoilage:
OK, While I loved the game and Mitra is still my favorite character I do have to admit that there was one thing missing from his character route, that was the personal growth/breakthrough he got from the heroine. The Reksa and Rama both had that and most great romance have this but when reading through Mitra's story it was missing.
For Example:
Rama: Started out: HATED LOMA/ Loved the war hoping everyone died Ah-HA moments- When he had a knife to Tamara and she trusted him. When she spoke to him and made him listen to her about his family in Loma
Thanks to Tamara by the end - Forgave Loma - Was willing to sacrifice to end the war

Reksa: Started out: Thought he was puny and weak - Hated Avians Ah-HA moments - When he realized she didn't think he was weak and thought he was good looking, when he was fighting and she pointed out he was stronger and faster, she had faith
Thanks to Tamara by the end - Was a strong fighter with faith in his abilities, worked WITH the Avians to end the war

Mitra: Started out: Perfect Gentleman, Shy, Hates public displays of affection Ah-Ha moments - The ceremony (No, wait, he CHEATED and kissed her chin, also had excuse that his courtship had to be declared publicly...still the perfect gentleman). Well, they kissed in the...nope, she initiated that quick peck..ummmmm
Good end - He stayed the perfect Gentleman, followed the customs, still blushing. He said he was "selfish" but never once showed it. That is what was missing from his story line, no personal growth or development on his part due to her involvement besides that he just fell in love. It was kinda funny that he was the Largest of the warriors and I was still mentally screaming at the screen "Grow a pair and Kiss her already!" but he stayed just too perfect and shy.

While most love interests will reach that breakthrough of personal growth due to the heroine, Mitra was almost too perfect with no other "faults" except for his shyness. The only way he could have achieved this was if he had let go of some of that "gentlemanly" behavior for her, maybe if he had grabbed her for one huge toe-curling kiss in front of everyone before fighting the Komodo's when they attacked who cares that half of 2 tribes are watching. Then his claim to be selfish would seem more realistic.

Don't get me wrong, I still like him best because I just like hunky gentlemen, I just wanted to point out that I felt his story line was missing that breakthrough moment/character growth of being saved by Tamara. That is only my opinion though. I still LOVE the game.
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Absolutely but only if it doesn't keep crashing.
This one is better than some I have paid for, more beautiful and better written and able to replay again and again without ever getting bored but if I paid for a game that kept crashing I would demand my money back. Fix that issue and it will be well worth the money!

Fantastic job and thank you so much!

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Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:47 pm

Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#119 Post by ark99k »

AHHHHH! I must finish the game! I got to the part where I'm asked if I want to stay or to go, and then the game crashes! It won't let me finish the game. Is this Tamara's father's ghost? Is he upset that I wanted to stay with Reska?
Side note: What happened to Tamara's uncle?

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#120 Post by flor18 »

Hi! so i'm kind of ignoring all of your posts cause i'm still playing the game but i don't want to spoil myself BUT the background and characters of the game keep disappearing, and i try saving it and closing the game and loading it again and sometimes the problem is still there, insteed of the correct background i've this grey background and sometimes the characters don't appear. Is this normal or should i delete the game and download it again?

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