Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME OUT

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#46 Post by Scribbles »

I finally got a chance to play it!

the art was wonderful, and I really liked the character design. It seemed really well thought out with all the symbolism as well. The puzzles were stupidly hard for me, but that's because my brain tends to shut off when playing games or... I'm not sure but they seemed really hard. I think I came here for most of the solutions after 4/5 attempts lol

it might be a good idea to program something to give the solution to players so they don't just stop playing. If I hadn't found the answers here I would have only played about half the game - but again that might just be me.

Auto did some weird things too, I expected it to just run through the script, but an empty yes/no frame popped up instead? I took a screen shot if you want to see it, but maybe it was just me.

The music and theme were all very fitting, and overall it was a really cool game/concept overall. Great work! I look forward to seeing what else you do ^^
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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#47 Post by Miira »

I really need to try this game out it looks interesting!

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#48 Post by HyouVizer »

Miira wrote:I really need to try this game out it looks interesting!
its very fun, so satisfying when you finally figure how to solve a puzzle, notice the foreshadowings within doing a 2nd or more playthrough and see all the endings :3

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#49 Post by illuminate001 »

@Scribbles - Hey Scribbles, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Especially since Pinewood is along the same vein (thriller, murder mystery) as LMA. Because I'm nosy as you played my VN did you happen across any scenarios that you were like "Omg! That totally happens in mine!"? There was a demo for a VN called "Remember, Remember" that was also an escape room/999 type VN where the 1st scenario was eerily like LMA's opening death sequence.

Anyways, yeah your suggestion about the puzzles is totally valid. A lot of people have suggested it, and next time I plan to do a system where if you fail lets say 3x at inputting the code, then the game offers up hints and possibly eventually the answers if people can't get it themselves. :)

@Miira - I sincerely hope you get to play out LMA too! Did you manage to try the demo? If the trailer video and the imagery piqued your interest I can say confidently that you will most like be into this VN. If you do get around to trying it out, hit me back up on LSF as I'd love to get your feedback on it.

@HyouVizer - Hey HyouVizer! Yeah the foreshadowing is especially prevalent once you've beaten the game and do another playthrough. Definitely many "Ahhhh ha!" moments. Anyways you've been one of my biggest advocates for this VN and I really thank you so much! I've added you as a friend on here btw. I'm not sure if LSF's add friend system actually notifys people or its just a way of adding "favs"? But anyways add me back! :)

PS. Your avatar on LSF doesn't show up for some reason.

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#50 Post by Scribbles »

illuminate001 wrote:@Scribbles - Hey Scribbles, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Especially since Pinewood is along the same vein (thriller, murder mystery) as LMA. Because I'm nosy as you played my VN did you happen across any scenarios that you were like "Omg! That totally happens in mine!"? There was a demo for a VN called "Remember, Remember" that was also an escape room/999 type VN where the 1st scenario was eerily like LMA's opening death sequence.
lol, no not really but that's a funny thought. I can't go into it b/c spoilers > < of course I'm practically blind to my game at this point from working on it so much for so long. So maybe there is but I just didn't see it.
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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#51 Post by druidcandy »

I blasted through this because I didn't have anything better to do on a thursday night, I guess.

I like the idea of the game, and I loved the art, but I felt like... The story needed to be tuned up?
For starters, I get what the message was supposed to be, but having the killers come off as crazy minorities who needed a Strong Proud White Man to talk them down from killing all the hot white buff guys because of how jealous they were about not being as buff or white felt... Well, real gross to be honest. Lars's death and Eric calling Kang a race traitor were both kind of... uncomfortably senseless?
Ugh I kind of enjoyed myself but I also kind of didn't. Let me try and organize my thoughts better now that I've thrown out a weird thesis.

Starting from the beginning,
Lars's death and the setup of the killers doesn't make a lot of sense. Why did Eric, Lucky, or Vince have to be in the game? Vince I can maybe get since he was the bait for the (much more blameless, compared to everyone else) juicy media exposure fish that is Adam, but Lucky and Eric didn't need to do anything other than be naked in a pool of blood together and stab to death anyone who stayed out in the halls. It can't be to see if they can be redeemed or anything, because they absolutely went in with the mindset to kill them all, so why did all three of them have to take part in the game, even though they could have just thrown in two other vapid wehoans (easy to find, tbh) into the grinder to keep all the rooms? Normally when that kind of thing happens in a "I am a mastermind making you play a game" kind of story, the villain has legitimate reasons to have boots on the ground (Dangan Ronpa has the reasoning of "they need to have a chance to figure me out, because I win when I lose too", and 999 had June as bait and Santa there because lmaopsychicsiblings), but Eric, Lucky, and Vince didn't need to be found out for any of their plans, and they didn't need to keep such close contact with their victims.

Also why did they need to establish the presence of a killer? I mean, everyone knew there was some spooky shit going down when Lars drowned (have I still not gotten to that? Christ), but why did they need to establish a goat-headed killer? Wouldn't their plan have remained the same, minus the victims knowing what was stabbing the ones left behind to death? Couldn't they have just built a longer chase or something to run from Vince in, or a final room/escape thing to really make it look like there's one killer before the three? God this is nitpicky at this point. Sorry.

But to Lars. Why kill him? Sure he's a gay sex symbol, but so is Adam in a lot of ways, and he's firmly established as completely innocent, just a victim of his body (not unlike the villains but I feel like that comparison was unintentional). Adam is the masc4masc dudebro with a shitload of followers, and it's super likely you'll get the same kind of visiblity with his death than you would with killing a completely innocent dude, which Eric mentions once or twice. It's even weirder when you take into context that you talk Eric into letting you go because you're innocent in a way that lead to your insensitivity, which is something obvious about Lars from the jump to Eric. Lars honestly is an even better version of Adam in every way, not just in story The Pinnacle of White Gay Perfection,
but in the sense that he's genuinely done nothing even a little wrong, at least from what's in the game. Also Lucky really has been trying to hint to you about symbolism, but this room and the next one don't... seem to have a lot of meaning? I mean, neither does the third one but I can make a little bit of a case there. But even then, is it a hamhanded interpretation of how everyone here is going to die for being wicked? Why that? Why is the deathtrap not a part of the symbolism there?
Phew. First pair room.

I actually don't have as many complaints on this one?
I mean, the hamhanded imagery about whiteness is hamhanded, but the flowers are... kind of a weird touch that makes the overall theme weird? Like, it'd make more sense if the flowers were white kind of to drive in the point? Unless the black flowers are supposed to mean something else, like... minorities kept away from the white? Even though there's still plenty of black accents in the room, which kind of muddles it a little. I will bring up though that the lack of punishment for failure or taking too long is kind of weird and negates the "if you fuck up you'll experience a sudden terrible death" thing. Like I get the deathtrap thing is mostly a lie, in that there's just a lot of knockout gas and crazed killers with knives,
but it's another weird thing to establish as being true when the victims wouldn't really behave any differently than if you'd just gone "if you fail, I turn on knockout gas and brutally disfigure you with a knife" or some similar cheerful message.
The third room is where I kind of start to get lost, as far as symbolism goes.
Are the lights supposed to be white? Because it's... kind of pinkish to me? And also if it's that it and it's white that outshines and looks over the other colors, it's basically the same metaphor as the last time which...
Isn't the funnest thing. My notes on the weird execution of the metaphor would be the same as the last one if that's the case, it's really not super well communicated and is mostly pretty. Kang's death is weirdly unceremonious too, and again with Eric NOT REALLY NEEDING TO BE THERE is done super weird. Steve didn't need like, a left behind to die kind of death (nobody really did), and it would have been easier to say "STEVE KILLED ERIC, TIME TO DEATHTRAP" instead of trying to force the psychological Drama of leaving someone behind, especially someone who was a weird dick nobody liked before the reveal.
The fourth room has the super irritating sudden inclusion of
the seven deadly sins. I... I like that this adds the chimera symbolism finally, but it leaves two people weirdly left out (Lars and Kang/Adam) and a few of the sins seem redundant, especially considering that you could throw Kang/Adam as pride, Bart/Lucky as wrath, and most of rest as lust. I also don't really understand the thoughts of Eric here? So, if Bart was somehow able to convince him to let him live instead of just...
I don't know, killing him immediately later on, how come he's still tied up and still in danger,
if he's already proven himself? How is he still in trouble if, say, you were an asshole and picked Pierce and Lucky to go with you, where he graciously accepts his death and calls you all cowards?Wouldn't he have the kind of sexy moral victory Eric's looking for in the first place? It's weird,
especially after Eric spares him once. Also, since there's not really anything in this room, can we briefly mention how weird it is to bone down in there? Especially when earlier you can tell Pierce that it's a bad time for it? Why on earth is it suddenly a good time when you're in the last room,
surrounded by a (actually slightly metaphorically solid) slaughterhouse of perfect body forms,
covered in pepto bismol blood?
For the last puzzle, it's... It's not very well broadcasted and there's not even any clues that would really point you to the right culprit. In 999 and stuff like that, even if it takes multiple loops to set up, you get enough information each loop and the story subtly changes each time. The details needed to even hint at the villains are very very minor and, unless you want
sex with Pierce
that badly, show up in almost every path you take. I would absolutely have not been able to guess it if I hadn't super cheated super hard to get the perfect ending because I wanted to have and eat my cake at the same time. It's all small visual or one off lines that are supposed to be the key, but they're all overly subtle to the point a lot of it went over my head.
I'm gonna once again bring up how the moral seems to be "minorities, listen to your white savior", because again, it's super weird, tonally. Like, the chimera could easily be taken at face value as "political correctness gone wrong", which I know wasn't the point, but the way it ended up working out got really gross really fast, especially when your reward for surviving the evil fat fem and asian deathtrap to punish you for being a white man only interested in buff white men, is getting a boyfriend who is a buff white man who is ALSO only interested in dating a buff white man.
And as my last little nitpick, why on earth are they sitting across the aisle from one another in the perfect ending? I know Adam needs a window seat for let the cute new guy sit down (to show Character Development), but it's so weird that the two of them would be full on "TWO BROS, CHILLING IN A HOT TUB, FIVE FEET APART CAUSE WE'RE NOT GAY" if they're together in some manner.

Also, a super minor thing: It is driving me nuts that I can't skip past scenes I've already technically done because I did something different leading me up to it. I only lightly have dabbled in renpy, so I am probably wrong, but I think flags and stuff would be helpful to just throw in "I stood with Pierce, who was jerking his hog super hard" in scenes where you'd be with him instead of Lucky, for example. Plus when it stops skipping it'll actually be somewhere you're unfamiliar with, as opposed to the same thing as before with minor variations.

I'm gonna admit to my failings and say I've only gotten the bad, okay, and perfect endings, because I don't know what combination of things would lead to the good and to be continued endings. Thank you for reading this all if you have! I know it's a lot, and I'm a neurotic nightmare who writes a lot, but I like the idea that's going on here in places and I'm trying to be constructive. (May not come off as constructive, but oops)

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#52 Post by Miira »

It's been hectic week for me so I only managed to start playing the demo a little, but I'm definitely intrigued! I have no idea how this goes for me though I love puzzle games but I'm the WORST puzzle solver, so this is going to be interesting.
I'm pretty sure I'll purchase the full game after I'm done with the demo just to see if I get a bad ending on my first try. xD
I'll keep you updated on my progress~

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#53 Post by Ertal77 »

Hmmm, thanks to this game I've realized I don't like puzzles in visual novels XDDDD I've always liked them in point and click games, though, so it's been a revelation, hahaha! So, I'm glad people put here the solutions, so I can advance in the game. Apart from that, I'm really loving it!
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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#54 Post by illuminate001 »

Hi everyone, apologies for the late reply! I've just come back from a vacation and once I returned to work a few days ago it's been a challenge getting up to speed again. Anyways I'm back! (for a bit lol) So I'll do my best to address the latest posts.

@Druidcandy - Hey there Druid and welcome to LSF! :) Ok, so there's ALOT going on here and I'll try to answer any of your ideas/concepts/gripes that are new (if I end up missing any...oh well oops). Oh, also I'm not going to answer anything that has already been addressed in previous posts, for example, I totally understand what you mean about there not being enough clues as to the identity of the villain and agree wholeheartedly. Next time, I shall improve! ;)
- Madness is senseless. The villains projected their own accusations onto the rest of the victims. It doesn't need to make sense. We see it all the time. For instance, people see someone on the street, project that this person is mean or sweet, or everything they've been hoping for.

Mmm tbh, I get what you mean about it seeming weird/uncomfortable that Adam had to talk Chimera down from killing him and "opening" their eyes...but tbh if you ask me...I don't think he would have been able to no matter what he said...and I've had this feeling that the BAD ending would most likely be the canon ending. But what is uncomfortable, that he HAD to talk them down, that he did and succeeded or the irony that he was able to at all?

I've said it before, but there never was an intended "message". The 3 members of Chimera are personifications of the negativity associated with the NO FATS, NO FEMS, NO ASIANS issue we have in our community. Pure and simple. What they do, what they believe and how they go about spreading their "message" is not to be taken literally. Just because I wrote it, doesn't mean I agree with it or their values.

- Also the puzzles don't have symbolic meanings lol so you may have been trying to read between the lines too much. A shortcoming, as I think and admit, it'd be WAY more poignant if all the puzzles had a tie into the theme. I shall do that if there ever is a LMA2. :)

- Why did they the killers have to be in the game? Why not :p? Speaking personally, if I was a villain I'd LOVE to be in the game, up close and witnessing the mayhem first hand, seeing all the emotions unfold and relishing in the fruits of my labor. Why pretend to give the other men a perceived fair chance at winning when the intent was to kill them all? This is fucked, but haven't you seen kids put ants in mazes only to burn them with a magnifying glass at the end just before they escape? It's called toying with your food. It's about the disparity of power and being drunk by it, and we all know taking away a perceived sense of hope from victims is the evilest thing a villain can do.
- Oh! Druidcandy, you can hit "Skip" which should allow you to rush through dialogue you've already seen.

@Miira - Haha ok please do! And good luck on the puzzles, there are answer guides in this thread if you get stuck. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it and I'm glad so far you're intrigued by LMA. PS. I've been crazy busy too, sorry once again about the late reply.

@Ertal - LMAO! Well that's good that you discovered that. ^_^ Honestly if I was a better coder what I think I would've liked to have done was after character dialouge...it go into a sort of point and click puzzle solving mode. I think i'd have to use imagemaps? Which I remember researching abit and thinking it looked incredibly tedious lol. So I'm sure Chasing the Stars will not have any puzzles in it then.

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#55 Post by Ertal77 »

illuminate001 wrote: @Ertal - LMAO! Well that's good that you discovered that. ^_^ Honestly if I was a better coder what I think I would've liked to have done was after character dialouge...it go into a sort of point and click puzzle solving mode. I think i'd have to use imagemaps? Which I remember researching abit and thinking it looked incredibly tedious lol. So I'm sure Chasing the Stars will not have any puzzles in it then.
:lol: I think my first reaction was the same as yours: checking imagemaps very excited about the idea, but afterwards deciding it was too much of a hassle. I'll leave it for the future, perhaps. BUT I can tell you now that so far I passed all the puzzles in Let's Meat Adam without looking at the clues, hahaha!

I have downloaded it again and I'm restarting it tonight; I hope my little bug is solved!
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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#56 Post by illuminate001 »

Hi guys! Now that Let's MEAT Adam has been out for awhile now, I wanted to share, what I thought would be an interesting series, some dev secrets and stories. Perhaps this will help or encourage other authors to showcase their process when designing the aesthetic for their VN's. (this can pertain to anything like characters, visual thematics, backgrounds, world building etc.)

I'll be posting in the next few posts whatever I can scrounge up that might be of interest and hopefully you all enjoy it! :wink:

Today I'll showcase the visual references I was using while designing the main cast. Before I design any character I will grab a ton of references to help me brainstorm the theming for them, while increasing my visual library and awareness for visuals I can incorporate. Sometimes the least likely influences are the ones that end up fitting and describing your character best.

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME

#57 Post by illuminate001 »

Hey all, hope you're having a great weekend. Today I wanted to share something else I like to do before I start designing BG's and any other promo work for example.

I like to put together moodboards. These can be images of absolutely anything! Perhaps some have colors you like, or evoke a feeling you want as a theme throughout your VN, in other words anything that speaks to you as captivating the visual style, mood or theming. Also you can change these images out if your idea evolves and some of the images no longer match. This should be a "living document" up until a certain point.

You'll want to refer back to the moodboard whenever you are planning to create something related to defining your VN/IP visually. Take for instance the images I used for the LMA moodboard. What themes do you see here? :P

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME OUT

#58 Post by SilentSilhouette »

Hi! I just played through Let's Meat Adam recently, and I wanted to discuss and share my thoughts.

First, I'll start with my praise. I tried the demo first, and by the end of it, I knew I needed to play the full. The premise and setup are so good, and the aesthetics and design are so much better than I expected. The puzzles were also really great. The first one was tough, but a good intro. The second one best me upside the head with how hard it was. In a funny way, the solution was deceptively simple, but presented in an overly complex way. I guess part of the problem was that I didn't realize what the colors actually were.
What I thought was cyan was actually blue, what I thought was blue was indigo, and what I thought was purple was actually magenta (if I'm recalling that right). It helped once I realized it was actually a rainbow, and ROYGBIV opened my eyes.
The third puzzle was, by far, my favorite. I'm a huge fan of symbolism and the Seven Deadly Sins motif, and it was the perfect amount of challenge that made me feel super proud of myself when I solved it. It was the only puzzle that made me pull on prior knowledge and word association that made me flex my vocabulary. I also just loved the aesthetic of the room, and especially
the chimera's symbolism and how it helped to solve the killer(s) true identities.
I also really liked the characters. Earl was my favorite from the start, and Lucky really grew on me throughout the story. Bart and Vince were likable, and Kang was pretty fun in that sly, slightly obnoxious way. Pierce came across as pretty douchey, but just managed to cross the line into being a little endearing. When he and Lucky were around, I felt more like their chaperone on a class trip than their equal. Steve came across as a creep, and I didn't trust him. Lars was just kind of there, being all Chris Hemsworth-y lol.

Now for the criticism.
So... the ending. I'd be lying if I said it didn't play out really well at first. The sudden knock-out, the appearance of Goatman, the very shocking appearance of Lionman, and then waking up strapped to a table. And the reveal of Vince and Lucky was horrifying.

Side note: Here was my thinking in that accusation part. I suspected Kang from his disappearance, and died a couple times accusing him. But I realized that he didn't fit into the chimera motif. Then I suspected Vince and Bart, since they were the only ones stated to have known you. I realized Bart didn't fit though and toyed with the idea of Lars faking his death. From there, I wondered if Earl's death had actually been the one faked (although I didn't expect it to be Kang's body). That would give one of the killers the freedom to move around. And then I realized the chimera had three animals, so I clicked Lucky on impulse since he had been with Vince (I chose Bart/left Pierce). Turned out right!

My problem, though, came about from the villain' monologue. It all came together well, but if the intention was to make me sympathize with them, then it failed miserably. I started out liking Earl and Lucky, and in the end, I despised them. I'd done everything I could to be their friend, and they turned around and tried to murder me. Lucky especially felt like a slap in the face. Looking back, it's Lars, Steve, Kang, and Pierce I felt sorry for. Well, I wouldn't shed tears over Steve or anything, as he was exploitative and gross. But he didn't deserve to die. I liked Kang, and as Adam says, I don't think he can be faulted for being attracted to what he likes, especially not under punishment of death. Pierce was a bit of a jerk and egomaniac, but unlike the three traitors, was, at least m, honest about it. It was probably a shallow attraction, but the fact that he did actually want me to survive was endearing. So seeing Earl bathing in their blood was revolting. And after seeing the bad ending, the threesome ceased to even be human in my eyes. I got the message of the game, and it was definitely a clever subversion of what a bara game typically represents. But the disproportionate actions of the three villains was so extreme that I didn't feel any remorse for them at all.

I actually would have gotten the perfect ending the first time through, but I thought I'd made some mistakes and replayed it, choosing Earl the first time instead of Bart. I ended up with the good ending first then and perfect second. I liked the perfect ending best, but I wish it had been more personalized, rather than an addition of sorts to the good ending. The To Be Continued was appropriately chilling.

I guess my big disappointment was that your actions throughout didn't affect the outcome as expected. You can only really save Bart (other than yourself), and Lucky is as eager to kill you if you if you acted like his best friend than if you snubbed him the whole way. It would have been nice to see Lucky and Vince's eagerness to kill you decrease the nicer you were. Cause I would think the way you treat people would be more important than who you hook up with. And it was kind of strange that Earl was the one you had the least interaction with, but he's the one who you appeal to.
Despite my issues, I think it's a great game. I had a lot of fun with it, and it pulled me in deep. You have a lot of talent, and I'm sure you're going to keep putting out even better material. :)

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME OUT

#59 Post by illuminate001 »

Hi SilentSil! Welcome to LSF. As always I'm glad to see LMA pull someone in enough to have them join. This is a great spot (mainly for developers of VN's it seems) but the interactions here between Dev's and players are always constructive and non-toxic for the most part.

I'm so happy to see that you really enjoyed LMA despite any shortcomings you feel that the game had for you. The game is extremely polarizing because I think the "message" and the way characters come across are digested so differently and felt emotionally by players that yes some loved it and lauded it while others couldn't get over the gripes as the weight of them were irreconcilable.

One thing I do note is that I loved your argument near the end about the way you treat certain characters having a residual and gradual change on them.

For instance:
I agree that being kind to lucky for example would have been nice to see him lighten up near the end and actually acknowledge that Adam was making a conscious effort, was not as shallow and shitty as he could be. That Adam was, in fact, a decent man throughout the course of the night. I intended Lucky to be an unapologetic lunatic but having him show alittle hesitation may have made him seem more human.

Also yes, some people were able to sympathize with Chimera completely while denouncing their actions, while others like yourself found them to be inhuman and revolting. Personally, I can see their tinge of sadness, and yes they are no longer human (however the knowledge that they *used* to have their humanity is what made me sympathize with them) but as I've stated before, they are monsters like the Chimera they symbolize...and in truth I consider the Bad Ending to be the most probable outcome of any of the endings should this VN have only had one "true" ending or had it been a kinetic VN.

As I wrote the BAD Ending, in particular, I found myself not having sympathy for Chimera in the absolute sense, but instead, I was fascinated by them. Like beings on a surreal landscape resembling Los Angeles, alien-like and otherworldly their emotions and thought processes were unknowable because they don't process them like you or I. As a writer, to me, that was so interesting that I had to let that be their truth. And if that meant players could not sympathize with them, then I'm ok with that. I think the open-endedness is beautiful in a strange way.

Anyways I appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts and you've opened my eyes to another consideration for future VN's. That is invaluable!

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Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Mystery] FULL GAME OUT

#60 Post by SilentSilhouette »

Having read your thoughts, and having had a little distance to process the game more objectively, I actually see your point.
Although, Lucky never seems to come around, you do get the faintest hint of regret from Vince, and Earl definitely does realize how far they've gone. Even in the case of Lucky, I guess it goes to show that he was past the point of seeing rationally and could only project his own views onto Adam. It does make them more complex and interesting than I originally thought.
I love psychology, so discussing this sort of thing is pretty fascinating to me. Thanks for responding and even changing my perspective somewhat. :)

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