Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#91 Post by Hyperguy »

Samu-kun wrote:Thanks, I'll fly you Volume 1 as soon as it's finished and ready to be mirrored. ^_^
I'll hold you to that.
Samu-kun wrote:Oh grief, and here I thought you were going to say the fan service of politics. Tsk, tsk... XD
That could work too, assuming the politicians are hot. Actually. Write that idea down and make it your next game. It's time for a new kind of VN; one where international conflict is accompanied by short business skirts and exploding water coolers followed by semitransparent soaked blouses.

But, back to the politics of fan service.

One idea I had for such a story involving the politics of fan service revolved around censorship, since it's a common political topic of much debate. Censorship's really just about opposing parties trying to control a message, but what if the message took another format...Like say, a very important political message written on a girl's panties, and one that couldn't be copied into another format? In that situation there would have to be panty shots, not for the sake of fan service, but to advance the story and also motivate a political agenda.

That's just one recipe for a politics of fan service themed story that I could think of.

Hell, if you argued that the mandatory gym clothes or school swimsuits girls have to wear in Japan school systems counted as fan service, you could just as easily make a VN about a politician abusing his power in order to have all sorts of other fetishwear made mandatory.
Samu-kun wrote:But please, no fan service pictures of Pelosi and Hillary-tan. They are in their 60's. Way past loli ages. XD
Nugga please. The new scoop is Obama x Hilary(Sadly, for the same reason there's Sol x Ky. Fans love antagonistic relationships for some reason. O_o). And I wish I were joking, but Asuka from Eva and George Bush get drawn in a lot doujinshi together now that I think about it. Except in those cases it's not fan service so much as Bush expressing the full extent of his executive powers.
Samu-kun wrote:Once again, thanks for all the support everyone! Volume 1 will be released probably before the end of this month. That is, unless something absolutely catastrophic happens. Like a computer meltdown. Or an alien invasion. Not that it's going to happen... Just covering all my bases. XD
My hard drive died last month. Make a backup as soon as you read this.

Luckily, my own VN was spared since it was also on my laptop. :O

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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#92 Post by Guessmyname »

PyTom wrote:That's wings3d, right? Is there some way to add a skeleton to the model after you export it?
You could import it into Blender (or another program, but Blender's free, crappy GUI aside) and add a skeleton that way, but not in wings, unfortunately.
Hyperguy wrote:One idea I had for such a story involving the politics of fan service revolved around censorship, since it's a common political topic of much debate. Censorship's really just about opposing parties trying to control a message, but what if the message took another format...Like say, a very important political message written on a girl's panties, and one that couldn't be copied into another format? In that situation there would have to be panty shots, not for the sake of fan service, but to advance the story and also motivate a political agenda.
Except for the small problem of why anyone would write an important message on there. That example just feels like an attempt to justify the fanservice. Unless of course this story doesn't take itself too seriously, in which case, have fun!
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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#93 Post by Hyperguy »

Guessmyname wrote:Except for the small problem of why anyone would write an important message on there.
Yep, and it'd be the writer's job to flesh out the reasonings and why of it all; it's just a barebones concept really. You could just as easily change the panties to something more common, like a top secret dossier or attache briefcase and the story could still work assuming that the story's are moreso focused on the political message and not on its method of delivery.

But having panties with a political message on them would make for a convenient plot device for fan service that, if written well could not sound like fan service for the sake of fan service at all, instead, believable circumstances that characters have to work around in order to advance the plot. Granted, it's absolutely ridiculous way to carry a political message or even a plot for that matter, but that type of compromise allows for the theme of politics and fan service to exist in the same story.
Guessmyname wrote:That example just feels like an attempt to justify the fanservice. Unless of course this story doesn't take itself too seriously, in which case, have fun!
That's because it is! In a good story, important details have to be justified, whether it's fan service or why the protagonist lives in New Hampshire. The latter would be easier to justify. The former would take a little more effort to justify, but isn't unjustifiable by any means. It's not entirely impossible to create a serious story that also includes fan service.

Probably the easiest way I can think of(at the moment anyways) to include fan service in a story is to make it circumstantial.

Like for example, the scene in Gunsmith Cats where burglars break into Rally Vincent's home. Now Rally happens to sleep in her bra and panties, which isn't unusual at all, and she also happens to be handy with a gun and is the type who'd at a moment's notice would confront burglars in her own home. Hell, she's actually excited when she discovers that they've tripped off her silent alarm. In this situation it'd be more unbelievable for her to take time to get dressed before confronting them given her excitement to confront them and the immediateness of the situation. What follows is her taking them out while still in her bra and panties.

In that case, the fan service's justified by the circumstances. It's circumstantial, but it's there. But wait! Maybe you could argue that it's the author's fault that the burglars attacked at night and he's really just taking advantage of the fact that Rally'll be in her bra and panties. But you also have to consider that burglars tend to attack at night and when all the lights in a house are out and usually when people are sleeping. It'd make less sense if they attacked during the day,
though that's certainly possible. Anyways, I guess the details could be argued all day long, but it's not completely unbelievable that Rally sleeps in her bra and panties, and that if the circumstances of a scene called for it she'd be seen wearing them while on camera.

It's not as forced as say, the deus ex machina of wind suddenly rising up to reveal a girl's panties(Or as cliche.)

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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#94 Post by Mirena »

Couldn't get this out of my mind after I read your discussion:
Political panties?
Political panties?
politicalpanties.PNG (2.6 KiB) Viewed 1590 times


Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#95 Post by dreamer »

btw, shouldn't it be asahi no raidaa?

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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#96 Post by Samu-kun »

Mirena wrote:Couldn't get this out of my mind after I read your discussion:
*resists the urge to burst out laughing, since he is at a public computer lab right now and he will get strange looks if he does so* XD
btw, shouldn't it be asahi no raidaa?
Mmm... Well, a friend who knows more Japanese than me told me you would call it Raidaa no Asahi. Do we have an example of Japlish here? XD


Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#97 Post by dreamer »

ah ok. It's just that "Morning sun of Riders" is what enters my mind.

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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#98 Post by chronoluminaire »

"Raidaa no Asahi" means "The Morning Sun of the Rider(s)", or "The Riders' Sun".
"Asahi no Raidaa" would mean "Rider(s) of the Morning Sun", or "The Sun's Riders".
"no" can be confusing. The way I recommend you think of it is like " 's ".
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
More recently I designed the board game Steam Works (published in 2015), available from a local gaming store near you!

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Re: Raidaa no Asahi [Coming Soon... Very Soon]

#99 Post by Hyperguy »

Taking out the 'no' would allow for a more literal 'Asahi Raidaa' or 'Morning Sun Rider'. I don't believe Japanese nouns allow for pluralization. The best way to remember this is that in the case of one ninja or multiple ninja, the word ninja would be used and that the context would explain the number of ninja. "Ninjas" is technically not a Japanese word, though you can't say "NINJAS ON GUITARS" without it.

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