Monochrome Rainbow

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Monochrome Rainbow

#1 Post by demonicbagel »

I recently came up with an interesting idea for a story. By recently, I mean yesterday in about twenty seconds. It came out of nowhere, but I've been watching a lot of different sorts of anime lately, and I guess I just got inspired out of nowhere.

Anyway, I'm thinking it'd be named something like Monochrome Rainbow. The story focuses on a guy between highschool/college age who suffers from monochromancy (color-blindness) and can only see in black, gray, and white. This stems from the major trauma he experienced after a school bus accident caused the deaths of his friends and other students in his class. The headaches he got from skeletal damage increased, and this, mixing with his trauma, affected the way his brain perceived color - eventually eliminating it completely.
However, in a very anime way of course, a girl eventually comes into his life. This girl is very bright and and cheerful, and to top it all off, she's completely colorful in the protag's vision. This strange phenomenon surprises him, and he is compelled to find out more about this girl and why, in the monochrome rainbow of his mind, she is full of color. Throughout the story, the protagonist would be dragged along with this girl and the two would explore the world around them. Slowly, but surely, the positive influence the girl has on him restores the protagonist's ability to see color. Of course, positive events wouldn't be all the story has, and I actually have some ideas that add a dark reason as to why the girl is so happy-go-lucky. I was also thinking that there could be other girls that the protagonist runs into, and he could help them overcome their own problems, and when he did so, their colors would become visible to him as well - thus opening other possible routes or something.

I dunno. Like I said, I came up with the idea as is very quickly so I have a long ways to go with this thing - mostly accounting for the fact that I'm currently working on another project, but I think this idea is one that I want to work with in the future. Just thought I'd share. Not really looking for critques or anything.
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Re: Monochrome Rainbow

#2 Post by gekiganwing »

demonicbagel wrote:This stems from the major trauma he experienced after a school bus accident caused the deaths of his friends and other students in his class. The headaches he got from skeletal damage increased, and this, mixing with his trauma, affected the way his brain perceived color - eventually eliminating it completely.
For what it's worth, the notion of a character who loses the ability to see the world in color was used in the movie Color of Night. (Warning: not safe for work.) I wouldn't be surprised if it has appeared in other stories. You can use a similar idea in your visual novel. However, I believe you'll benefit by thinking about *how* you will use this concept. Consider writing down a list of potential plot twists, and ways to present this idea.

Make sure to do some research when writing a main character who starts out traumatized, and who has just barely escaped death. It might be wise to talk with at least one real life accident survivor. I was reminded of The Song of Saya, which is definitely *not* safe for work.
The title character in that story has a reason for helping out a traumatized guy. It's quite disturbing, and the story of their relationship is tragic.
demonicbagel wrote: Slowly, but surely, the positive influence the girl has on him restores the protagonist's ability to see color. Of course, positive events wouldn't be all the story has, and I actually have some ideas that add a dark reason as to why the girl is so happy-go-lucky.
This reminds me of fictional characters who are called Manic Pixie Dream Girls. The term is used to describe quirky women who help depressed men. Since some of the examples don't grow as characters, seem believable, or have lives of their own, the term is often used in negative ways. However, I think the concept can be salvaged. Think about what your heroine's motivations are, and what she could achieve during the story.

Consider what sort of tone you want. It's up to you whether your story will be mostly upbeat, whether it will be a drama, a mix of the two, or something else entirely.
demonicbagel wrote: I was also thinking that there could be other girls that the protagonist runs into, and he could help them overcome their own problems, and when he did so, their colors would become visible to him as well - thus opening other possible routes or something.
Think about whether the story will benefit from the main character developing relationships with other friends or potential love interests. There is a chance that it could detract from the central couple's story. I would advise against including multiple relationships just to please fans, or just to pad out the VN.

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Re: Monochrome Rainbow

#3 Post by Kia »

I think it would look very good in a visual novel if it's executed correct visually, colorful people in a gray world was always rather an interesting concept.

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Re: Monochrome Rainbow

#4 Post by demonicbagel »

Right now, my current project is worlds apart (literally) from this idea, but I'll do just about anything that looks good in my head. I'm not sure if I'll ever get anywhere with this specific idea, but it's something I definitely want to try to delve into in the future. I tend to research things like disabilities and traumatic responses and the different C&E (Cause/Effects) of such things if I wish to include them - one example being how headaches can potentially factor into one's ability to perceive color. Of course, normal headaches you'll get seemingly out of nowhere probably won't really be a cause for color blindness, but I'm not yet certain on that part - as it is, I intend to make it so that the protagonist's case stems from an injury mixed with a traumatic experience - both are subject to change at this time.

As for the girl's own situation, I am as of yet undecided on that front. At first, I had figured that giving her an illness that was slowly killing her would be a good route, however, I've seen that done a few times - most notably for me being the series "Your Lie in April" - though if I remember correctly, the girl in that was suffering from a heart condition or something. Of course, I am uncertain as to whether or not the girl in my story would actually die in the end - I tend to try to steer away from such endings - but depending on how the rest of the story is developed, that may or may not be what happens. In the future, I will look more into such aspects so as to unlock the most potential for the story as I can manage.
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