Composer for Hire

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Composer for Hire

#1 Post by GeraldWarlock »

Looking for a composer who specializes in orchestral and chamber music?

My name is Gerald Warlock, I am a composer.

I compose best in an orchestral setting. I can still compose for chamber music and solo instruments though. I can also compose for voice.

A lot of my music will naturally sound like;
But I can still emulate other types of music, from Bach to Pop music (this includes any genre of music).

I apologize for not uploading any of my own music and I hope you understand (copyright issues).

We will discuss pricing later. Usually 120 minutes worth will be like $40 without repeats. I will not charge for looping, because I don't do any work there.

I will give you full rights to the score when finished, though I would like if you would allow me to put out the soundtrack separately with my name on it.

Please contact me if you are interested. At this time, I have one project that I'm working on, and the maximum amount of projects that I will work on simultaneously is four. This does not mean I will not work on your project, it just means it may be delayed (if i'm already working on four).

My email is, you can also PM me, I check once in the morning and several times in the night.

Thank you,


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Re: Composer for Hire

#2 Post by Yani »

Hi! We can help you create the music and edit your video for you. All you need to do is to post your project here and hire a qualified video editor to do the editing for you. Hope this helps!

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