Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

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Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#1 Post by ds-sans »

Can you accept a reality you can not remember?

Follow Toshi, a second year high school student, after recovering from a serious accident which disconnected him and the memories he holds dear. Relearning the world, his relationships and the things most important to him, can he accept the truths hidden beneath the fog of his mind? Those he cares for, and those close to him. What are their secrets? Is he able to help them?

The story contains a mild use of curse words, follows social relationships and depressions. Including the path beyond that, therefore some of the contents might not be appealing to some.

Lost Impressions has a word count of 35,668 words.
Three main love interests are featured within this visual novel.

Ei Takahashi: Toshi's close friend and classmate. She is a very introverted person, and is prone to hiding her feelings of sorrow.

Hana Easthoft: Timid and polite. Hana is a caring person, but doesn't like being the centre of attention.

Sachi Kasei: A girl with a mysterious, yet quirky aura. Despite having a noticeable, sarky attitude, she is often there for those who need her.
Version 1.1 (Windows, Mac and Linux): Download Here or Here.
A full set of accreditation can be found within the distribution files as "credits.txt" or within the VN itself. A summary can be found below:

Additional writing: owl.
Character Sprites: Anne
CGs: aRLegOdDesS, astrokeofmadness, holey_cheese, Red-Baby, Valedahne
BGs: Mugenjohncel, Tempus, きまぐれアフター (Kimagure After), ハローハロー (hello hello), Claudette Gallant, Peter Griffin, Maliz Ong, Petr Kratochvil
Music: bensound.com/royalty-free-music, Kevin Macleod, Eric Matyas

Further credits can be found in "credits.txt" along with licenses and music tracks used.
- What was your favourite route / who is your favourite character?
- What aspect of the game did you enjoy the most?
- Did the story's short length affect the impact of key scenes?
- If I was to go back and improve something (drastically), what would you suggest?
Thank you for reading! If you would like to voice your opinions, please do post below! Otherwise, you can send me a PM or tweet at me @dssansVN (I also do other things!)
Last edited by ds-sans on Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#2 Post by ds-sans »

Added a link to a video/trailer and an alternate download.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#3 Post by ds-sans »

Lost Impressions 1.1 has been released! It can be downloaded from the same links as before.
What's new? A staggering 116 words. Mainly because I've fixed a few mistakes in the script. This lovely .jpeg illustrates it all:


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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#4 Post by txqina »

Thanks for this game, I enjoyed playing it.

A walkthrough document would be quite handy for this game, as I find for almost all VNs.
When I have played several routes with skipping, the details that differ across the routes become a blur for me so I can't provide any meaningful feedback on the details of the plotline. I may also have missing out on some parts of the game because I don't know how to navigate there.
What was your favourite route / who is your favourite character?
- What aspect of the game did you enjoy the most?
- Did the story's short length affect the impact of key scenes?
My favourite character was Hana, although I got the bad ending first and was a bit surprised by how much she freaked out under stress. With that exception, her route seemed capital r romance and small d drama and seemed to have the least loose ends.

I was aiming for Ei in my first playthrough, I assumed she was the ex-girlfriend and deserved first chance at relationship building. I wanted to achieve a good ending with Ei's route, but either I couldn't find it or there is only the indirect way (see below). She seemed like capital d drama in all the paths I found.
If you take the good? Sachi ending, Toshi "makes up" with Ei at the end of that, but I didn't find it that satisfying because there is literally only one sentence to describe it.
I was not inspired by Sachi really, but was glad I tried her route eventually. I think it added to the overall story.

My only complaint about length of content is in my spoiler comment above about the good? Sachi ending.

I believe I reached good and bad Hana endings, good? and bad Sachi endings and maybe two different unsuccessful Ei endings. Your trailer said eight endings, so I probably missed some stuff.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#5 Post by ds-sans »

txqina wrote: A walkthrough document would be quite handy for this game, as I find for almost all VNs.
I'm glad you enjoyed playing it! Here's a walkthrough on the VN's gamejolt page. I've just made a post there about it for easier linking access.

By the sounds of it you haven't played Ei's route. It's a lot more detailed in terms of Toshi's amnesia than what the other girls' route go into, so I suggest playing it. Ei's route has 4 endings. Hana's has 2 and Sachi's has 2.
txqina wrote: I was not inspired by Sachi really, but was glad I tried her route eventually. I think it added to the overall story.
My only complaint about length of content is in my spoiler comment above about the good? Sachi ending.
Sachi's route is by far the shortest of the three. It doesn't really have specific good/bad endings either. More like bad and neutral. The actual ending is the bit before the credits, so the scene afterwards just the reflection on the story.
The route itself was really aimed to be development on Toshi, and give a bit more clarity to his situation. Which is why her presence is minimised in the other routes as Toshi's symptoms are less profound. His actions in the other routes can also be explained after playing Sachi's route.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#6 Post by txqina »

Thanks for providing the walkthrough. I realise now that I was very close to the Ei good ending on my second try, but I believe I abandoned it just short of completion as it seemed to be leading to a bad ending. I thought Toshi was going to get hit by a car as the bad ending when he was at the roadside!

My third attempt got me onto the Hana route more or less accidentally, and I later forgot that I didn't fully complete one of the Ei option combinations.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#7 Post by Karl_C »

I enjoyed playing the game, thanks for sharing!
- What was your favourite route / who is your favourite character?
Sachi's route was quite interesting.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#8 Post by teeth »

I had a good time, but I also have some criticism.
I'm not sure how necessary Sachi's route was supposed to be for understanding the other two routes, and it left me with more questions than answers. Having a mental illness that causes erratic behavior and delusions explains some of the protagonist's stranger actions towards Ei and Hana (ditching Ei just to be left alone and then hitting her when they argued about it, running away with Hana to a hotel when he could've helped her call social services from anywhere and then taking forever to buy her a pendant), but people behave erratically when they're stressed anyway, and it didn't do anything to explain Ei and Hana's stranger actions towards the protagonist (Ei yelling at him for his friendship with Hana when there was no good reason to suspect him of cheating, Hana's freakout at the hotel and surprise suicide). For me, the Sachi reveal also made the other endings seem less happy, because he might be in a romantic relationship now, but he also has undiagnosed schizophrenia, and eventually that's going to cause some serious problems. I'm not sure if that was intentional, and it's a valid artistic choice if it is, but it doesn't really feel intentional, playing the game.

I also wasn't sure how the schizophrenia reveal was supposed to tie into the amnesia plot - it seemed like it was supposed to be that the accident that gave the protagonist amnesia also gave him schizophrenia, but from what information is given about the protagonist pre-amnesia, it seems like he was behaving erratically (and possibly neglecting his other friendships to be with Sachi) back then, too... and also, it doesn't seem like you can get schizophrenia from traumatic brain injury. They're two things that aren't usually comorbid, which makes it feel like kind of a clunky coincidence, and it feels like the parts that talk about the schizophrenia kind of forget the protagonist is supposed to have amnesia, too (as does Hana's route - the amnesia is barely a part of the plot at all). I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to be reading into the disjointedness of the narrative, or if I'm supposed to be questioning the story as presented to me at all, and I feel like cleaning up the content that's supposed to make sense, hinting a little harder where we're supposed to look for things that don't make sense, and drawing some kind of connection between the amnesia and the schizophrenia (maybe the protagonist got that injury doing something his delusions influenced him to do?) could help quite a bit.

As for the rest of your questions:
*My favorite route was probably Hana's, because I didn't get the sense that Ei and the protagonist could really have a stable relationship without fighting all the time (and also she disappointed me by seeming like a yandere but actually being pretty above board), and while I liked Sachi herself and the concept of Sachi's route, I wasn't a fan of the execution. Meanwhile, Hana was cute, her problems were sympathetic, and it felt like outside of a crisis, she and the protagonist could generally get along pretty well.
*What I enjoyed the most was the general atmosphere. Sometimes you have the itch to play a game where you're the Japanese schoolboy with emotional problems, and you have a lot of pretty friends who also have emotional problems, and then you go on some cute dates and eventually work through some of your misery together. There are actually WAY fewer of those games than one might assume, and this game did a good job of capturing the right atmosphere for that sort of thing.
*I'm not sure if the length hurt anything or not. I feel like it wouldn't hurt for it to be expanded a little just to give the player a better sense of the characters, but I don't think it needs to be expanded by very much. Same amount of scenes, a little more detail in them, maybe.

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Re: Lost Impressions [Drama/Romance][BxG]

#9 Post by philip »


I had earlier played through the demo, and wasn't aware that the story had been completed. I just downloaded it and played through several times, to get the various endings. I enjoyed all the routes; very nicely done!

"One who has never made a mistake has never attempted anything!"
"Finish what you start"

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